Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 469


The low roar came from a distance. On a mountain peak, a 300 meter long and 200 meter high red flame lion roared up to the sky, and the mountains and forests became quiet.

It\'s an animal king here. It\'s extremely powerful and emits a terrible smell that makes people\'s soul tremble.

Now the king of beasts haunts. At the time of hunting, the animals hide carefully and dare not appear at this time.


A figure came from a distance. It was the injured Lin Feng who rushed into the depths of the mountain forest.

Lin Feng tried to restrain his breath and tried not to let the beast king find out.

In the peripheral area, he can\'t continue to stay, because Lin Feng knows that sooner or later he will be discovered by the great and complete martyr of the Wulian family. In his current state, if he is found, he will die.

Of course, there is a worry in Lin Feng\'s heart.

He thought of a middle-aged monk who glanced at him that day, and was full of killing intention to himself.

That is a strong man in the realm of yin and Yang.

The strong man of the Helian family? Or the strong man of the Naran family?

Or did you feel wrong? That killing is not aimed at yourself at all? But for that bitch Ruolan?

The man never showed up again, but Lin Feng always acted cautiously and was still wary of the existence of the statue. The threat of that guy was more than the dead of Helian family. It was the strong man in the realm of yin and Yang. Lin Feng knew how terrible and powerful the strong man in the realm of yin and Yang was.


The earth shaking roar rang through the mountains and forests, and the power of the beast king filled the air. Even Lin Feng didn\'t dare to walk around at will and hid himself in the dark.

He was afraid that the red lion would find him walking here.

Finally, the red flame lion soared into the sky and flew far away. It should be to look for food. Lin Feng opened a cave in a valley not far from the red flame lion\'s nest. Then he arranged several hidden Dharma arrays and magic arrays, and blocked the hole with large stones. Then he entered the cave.

As the saying goes, the most dangerous place is the safest place. Those dead men of the Helian family didn\'t expect to hide next to the nest of the beast king red flame lion to heal?

Even if they may think of escaping into the nest of the beast king red flame lion, do they dare to come in and look for it with their strength? If you meet the beast king red flame lion, there is only one way to die.

Lin Feng runs the Taigu dragon elephant formula and begins to heal. The force of dragon elephant flows in his body.

His body recovered quickly.

The peripheral area of mountain forest.


The figures swept away towards the place of the war.

Looking at the corpses eaten by more than a dozen mountain wolves, the dead leader\'s face was very gloomy.

"You\'re all that\'s left?". The leader of the dead man asked with a gloomy look. Just now he sent out the call signal. Now, in addition to him, there are also a friar in the seventh heaven of the king of Wu realm and two friars in the fourth heaven of the king of Wu realm. The rest did not come, but they were obviously dead.

The three dead men bowed their heads and looked very ugly. They didn\'t expect that there would be such a great loss in killing a deeply wounded man this time.

The dead leader looked gloomy and said, "it seems that the baby on this boy is more powerful than I thought.".

Even now, the leader of the dead just thinks that Lin Feng is so powerful because of Lin Feng\'s treasure, not Lin Feng\'s own strength.

After all, the realm is there. How much combat power can a general\'s realm of seven heavens have?

"What shall we do next, my lord?". Asked the dead man in the seventh heaven of King Wu\'s realm.

The leader of the dead man looked deep and said, "That boy must be hiding in the king\'s territory to heal his wounds. The king is very sensitive to his own territory. Anyone who dares to enter the king\'s territory easily will be hit by the king\'s thunder unless he can avoid the exploration of the king. In this way, we will guard all the exits of the king\'s territory. When we find the boy coming out, we will send a signal immediately, and then he will come back There is no escape.


The three dead answered.


Immediately, the three dead men followed behind the leader of the beast king dead men and swept towards the core area of the beast king\'s territory. They did not enter the core area, but scattered outside the core area, waiting for Lin Feng to appear.

"Finally much better".

Lin Feng opened his eyes and felt the condition of his body. He couldn\'t help breathing.

Although the body has not fully recovered, it has also recovered 89%, and the wound on the back has healed.

Lin Feng opened the prohibition and felt that the red flame lion, the king of beasts, had not come back. He felt that it was time to leave now and should not continue to delay.

If you wait until the beast king red flame lion comes back, you may not be able to leave if you want to go.


Lin Feng skimmed outside.

Suddenly, Lin Feng\'s heart was cold.

Although it was dark and the visibility was extremely low, Lin Feng found that there were faint fluctuations in the void.

"Mind fluctuation".

He frowned slightly. This must be the fluctuation of the monk\'s mind. Someone offered the fluctuation of mind and was exploring the surrounding area.

Lin Feng quickly avoided these sweeping thoughts, and his thoughts turned quickly in his mind.

Lin Feng is sure that it must be those dead men.

He recalled the scene when he just met those dead men. In addition to the leader of the dead men, there were two dead men in the seventh heaven of the king of Wu realm, two dead men in the fifth heaven of the king of Wu realm, and they were named the dead men in the fourth heaven of the king of Wu realm.

Now, one dead man in the seventh heaven of the realm of King Wu, two dead men in the fifth heaven of the realm of King Wu, and five dead men in the fourth heaven of the realm of King Wu have died in their own hands. Now, there are four dead man leaders in the tenth heaven of the realm of King Wu, one expert in the seventh heaven of the realm of King Wu, and two dead men in the fourth heaven of the realm of King Wu.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng couldn\'t help showing a cold look. Since these people are searching for themselves with their mind, they don\'t mind quietly solving them.


Lin Feng showed his dark hiding skill and disappeared quietly.

This move is very magical. It directly avoids the exploration of the dead man\'s mind.

He locked a dead man in the four heaven of King Wu\'s realm. The dead man hid on a big tree with his back against the big tree. This is to prevent someone from sneaking attack behind his back.

At this moment, the dead man in the four heaven realm of King Wu looked around cautiously. The power of divine thoughts spread in all directions with this person as the center. Lin Feng hid himself deeply. At this moment, it is not an opportunity to assassinate this person, because once his original Buddha appeared, he will be swept away by the revealed divine thoughts, Only when this person is tired is the best time to kill this dead man. Lin Feng is like the most experienced killer, waiting for that once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.