Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 424


Lin Feng quickly dodged to the left.

The blow did not hit Lin Feng, but hit a big tree more than 30 meters behind Lin Feng. The big tree was instantly crushed by this claw.

"What a terrible attack".

Lin Feng couldn\'t help taking a breath.

In front of them, they were probably middle-aged people in their forties. One was wearing a black robe and the other was wearing a white robe.

They gave off bursts of gloomy breath.

Obviously, these are two demon masters.

"Boy, you have a good hand. You can escape this attack"!

The man who made the move was a man in a black robe. His voice was sad, like the voice of night. He was hoarse and ugly. Hearing this voice gave people a creepy feeling.

"Who are you? I seem to have no enemies with you?" Lin Feng looked at the two coldly.

The strength of these two people is extremely strong.

Lin Feng estimated that they should be the accomplishments of wuchongtian in the realm of King Wu, because these two monks made Lin Feng feel a deep threat.

The friars of the first, second and third heaven of the Wuwang realm are not Lin Feng\'s opponents now. Although the fourth heaven of the Wuwang realm is stronger than Lin Feng, it is difficult for Lin Feng to have this feeling of palpitation. Unless it is the fifth heaven of the Wuwang realm, or even stronger friars, Lin Feng has a feeling of heart beating.

"You are wanted by Qingyang sect, aren\'t you?". The friar in black did not answer the question.

Lin Feng sneered and said, "will you fight for a mere 100000 gold coins? I\'ll give you a million gold coins and leave quickly.".

"Jie Jie Jie......".

The two men suddenly burst out a sad laugh.

The friar in white sneered, "Boy, I underestimate our black and white double evils. Qingyang sect has issued the order of chasing and killing the black and white. Anyone who can take your head will be rewarded not only with a million spirit stones, but also with an ancient supernatural power. Of course, the most important thing is that Qingyang sect will write down this kindness, hey hey... Let an ancient force owe itself a favor. This business is really good Pretty good ".

Lin Feng frowned slightly. He didn\'t expect that the Qingyang sect had issued the so-called "black road pursuit order".

Lin Feng frowned slightly and asked, "what is this black road hunting order?".

The black evil spirit sneered and said, "now that you are dying, you can simply understand that the black road kill order is a reward order in the dark world. All forces such as evil Road, demon Road, demon clan, demon clan, even killer forces and some righteous masters who hide their identity can accept the black road kill order. Once it is completed, there will be a huge reward." 。

"Where is the order for the pursuit of the underworld issued?" Lin Feng continued.

"This is not what you should know," Bai Sha said sadly.

The black evil spirit said, "boy, have you finished the nonsense? If you are interested, you can cut yourself. In this way, there is no pain in death. If you are not interested, we black and white double evil spirits will let you know what life is better than death.".

Lin Feng sneered, "I think you two are blind and dare to provoke me. Now leave quickly and you can live. If you don\'t know what to do, this will be your place of death.".

Hearing Lin Feng\'s words, black and white Shuangsha was furious.

A garbage friar in the martial arts realm!!

How dare you despise them!

This black and white double evil is also a strong man who has been famous for a long time. How can he be so despised?

The black evil spirit said with a grim smile, "boy, I dare to talk big when I\'m dying. I\'ll catch you later. Our brothers won\'t directly kill you, but cut off your meat piece by piece and delay you.".

"Start......" Bai Sha waved and they attacked Lin Feng.

The black-and-white double evils, as long as they make a move, no matter what the other party\'s cultivation is, they all attack together.

These two men are cautious people.

It is precisely because of this caution that they have lived to the present.

Even against the "mole ants" of Lin Feng, a military general.

They still carry out their own ideas when facing the enemy. If they want to start, they will work together.

Shua Shua.

Black and white double evils kill Lin Feng left and right.

The Black Ghost showed a move of "ghost hand", condensed out claw lights, and grabbed Lin Feng.

And Bai Sha showed a move of "devil ghost fist", which came from the dense shadow of the fist.

If the shadow of that fist is going to turn into a devil to kill it.

Lin Feng retreated quickly.


But under the joint attack of black and white double evils, he was still blown out.

Lin Feng felt the blood rolling. At least, the black and white double evils were the strong existence of the wuchongtian in the realm of King Wu. He was really hard to deal with now, and suffered too much.

"We must defeat one person first. Only by surprise can we kill them. Otherwise, I will die.".

Lin Feng\'s eyes twinkled with a dark color.

Although the situation at this moment is extremely bad for Lin Feng, Lin Feng has experienced too many life and death wars, and even a tragic war with the dead in the yin-yang realm of Qingyang sect. Therefore, Lin Feng has also developed a calm and calm character in case of anything.

He knew that if he fought against the black and white double evils, he would have no chance of winning.

Only by killing one of them first can we hope to win.

But Lin Feng also knows his situation. In terms of his strength, it is extremely difficult to kill any of them.

Unless, by surprise

Lin Feng suddenly flashed a light in his mind.


Black and white double evils kill again.

"Come out, Taigu Shenghuang poor strange separation"!

Lin Feng waved his right hand.


The low roar came out, and the double headed poor Qi appeared in an instant and killed the black evil spirit.

"It\'s the art of separation. This boy still has the art of separation.". Heisha was surprised, and then endless greed broke out in his eyes.

The martial general realm can practice the successful separation skill. This must be an extremely clever separation skill. They black and white double evils are the strong ones in the martial King realm. If they get this separation skill, it will be easier to practice successfully. Thinking of this, the black evils are excited.

"Younger martial brother, I\'ll deal with this external incarnation. You deal with this boy, don\'t kill him directly, catch him alive.".

Said the black evil spirit in a pitiful voice.

"Don\'t worry, I will never let him die...". Bai Sha also said with a grim smile, but the last word "drop" hasn\'t been said yet.

Suddenly, Bai Sha covered his head and made a terrible scream.

"No, soul attack, boy, you want to die.". Heisha\'s face changed greatly and he swept towards Baisha, trying to protect Baisha, but Heisha was stopped by double headed poor Qi, while Lin Feng rushed towards Baisha, who covered his head and screamed repeatedly.

"In the war of life and death, you dare to be distracted. Moreover, you have made a fatal mistake, that is, you underestimate me.".

Lin Feng looked cold and went towards Baisha.


With the sound of the violent collision, Bai Sha was blown out by Lin Feng, spitting blood in the air.