Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 405

"Look, it\'s the ancestor of the mysterious devil! The great man of the devil way".

"Hide quickly. The old devil had his arm cut off by someone. Now he is completely crazy. I don\'t know how many people he killed in the ancient god devil battlefield.".

"Who\'s that boy? He provoked the old devil. It seems that he\'s dead.".


There are many monks chasing Xianbao around. When they see the old man in green robe, they exclaim. It turns out that the old devil\'s name is xuanmo Laozu.

The huge dark ghost claws are condensed, emitting the suffocating pressure.

Lin Feng felt a smell of death.

This is the lethality caused by the great figures in the realm of yin and Yang urging the "divine power" with mana. It\'s too terrible.

Once reaching the "magic level" of the secret arts, only with "mana" can we show the real power of this secret arts. For example, several secret arts mastered by Lin Feng, big covering hand, batian thunder formula, Taigu poor treasure art and so on, are far from exerting their real power.

Facing the attack of the mysterious devil, Lin Feng only felt suffocated. The strength of the mysterious devil was too terrible. Lin Feng knew that he could not be the opponent of the mysterious devil at this stage. Let alone the martial arts realm, even the friars of the martial arts realm were as weak as ants in front of the mysterious devil who had lived for thousands of years.

The huge ghost claw came towards him. Lin Feng was oppressed by the terrible smell from the ghost claw, which made him look very ugly. Did he really want to die in the hands of the mysterious devil? Lin Feng is naturally unwilling. At the critical moment of life and death, Lin Feng runs the Taigu dragon elephant formula crazily.

"Archaic dragon elephant, the holy emperor bows down"!

A strong breath surged out. In an instant, Lin Feng felt that the great pressure brought by the ghost claw dissipated in an instant.

The Taigu dragon elephant formula is worthy of being the first taboo divine skill in the Taigu era. Lin Feng is now a martial general. The operation of the Taigu dragon elephant formula has broken the "breath oppression" of a strong person in the yin-yang environment.

Shua Shua.

Then, a pair of golden wings emerged behind Lin Feng. It was the golden wings.

He quickly stirred up his golden wings and swept away into the distance.


The nether ghost claw grabbed it hard, but Lin Feng had taken the lead. The nether ghost claw destroyed a large area of mountains and forests in an instant.

Lin Feng turned into a streamer, as fast as lightning, and flew crazy in the distance.

"My God, I won\'t be dazzled, will I? That boy is just a military general. How can he avoid the attack of the mysterious devil?".

Yes, it\'s incredible.

"Look, that boy\'s speed is so fast"!


Many people were surprised, because Lin Feng\'s speed was so fast that they couldn\'t see the figure in the blink of an eye. The xuanmo ancestor roared angrily and quickly chased Lin Feng.

"Boy, you can\'t escape. Now we don\'t do anything and we\'ll kill you.".

The venomous voice of xuanmo\'s father came from behind and twisted his face.

Lin Feng frowned slightly. It was too difficult to deal with the old devil. If he fought the war of consumption, he couldn\'t fight the old devil 100%.

"Forbidden space"!

Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up and thought of the mysterious and terrible forbidden law space. If the old devil is led into the forbidden law space, the forbidden law space will cut off the old devil\'s powerful mana at that time.

Lin Feng believes that with his own flesh, he can definitely crush the old devil and kill the old devil in the forbidden law space.


Thinking of this, Lin Feng flew towards the forbidden space.

"Jie Jie Jie......". The old devil sent out a creepy laugh behind him. He was getting closer and closer to Lin Feng.

"Old tortoise, do you want to face? After thousands of years of cultivation, he even chased me, an 18-year-old boy.".

Lin Feng cursed.

Xuanmo\'s father roared, "little beast, I don\'t care how old you are. I just want to break you into pieces.".

The voice of the mysterious devil ancestor contains deep resentment and hatred.

It\'s Lin Feng! Destroyed the magic flag he spent 800 years refining!

It\'s Lin Feng! Cut off one of his arms!

And the most important thing is that Lin Feng is just a friar in the realm of military general.

His powerful existence in the realm of yin and Yang was successfully attacked by a mole ant general friar, resulting in serious injuries, which is a deep shame for the xuanmo ancestor.

This disgrace has become a magic barrier in the heart of the mysterious devil ancestor.

Xuanmo knew that if Lin Feng was not killed as soon as possible, his magic barrier would be deeper and deeper. He might become possessed and eventually die miserably.

Lin Feng said no more and quickly flew towards the forbidden law space. However, when Lin Feng came to the forbidden law space, his face suddenly changed. The forbidden law space had disappeared, and the mysterious demon ancestor said with a grim smile "Boy, do you want to bring our ancestors to the forbidden space? I tell you, every time the forbidden space appears, it can only exist for ten days. After ten days, there will be news. There will be a reincarnation in a hundred years, and it will appear again in a hundred years.".

Lin Feng looked a little heavy. He never thought there was such a saying.

Seeing Lin Feng\'s increasingly ugly face, xuanmo\'s father became more and more proud, "you can\'t escape. Stop now. How about the father giving you a happy way to die?".

"Die your sister, old devil, wait. I\'ll break you up sooner or later.".

Lin Feng turned his mouth and didn\'t admit defeat. The old devil\'s strength was very strong, but what about this?

I\'m not satisfied!

"Now you\'re hard to talk back. When you\'re caught by my grandfather, it depends on how you die," the old devil smiled grimly.

Lin Feng ran away madly.

The old devil chased madly.

After a day and a night, Lin Feng felt tired.

"Boy, your speed has decreased a lot. You will be caught by my grandfather soon. Do you think how miserable you will die?". The arrogant voice of the mysterious devil came from behind.

Lin Feng is not a person who gives up easily. He has probably flown a hundred miles. Lin Feng sees a mountain in the distance. The murderous spirit pervades the world. The mountain is very quiet. There are no fierce birds and animals. He doesn\'t know where it is. Even if it is far away, Lin Feng feels the endless murderous intention. It comes from the mountain. It must be a fierce place.

"It\'s just death. It\'s better to fight.". Lin Feng bit his teeth and rushed to the mysterious mountain.

He rushed into the mountains and saw a huge valley from which the terrible killing intention emanated.

Later, the mysterious devil ancestor had come after him. Lin Feng rushed to the valley regardless of others, but at this time, a breath of destruction came out of the valley.

"Someone dares to intrude into the burial valley. Is this to die?". The voice full of endless killing intention came, and then the terrible killing idea suddenly shrouded Lin Feng who rushed towards the burial valley.

Click, click

Lin Feng was shocked to find that he was shrouded in the terrible idea of killing. His body was cracked like porcelain, with dense cracks all over his body.