I'm the Owner of the Breeding House In the World of Elves

Chapter 347: Vassal clothes

Yuga silently took out a knife he usually used to cut vegetables from the system backpack, and closed his eyes and wiped it on Hongo\'s neck.

Yuga didn\'t want to use the hands of the elves to accomplish the killing of the hometown. He had to avenge his parents and the King of Blue with his own hands.


The throat was cut, and Hongo couldn\'t say a word again. When his warm blood sprayed on Yuga\'s face, Yuga sighed: Ah! It turns out that such a person\'s blood is also hot.

What kind of experience made him what he is now?

When Yuga opened his eyes again, he couldn\'t help but vomited for a moment looking at the blood that shed and Hongo fell on the ground.

There is no way, I have never killed anyone, psychologically I can\'t bear it.

When Yuga felt that there was nothing left in her stomach, she finally stopped vomiting.

At this time, the natural bird, who was still controlled by the black gaze of the cat-headed nighthawk, and the iron shell who was standing next to Hongo, saw Yuka walking towards him, and immediately shivered with fright.

Yuga threw away the knives in his hand and ignored them. Instead, the cat-headed night hawk gathered the three elves, the sonic boomerang, the cunning tengu, and the king Nido, and ordered the cat-headed night eagle to kill them all.

Although killing three quasi-king-level elves feels a pity, it would only be a curse to keep the three inhumane elves that have been assimilated by their own hometowns.

After searching all the elven **** on Hongo, Yuga buried his body and his three elves on the spot.

After that, Yuga looked at the natural bird and the iron shell in front of her, and didn\'t know what to do for a while.

Both elves have good aptitudes, after all, they were carefully selected by the notorious elven hunter in Hongo.

Keep them, for fear of problems; let them go, reluctant; kill them...

While Yuga was thinking about this issue, one natural bird after another flew down in the sky, standing in front of Yuga, bowing to Yuga, and wanting Yuga not to kill this one. Natural bird.

These natural birds are the ones who watched Yuka\'s every move in the forest before. It seems that the people around Hongo are just their leaders.

Several natural birds that seemed to have a place in this group of natural birds chatted to their leader, and saw that all the natural birds were crawling in front of Yuga.

"Are you planning to submit to me in exchange for your life?" Yuga asked with interest.

All the natural birds nodded unanimously.

Yujia didn\'t expect this group of natural birds to be so smart, they deserved to be the elves of the super power system.

Yuka thought about it and agreed. After all, it was a large group of precious superpower elves, so it was too wasteful to give up.

Besides, he looked at the qualifications of this group of natural birds and found that most of them were green, and he counted them. There were 18 in total, which was a considerable number.

Seeing Yuga agreed, the natural birds breathed a sigh of relief.

They are not the elves cultivated by their own towns, and they do not have any feelings for their own towns, but they are specially cultivated by the hunter organization where the towns originally belonged to inquire about intelligence.

It was just that after the division of the organization, Hongxiang brought them out with his own power and position in the organization, and would beat and scold them on weekdays, making them miserable.

In fact, they have long wanted to get rid of the control of their hometown, but they have never had a chance.

Now it\'s a blunder!

"Where is your poke ball?" Yuka asked.

He only found the poke ball of their leader in Hongo, and the poke ball of other natural birds was not on him.

The natural birds all pointed to the stone house behind them.

Yuga asked, "All in this room?"

The natural birds nodded.

Knowing where the pokeballs of the natural birds are, Yuka turned his head to the side of the iron shell and asked, "What are you going to do?"

What else can I do? Of course it is surrender!

Seeing the ironclad shell\'s spineless appearance, Yuka shook his head and put it into the poke ball.

In fact, we can\'t blame the iron shell betrayal too fast, who makes Hongo often abuse it! It is not the main battle elves, and its treatment is completely different from that of King Nido.

Yuga didn\'t rush into the house to find the pokeballs of the natural birds, but planned to deal with the injuries of his elves first. After all, the natural birds are not in a hurry.

Release the desert dragonflies that have lost the ability to fight, and then gather Fat Keding, Madam Huajie, Absolu, and Hacklong around, take out the wound medicine from the system backpack, and give them good medicine one by one. , They took them back to the Poke Ball.

Returning to the door of the stone house, Yuga suddenly saw the black cameras still on the necks of the natural birds, so he took them all off, anyway, they won’t be used anymore.

But Yuga found that there was nothing on one of the necks, and looking at its dodgy eyes, you knew that this was the one that was caught by herself before and was thrown halfway.

Yuga didn\'t blame it, and who made it subject to others.

Led by the natural birds, Yuga walked into the stone house.

The light in the room was very dim, and several computer screens were on, but all of them were blurred.

There were also a few small magnetic monsters inside, which were supposed to be elves in the village that used to generate electricity. After seeing Yuka coming in, she immediately hid in fright, and Yuka ignored them.

"Where is your pokeball?" Yuga asked the natural birds that surrounded him.

Except for the bright computers, a desk, a few chairs, and a bed~www.novelhall.com~, everything else in the room is insignificant.

A natural bird pointed under the bed, and Youjia looked for it, and she found a wooden box under the bed. There were many elven **** in it, all empty.

Yujia tried them one by one, and it took a while to collect all the natural birds into the pokeballs, and the number of empty pokeballs was a bit large.

But when he was harvesting the last natural bird, the natural bird took him to the center of the house, pointed to a square stone slab, and signaled Yuga to move it away.

Yuga moved away the slate in a puzzled manner, and found that there was a downward passage underneath, and a stench rushed towards him, and Yuga almost didn\'t get vomited.

"Is this a basement built by Hongo?" Yuka asked the natural bird.

The natural bird nodded.

"What\'s hidden inside?"

The natural bird shook his head, saying that he didn\'t know, because it had never been in, but only knew that there was an entrance to the basement.

Yuka nodded when he saw it, and took the natural bird into the poke ball. He didn\'t rush in, because the smell was too great, so let it ventilate.

I\'m the owner of the breeding house in the world of elves

I am the owner of the breeding house in the world of elves https://