I'm the Owner of the Breeding House In the World of Elves

Chapter 292: Sneaky Mikri

The things were all sold out, and Grandpa didn\'t plan to stay here any longer, so he started packing up his things and prepared to leave.

Hearing Yuga\'s words, he said: "I have sold you all the things, and asked me who am I doing? You want me to prepare after-sales service for you!"

After speaking, he carried his own things and disappeared into the crowd.

Seeing the old grandpa disappearing from the back, Yuga didn\'t know what to say.

Why is this old grandpa treating himself so nicely? Even so precious books are given to myself, this is not a secret!

It is not ordinary to want that dark green seed.

Is Grandpa a distant relative who can\'t beat him?

I really couldn\'t understand, Yujia shook his head and stopped thinking about it. Grandpa must be kind to himself anyway, and it\'s useless to think so much.

Youjia found a corner with no one, secretly put the bottles and cans he bought, as well as the books and seeds the grandfather gave him, and put them in the system backpack. After all, he was going to watch the opening ceremony soon. Out of style.

After gathering things, Yuga came out from the corner again and checked the time. She felt that the opening ceremony was about to begin, and she was ready to go to the auditorium quickly.

But before Yuga took a few steps, she suddenly felt someone pat her shoulder.

As soon as Yuga turned her head, she saw a man standing behind him who was dressed in black, wrapped in a headscarf, wearing sunglasses, and a beard on his face.

Looking at this sneaky man who wrapped himself tightly in front of him, Yuga asked vigilantly, "Uncle, what\'s the matter?"

Hearing Yuga\'s name, the man on the other side jumped.

"Uncle what! See clearly, who am I!"

With that said, he quickly took off his sunglasses, and then brought them back again.

Although it was just a quick glance, Yuga still recognized the person in front of him, but Yuga pretended to be puzzled and continued to ask: "How do I know who you are! And you have a beard like you, not an uncle, or something? What? Is it possible that you still want me to call your brother!"

The opposite man said angrily: "The beard is fake, fake! You brat, give me garlic!"

Looking at the man\'s desperate appearance, Yuga finally stopped pretending to be stupid, and said with a smile: "Haha, it\'s just a joke. Did Mr. Mikley come to watch Robert\'s game?"

That\'s right, the person here is Robert\'s brother, Mikri.

It\'s just that his dress-up looks a bit funny, Yuka couldn\'t help but joked with him.

"Shhh, keep it quiet."

Micheli looked around nervously and found that no one noticed him, and he was relieved.

No wonder he is so nervous, who makes his current identity the same as that of a big star!

In addition, this is the venue for a large-scale celebration of the Gorgeous Contest, and fans of the Gorgeous Contest are all coming. If the top star of the Gorgeous Contest is discovered here, it will really cause a commotion.

"Didn\'t Mr. Mikri go to the Hezhong District Propaganda Gorgeous Contest? Why did he appear here?"

Yuga asked suspiciously.

At present, the most popular places for the gorgeous contest are the two areas of Fangyuan and Shenao.

Over the years, thanks to the official efforts of the Gorgeous Competition, Kanto and Chengdu have gradually learned about this event, but other areas are still blank.

Therefore, in order to promote the development of coordinated trainers, the official of the Gorgeous Competition has been making active efforts.

Recently, Mikri was promoting the Gorgeous Competition in the Hezhong area. This is something everyone knows, but he did not expect that he sneaked back to Fangyuan and still appeared here.

If it hadn\'t been for Mikley to go to Hezhong, it would not be Mr. Adam that now serves as the judge, but Mikley in front of him.

The entire Fangyuan people know that Mikri’s achievements have surpassed his teacher Adam. This is also what Mr. Adam is most proud of, because he has cultivated an apprentice who is well-known throughout Fangyuan.

Mr. Adam’s current goal is to cultivate Robert as good as Mikley.

Although Robert\'s current achievements are not as good as Mickey\'s, no one can deny that Robert is also a genius coordinator trainer.

Mikri whispered to Yuga, "After all, it is Robert\'s important game. How can I not come back and take a look as a senior!"

"Then what about your job?"

Mikolli said indifferently: "Hey, don\'t care about this kind of thing. It\'s not a big deal to skip work for a few days."

It seems that this is also a wayward, and has the same virtue with his best friend! Yuga thought.

Yuga asked, "Are you going to the auditorium?"

"Yeah, so do you, let\'s go together, I felt familiar just looking at your back, but I didn\'t expect it to be you."

"Okay, let\'s go." Yuga nodded and said.

So the two walked into the arena together.

Although Mikoli\'s weird dress made him successfully conceal his identity, the rate of turning heads was not low at all, and even Yuga, who was walking with him, became the focus.

When they came to the audience, Yuga and Mikri found two adjacent seats and sat down. Yuga couldn\'t help asking, "Is your dress really okay?"

Mikolli said indifferently: "No problem, no problem, no one will recognize me."

Yuga thought to herself: What I care about is not whether anyone recognizes you.

Yuga looked at the audience around him, and they all looked at Mikolli with a curious look, as if looking at a suspicious person. Yuga sat with him and really felt like sitting on pins and needles.

"Gentlemen and ladies! Our grand competition is finally about to begin. Today, we are going to start a battle between excellent coordinating trainers~www.novelhall.com~ Everyone will wait and see."

The opening ceremony started on time. As the fireworks lifted into the sky, the energetic host Vivian\'s voice immediately came from the venue, and cheers came from the audience.

Vivian is also very popular in Fangyuan and has many fans.

After Vivienne\'s opening, it was the official speeches from the leaders of the Gorgeous Competition and the introduction of the referees.

In addition to the fixed referees Mr. Susaki and Mr. Konkenstein, this time the jury also invited three Miss Joey and the master of the gymnasium in Liuli City, and the master coordinator Mr. Adam.

Each of these is not a simple character, even the three Miss Joey, who seem to be indistinguishable from the other Miss Joey, are also important figures in the Joey family.

Then the contestants entered the arena.

Yuka could see Robert in the venue at a glance, because his blond hair was so conspicuous.

However, Yuga unexpectedly saw another acquaintance, that is, the young man who used the tail stand that he met with Mikri in the finals in the Green Town Gorgeous Competition.

Yuga remembers that he seems to be called Xingxiang.

The reason why Yoga was so impressed with him was that he was very good. He also performed very well in the Greentown Gorgeous Competition. If it weren\'t for Robert, he would have won that time.