Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 2348

After that, as if everything has entered an established development, all things have become like a bog, showing an indescribable laxity.

Class a still carries out the policy of no discussion and no speech. No matter in which group, they keep silent. Once the seminar is over, they will leave the room at the first time. Even after the end of the standby duty, they will all gather together, and will not contact with other students in other classes. They will defend thoroughly and will not give any chance to anyone.

Class B, like losing confidence in this situation, completely gave up the victory of the exam. Under the leadership of one Sete sailbo, one by one, they all entered a dead end where they could not open the deadlock situation, and there was nothing to do.

Class C is more casual. I don't know whether it's long Yuanxiang's advice or he doesn't want to be affected by the miscellaneous fish. He doesn't let too many people do things for him. He just indulges the rest of the people, and makes them fall into the atmosphere of vacation and enjoy themselves. Only himself will occasionally appear in the various parts of the cruise ship with Yi blowing Shu Corner, contact with a variety of people, presumably is still continuing to accumulate results.

In class D, it's needless to say that no one has the ability to open up the situation. Only the group with preferential treatment has a little bit of initiative, and the rest of them can't help it. They are extremely anxious.

In particular, Chi kuanzhi, Yamauchi and Su Fuji Jian, etc., can often be heard to complain about the people around them and vent their dissatisfaction with them as time goes by.

To be honest, this situation is very dangerous.

Once you fall into the state of excessive anxiety and anxiety, it is bound to be bad.

Try to think about it, if someone is overwhelmed by this anxiety and impatience, so that they can not bear the psychological pressure, affect their judgment, and make random answers, it will only cause losses to the class.

In order to avoid this situation, Yoko Hirata pacifies his classmates one by one. Even Qinglong of Ling path has made a lot of efforts in secret to stop the worst thing from happening.

But in this way, Hirata Yoko let alone, Ling path Qinglong is completely out of time to take care of the group's victory.

Just on the last day of the exam, Ling Xiaolu Qinglong seemed unable to wait any longer. She came to consult Fang Li.

"If you haven't decided what to do, I'll have to do it."

Obviously, Ling Xiaolu Qinglong couldn't sit back and see the situation settled, and he certainly wanted to take action.

Even if we can't win all the teams, it should not be a problem to win several groups with the ability of Ling koji Qinglong?

But Fangli said so.

"I've decided to act."

However, it is not necessarily the action that can make Ling Xiaodao Qinglong as he wishes.

I don't know if I realize this. Qinglong walks away quietly and never asks about the exam again.

And time is passing meaninglessly in such a situation.

The special exam will be held for four days.

One of these days is full freedom day. There is no seminar. The official time of the examination should be counted as three days.

In three days, there are two seminars a day, and the total number of seminars is six.

In the last day of the exam, in the last seminar at 8:00 p.m., all the groups were defeated in the extreme defense of class A, and they had no choice but to usher in the last outcome that they did not want to see.

The sound of the radio rang all over the ship just after nine o'clock in the evening.

"This is the end of the second special examination during the summer vacation. Please leave the room in order."

"I would like to remind you that half an hour later, from 9:30 to 10:00, is the time for each group to answer."

"Only when an email is sent during this period, and all members of the team except the preferential treatment and the students in his class answer correctly, can result one be obtained. On the contrary, as long as one person guesses wrong, or no one answers, it is result two."

"Before 9:30, before the school's acceptance time for answering has not arrived, it is still allowed to answer in advance."

"If you answer correctly, you will get result three."

"If you answer wrong, you will get result four."

"After 11 p.m., the school will inform all students of the test results by email."


The sound of this broadcast was heard all over the ship.

"It's over..."

"It's over..."

In each group, the students who heard the broadcast broke down their shoulders in a complex tone.

I have to say, these four days are too hard.

They try their best to hide their identities.

Students who are not favourites have been trying to find them.

On the contrary, the people of class a stirred up the situation by not participating in the discussion or making a speech, which made the progress of the situation extremely difficult.Therefore, when listening to the broadcast of the end of the examination, the first reaction of everyone was to take a breath of relief, and then to talk about the rest.

This is a unified performance of the students in each group.

Even the elites in the dragon group were relieved without trace.

Including hori north ring tone.

Including Yoko Hirata.

Including Platycodon grandiflorum.

Even Gecheng Kangping was included.

The only person who didn't do it was one.

That's longyuanxiang.

At this time, long Yuanxiang is playing with the mobile phone, do not know what to see, the corner of his mouth slowly raised.

Then, long Yuanxiang said so.

"It's hard work for you."

Long Yuanxiang put away his mobile phone and showed a fearless smile to all the people present.

Its words are just such a sentence.

"Next, please look forward to my surprise."

This sentence, let everybody's heart sink.

Everyone in the room knows.

Maybe long Yuanxiang is going to make a big move.

"Have you really found out all the favourites?"

Hori beilingyin stares at longyuanxiang, trying to see some clues from his eyes.

But at this time, longyuanxiang was not in a hurry.

"If you say it now, you can't be surprised."

Long Yuanxiang left such words, still with a smile on his face, ready to go out of the room.

However, long Yuanxiang could not leave after all.

The broadcast, which had just ended, immediately rang again.

"There is a notice that all the students of grade one are invited to gather on the fourth floor of the basement."

"Once again, ask all the first graders to gather on the fourth basement floor."

The sound of the broadcast came to everyone's ears.

"Fourth basement floor?"

Long Yuanxiang stopped.

"Fourth basement floor?"

Hori beilingyin, Zhitian Platycodon grandiflorum, pingtian Yangjie and even Gecheng Kangping were also shocked one after another.

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