Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 2316

"Not selected?"

Looking at the content of the email on the screen of the mobile phone, she whispered softly.

I'm sorry, I didn't.

Although there are many advantages and benefits to be a preferential treatment, even the tactics of the examination can be changed more. However, Fangli is not keen on class competition and has no pursuit of class points. The only person who catches his eye is the number of personal points that can be regarded as a golden bullet.

It's just that the 500, 000 personal points won't interest Fang Li much.

Therefore, Fang Li didn't regret that he was not selected.

When Fang Li murmured in this way, the northern ring tone of hori also made a sound.

"Didn't you get elected?"

Hori beilingyin is as calm as ever, observing Fang Li's look.

Fang Li then looked at the north ring tone of hori again.

"If you say" yes ", it means that you are not selected either

In the face of Fang Li's problems, hori beilingyin directly proved it by his actions.

Specifically, the mobile phone is displayed directly in front of the square.

It says this email.

"After strict adjustment, you have not been selected as the preferential treatment. Please act consciously as a member of the group and challenge the test. The examination will start at 1:00 this afternoon. This test will be held for three days from today. During this period, you will be a student of the dragon group. Please come to the Dragon room on the second floor

It is almost the same as the e-mails received by Fang Li, except that the name of the group is different and the designated place is different.

"I don't know if I should be happy."

Hori beilingyin made such a statement.

No way.

As long as you are selected as a preferential person, you will be able to take the initiative in this exam, and have a great advantage. In the end, as long as you don't see through the identity, you can easily get 500000 personal points. No one will not want to be selected as the preferential treatment.

If you can be chosen as a preferential treatment, you have to deal with the temptation of others and try to hide yourself.

As far as rationality is concerned, there are both advantages and disadvantages?

"But you're right."

Hori north ring tone looks at the mail on the mobile phone again and rises in a low voice.

"After serious adjustment Is it? "

This is enough to show that Fang Li is right.

Preferential treatment is not randomly selected, but has some kind of consideration in it.

Do you want to follow this lead?

Hori beilingyin is thinking of such a thing.

But before that

"What are you going to do?"

Hori beilingyin asked Fang Li a question.

What will Fangli do?

No, how Fang Li will act? Hori beilingyin actually knows.

If it is Fang Li, he will follow this clue to investigate.

After all, Fang Li has mastered a part of the content, and it's just like a foot in the door.

Although this is incredible, but recalling Fang Li's performance all the time, hori chose to believe in his own feelings.

So, hori just wanted to make sure

"This time, you're not going to slack off any more?"

Hori just wanted to confirm this.

However, Fang Li did not answer.

"You'd better think about how to spend the afternoon's discussion." Fang Li said with disapproval: "don't forget, your group can be some more difficult characters."

No matter how to say, it is also an elite group, the intensity of competition can be imagined.

For this, hori beilingyin has to admit it.

Although class B and class d have formed a cooperative relationship, this does not mean that they can be taken lightly.

Not to mention longyuanxiang, even Gecheng Kangping is not so easy to deal with.

Hori beilingyin thought about it and asked Fang Li for advice.

"Gecheng in class A and Longyuan in class C, which do you think we should be more alert to?"

This question, in exchange for Fang Li's answer without hesitation.

"Dragon garden."

Fang Li almost didn't want to think about it. He said so directly.

“…… It's decisive. " Hori beilingyin frowned and said, "Gecheng students are not so easy to deal with, right? Why are you so attached to the dragon garden

"Why?" "Don't you know that?" he said with a smile? Hori Bei

Hori's beilingyin had nothing to say.

In fact, hori Beiling tone is also clear?

Compared with Gecheng Kangping, long Yuanxiang is undoubtedly more difficult.

"If it is Ge Cheng, with your ability, it is estimated that you can have a wonderful attack and defense with him?" Fang Li said, "but it's not good to be a dragon garden."Because hori's beilingyin is so naive.

That kind of innocence is fatal in front of long Yuanxiang.

If hori beilingyin is compared to a proud white wolf, longyuanxiang is a poisonous python.

Once entangled and bitten by its fangs, even the proud wolf will fall down.

What's more, this poisonous snake has never used its extreme. It doesn't pay attention to means at all, as long as it can achieve its goal.

Therefore, hori beilingyin has no chance of winning shanglongyuanxiang.

At least, for now.

"At this stage, each class has drawn up the preliminary tactics?"

Fang Li analyzed it calmly.

"Class A should carry out Gecheng's style. Compared with finding out the preferential treatment of other classes, class a will definitely give priority to the preferential treatment in the protection class. Even if they can't win, they have to make sure that they don't lose first."

"Class B and class D formed a cooperative relationship, mutual assistance and mutual benefit."

"Class C, however, will definitely carry out a higher level of action under the instruction of Longyuan."

Fang Li is so sure.

"That man is not willing to only win the victory of his own dragon group."

In other words, long Yuanxiang must be the same as Fang Li, starting from the beginning to regard all groups as targets.

"That man will try to find all the favourites." Fang Li said, "and with his ability, it's only a matter of time before he notices that there is a certain fixed way to select preferential treatment."

To sum up, the person who needs to be on guard is undoubtedly long Yuanxiang.

Only long Yuanxiang can bring Fangli a bit of fun of struggle.

As for Gecheng Kangping, his style is too conservative, but it is easy to see through.

At this time, Fangli suddenly thought so.

(if I'm not in the same class as Aya koji...)

Fang Li was thinking of such a thing.


If Fangli and Ling Xiaodao Qinglong are not in the same class, then this exam is expected to become the most intense competition stage in history, right?

What longyuanxiang can bring to Fangli is fun.

But Ling path Qinglong, it can bring a threat to Fangli.

At least, Fang Li is not confident that she can win the victory of Ling Xiaolu Qinglong.

If you fight against Ling Xiaolu Qinglong, Fangli has a 60% chance of winning, and the remaining four cities will be there.

Of course, this is based on the premise of not breaking the rules.

If Fangli wants to break the rules, let alone Ling Xiaolu Qinglong, the patriarchs of the seven night clan in the past dynasties and even the Hassan of the asasin sect in history come, they can't help him.

Only limited to the rules can Fangli find his opponent.

From this point of view, it is really quite lonely.

In this way, Fangli and hori beilingyin were separated.

Next is the afternoon seminar.

Hori beilingyin will compete with the elites in the dragon group.

And Fang Li, also in the rabbit group, slowly expand their own action. , the fastest update of the webnovel!