Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 2309

What longyuanxiang wants to say, how can Fang Li not know?

As long as they are sensitive to intuition, if they see these people on the scene, they will be aware of it, right?

Gecheng Kangping from class A.

Kenzaki from class B.

Longyuanxiang of class C.

Yoko Hirata of class D.

These people are the center of every class.

Even if it is hori beilingyin, it is highly educated high school rare talents, regardless of personality, completely comparable to the above characters, absolutely not inferior.

These people, all gathered in this group at 20:40.

Can it be a coincidence?

At least, long Yuanxiang doesn't believe it's a coincidence.

Therefore, long Yuanxiang can say for sure.

"every member of the group is deliberately adjusted secretly."

Long Yuanxiang announced the discovery.

"And this group at 20:40 is the elite group in each class."

This is the intelligence just confirmed by long Yuanxiang.

And this also let everyone present to react.


The people gathered at this time point, ready to accept the test instructions at 20:40, are the elites of each class.

Is this group at 20:40, the elite group of the twelve groups?

Will elites from all classes compete in the same group?

This is the most intense and interesting group.

And the next person's appearance confirmed the statement of long Yuanxiang.

"Ah? Why do people gather in such places? "

Some surprised voices came from the entrance of the corridor.

There, Kanda Platycodon grandiflorum looked at this side of the situation, and was surprised, but also confused, but quickly approached.

Another central figure of class D was here.

When he saw Jietian Platycodon grandiflorum, no one else had time to respond. Hori beilingyin realized something and made a sound directly to Jietian Platycodon grandiflorum.

"Chien Tian, are you the same group at 20:40?"

Frank inquiry, let the expression of Jietian Platycodon become more surprised.

However, the reason why I was surprised this time should be that hori Beiling tone, who had never given himself a good face at ordinary times, would have taken the initiative to talk to himself like this?

However, Jietian Platycodon grandiflorum was not surprised for a long time. As if he had noticed something, he looked at all the people present, felt the precipitous atmosphere of the scene, and nodded honestly.

"Well, I was told I had to come at 20:40."

In this way, the discovery of long Yuanxiang is more convincing.

I'm afraid that the people assigned to class D in this group are hori beilingyin, Jietian Platycodon and Hirata Yoko, right?

And these three people, can be said to be the trump card of D class.

Such three people all gathered in the same group, including Ge chengkangping from Class A, Kenji Kawasaki from class B, and long Yuanxiang from class C. if it is accidental, it is too impossible.

As long as the membership list of the group at 20:40 is exposed, as Fang said, maybe tomorrow, many people will be aware of the violation?

But that's tomorrow, too.

At this moment, the list has not been exposed, and the explanation of this group has not even started. It is not easy to realize this inside story.

Perhaps, after the end of the explanation meeting, the minds of such people as Gecheng Kangping and hori beilingyin will be aware of it.

Unfortunately, after all, the dragon garden is still a step slower.

This is enough to prove which is stronger and which is weaker.

Of course, the party who also found this is one step ahead of the others.

Here, only Fangli can compete with longyuanxiang.

People who think of it like this don't know.

This inside story, long Yuanxiang just confirmed, but Fang Li confirmed it two and a half hours ago.

In the explanation meeting at 18 o'clock, Zhen Jizhi also made a mistake.

"The members of the 12 groups in this special examination are all assigned after our strict consideration. We do not accept any replacement conditions and considerations. Similarly, the term is fair. The selection of" preferential persons "in the group will also be strictly adjusted. No change request will be accepted whether or not they are selected."

This is what zhenjizhi also said at that time.

What Fang Li noticed was one of them.

All members are allocated after strict consideration by "we".

It's not the school, it's us.

What does that mean?

It shows that the members of the 12 groups in the special examination are all assigned by the head teachers of four classes headed by Zhenyi Zhiye.As early as that time, Fang Li noticed this inside story and understood that each group was not randomly assigned, but carefully adjusted.

However, the group at 20:40 is the elite group of the first grade. Fang Li did find out after he saw the appearance of long Yuanxiang, Gecheng Kangping and Kenji Kawasaki.

Therefore, if long Yuanxiang is one step ahead of everyone, it is several steps ahead.

At least, long Yuanxiang only knew that all the members of the group had been adjusted, but Fang Li even knew that the person who had been adjusted was the head teacher of four classes.

Of course, it doesn't matter.

The most important thing is

"Then I found out another thing."

In front of all the people, longyuanxiang looked at Fang Li.

It is not the provocation and declaration of war as before, but as if we want to see through what we have in the side, we have raised such a question.

"Why are you in the 18 o'clock group, not our group?"

In a word, everyone was awakened.

That's right.

If the group at 20:40 is the first grade elite group, then it is not in this group, isn't it too strange?

"Even these miscellaneous fish can enter this group, but you don't get into this group. Doesn't it make sense?"

Although it is a sentence that makes others angry, long Yuanxiang's words are rough, but the reason is not rough.

If it's Fangli, there's no reason why you can't even enter the elite group, right?

After all, Fang Li is the best person in the special examination of no man island.

In terms of mind, even long Yuanxiang was defeated in Fangli.

In terms of physical fitness, even the student president is not his opponent.

Who dares to say that Fangli is not an elite?


Long Yuanxiang looked around and once again pointed out a very important question.

"Why isn't yizhise here?"

The aggressive questioning made everyone look at each other.

This is another problem.

Since it is the elite group, as the commander of class B and the regular monitor, one of them, setaifan Bo, is not in this group, right?

"As a result, not only you are not in this group, not even ichiase is in this group, but both of you are in the rabbit group."

Long Yuanxiang stares at Fang Li tightly, opens his mouth and sneers again.

"It seems that there is a big secret hidden in this group of rabbits."

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