Illegitimate Girl Takes World

Chapter 275

"You are married to di qingmo Zaishui LAN, but not in shipinggang. We can get married on the pretext of marriage. If di qingmo still loves you. He will be in front of you. "

Wen Yan. Dongfang Xiaoran is silent. She doesn\'t know if this method has any effect, but she knows that this man has a way.

He nodded. Dongfang Xiaoran agrees to MuQing\'s invitation, as long as he can let the man appear. I will never let go of his hand this time. She wants to bring the two together.

"How long does it take to start?" Dongfang Xiaoran\'s face is full of anxiety.

One side of the silent and Tianyun speechless looking at the East Xiaoran. Just now this woman actually agreed to such a suggestion, if emperor Qing Mo didn\'t appear at that time, then is Dongfang Xiaoran really going to be with this man?

"Good. Give me half a month to prepare, make the wedding look more real, and announce our wedding time. Make everything look real. And let everyone know about our wedding. "

In this way, at that time, Dongfang Xiaoran this woman can\'t go back. In front of so many people, Dongfang Xiaoran can only become his wife.

This time. Let him be selfish once!

If he did not guess wrong, the emperor should have been closed to the outside world. It\'s just to prevent you from killing yourself!

A smile of excitement bloomed in the corner of MuQing\'s mouth, half a month later. This woman is her own woman, the heart can not stop the excitement. MuQing ignored whose territory he was standing on.

Hear Mu Qing shameless suggestion, Chu Ni Ni a handsome face all black come down.

Don\'t read and think silent two people just want to stop Dongfang Xiaoran\'s words already too late. Because Dongfang Xiaoran has agreed to come down. Helpless, do not want to sit in their own position.

"Dongfang Xiaoran, what if you find out it\'s a fraud?" Simo looks at Dongfang Xiaoran with painstaking care, and wunian also looks at Dongfang Xiaoran with disapproval.

Slightly embarrassed, Dongfang Xiaoran did not think that this group of little guys are so want to MuQing. But now I have to believe MuQing, because her hope of finding the man is too small. If the man wants to avoid her, she will not find the man.

"Xiaobai, I know it may be a fraud, but now, besides this method, can you think of other ways?" Looking at Xiaobai and Simo, Dongfang Xiaoran lost control for the first time.

Several months of torture let Dongfang Xiaoran strong reason also be tortured soon can\'t stand.

I really doubt whether I will be demonized suddenly, so that I don\'t have to face so many troubles.

Aware of the East Xiao ran body to upload the irritability, don\'t mind rubbed the East Xiao ran vamp.

"Dongfang Xiaoran, we will help you, not necessarily this method is useful!"

Pain of close eyes, the East Xiao ran stop them to say again. Heart has become a mess, usually smart mind has become a paste.

Blue tears stone and green Dai two people have not said anything. Knowing that Dongfang Xiaoran is now facing collapse, she needs such an opportunity to release the pressure in her heart.

At that time, they can take Dongfang Xiaoran to run. It doesn\'t have to be a wedding, does it?

If di qingmo doesn\'t come here before the wedding banquet, they will take Dongfang Xiaoran away. Isn\'t there a kind of elixir that can make people forget the people they like?

When they get to that point, they will ask Di Qian Qiao to give them one and feed it to Dongfang Xiaoran. Although they are wrong in doing so, it is better for them to forget each other than to watch Dongfang Xiaoran suffer.

This is good for everyone. As for the antidote of the emperor, if two people still have a chance to meet, they will surely untie it for Dongfang Xiaoran.

The idea is very wonderful, the reality is very cruel, MuQing is an alchemist, his elixir emperor shallow Qiao there are more, this kind of forgetful Dan in MuQing here there are higher grade.

Especially before coming, MuQing has prepared a pill for Dongfang Xiaoran.

This pill will make Dongfang Xiaoran forget the person she loves, but others won\'t.

At that time, he can rightfully pursue Dongfang Xiaoran. Without emperor qingmo, he believes that he can make Dongfang Xiaoran fall in love with him.

Inexplicably, the emperor\'s heart is a little flustered, this feeling is so sudden, which makes the emperor a little confused, covering his chest, the emperor\'s evil face appears a struggle.

"Tims, why am I so flustered?" Helpless, the emperor tilted his teeth and asked in the direction of tims. The mental power even appeared a moment of laxity, and the emperor began to sweat on his forehead.

The suppressed emperor Qing Mo is struggling!

Slightly hesitated for a while, the emperor relaxed his body, and then a familiar air came from tims.

Removing the black cloth in front of him, the face of the emperor\'s evil spirit was full of vicissitudes. When he opened his eyes, it was the familiar amber color of tims.

"Tims, I\'m sorry."“ Master... Are you ok? " Looking at di qingmo excitedly, TIMS had tears in his eyes“ I\'m ok. Now he just let me out to find out why his body is in this condition. Tims, I\'m ordering you to go to hell at once. Something\'s going on there that makes me uneasy In fact, it\'s not only uneasy, but also heartache to death, just like you may lose something you love forever. This feeling made him feel sad and he was afraid of palpitations, so when he felt his struggle, he did not hesitate to quit. However, what happened to you? Why do you feel that you are going to leave me forever? Drooping with narrow eyes, amber eyes with deep pain, that time the departure he was caught off guard, did not expect that he had such a powerful force to let himself be suppressed for several months“ Tims, I order you to go to the west end now. Find her and tell her I\'ve always loved her. " As the voice fell, Emperor qingmo was silent, because he had already felt that he began to move in his body. He will soon be suppressed. In this case, it\'s better to let him integrate this character. It\'s good for him and it\'s good for him to lack some of his abilities. After a deep look, TIMS spread his wings and flew out. After staring at this place for a long time, TIMS\'s dark eyes were in deep pain. Then quickly rushed to the end of the west, the mind at the same time flash Tianyun smile, that woman will blame their own dishonesty?