I Wish Mo All the Best

Chapter 233

Xiaohei seems to sit at will, and has been adjusted several times in a few minutes. The two goblins tried to reach out their claws and touch him, but he quietly dodged them. His eyes were deep, and the corners of his tightly pursed mouth suggested that his patience had reached the limit.

In other people's eyes, this is a vagabond in the world of entertainment.

In Qianmo's opinion, he is a poor little man with SOS all over his body. Is it hard for Xiaohei?

How can he look up to these mediocre and vulgar powder? To other men, this kind of sexual happiness is very useful, but for him, the punishment is almost the same.

Thinking of this, Qian Mo's body surging leader personality, the gene of getting rid of tyranny and tranquility can't be controlled.

Her poor innocent little prince is waiting for her to save.

"Can you play chess?" Chen Meng looks at the poor son in the monitor and asks Qianmo.

Qian Mo nodded, "my father let me learn chess for several years when I was young."

"Sometimes life is a game of chess, the other side is calculating us, and we are also studying each other. For example, now, if we go out this step, we want to confuse the other party's judgment. After the video goes out, the other party can see what he wants to see and can't guess what we want to do. Bury Lei and let him step on thunder in Qingge."

Chen Meng's hand broke out, "stepping on our thunder, I don't know how to die. Don't be confused by what's going on

Qian Mo thinks, "master, you don't have to worry about me so much. I'm not a child. I can think of it."

Chen Meng nodded steadily on her face, and the villain fell in her heart!

Lift the table! (╯╯╯╯╯╯╯╯╯╯╯╯╯╯╯╯╯╯╯╯╯╯╯╯! I'm afraid you can't bear to speak with kindness. If you look at you, can you be a fool who knows nothing and satisfy people's wish to be a life tutor?!

"Master, can I... Change your chess routine? It's not that I can't open my eyes to jealousy. What do you think of Xiaohei? Do you have the heart to mess with him like this

Chen Meng looked, yes, to see the aggrieved son... And, silent really not jealous?

Well, it's strange that she believed it!

"How are you going to change it?" Chen Meng asked.

"Find me a set of" hostesses "in this suit."

What can't my boyfriend do if she can't take off her vest when she's out of work?

Of course, save him in person!


Xiaohei drank a bottle of red wine.

The night was especially long for him. For the nth time, he dodged the demon's claws and recited his declaration of joining kongte, which suppressed his strong nausea.

Yes, for the sake of mission, these can be tolerated.

Ear is the vulgar language of those shallow human beings, ugly pictures can not hide.

The pig headed man in front of him had already put his hand into the woman's clothes on the edge. Xiao Hei drank it all at once, but he thought it was his lovely goddess.

At this time, she should have been ready to turn off the lights and go to bed?

Wearing strawberry little round point pajamas lying in the bed, cute face blood.

The crazy girl on the edge pasted it again. Xiaohei flashed away by pouring wine. The light from the corner of her eyes swept to the hollowed out back of the woman. She was very disgusted.

The so-called enchanting, with how much to wear what relationship?

wears only a little cheap smell, what perfume is it, and what kind of makeup is it?

Hot eyes!

Yu Changmo couldn't control his disgust. When the eight clawed girl was entangled in him, he finally couldn't bear it. He threw away his goblet and fell to the ground.

The box that just had Yingge and Yanwu suddenly quieted down.

A kind of dandy looked at him, and Xiaohei was impatient.

"It's all mediocre and vulgar powder!"

That's the only sentence he gave that night.

Yes, I just don't like it.

Don't think he has never seen the world. What he meets is the best. How can he look at these messy things and dislike them at a glance!

even if he is quiet, even a strawberry little pajamas can entranced him. No perfume is pure goddess. Some perfume is also a night elf!

is not that women can't make up and not wear perfume. Can they be tasteful when using them?

Learning from his family's silence is the real goddess. No, why should his family be learned by these low-grade women? How can Dongshi imitate the essence of his goddess!

In fact, Xiaohei really wronged others. The women in this place are not cheap at all. They are all international famous brands. However, no matter how expensive the cosmetics are and how many layers of them are applied, the dust smell on her body can not be blocked.

The dandy in charge of the East made a quick smile when he saw that the God of wealth was angry.

"Mo Shao, this is already the best girl we have. Xiaohuan Xiaowei doesn't accompany us well yet!"

These two top cards have been held for a whole night. It's hard to see such a gorgeous guest. Although I don't know what identity he is, seeing the respect of these rich and generous regular visitors around him, it must be dignified, and it is the best to be able to go on.So the two girls decided to use their unique skills of watching the house. They surrounded each other. Their claws went to the bottom of the black waist. The other half knelt down and gave him an enchanting glance, just kneeling in the middle of his legs.

Xiaohei was about to run away. When he was ready to teach the two hateful women to be human again, the door opened.

The little boss led a tall and graceful woman in.

Xiaohei couldn't bear to be disturbed. Two cheap women harassed him and made him ready to get angry. He came here again to see what he was wearing. Looking from this angle, he didn't see his face. First, he saw a pair of long legs, which were thin and straight. The skirt was so short that a pair of beautiful legs could be seen. The waist was very thin. This kind of improper clothes would not be worn by any serious women No, once in a while, serious women will change their styles. Clothes are just cloth. What does it have to do with the person wearing them! Even a very, very good woman, occasionally change style to wear miniskirt why! Xiao Hei's thought suddenly turned 180 degrees.

Because he saw the face of the "new man"...

"everyone, this is our new sister named silent. I will lead her to meet all the bosses." The manager said with a smile.

The eyes of several dandies sweep past, and they can't move away from the face of the new man. This is...

compared with other women in the room, she has a lot of cloth on her body, which should be covered. As soon as she appears, she has an eye-catching effect. Sexy and pure are two totally opposite temperament, but she combines these two temperament together to bring out the best of each other 。

The most terrible thing is the sexiness that does not depend on the exposed flesh. The temperament can't be taken off. It is the feeling of piling up by the usual personal quality. In this luxurious room, she only stands there, which makes all the men and women here pale.

Rao is these dandies who are used to seeing the extraordinary beauty in the world. They are also staring at her and praising the existence of the gorgeous flower queen.