I Wish Mo All the Best

Chapter 208

Qian Mo does not feel modest that she can speak more professionally than her teacher when she comes to the stage. This is the meaning of the so-called famous teachers producing excellent students.

Qianmo misses his teacher more and more, and he doesn't know which year he will meet his master...

after lunch this day, Qianmo plans to go back to his bedroom and lie down for a while. Before he reaches the panda tower, he hears her name called.

Qian Mo turns around, only to see Ma Jingtian's cousin standing behind her, still wearing the school uniform, with a nervous face.

"Younger martial sister..."

"hmm?" Qian Mo has no expression on his face.

During the holiday, she has already knocked this guy, and buried a thunder, which is a test of this guy.

The woman selling fake diamonds should have been thinking about revenge. It's time to connect with this guy.

If Ma Jingtian's cousin can withstand the pressure of a fake diamond girl, Qianmo will not move him. Although his cousin had done some bad deeds under the threat of mufeifei's accomplices before, as long as he could find his way back, Qianmo would not be able to kill all of them.

By the time, the diamond girl should have found him.

The two cheaters will fight for each other. If there is time, the two cheaters will fight with each other.

"I've realized that I'm wrong, Xuemei. Are you willing to forgive me?" My cousin's eyes are full of guilty, looking around is afraid to see Qian mo.

"It doesn't matter whether we forgive or not. We have nothing to do with each other now." Qian Mo light way.

"This weekend is my birthday. I made a reservation in KTV. Would you like to join me, younger martial sister?" My cousin clenched his fist nervously.

It's not that he is too timid, but Chen Qianmo's eyes are like bottomless holes. If you look at them, you will be sucked in. You will never be able to face them directly.

"I don't know you well. There's no need." Qian Mo turns around. What her cousin can't see is her back to him. Her eyes are full of disappointment.

Human nature can't resist any temptation. She shouldn't have hope for these disorderly people. There is no such thing as repentance.

According to Qian Mo's intelligence, how could she not guess what her cousin invited herself for without any reason.

Once again, he stood on the opposite side of Qian Mo, helping outsiders and betraying himself who gave him a chance.

"Xuemei! Please be present! " His cousin grabs Qianmo's arm. Qianmo stops and pats his hand. He turns around and asks in a cold voice.

"Are you sure you want me to go?"

Cousin saw her clear eyes first hesitated, but the other party threatened his phone as if in the ear.

If Chen Qianmo doesn't show up, what he has done will be exposed.

"Yes, I'm sure. Please be there. "

Qian Mo didn't answer immediately, but stood there and continued to look at him. This was the last chance she gave each other.

Cousin was seen by her cold sweat, although there is a sense of regret in the heart, but also had to brave the scalp.

"Only once, please, just give me a face - Oh, don't worry, Ma Jingtian also went, we have company together."

Hearing him drag Ma Jingtian in, Qian Mo finally raises the corner of his mouth and nods to say good.

My cousin breathed a sigh of relief when he heard her promise.

"Be sure to come. If you forgive me for treating me as a friend, please be there."

Qian Mo looks at his back, in the eyes is ten thousand years of ice.

Friends... Are they for sale?

Poor Ma Jingtian is naive. In order to protect his cousin, he would rather sacrifice his "principle".

Yes, Ma Jingtian didn't expose his cousin.

Although Ma Jingtian showed resolute determination in dealing with Qianmo incident at the beginning, he was full of justice.

But when dealing with his own relatives, justice was discounted, his emotion suppressed his reason, and he turned a blind eye to what his cousin had done.

If Ma Jingtian exterminates his relatives, his cousin will not have a chance to stand on the campus and plan to continue to do things.

It seems that dogs can't eat shit anymore.

Qian Mo has already made careful preparations. No matter what moves the other side is, she has the ability to follow.

To put it roughly, my cousin is such a kind of goods. She knows what kind of Baba eggs to pull. What kind of plans do you want to play with her?

In her previous life, when she was in the shopping mall, the boy could not point out where to eat the soil!

Qian Mo decides to play a trick. His cousin doesn't know that what he has encountered is hard stubble. He thinks he has succeeded.

After separating from Qian Mo, my cousin finds a place where no one else is. He takes out his mobile phone and calls a strange number. The phone is connected quickly. It is a girl voice with a little husky.

"Is it done?" Asked the woman.

"Yes, Chen Qianmo promised to go that day - but what are you going to do to her?" My cousin is on tenterhooks.The other side gave out a creepy laugh, like a vengeance from hell.

"It's up to you to take care of what you're doing. Don't forget, I know all the good things you've done with your evil gang. If you don't do what I say, I'll let you die!" The woman hung up when she finished.

Holding the phone, his face glowed.

Yes, she is the girlfriend of Zhao Zhao who sold fake diamonds by Qianmo and Xiaohei.

Lao Zhao has been arrested. The girl who had been with him to buy luxury goods and sell fake goods should also be arrested, but she was on bail because she was pregnant.

She tried to escape, according to Qian Mo left clues to find a cousin.

Because Qian Mo and Xiao Hei deliberately leaked the information to the woman that day, so that the woman thought it was a cousin who betrayed her and her man.

My cousin did a lot of bad things with mufeifei's Gang, which can be found. Diamond girl, as a habitual criminal who has been wandering around the provinces all the year round, can see from a glance that it is the cheater who meets a cheat and remembers the routine.

Qian Mo is very good at handling things. He is familiar with the psychology of cheaters and cheaters. These people make a living by cheating people all the year round. They like to trap white wolves with empty hands. When they do things, they will ponder over everyone's reaction, so they usually think of very simple problems very complicated.

For example, Qianmo and Xiaohei only give a clue to diamond girl, and she will come up with a set of conspiracy theories. When she looks at others in her own world, there are conspiracies everywhere. She follows the clues that Qianmo deliberately left her and tries to find her cousin all the way. After finding this line, her first reaction is that the other side wants to "steal".

Those who sell fake diamonds think that Chen Baichuan is a fat sheep, and the cousins and mufeifei also think that the farm is easy to get. Therefore, in order to eat fat sheep alone, cousins and others report the diamond sellers - all these logic are deduced by the diamond sellers themselves.

Everything is in Qian Mo's calculation, that is, to make these two gangs of bad dogs bite dogs, that is, to kill each other!