I Will Protect You This Time

Chapter 82 - The Birthday Banquet (Part 6)

Episode 77





No. I have to calm down and think of something.

I have to know exactly when and how Mathias sent the orb to Fellmirr. And how and where in the world did he get that orb?

Anger won\'t do me any good now.


Yes. Let\'s just calm down.

"My Lady?! You are here! Are you alright?"

Suddenly Anne burst into my room and said with a worried expression.


Anne flinched hearing Isabella\'s cold voice.

"How dare you enter my room without permission!"

"Ah… I apologize, My Lady

I was just worrie-"

Anne bowed and said while trembling.

"Get out."

I don\'t want to see her face right now. I want to kill her so badly that… I am afraid I will kill her right now...

"Ah. Alright."

Anne said while bowing.

"And don\'t come in unless I call you."

"A-As you wish, My Lady."

Saying that Anne hurriedly got out of the room.


My body feels weak.


Feeling numb, I staggered and fell on the bed.

I tried to move but it was in vain.


I can\'t move a muscle.

As I laid down straight, I looked at the ceiling.

Now that I think about it, my power activates when I am angry. And that earthquake too… And after that, My body feels numb.


I breathed lightly.

I have to control my emotions…

Anyways… I am so sleepy now. But I have so much work to d-


Like that, I fell asleep.





I can hear a gentle voice calling my name.


But I don\'t want to reply. I am too tired.


Aghh! I want to sleep. Stop bothering me.

"My dear child…"

The voice said while gently patting my head.

"Get up, dear child."

Haah~ I give up.

I slowly opened my eyes. I am lying on a beautiful lady\'s lap. She looks a few years older than me.

Purple Hair and Purple Eyes… I think I saw her somewhere… But where? I can\'t remember.

"You finally woke up, child."

The lady said with a gentle smile.

"Who are you?"

"Oh my! You forgot again?"

Huh? Forget? That means I really know her.

"I am your mother."

My eyes widened. I hurriedly got up.


Suddenly some forgotten memories kept flowing in my head.


"You have grown so much… My sweet little girl… Your father would have been so happy to see you… "



"There. There. You have gone through a lot, haven\'t you?"



"You have gone through a lot, my child. And that is what will make you truly strong. Now. Get up. Remember, …. …. …."



My head hurts again.

"Breath. Breath, my child."

The woman said while patting my back.

After a while, my headache stopped as if it never happened to begin with.

"Why, mother? Why did I forget? Why can\'t I remember anything?"

"That\'s because you haven\'t found the … ..., yet."

What? Why can\'t I hear some words?

"Mother. I can\'t hear your words. I didn\'t hear you properly last time either."

"That\'s because You will find them out later."


"You have to find them out by yourself, dear child."

"What? I don\'t even know what to find… I don\'t know what I am searching for… I… sob*... Don\'t even know myself…"

"Don\'t Cry, baby. You will know soon enough."


I didn\'t say anything and just continued crying.

"Listen, child. Memories are important. Sometimes they are everything. Your existence itself lies within those. But sometimes they are just a burden. It will make your life hell. You will wish that you didn\'t know the truth. The people you trusted, the people you think you know… Sometimes things aren\'t just what we see."

Mother said with sad eyes. But why? Why do you look sad?

"Things might look complicated to you now but... The key to your memories is right in front of you. So carefully observe your surroundings. You will find the answers soon enough. All your Forgotten Memories and all the Secrets…"

Mother said with a smile. A smile that will burn one\'s worries away.


"Now wake up."

"But I am afraid. What… What if I forget you again?"

"You will."


"But once you find the … …, you will remember everything. Everything… After all, you are his … …"

Huh? What? What did you say?




I woke up startled.

Huff* Huff*

What? What just happened? I dreamt about something important… But I can\'t remember.


My head still hurts a little.

Anyways, what did I just say? Mother? But I don\'t even remember a thing about her. Did I dream about my mother?


My head… It hurts.

I looked outside. It\'s dark. Is it night already?!

Ring* Ring*

I rang the bell that was on a table beside the bed.

And in a minute, Anne came in.

"My Lady, did you call me?"

"Yes. What time is it?"

"It\'s night, My Lady."


"T-Two hour past evening."

"I see. Prepare a bath for me."

"Huh?! But you will catch a col-"

"Just do what I say. My head hurts. So don\'t make me repeat myself, Anne."

"Ah. Alright."

Saying that Anne got out and prepared a bath.

After a while, Anne came in and said,

"My Lady, your bath is ready."


Saying that I got up from bed and went to the bathroom.

After Anne helped me to undress, I got in the bath. Soon Anne started massaging my shoulder.

"That won\'t be necessary."


"Go and prepare my food. I am hungry."

"Ah. Alright."

Saying that Anne got out of the bathroom.

After that, I peacefully took a bath.


My head feels a lot better now.

"My Lady, what should I do with your hair?"

Anne said while brushing my hair.

"Leave it like that."


After that, I ate my dinner. Then Anne left my room.


What should I do now?

"Hmm, ~ Let\'s go to the balcony for a moment."

Saying that I walked towards the balcony.


There is no moon tonight in the sky. But it\'s filled with thousands of stars.

I wonder if it\'s like this in Fellmirr too…


The wind is really chilly today.

"Y-You You!"

I looked in the direction of the trembling voice.

Ah. It\'s him. I forgot for a moment that his room is also beside mine.

"How are you here!"

Daniel asked with shaky eyes.

"Why can\'t I be here?"(ー_ー゛)

He is so stupid! I can\'t believe he still didn\'t know that my room is moved.

"I mean, aren\'t you supposed to be in your room now?"

"Well, is this your room?"

"What? D-Don\'t tell me! Did you move to this room? When?"

Aghh! Forget it. I don\'t want to talk to him.



I can never peacefully stand on the balcony.

"Hey, did you ever see a monster when you were little… like 5 or 6 years old?"

"Huh? You didn\'t rep-"

"Are you going to say or not?"

"No! You have to answer me first."

"Is that so?"


"I see."

Let\'s just go back.

Without saying anything, I walked towards my room.

"Hey! Are you going back?! Aghh! Alright. I will tell you."

Daniel said with a crying voice.

Pfft! I can see tears in his eyes.

"Well, while training I did fight with some."

"I said when you were LITTLE, idiot."

"What? Idiot?"


"Aghh. No."

"Are you sure?"

"Well, duh. How can I see a monster when I am just a child?"

"Hmm. Who knows? Probably someone left a monster in the palace to kill you."

"What nonsense! How can a monster enter the Royal Palace?"

"They can\'t?"

"Of course not, silly."

Judging by his reaction, it doesn\'t seem like he is lying. Then that little boy I saw in my visions…

<"Run! Runaway, Isabella!">


Was it not him?

Or perhaps…

He doesn\'t remember…

"Hey, did you ever feel that you don\'t remember something important?"

"Huh? Something I don\'t remember?... Hmm… Now that I think about something like that did happen. A long time ago. But not now."

"A long time ago?"

"yes. The last time I felt like that was after Grandfather\'s death."

My chest clenched hearing that.

That means… He doesn\'t remember. But why him?

"Hey? Are you okay?"

Daniel asked with a worried face.

"What do you mean? I am perfectly fine."

I said with an aloof expression.

"Ah. Alright. If you say so."

There was silence for a while.


I should get inside now.

"Hey. Are you going back?"

"Yes. I don\'t plan to spend the night on the balcony. If you plan to, you can. That is if you are an idiot."

Saying that I headed towards my room.

"Ah… You don\'t have to say it like that."

Daniel said with a pout.

Without saying anything I just waved my hand and got inside.


I closed the balcony door and sat on the couch that was in front of the Fireplace.

Anyways… It seems like it is not just me who lost memories…

Daniel… And Grandfather…

Why are you always there when I have some suspicion, Grandfather?

I hope you are what I think you are....