I Will Protect You This Time

Chapter 37 - The Seed Of Misunderstanding (Part 1)

Episode 34

(The Imprint)




Huff* Huff*

Isabella was breathing hard. Her whole body was flushed.

What just happened?! My legs are numb. I feel so weak.


I collapsed on the floor.

"Oh my God! My Lady!"


The maids in the room gathered around me. I looked down. I am too ashamed to see anyone right now!

"My Lady, grab my hand."

Saying that Ella helped me to get up.

"We have prepared a warm bath for you, Princess."

Cande said gracefully.

Yes! I need a bath for sure. My entire body feels so hot. I might feel better after a bath.

"Yes. Let\'s go now."

"As you wish."

As I was feeling weak, Ella and two other maids helped me reach the bathroom.

After that, the maids undressed me.



"Princess, your back-"

The maids gasped as if they were shocked about something.

Don\'t tell me! Did they find out about the kiss?!

"Wh-What is it?!"

I asked nervously.



"Blue Roses, Princess!"


"The imprint on your back, My Lady..."

Ella said with a surprised look.


What are they talking about?

Ella composed herself and said,

"Ahem! When the Ritual is done, normally the imprint of a beautiful Red Rosebud will appear in the back of the Female Partner. But My Lady, yours…".

What?! Really! I never heard of something like that. Now that I think about it, when Leonus kissed my back a bluish light brightened the room.

"But Princess, your imprint… It\'s not one bud."

Cande said with a surprised expression.

"And it\'s definitely not Red!"

"It\'s beautiful…"

"Is there something wrong with that?"

If there is, what-

Cande: "We don\'t know, Princess. This has never happened before."

Ella: "Don\'t worry, My Lady! Something so beautiful can never be wrong!"

I hope that is the case.

After that, I got into the tub.

The maids are washing my body that was covered with Leonus\'s blood.

After kissing me Leonus touched that place with his bloody hand. So my cheeks, neck, back had his bloody handprint. And my lips…

Ughh! I feel hot again.

While thinking that, Isabella unconsciously touched her lips with her fingers.

"Princess, you are blushing!"

Saying that the maids started laughing together.

Ughh~ They are all teasing me.

"Hey! Don\'t tease My Lady anymore."

Ella scolded the maids.

"Yes. We apologize, My Lady."

"It\'s okay."

After that, the maids became silent and started washing me properly using different kinds of fragrant herbs.

Now that I think about it, they weren\'t surprised to see me covered in blood. They didn\'t even ask whose blood it was.

Perhaps they knew about the Ritual from the very beginning. Ella should have warned me about this.

Dear Lord! Don\'t tell me, they knew about all those intimate actions. Those ki-

Ughh! I can never forget about this! Never!




After the bath, I came back to my room. The maids were preparing my dress for the banquet.

I was standing in front of the mirror.

I didn\'t understand what Ella meant when she said the imprint was beautiful. But now that I am seeing it, I understand what she meant.

It\'s gorgeous!

It was a long imprint in the middle of my back. Beautiful rose vines with blue rosebuds…

I wonder if it has any meaning…

"My Lady, you will be wearing this in today\'s banquet."

Ella showed me a beautiful blue dress with long sleeves. It was covered with beautiful red and white laces.


It\'s not a revealing dress.

After that, the maids helped me wear the dress.

Then they started doing my hair. As my hair was a bit wet, it was let loose. Then the maids put a sapphire head chain and a round sapphire earring.

They didn\'t change my chain for some reason. Well whatever the reason is, it\'s good for me anyway.

After a while, I was prepared for the banquet.

Knock* Knock*

"His Highness, the Crown Prince is entering."

Hearing that all of the maids stood at the corner of the room while bowing their heads.

What? Leonus?! Oh my gosh! I can\'t! I can never face him after what happened!

Suddenly with a loud noise, the door opened and Leonus entered the room. He was wearing a suit that had a similar colour as mine. There was a red scarf tied to his waist.


Leonus said while walking towards me.

He looked so tired in the morning. But why does he look so full of energy now?!

"You look beautiful, Princess."

Leonus said with a smile.

"Th-Thank you."

Aghh! Why is he smiling?!

"How do I look?"

"You look handsome."



"Then why are you not looking at me?"

Is he really asking that?! I looked at him in disbelief.


"Ahem* Sorry! I won\'t tease you anymore."


"Then shall we go now, My Lady?"

Leonus said while forwarding his hand.


I put my hand in his.

After that, Leonus grabbed my hands tightly and escorted me to the banquet hall.





The Royal Banquet Hall of the palace was bustling with people.

Almost all the Aristocrats joined the banquet. They were all curious about the appearance of their Crown Princess.


"I heard the Crown Princess is really beautiful."

Sarah Yasuji said excitedly.

"Well, me too. Ever since brother Randall returned home, he wouldn\'t stop speaking about the Princess."

Azleza Erlshade said while sighing.

"Even brother Lorenzo said she is pretty! Can you imagine! He even said the Crown Prince smiled whenever he was with her."

Madeleine Astorio said with amazement.

"What? He did?!"

Azleza said loudly with a befuddled expression. But soon she composed herself and covered her face with a fan.

"Ahem. Pardon me!"

"Now I can\'t wait to see her!"

Kayleigh Astorio said with eagerness.

"Me too!"

Druella Hornraven agreed with Kayleigh excitedly.

Some Young Ladies were gossiping together while drinking. They were the ones who literally ruled the social circle of the Capital after the Empress. And Azleza Erlshade has the most power in this group. As she is related to the Royal Family Members.

Anyways, another group of Ladies were chatting among themselves.

"Did you see Young Master Randall? He looks so handsome today!"

The lady with green hair said excitedly.

"I know right!"

Another girl with brown hair agreed enthusiastically.

"If you ask me, Young Master Samuel is more handsome! He has that bad boy aura in him!"

Another girl with yellow hair said while nodding his head.

"But Young Master Adler is more handsome."

A girl with light brown hair said dreamily.

"As usual. He is a hunk! His icy hair and his icy look! Kyaa~ He just stole my heart!"

The green-haired lady said.

"But No matter what, the Crown Prince is the most handsome."

The lady with pale-orange hair said. She was silent the whole time. And is the leader of this group of ladies.

"You are right, Lady Raina. We all can agree with that."

The lady with brown hair said while nodding her head.


\'But a mere human from the Loire stole him from me! My dear Prince. He must be so sad.\'

"But what, Lady Raina?"

"Ah… pardon me. It\'s nothing."


Suddenly a loud horn rang. And everyone present in the hall became silent.


With a loud noise, the giant door of the Banquet Hall opened.

"The Crown Prince Leonus Albus Carados Fellmirr and the Crown Princess Isabella Albus Carados Fellmirr are entering the banquet hall."

And Leonus alongside Isabella entered the banquet hall gracefully.




One hour ago.

Isabella\'s Room.

Clap* Clap*

With Alicia\'s clap, the maids entered the room.

"Hurry up and bring the dresses and the jewellery Isabella will be wearing to the banquet."

Alicia ordered the maids.

"As you wish, Your Highness."

After a minute, the maids entered the room with different kinds of extravagant dresses.

"Hmm~ Not this…"


The maids removed the dress.

"Not that…"


"Remove the black one… She just wore a white one so remove that one. That one… Too many stones. That one… too dark. Remove the green one."

\'Aghh! Slow down, Her Highness!\'

All the maids screamed internally as they were running around to remove the dress.

After 20 minutes…

"Yes! This one! Beautiful! She should wear this one!"

\'She will look so beautiful!\'


The maids sighed in relief.

"Now! Bring Leonus\'s clothes of the same colours!"

Alicia said with a bright smile.

\'No~ Not again!\'

The maids cried inwardly.

After a while, Alicia selected Leonus\'s attire.

\'They will look so cute wearing this! Now I should go too! I have to wear clothes of the same colour! We are a family after all. I will also have to choose clothes for Theo. I should hurry.\'

After that, Alicia got out of Isabella\'s Room.

\'Phew~ She finally left.\'

Maid 1: "I am dying to see My Lady\'s imprint!"

A maid said while arranging Isabella\'s dress.

Maid 2: "I know right?"

Imprint… It\'s a special mark that appears in the Female Partner\'s body as the Ritual ends with the blood pact from the Male Partner. And It\'s a ritual only for the werewolves.

Normally it\'s a bud of Red Rose. The shape and design differ from person to person. The bud will bloom once the couple bears the seed of their love.

So the maids\' excitement was understandable.

Clap* Clap*

Ella gathered the maids\' attention and said,

"Well, whatever. We can see that when the Princess returns from the Ritual. But right now, we should prepare a warm bath for her. And don\'t say anything after seeing blood in her body.".

"Yes. She is right. Try to avoid talking about that as much as possible. We don\'t want to cause her unnecessary worries. So don\'t ask anything and take her to bathe right away."

Cande said while agreeing with Ella.


The other maids agreed simultaneously.

\'Sigh~ She must be scared seeing the blood. Should I have warned her about the blood pact? But then she would\'ve been even tenser. Aghh! You have to be okay, My Lady.\'

Ella prayed inwardly.