I Will Not Be a Villain! I Will Be Happy With My Brother!

CH 8

It had been almost a year since I came to the Marquis Finlay’s household as I spent my days with my brother, father, and mother, all of whom were kind to me. A year in the kingdom of Lepherite ran from the first month to the twelfth month. The six days of the month were light, fire, wind, earth, and moon, while a month consisted of five weeks of thirty days. A short while ago, on the eleventh day of the eleventh month, I turned five years old.

‘It is true that we are supposed to have an unveiling party when I turn five, but my father and mother decided to hold the party only for those who are close to us when the weather gets warmer in the spring. Mother in particular is very excited about what kind of clothes she was going to make.

But that’s not the only reason why we decided on spring. The other reason is that my health will be better when it gets warmer. By the time summer comes, I will be a big brother.’

In the novel inside my ‘memory,’ there was no mention of me having a younger brother or sister. Therefore, I was happy to think that this might be another proof that things were different from the way the novel unfolded. ‘I hope things will continue to get better and better.’

“There’s a lot to do now that a baby girl is on the way. So, I’ll do my best!”

The doctor told me that my small size, lack of physical strength, and fever were all due to the fact that I hadn’t eaten enough food at the Count’s house or taken many walks during the daytime. For serious injuries or illnesses, one could go to the temple to be healed by a healing mage, but for a slight fever or cough, people would consult a doctor and take medicine.

So, according to the doctor, it was very important for me to eat well and be physically active from the time I was an infant until I was about three years old, and it would take time to make up for what I lacked during that period later.

‘I’m doing fine. I’ve even grown a little taller. But my hair has probably grown longer than my height.’

My fluffy hair, which was just touching my shoulders when I first arrived, now reached a little above the middle of my back, knotted with a blue ribbon. This ribbon was given to me by Brother Al.

Before my birthday, my brother Al asked me, “What color do you like?” and I replied, “I like the beautiful blue color like Al niisama’s eyes.” He was a little surprised when I told him this, but then smiled happily and eventually gave me this ribbon for my birthday. I was happy that everyone complimented me on how good it looked on me.

“It would have been nice if my hair and eyes were the same color as my brother’s.”

‘Instead of milk tea-colored hair and green eyes that didn’t look like anyone else’s. I don’t really like this color.’ Even grandfather Harvin used to get angry at me for not looking like him. I wondered what color of hair and eyes the newborn baby would have. As I was thinking this in a daze, I heard a knock at the door before it opened.

“Edward-sama, Mason-sensei has come to see you.”


When I turned five years old, I had a teacher who taught me about etiquette and academics. However, since they told me not to overdo it, the class was held only once per week. And today, was the day my teacher came to teach.

“Hello, Edward-sama.”

“Hello, Howard-sensei. Nice to meet you.”

The guy who came in was a tall guy with blue hair who wore glasses, with beautiful gray eyes, which looked cool. His name is Howard Chris Mason and also the next head of the Viscount Mason’s household as well as a friend of my father’s.

‘By the way, Howard-sensei’s child will eventually become one of ‘Beloved Child’s companions.’

Hence, I was surprised to learn my lessons from the father of someone who could have been hostile to me. Since I had been at peace ever since I arrived here, I tend to forget about the ‘memory’ of the novel. However, if I ended up forgetting too much, I might be on a route toward becoming a ‘Villainous Son.’

“You look fine.”

“Yes, I don’t oversleep as much these days.”

“I’m overjoyed.”

“Yes, I also enjoyed the sweets that sensei gave me the other day with Mother Patty. They were very delicious. Thank you very much.”

“I’m glad you liked them. I’ve brought different kinds of pastries for you today, so please enjoy them today. Let’s pick up where we left off last week with a little bit of history of this country and arithmetic.”

“I’ll do my best!”

‘I’m a little bad at history. It’s hard to understand when there are a lot of similar names. Although, I am pretty good at arithmetic.’

The reason for this was simply because it was there, inside my ‘memory’. Apparently, in the world described in Memory, even if you weren’t a merchant, you had to study some very difficult calculations. I didn’t understand everything, but the arithmetic I was currently doing now should be fine.

People might call it cheating, but I decided that since I had to work so hard not to become a “Villainous Son,” it was nice to have at least one reward like this.

“Although history is hard to remember, but there are many things we can learn from it. Because there are many times when the answers are hidden in events that we have forgotten.”

“This is difficult…”

“Yes, that’s right. Suppose, for example, that something very troubling just happened to you and you don’t know what to do,” Howard-sensei said, pushing his glasses up a bit.


“I would like to find out if something similar happened in history, how it was resolved, or what went wrong. If you know this, it will give you a clue as to what to do next.”


“Even if it is difficult to do now if I can remember what I have heard, I may be able to do one more thing.”

“I’d be happy if I can do more.”

“Fufufu~~, Edward-sama is very honest and soft-headed[1].”

“Eh? Is my head soft?”

Howard-sensei chuckled amusedly when he saw me touching my head. And, as for the other teacher, it was Theodore, the Finley household’s butler.

When I tried calling him Theo-sensei, he would tell me to just call him ‘Theo’ instead, saying that he’s the same as Marie. To that, I replied, “I understand. In general, Theo taught me about etiquette and also about the background of the Finley household. In addition, he also said he would teach me about language and writing.

While the letters of the alphabet here were similar to in the ‘Memory’, however, I couldn’t understand them which made me to practice hard. After all, the kingdom’s letters were more difficult than I imagined. And then, while I was feeling happy that I was getting better at writing, Theo suggested that I write a letter to my family.

“A letter to everyone? Even though we live together?”

“Yes. First, I think it would be best to write to someone who can immediately correct any mistakes. And,”


“Because we live together, it might be a good idea to write down things we normally wouldn’t say. Like things that make us happy, things we want to try, and feelings of gratitude.”

“I see…”

As I started to think that it might be a nice idea, Theo added, “If there’s something you’re a little embarrassed to say face to face, you might be able to convey it in a letter.”

“Okay, Theo. I’ll try to write a letter to my father, mother, and to Al nii-sama.”

“Yes. Please give it to me at the next etiquette lesson.”

“I’ll do my best.” I took a deep breath and looked at the beautiful paper that Theo had given me.

And one week later—

“Excuse me, ladies and gentlemen, may I have a moment of your attention, everyone?” Theo spoke up, smiling during dinner. It was finally time.

“Oh sure, what is it?”

“Edward-sama has become quite good at writing and hence he has written a letter for everyone. Please receive them.”

Nervously getting up from my chair at Theo’s words, I went to hand out the letters to everyone. They had already been checked by Theo and were said to be very nice letters filled with sincere feelings.

“Father, here’s your letter.”

“Thank you. I will read it carefully and write a reply.”

“Thank you very much. Mother Patty, here’s your letter.”

“Well, thank you. I will also write a reply. Can I read it now?”


“Al nii-sama, here’s your letter.”

“Thanks, Eddie. I will also write a reply.”

“Thank you very much.” Although I was a little embarrassed, everyone started to read my letter with a happy expression.

Father said, “I see! Yes, yes,” looking very pleased.

While Mother said, “Ma~ Ma~ Ma~! enjoying herself.

As for my brother…


Why is my brother’s face getting redder and redder? Did I write something funny? Even though Theo looked at me at it properly and told me it was fine.

“Al nii-sama?”

“Uh, yeah. …….. Thank you, Eddie. I’ll, uh, I’ll write you back.

“Oh, alright.”

Then he carefully put the letter back in the envelope.


Alfred’s POV

“To Al-niisama,

I was very happy when you called me “Eddie” for the first time. I love you, Al-niisama. Thank you for reading books with me.

Thank you for showing me the swordsmanship practice the other day. It was very cool, and the magic with the water was also wonderful. And thank you very much for the present of the blue ribbon, just like the color of Al-niisama’s eyes.  I was very, very happy. It feels like I’m always with Al niisama. I will cherish it.

From Edward”

I received a letter from Eddie. He told me that he had started to learn how to write and had been wanting to write a letter to his family for practice. Both Father and Mother also seemed happy to read the letter. Of course I was happy too, but… What should I write back? I unintentionally muttered. looked down once more at the words on the beautiful pale green letterhead, which must have been written with great effort.

And thank you very much for the present of the blue ribbon, just like the color of Al-niisama’s eyes.

I was very, very happy.

It feels like I’m always with Al niisama.

I will cherish it.

‘His fluffy milk tea-colored hair, which was getting longer, was tied with a green ribbon that the maid had prepared.’

“That’s it, I’ll give him a ribbon with his favorite color,” I uttered while thinking back to the time asked him, What color do you like?’ to which he replied, “I like the pretty color like Al niisama’s eyes.”

In truth, giving someone a ribbon in your own favorite color is usually reserved for someone you like. Of course, Edward probably didn’t know that.

I couldn’t bring myself to tell my stepbrother, who answered happily, “That’s great!”, that he was wrong. So I gave him the ribbon he wanted. Eddie was so happy, and even though our parents were a little surprised, they were glad we were getting along. Whenever I saw the light blue ribbon, which looked great against his milk tea-colored hair, I felt happy too.

But… “When it’s time to put into words like this, it’s really embarrassing, or what should I say…,” I groaned as I picked up my pen.

‘To Eddie, thank you for the letter. I also love Eddie very much. The ribbon looks really good on you. I was so happy when Eddie wore my colored ribbon.’

“Isn’t this like a love letter!! No, it’s different. That’s not it.”

‘Thank you for accepting the ribbon…’. “No, the blue ribbon looks really good on you… Ahhh…” I held my head in my hands.

“Should I just not mention the ribbon? Um, what about a book? Should I write about a sword? A magic one? Huh? Was it cool?” I crumpled up the paper and let out a big sigh.

“Calm down. What am I getting so worked up for? Honestly…,” Didn’t Father say it himself? What am I thinking, treating my younger stepbrother, who sincerely admires me in this lonely environment, like this!

And it was easy to tell from the small body of a four-year-old, the childish way of speaking, and the occasional frightened eyes that accompanied the words “I’m sorry. That’s why I have to cherish him.

“Phew…” After taking another breath, I remembered Eddie’s happy smile.

‘Al niisama!’

“…Alright.” And so, I turned back to the writing paper.

‘To Eddie,

Thank you for your letter. I love you too, Eddie. When you smile, it makes me happy too. Let’s continue reading books together, eating delicious sweets, and having lots of fun from now on.

From your big brother Al.’

Then, a while later I heard from Marie that Eddie was very happy when he read this letter, causing me to be very happy in response. I wanted to protect that happy smile of his when he happily came over saying, “Al niisama!”


[1] It means open-minded. The original phrase is 頭が柔らかい (atama ga yawarakai) = Literal translation would be soft-headed.