I Will Marry You

Chapter 11

He doesn\'t like to stay in such a shabby house built in the 1970s and 1980s, which seems to be smelling of mildew in every corner. If it wasn\'t for waiting for money, he would not have lived here for two days. He is now in a hurry to get the money and leave.

Ye Zhen was numb to his selfishness and handed the document to Huang Meihua: "it\'s your turn."

Huang Meihua shook his head: "ah, I don\'t want to sign. It\'s all a family. How can it be like this..."

Ye Zili was in a hurry: "Mom, what are you doing? Do you want me to get married

"I-I\'ll sign it now." Huang Meihua just can\'t refuse her little son\'s request. She shakes her head and raises her pen. "The family should love each other and help each other. They can\'t be clearly distinguished..."

No one paid attention to her words.

Ye Zhen picked up the guarantee and carefully put it into the bag. While transferring the account to Ye Zili, he said coldly: "I have recorded the conversation just now. If we have any dispute in the future, not only this guarantee can be evidence, but also this recording can be evidence."

"Big sister, you really have made a lot of efforts for this family, and my mother is sorry to ask you to give money to the family in the future." Huang Meihua knew that he and his little son had gone too far. He did not dare to criticize his daughter any more. So he changed the topic, "but can you tell mom how this money came from? Don\'t you think you\'re stupid enough to borrow money? If so, mom will go to the park every day to set up a blind date stand, and she will help you find a good economic condition... "

"Mom, you don\'t have to worry about that." Ye Zili frowned. "She must have asked for it from a man. How can a woman be so stupid that she doesn\'t ask for money from a man, but she goes to borrow usury?"

Ye Xun endured the pain in her heart and said with a smile: "I want it with a man, but not with my ex boyfriend."

Ye Zili said: "did you make a new rich boyfriend? This new boyfriend is so generous to you. It\'s good... "

"Not a boyfriend." Ye Zhen interrupted him, "it\'s a whore."

"A whore?" Huang Meihua and ye Zili were both startled.

Ye Zili said, "what kind of whore? It\'s not the kind of Whore I understand, is it? "

"Well, that\'s the kind of whore." Thinking of all his experiences in the past few days, Ye Zhen\'s eyes showed a kind of coldness, and deliberately stimulated them, "in order to get these 300000 yuan to live a happy life for you, so that you can stop calling me a loser and a cold-blooded animal, I auctioned my first night online, and finally an old man offered 300000 yuan. What you\'re taking now is my money. "

Ye Zili was stunned.

Huang Meihua was frightened.

"Big sister, how can you do such a thing?" Huang Meihua was deeply distressed. He only felt a burst of blackness in front of him. "How can you meet people when such a vulgar and shameless thing comes out? How can we meet people in our family? How did your father and I teach you when we were young? Girls should be clean and love themselves, not to be promiscuous with men, not to betray their bodies and dignity... "

"I don\'t want to." Ye Zhen interrupted her words with a sad smile, "but what are my feelings, my dignity and my innocence compared with my family? As long as you\'re happy, I should sell, right? "

"Are you, are you blaming mom?" Huang Meihua was so angry that she almost fainted, "my mother asked you to contribute money, but she didn\'t say that if you can\'t find the money, you don\'t want you. How can you put the responsibility on mother..."

"It\'s a foregone conclusion. If you think these 300000 are dirty, you can not."

Without waiting for Huang Meihua to open his mouth, ye Zili said in a hurry: "that won\'t do! No matter how the money comes from, what has been done can\'t be changed, and the money can\'t be wasted in vain

Huang Meihua:

For a long time, she fell heavily on the old sofa, covered her face with her hands, and said wearily, "you are already big, and your mother can\'t control you any more. You and you can do what you want in the future..."

"From now on, I don\'t owe you half a cent." Ye Zhen didn\'t even look at Ye Zili, but said to Huangmei Huadao, "I\'ll move out now and live in the dormitory of the company, so I won\'t give my family accommodation and board expenses any more. In the future, you just need to care about your favorite son. You don\'t have to worry about the water that will spill out sooner or later. Don\'t come to me for nothing big. I can feed myself and take good care of myself. "

Then she turned into the room and began to pack.

She wanted to move out long ago. This two bedroom and one living room house is the house of Feng Shu, Huang Meihua\'s second husband. Huang Meihua and Feng Shu share a room, and she and Feng Tingting, his daughter, share a room.

Although Feng Tingting is a college student and seldom comes back, she still doesn\'t like to have a room with Feng Tingting because she is used to being alone and pays attention to privacy. She just takes this opportunity to move out.

She didn\'t have much stuff. She packed it in half an hour. A suitcase, a backpack, OK.

This time, although she was carrying a salute, she walked with ease. It was like a heavy load that had been carried for a long time. Finally, the sky became open.

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