I Went Out With a Losing Heroine, But Before I knew It, My Childhood Friend, Who's Supposed to be The Winning Heroine Thought We Were Dating, Got Angry and Went Into an Argument

CH 36

“―Ehehe, Yō~”

How many hours have passed since then?

As if to make up for all the time that they haven’t met since then, Kasumi never got tired of rubbing her cheek against Yō like a cat.

Sometimes she would even rub her cheek against his neck, and Yō had to resist the tickling sensation.

(She looks like a grown-up, but she’s still a little child inside…)

Although Kasumi acts like an adult, she is actually a child at heart.

Since she was a child, Kasumi has always had an attitude of prodding others, just like Yō.

However, that doesn’t mean that she is cold-hearted at nature, she was actually just imitating Yō.

Yō grew tired of people who were jealous of his relationship with Kasumi or who made fun of him, so she began to reject them.

As a result, Kasumi began to love Yō, who had been with her ever since they were young.

This made her feel that she was being treated specially by Yō, and she thought that she could create a private space for her and Yō by not associating with anyone other than him.

This led her to shun others, but at heart she is just a spoiled child.

So whenever she was alone with Yō, she would instantly start to act spoiled around him.

And since Yō continues to spoil her, allowing her to be selfish most of the time, and if she has any problems, Yō immediately reaches out to her and solves them, her roots had remained as a child.

When he sees his childhood friend that hadn’t changed at all ever since they were small, Yō is reminded of his own sins.


“Yō, your hand has stopped. Can you pat me properly?”

Whenever she was pampered like this, he felt uncomfortable to refuse.

So, when Kasumi looked up at him and asked him to do so, Yō began to gently pat her head again.

That was all it took for Kasumi to fall in love with him.

(If the guys at school saw us like this, they’d all be bewildered and jealous…)

No one would imagine this based on how she usually acts since she acts very spoiled right now.

The students at school who only know the cool and unassuming Kasumi will suspect that she is a different person when they see her like this.

That’s how different the current Kasumi is from the Kasumi of school.


While he was pampering Kasumi in this way, Nya~san came to Yō’s room and climbed on top of Kasumi’s thighs.

It then appealed to Yō by purring for him to pet it too.

However, Yō’s hand is currently not free.

His left hand is running from Kasumi’s back to her stomach, and it is in charge of holding her in place.

His right hand is currently occupied stroking Kasumi’s head, and if he were to stop, Kasumi would instantly become sulky.

That’s why Yō didn’t have any hands left to pet Nya~san.

So instead of Yō, Kasumi reached out her hand to Nya~san.

“I’ll pet Nya~san for you.”


When Kasumi gently picked up Nya~san, it laid its head on Kasumi’s chest with a satisfied look.

Therefore, Kasumi began to stroke Nya~san’s head while being held by Yō.

The expression on her face was full of motherly love, and one could tell that she was very protective of Nya~san.

(I wish she wore this expression on a regular basis…)

While looking at Kasumi’s gentle expression, Yō couldn’t help but think about that.

“Hey, Yō.”


“Have you thought about Nya~san’s video debut?”

As he was staring at Kasumi’s face, she asked that while patting Nya~san’s head.

It was a project that Kasumi had been proposing to Yō for the past two years now.

“No, as I said before, I’m not going to post any video of Nya~san, okay?”

“Mouu~… Even though I made it learn some tricks…”

When Yō said no, Kasumi’s cheeks puffed up a little in disapproval.

“I don’t want to make a spectacle of Nya~san. Even Kasumi doesn’t want to show her face, right?”

“That’s right, but… it would definitely be more popular though…”

“Well, it’s our channel, so let’s not burden Nya~san with anything related to this.”

Kasumi felt like Nya~san would pose for the camera without much trouble, but Yō, who didn’t want to burden it too much, wasn’t going to give up on refusing.

Knowing this, Kasumi let out a sigh and started to play with Nya~san’s paw pads instead.

And then, she slowly opened her mouth.

“But I want to make a subchannel soon. Everyone has one, and if we only do scenery videos, we might hit our limit someday.”

This was something that Kasumi had been worried about for the past two years.

Fortunately, the number of viewers was still increasing and Yō was able to take videos of various sceneries, but she knew that there would be a limit one day.

Yō agreed with her and knew that he needed to start something new, but he and Kasumi had a conflict at the time and ended up postponing the issue.

Now that they had reconciled, they had to think about the future of the channel.

“Since Kasumi is a good singer, why don’t you try singing?”

“But that might hurt my throat though…. I want to keep my voice for narration.”


“Ah, that’s right! If me and Yō became a couple, let’s make a channel where we show our faces―”


“―*Thud! ―*Thud!”

“Ow! Ow! Don’t hit me like that.”

When he shunned Kasumi’s outrageous suggestion without hesitation, Kasumi puffed out her cheeks and started slapping Yō’s chest.

It seems that she didn’t like it very much.

In the end, the two of them couldn’t come up with an answer that day and continued to do things that from the outside looked like they were just a couple.