I Was Reincarnated as a Poor Farmer in a Different World, so I Decided to Make Bricks to Build a Castle

81 Rank

"You've noticed. Exactly. My magic amount has improved considerably since I named you Ars."

I see.

Father Paul gives his name to the church every year, but there is another church on the other land, and naturally there will be other priests there.

Then, even if we name it every year, the rising pace may be somewhat constant.

But there I was.

Perhaps the quality of my magic is also involved.

Compared to the rare magic of ordinary people, mine is much more intense magic, like drooling and boiled liquid.

But that's not all Father Paul's sudden increase in magic.

It's Valkyrie.

I created it as a service beast and named it.

The Service Beast Valkyrie has only been named once.

But all the Valkyries that were born after that had magic in them.

That means it is.

Don't all Valkyries have a parent-child relationship with me?

If so, the magic of Valkyrie must be flowing into Father Paul through my presence.

"The magic hasn't stopped rising since I named you a few years ago. And this time, my rank rose."

"Huh? What? Rank?"

"That's right. The rank rose. Looks like you don't know what it's like to go up the ranks."

"... yes, I don't know at all. Do you think leveling up will raise your status?

"Hmm. I don't know what the level is, but it just went up. As soon as you step up, you'll see. I can give you new magic."

Give me a new magic?

Does that mean you learn magic by leveling up?

... no, it's not.

This is probably like Wall building or Road laying magic.

Magic that consumes more magic at once than leveling or shotgun can't be used if the person has less magic.

It's not just that I can't use it, but I don't even understand that there are spells such as Wall Construction and Road Laying .

What if someone with less magic benefited from the opportunity to improve their magic amount to a certain value?

Perhaps it can be used suddenly if it exceeds a certain value.

That's what suddenly comes into the brain.

It may be that Father Paul will rise in rank.

Magic rises to a certain level, allowing you to use new magic.

Wouldn't it be strange to think that this is a gift from God without knowing anything?

"Wow. By the way, what is Father Paul's new magic?

Healing magic

Healing magic is something that heals wounds.

"That's right. Literally. And because of this rise in rank, I was able to go from being a priest or a priest to being a bishop."

"Bishop?... that's amazing, isn't it?

"Of course. The number of bishops is much lower than that of priests. That's why bishops, like priests, don't have churches, but have areas of a certain size."

"Heh, isn't that a big deal? Congratulations, Father Paul."


"Oh, I'm sorry. Congratulations, Bishop Paul."

"Very well, now that I've spoken to you, I'm finally getting to the point. Ars, why don't you leave your future with me?

"What is the future, mine?

I mean, was it a pretense until now?

Talk to me, Bishop.

"Let's summarize your current situation. You killed a soldier with a tax collector who visited the village of Vulka and agitated the peasants. They raided the next village and brought the villagers there to fight with the Fontana family. They have even killed the Fontana family's house and unjustly occupied the land, capturing six knights alive. There's no mistake in that."

"Wait, the way you say it is malicious. I'm not the only one who's wrong."

"There is still one. You steal the secret of the church's naming ritual without authorization, abuse it, and spread aggressive magic."


I thought the battle against the Fontana family itself would earn a great deal more than just a permit to own the land.

It's an excuse to push a little.

But I can't think of any excuse for the Magic Faction.

I am very weak when I am pushed in there.

"Now, do you have the math to take care of this situation, Ars?"

"No, I'm worried about how to fix things. I didn't think about the church at all."

"Shall I offer you the solution?


"It's a simple story. Your biggest problem now will be rubbing with the church. Then you have to figure out what to do to make sure it doesn't."


It would be helpful if there was a way not to develop a conflict with the church, but I don't have any problems with the Fontana family.

But it would be a mistake to leave the Fontana family behind and finish interacting with the church first.

Or rather, it would be troublesome if the church were more at odds.

"Hmm, how can you not rub against the church...."

The problem with the status quo is that I used my magic team to name myself and increased the number of people who could use magic.

I don't know if I can do it as a countermeasure, but I wonder if I can't use magic by losing the Vulcan surname of the person I named.

But you know I was able to use magic on the villagers...

"Ah, maybe you want me to go to church."

"It's delicious. Those belonging to the church will be broken if they find out they can use aggressive magic. It means that magic passes pass through the church besides the church officials."

"Seriously, you're not even allowed to leave home....."

"There's a simpler way to do this."

"Easy way? Sorry, I can't think of anything."

Well, let's start with me. Here's what I report to the church. It wasn't you who gave the villagers the Barca last name, it was me. "

I wonder what that means.

Maybe he'll cover for me.

But Father Paul, no, I don't know why the bishop bothered to cover for me.

I wonder if they will demand something in return.

I saw Bishop Paul in front of me and felt his spine twitching.