I Was Reincarnated as a Poor Farmer in a Different World, so I Decided to Make Bricks to Build a Castle

343 Gifts

Billy, are you there?

"Ah, Mr. Ars. Excuse me. However, the incubation of the [spawning] servant beast has not yet been realized...."

"Oh, I've heard the report. I know because I've read the documents that came up here."

"Oh, I'm sorry. It wasn't as good as I thought."

"Well, I thought it would be difficult, but it's not that easy. But I'm not going to blame Billy, so don't worry. Because tracking and sightseeing birds are good enough."

"Ah, thank you, Ars. But why are you here today?

"No, actually, I remember seeing a failed beast in a previous report. I missed it then, but I thought it might have been a useful service beast. I'm here to ask you about him."

"Is it a failure? Ah, as Arus-sama knows, here [spawning] is basically used for the service beast race, which is unlikely to lead to the beast type you have. However, they may no longer be there because they are judged to be unfit for entertainment and will be disposed of if they are not connected to the Beast type. Do you know what kind of beast he was?

"Ah, it must have been a bird-shaped service beast that keeps losing its hair, even if it's sick. It didn't work like a tracking bird or a wind bird, it didn't have a lot of magic, and I think there were reports of failures that it couldn't even be used in a race."

"Is it a bird that keeps losing its hair? What will you do with such a failed work, Master Ars?

"If I remember correctly, there must have been talk of a lot of hair coming out and having trouble dealing with hair loss. Strangely enough, my hair is falling out more and more than the size of my body. I came to ask Billy if I could use the hair loss. Can you make it again?

"Um, please wait. I remember that time. Ars was right, because the hair was scattered in the lab.... uh, there was. I think we can still reproduce the magic formula in the materials."

"Well, if you'd like to make that hairless bird again, Billy."

"Wow, I see. Hmm, but what do you use it for, a failed work like that?

"No, I wonder if hair loss is more available than the beast itself. I was wondering if I could make a duvet."

Can you do anything for Liliner?

I thought so, but I realized that I didn't have much to offer you.

It is not the first time I have seen a pregnant woman in this world.

Anyway, I've known my surroundings since I was a kid.

We'll see when your mother's pregnant with Kyle.

But it's too different to try to be the same pregnant woman.

The situation is very different between farmers living in extreme poverty and Liliana, who lives in a castle and serves excellent aspects such as Clarice.

Of course, Clarisse and others know how to treat these pregnant women.

For that reason, I think the best thing I can do is to fulfill the request that this is necessary and that is what I want you to do.

But there was something that I still thought was necessary.

It is a tool for weathering the cold weather with your weight.

In other words, I thought I might enrich my body with warming tools.

To that end, the Balka Castle was subtly renovated.

I had a room like a heating room in one of the rooms.

Flame Ore is installed there.

If you put a magic stone into the flame ore, an ultra-high temperature flame will appear, warming the temperature of the room.

The room was then connected to the outside of the room by a pipe that served as an air passage.

I magically forced the hardened brick tubing inside the castle.

Heated air flows through it and into the living-space of the Liliner.

In other words, we decided to use the air conditioner instead of sending the air heated by flame ore to another room.

In the meantime, there should be no structural problems because the pipes are connected in consultation with the grand that made Balka Castle.

Flame ores can send warm air with very high thermal power, even without firewood, and should not be stained with soot.

We've been able to connect to other rooms, so we've created an air-conditioning system that doesn't suffer from acid deficiency.

But I didn't want to end it alone.

I wanted to push to create another warm situation, either because several rooms were to be warmed together, or because it was not as cold as it was warm.

It was the bedding that caught my eye there.

Unlike poor farmers, there were warm furs and blankets, but now I realize that there is nothing like a fluffy duvet.

Then I'll make it myself.

When I thought about it, I remembered the hairless bird type that I had previously received from the Service Beast's failure report.

Billy reported that he was able to reproduce the bird type after a while, so I went to see it.

Then there was a rounded waterfowl-like servant beast.

Even before I saw it, my hair was sharp and falling out.

Billy told me that this feather would continue to fall out without baldness if he fed the bird enough.

What is naturally missing is a beautiful little white feather.

However, when I touched the chest of the bird with my fingers to scratch it, I also got hair like cotton hair like a fluffy pussy.

Like down and feathers?

It's easy to tell if he's really a waterfowl, but I'll actually use this feather to make a futon.

Try making a futon with just a down, feather, or mixing both.

That's how it's done.

A smooth and durable cloth was prepared, and a futon was made by putting feathers with more feeling down in it.

The finished duvet is light and has a smooth touch, but it is also very warm.

Discuss it with Clarice and have her finish off with a clean embroidery on the cloth before giving it to Liliner.

Wrapped in a comfortable duvet that feels like heaven, Liina thanked me with tears after losing her words for a while.

All right, we made it.

I haven't done anything decent about my family, but this should have earned me quite a few points.

While looking at Liliana's happy face, she thought of such a thing.