I Was Caught up in a Hero Summoning, but That World Is at Peace (LN)

Volume 9 - CH 5

As I walked to the dining room, feeling the morning chill and waiting for the delicious breakfast to arrive, before my breakfast could even arrive, the door to the dining room was vigorously opened with a bang.

[Kai-chan! It’s me!!!]

[……G- Good morning. Fate-san.]

The one who opened and appeared at the door was the problem child of the Divine Realm…… It was Fate-san, Alice’s twin who was just as no-good as her, and she would irregularly come here after “skipping work”. Fate-san always appears out of the blue, and I guess she has also come to visit here today because she skipped work. When I returned her greeting with that in mind, Fate-san said something unexpected with a cute smile on her face.

[Unnn, good morning. Kai-chan…… This might be abrupt, but for now, come to the “Hydra Kingdom” with me!!!]

[……Huh? No, what are you suddenly……]

[Thank you! I knew Kai-chan would willingly agree with me!]

[Ehh? No, no!? I still haven’t…… Wait, why are you grabbing my arm!? Also, what’s with that magic circle!?]

[Then, let’s go~~]


Fate-san didn’t care about any of my responses…… No, it feels as if she was converting what I said into something outrageously convenient for her, and grabbing my hand, she invoked a magic circle…… an unmistakably Teleportation magic circle…… and my body was engulfed in light.

* * * * * * * * * *

After watching the momentary event of Kaito being taken away, Lilia and the others began eating breakfast that had been brought to them as if nothing particularly happened.

[……Haahhh…… It’s happening again huh……]

[Well, it’s Kaito-san after all.]

[It’s Kaito-senpai after all.]

[It’s because it’s Miyama-sama……]

Looking at Lilia-san, who lets out a huge sigh while smearing jam on a bread, Aoi, Hina and Lunamaria muttered as if to say that it’s the same as usual. Hearing their words, Lilia’s shoulders slumped down before lightly waving her hand to give instructions.

[……Please bring me my stomach pills.]

[Milady, I don’t think drinking stomach pills before something happens would do anything……]

[It’s fine…… In the end, he would probably go back after befriending the king over there…… In the end, I would probably feel really troubled again……]

[……It’s frightening how I can’t deny what you said at all.]

* * * * * * * * * *

When I slowly opened my eyes which were reflexively closed from the light of the magic circle…… I found myself in front of a temple on the seashore, while the scent of the sea drifted in the wind. The temple was very beautiful and picturesque, standing on a small hill next to the blue ocean. While looking at that beautiful scene with dumbfounded eyes, I called out to the main culprit standing next to me.

[……Fate-san, I have many things to say, but first of all…… Why did you suddenly bring me to the Hydra Kingdom!?]

Yes, I was currently at a temple near the capital of Hydra Kingdom. The Hydra Kingdom is a country I have yet to visit in the Human Realm. I remember hearing from Alice that it’s a country where trade is thriving.

[That’s a good question, Kai-chan.]

[No, rather than talking about whether it’s a good question or not, you’ve completely become a kidnapper.]

[I guess so……. It’s a long story but……]


Thoroughly ignoring my objections, Fate-san began to slowly talk about how this happened, staring at the ocean with her eyes narrowed.

* * * * * * * * * *

Going back in time, a few dozen minutes ago.

Fate was slacking in her temple in the Upper levels of the God Realm. Just as she was rolling around on the cushions strewn around the place, her mind made up that she would stay in this position for the rest of the day, it happened.

[God of Fate! Would you cut it out!!!?]

[Uwaahhh!? G- God of Time and Space!? W- What’s the matter?]

[The matter here is you! What happened with the preparatory meeting for the Festival of Heroes! Only the area you’re in charge of hasn’t given their report!!!]

[……W- What about the God of Life?]

[She’s already done!!!]

Each of the Supreme Gods of the God Realm is in charge of one of the nations of the Human Realm. Chronois, the God of Time and Space, is in charge of the Symphonia Kingdom, Life, the God of Life, is in charge of the Archlesia Empire, and Fate, the God of Fate, is in charge of the Hydra Kingdom. The information coming from the subordinates are sorted out by the High-ranking Gods, and it finally arrives at the hands of the Supreme God, Fate. Since the Festival of Heroes is being held this year, in addition to the usual blessings and other reports, each country also has to organize the preparations for the Festival of Heroes, and so, the Gods and the royal families would conduct a meeting and adjust their schedules for the Day of the Festival of Heroes.

[……T- To cause me such torture you call as labor……]

[Stop messing around! If you don’t give them instructions, the Low-ranking gods won’t be able to advance in the next preparatory meeting!!! There are even some cases where the Low-ranking Gods and the royal family would hold a collaboration event. If that’s the case, we must proceed as soon as possible or we will not be able to make it in time!!!]

[……N- No, you see, I’ve properly given all the work at this point…… So even if we’re just a bit late……]

[Fool! You’re forcing your work on the “God of Disasters” too much!!!]


Yes, as usual, Fate isn’t doing her job properly…… Or rather, she has thrown almost all of her work to the High-ranking God under her direct supervision and that has been found out by Chronois. Chronois clearly looks infuriated, and the atmosphere around her tells Fate that she won’t let her off today. Looking at Chronois like that, Fate began thinking of an excuse as sweat dripped down her back, but before she could think of one, Chronois let out a loud sigh.

[……Haahhh…… Well, fine. If that’s the kind of attitude you will have, then I have an idea.]

[A- An idea?]

[Yes, the preparatory meeting would be quicker if you went directly right? Go to the Hydra Kingdom, the country you’re in charge of, and personally attend the meeting.]

[Eeehhhh~~ No way. Why should I bother doing that……]

Chronois nonchalantly said that while her eyes stare at Fate, but of course, Fate doesn’t follow her and voices out her displeasure. However, Chronois looks at the displeased Fate and a grin appears at the corners of her lips.

[……By the way, God of Fate. The Six Kings Festival…… You were looking forward to it, right? It’s one of the few festivals that us Supreme Gods can attend after all.]

[……D- Don’t tell me……]

[Yeah, if you don’t want to do your work, that’s fine. However, if you don’t get that job done within the Light month…… You’ll only have to participate in the Six Kings Festival in your dreams!]

[Geehhh!? H- How could you…… You’re a demon! A devil!!!]

[Whatever you say, this is something settled. If you don’t do your job as I’ve said…… I will use all of my efforts to prevent you from attending the Six Kings Festival. Don’t think I will forget about this, okay?]


Leaving those words behind, Chronois leaves and Fate, who was left alone in the room, became dejected.

* * * * * * * * * *

[……And that’s what happened! She’s a devil!]

[Isn’t it completely your fault!?]

So, what she’s saying is that Chronois-san got pissed off at her for not working hard enough, and as punishment, she told her to go directly to Hydra Kingdom and negotiate with them, or Chronois-san wouldn’t let her participate in the Six Kings Festival. And thus, Fate-san reluctantly decided to do her job…… Yep, no matter how I look at it, it’s Fate-san’s fault.

[……Wait, hold on for a moment. Doesn’t that mean that you don’t have any reason to bring me here?]

[That’s exactly the reason. You’re my tag-along!]


[Because, you see, I need to do this torture that they call work…… and so, I need to heal my heart! That is to say, I need Kai-chan! That’s why, let’s get married!!!]

[I don’t know what you’re talking about there.]

She’s thinking about the craziest ideas like usual, but in short, she wants me to hang out with her…… She wants someone to talk with in her free time. It’s outrageously unreasonable of her…… But well, I’m already used to it to some extent.

[……Haahhh…… Well, I wanted to try visiting Hydra Kingdom at least once before, so I guess that’s fine…… But don’t expect me to say anything in that meeting, okay?]

[Ahh~~ That’s okay. The meeting will be done by me and “my subordinates”, so Kai-chan can go randomly sightseeing during that time~~]

[I- I understand.]

[After that, let’s go on a date!]

[……I’ll try considering it positively.]

[Doesn’t that reply mean that you would likely refuse?]

Responding to Fate-san’s suggestion with a suitably unclear response, I started looking around again. Are we in a port town at a reasonable distance away? The streets are quite wide and further in the distance……. There’s a castle-like building, though it looks a bit blurry from here.

[Then, are we going to head to that town first?]

[Eh? No. Let’s go ahead and meet up with my subordinates…… They should be waiting in the temple over there.]

[I see, alright then.]

[Unnn! Then, here!]


From where we are now to the temple, I guess it was about 200 meters? Anyway, it’s not a large distance, so I tried walking over there, but for some reason, Fate-san was looking at me with her arms outstretched.

[……Errr, what is it?]

[Kai-chan, carry meee~~]


[I’m fine even with piggyback!]


Seriously, what the heck is she saying?

[……I’ll ask just in case. Why are you asking me to carry you?]

[Because walking is a pain in the ass!]

[Where is that flying cushion you usually have?]

[Well~~ I thought this situation would happen, so I le——- I forgot about it!]

Just now, didn’t she just completely say that she left it behind? Did you do that on purpose? Hey, did you do that on purpose?

[……How about we just get going already?]

[Don’t wanna~~! Carry me, give me a piggybaaaaack! Kai-chan, you won’t leave me behind, right? You wouldn’t leave this frail me behind, right!?]


I’d really like to slap her a tsukkomi and ask who’s weak here again, but I gulped it down and looked at Fate-san with astounded eyes. Fate-san’s eyes are tearing up, and they look as if they are clinging on me…… They were the eyes of someone that clearly knew my weakness. However, no matter how easy I may be, I’m not going to help Fate-san with her laziness today…… I’m not going to help…… is what I had planned to do……


[……I- If it’s just piggyback……]

[Great! As expected of Kai-chan! That’s my husband for you!]

Can you stop talking like you’re my wife? It may bring a complete misunderstanding. Letting out a big sigh at Fate-san, who is still the same as ever, I crouched down in front of her, resenting myself for being too weak to people who are clinging to me in tears. Thereupon, without hesitation or indecisiveness at all, Fate-san jumps onto my back and her twin hills, disproportionately large for her height, are pressed against my back.

[L- L- L- Let’s go!]


The soft feeling behind me made my heart pound, but I stood up and started walking towards the temple, pretending to be as calm as possible. Fate-san seems to have shifted into her full slacker mode though, as she was sticking her body closer to me than I expected…… Or rather, with her chin on my shoulder, she’s lazily sticking on my body just like melted cheese.

[Fuaahh~~ Kai-chan’s back feels warm~~ It feels really good here~~ I’ll just go live here. I’ll go spend all my life on Kai-chan’s back~~]

[Please don’t do that.]

Fate-san’s breath slightly brushed against my cheeks as she spoke with her chin on my shoulder, and I could smell a pleasant scent of something like peaches wafting through the air. Fate-san’s hair tickled me a little when they brush against my neck, and more than this ticklish feeling, I felt my face somehow getting hot, and pushed by my embarrassment, I walked a bit faster to the temple.

When I reached the front of the temple with Fate-san on my back, two women were waiting for us there. One is slender and tall, with bright pink hair neatly pulled back in a neat bun, and has an image of a reliable woman. The other was a rather petite woman, around 150 cm, with long white sidelocks that are longer than the rest of her hair…… She’s wearing a black robe over her dark green sailor uniform…… Why is she wearing a sailor uniform?

[Thank you for the wait~~]

[No, thank you for gracing us with your presence, God of Fate-sama.]


Fate-san, who is still on my back, called out in a lackadaisical tone, and the pink-haired woman bows her head with a smile, while the woman in the sailor uniform silently looked towards another direction.As Fate-san gets off my back, the pink-haired woman comes up to me and deeply bows to me.

[It’s a pleasure to meet you, Miyama-sama. I’ve seen you in person at Duchess Albert’s home, but this is the first time we’ve spoken like this. I am God of Fate-sama’s subordinate, and the low-ranking God in charge of this land…… I’m the God of Love, Heart.]

[Ah, yes. I’m Miyama Kaito. It’s nice to meet you.]

[Pleased to be your acquaintance.]

The pink-haired woman…… The Low-ranking God who governs romance, Heart-san, seems to be the God in charge of this area. My impression of her is that she’s a capable person, and with her crisp and clear way of speaking, it feels like she’s a great career woman.

[Come on, Senpai too……]


After greeting me, Heart-san called out to the woman in a sailor uniform next to her, calling her Senpai, but this Senpai still didn’t speak. No, in fact, she won’t even make eye contact with me…… She’s been staring at the sides, 45 degrees diagonally at the bottom side for a long time, with a glare on her face as if she’s being told to greet her enemy who killed her parents. Staying like this won’t get anywhere, so I approached the woman in sailor uniform and bowed to her.

[E- Errr, nice to meet you, I’m Miyama Kaito.]



This person’s amazing…… This is the first time I’ve met someone like her in all my life. She’s being so blatantly repugnant to someone she has never met before…… With a face that completely reads “I will never speak to this guy”……

[……U- Ummm……]

[……God of Disasters……]


[I’m the God of Disasters…… “I hate you”, that’s why I won’t tell you any more than this.]

[Wait, Senpai!]

I- I’ve been told that they don’t like me from the first time we met…… T- This is quite the shocking event.

The atmosphere around her was so hostile that I couldn’t help but take a step back, and Fate-san, who was standing next to me, spoke.

[Hey, God of Disasters!]


[I’m sorry, Kai-chan. She’s a really excellent girl but…… She has fear of strangers and doesn’t really open up to people she doesn’t know.]

[……H- Huhh……]

No, it isn’t like she won’t open up to me, she’s completely hostile to me, you know!? What the heck is happening? Did I do anything to her?

[U- Ummm…… God of Disasters…… -sama?]


[Have I done something to you that you hated?]


……Silence. Isn’t this too unreasonable? It’s fine if she has fear of strangers but…… Suddenly being told that they hate you, and even now, the person won’t even make eye contact with me, as expected, I would think there would be some other reason other than her fear of strangers. As I continued to stare at God of Disasters-san while thinking that, she clicked her tongue again before glaring at me.

[It’s your fault…… It’s your fault……]


[How many times do you think God of Fate-sama had forced her work on me, saying “I’m going to go visit Kai-chan~~”!!!? It’s all your faaaauuuullllttttt!!!]


The reason was Fate-san!? Or rather, God of Disasters-san is completely tearing up now, you know!? How much work did you push on her!? I see, so that’s why she was that hostile to me……. Unnn, it was all Fate-san’s fault, but I can’t help but feel sorry for her. Moreover, with her anger towards me, it may not be possible for me to repair our relationship…… As expected, that’s a bit difficult to do.


With that in mind, my shoulders slumped down and I spoke.

[……Ummm, it may not be something that you can forgive me for but…… I’m sorry. I think the reason why God of Disasters-sama is angry is justified.]

[Eh? Ahh, that’s not it!?]


I thought it was better to just apologize here rather than poorly argue that it wasn’t my fault, so I apologized, but for some reason, immediately afterwards, the tone of God of Disasters-san’s voice changed, and when I looked up, God of Disasters-san was flustered for some reason.

[I- It’s not like I’m blaming you……]


[No, Senpai. You were completely blaming Miyama-sama just now. You were bursting out, you know?]

[Eh? Ahh…… I- It’s not like that, the one at fault here was God of Fate-sama! You have nothing to apologize for!!!]

[Ehh? Ah, yes.]

When she told me that in a rather flustered tone, I confusedly looked back at God of Disasters-san. Thereupon, God of Disaster approached Heart-san, and with a pale expression on her face, she spoke to her.

[W- W- W- What should I do!? H- He became depressed…… Did I say too much? That’s a bit too much, isn’t it? Should I apologize……]


[Then, why don’t you just go ahead and apologize?]

[Ah, errr…… O- Otherworlder!]

[Ah, yes!?]

[I’ll forgive you just this once!!!]

[H- Huhh……]

[…….Senpai, that still doesn’t mean you apologized, you know?]

Arehh? Could it be that God of Disasters-san is a nice person? I mean, she’s speaking strangely and she still won’t look me in the eye but…… The point is, she’s being sorry for saying too much, right?

[……S-…… Shea.]


[My name is Shea! I- I’ll make an exception and allow you to call me by my name! You’re just an exception, okay!!!?]

[Y- Yes. It’s nice to meet you, Shea-san.]

[…….Hmph! N- Nice to meet you……]

Saying that somewhat shyly, Shea-san turned away again. Hmmm, how should I say this…… I think she’s a deep person…… I guess it’s partly because she’s afraid of strangers, but anyway, I feel like she would talk so fast and go on and on that I’m overwhelmed. However, she’s a nice person deep inside huh…… She also properly returned my greetings…… Hmmm, she’s the type of person I’ve never met before.

[……Nwahh? Are you done talking?]

[……Fate-san, who do you think is responsible for all of this?]

[It’s definitely because God of Disasters! It’s all God of Disasters’ fault!!!]

[U- Uwaaaahhhhnnn!!! God of Fate-sama, I hate youuuuuuuuuu!!!]

[Yes, it’s completely Senpai’s fault. Acting like a child on a tantrum, how pathetic.]

[I hate you toooooooooo!!!]

She started crying…… Somehow, I’m really starting to feel pity for her. Or rather, going on that preparatory meeting with these members, are they going to be alright? The good-for-nothing Fate-san, and the crying Shea-san, who started drawing circles on the ground…… Is the only proper member of their group Heart-san!?

Perhaps sensing my uneasiness, Heart-san turns to me and smiles.

[It’s alright. It may not be obvious, Senpai is just below God of Creation-sama and the Supreme Gods, and is the number 5 in the God Realm…… You can rely on her when the time comes.]

[I- Is that so……]

What a surprise, Shea-san was apparently the number 5 in the God Realm…… Is the God Realm alright? ……Well, looking at the person standing at the top……

(If you suddenly praise me, I would get embarrassed.)

I’m not praising you! You airhead goddess!!!

Looking at the chaotic situation in front of me while quickly slapping a tsukkomi towards the voice that echoed in my brain.

[Ahh~~ I’m so tired~~ I don’t want to walk a single step more~~]

[……I want…… to go home.]

[Then, why don’t you just go back home? Come now, Senpai, go home.]

[Shut up! Idiot!!!]

How should I say this…… I feel really uneasy about the future.

After some time has passed, I walk towards the port city with the rejuvenated Shea-san, Fate-san and Heart-san. I strangely didn’t see anyone along the way, and just as I was craning my head around, Heart-san apparently gave instructions to the residents beforehand to wait in the city for Fate-san, the Supreme God, to come. Come to think of it, Fate-san surprisingly didn’t ask for a piggyback ride when we were heading into the city. Walking for a while without having any particular conversation with each other, when the gate to the city came into view, Fate-san looked up at me and spoke.

[Okay then, Kai-chan. We’ll go to the preparatory meeting, so Kai-chan can go sightseeing in the meantime…… God of Love.]

[Yes. Miyama-sama, please look at this.]

[……What’s this?]

[The meeting probably won’t end today, so I’ve arranged for accommodations here. I have already contacted Duchess Albert about this, so you can stay here for these few days.]

[Y- Yes. Thank you.]

Heart-san handed me a map with the location of the inn, which is apparently the place I’m staying at today…… Eh? I mean, they’ve already decided to stay in a place that I don’t know about? W- Well, I’d certainly like to have a tour around the Hydra Kingdom…… so it should be fine.

[Well then~~ I’m looking forward to our date after the preparatory meeting , okay!?]

[……Errr…… Ah, yes.]

I don’t remember agreeing to that date at all, but I think that refuting Fate-san here would be useless. When I received the map, my thoughts completely resigned from what was happening……

[Well then…… Shall we go?]

[ [ Hahh!!! ] ] ]

[ ! ? ]

At that moment, the atmosphere around Fate-san changed. An intimidating feeling of sharpness and coldness, as if she was a sharpened blade…… It’s a feeling that I can’t imagine from the usual Fate-san. While I’m surprised by the atmosphere she had, Fate-san and the others walked into the gate. Thereupon, a group of people who looked like gatekeepers opened the gate in a somewhat flustered manner…… And spreading out in that area was a cluster of people that filled the view.

The Supreme God, Fate-san…… The people undoubtedly came to see her, and seeing Fate-san’s figure, all of them dropped down on both of their knees and bowed their heads so quietly that it was quite surprising. In the midst of thi overwhelming scene, people dressed in luxurious armor…… people who look like knights approached Fate-san and gave her an extremely deep bow.

[……We bid you welcome, God of Fate-sama. Seeing your lovely countenance is our greatest honor……]

[Your compliments are unnecessary. Can you just quickly lead us now?]

[Y- Yes…… Excuse our rudeness!!!]

Is this person really Fate-san? It may be rude of me to ask this, but such thoughts came to my mind. The words she spoke were so cold and heavy…… as if those words won’t allow even the slightest rebuttal at all…… Held within those words were the pressure of the absolute, they could even be considered as a true divine revelation. It even felt as if the temperature around the area dropped several degrees with just those few words. As I was stunned, unable to say anything because of feeling a part of Fate-san that was unlike her, Shea-san came up to me and quietly muttered.

[……You should become aware that you are just special.]


[You are allowed to speak and even touch God of Fate-sama as an equal…… That is proof that God of Fate-sama considers you special…… You should bear that in mind.]

[……Y- Yes.]

Only saying those few words, Shea-san followed Fate-san as they started walking away. Since the preparatory meeting is going to be attended by Fate-san and the others, I stayed where I was and watched their backs as they walked away.

* * * * * * * * * *

After parting ways with Fate-san and the others, I was leisurely walking around the city to check the location of the inn. It’s a lively port city, and the wooden stalls are lined with all sorts of large and small fishes, and the voices of people selling them are resounding around. I’ve never been to Tsukiji before, but it may have a scene like this.

(T/N: Tsukiji is a fish market in Tokyo.)

While I was looking at the bustling, refreshing hustle and bustle, I was thinking about having something to eat while sightseeing, when I heard a familiar voice. When I looked back at the direction of the voice, there was a…… blue…… blue…… fish…… stuffed animal.

[They’re freshly fresh~~ Freshest of all fresh~~! They’re all fishes fresh from the net!!!]


[Ahh, Kaito-san! What do you think? I really recommend this o—– Fugyyaaahhh!?]

Oops, now I’ve gone and done it…… She looks really suspicious, so I reflexively hit her. Well, whatever. It’s just an idiot selling fish in a fish costume in a city like this, making herself look impossibly stupid after all…… It’s just Alice after all.

[Are you treating me too meanly!?]

[……What the heck are you doing here?]

What the heck happened for Alice, the owner of a general store in Symphonia Kingdom, to sell fish in a stuffed fish costume in a port city in Hydra Kingdom?

[Ahh, by the way, I’m the clone Alice-chan!]

[By the way, I’m the real Alice-chan!]

The idiot in a fish constume tells me as she strikes an idiotic pose, while a familiar masked idiot appears from behind me, also in an idiotic pose. A pincer attacked by two idiots…… What a terrifying formation, they have.

[……I’ll repeat it again. What the heck are you doing here?]

[Well~~ You see, just the general store won’t feed my gam…… my stomach, so I was having my clones take a second job too……]


[……You said gambling just now, didn’t you?]

[A- A- Are you sure you’re not just imagining things? A- Anyway, my clones are doing business all over the place! Having this cute Alice-chan all over the place really fills the world with happiness, doesn’t it!!!?]

[……Can I hit you again?]

[Hieehhh!? P- Please don’t ! The sidejob Alice-chans are fragile. If you hit them a few times, they’ll disappear! I know that Kaito-san has an extreme fetish to cause violence, but please excuse me from t——- Ouch!? You just went and hit my real body!?]

Anyway, I hit the masked idiot this time. Seriously, how much of a waste of specs is she…… Or rather, selling fish as a side job…… Is that really alright? Even though you’re supposed to be one of the Six Kings…… Feeling my head ache, I took a sidelong glance to the Alice in a fish costume who returned to trying to sell her fishes again, before talking to the main body Alice.

[……So, by the way, are they selling well?]


What a sad silence it is. It’s getting harder for me to watch. Well, no matter how I look at it, I think it’s the stuffed costume’s fault…… Heck, why is she even wearing that stuffed costume? What’s with her passion for stuffed costumes?

[W- Well, putting that aside…… Kaito-san!]


[I heard it! Or rather, I personally heard it! Going on a date with Fate-san, what does this mean!?]

[Eh? N- No, that’s just something Fate-san selfishly……]

[It’s not that I don’t want you to go on a date with Fate-san, but when are you going to take me to a fancy dinner date!? Even neglect play has its limits, you know!?]

[……Fancy…… Dinner date?]

Arehh? What is it, that sounds kind of familiar……

——-Go on a date with me with a fancy dinner……

——-I- I understand.


Feeling my face turning pale, I felt cold sweat begin to run down my back. T- That’s right…… I- I do remember making such a promise. T- This is bad, I completely forgot about it.

[……No way…… Don’t tell me!? Kaito-san!?]

[Ah, no, errr……]

[You forgot, didn’t you!? You wiped out the memory of that time into oblivion!!!? You just put it away in your mind, thinking that “It’s just Alice anyway, so it’s okay”, didn’t you!!!?]

[……I- I’m sorry!!! T- That’s not it, I’m not thinking that it’s just Alice anyway or anything like that…… It’s just that there was quite the commotion around that time, so I completely forgot about it…… I- I’m sorry!]

As Alice resolutely protested at me, I hurriedly bowed my head. I’ve completely done it…… It completely slipped out of my mind. After making that promise to Alice, I was quite busy with my confession to Kuro and replying to Isis-san’s confession, that it completely disappeared from my memory. T- There’s no excuse for this. This is completely my fault.

[That’s cruel, Kaito-san! I was looking forward to it!!! I just thought that you were teasing me, you know!? I never thought that you really would……]

[I- I’m really sorry!]

[……Anyway, anyway, I’m such a convenient woman for Kaito-san after all~~]

[N- No, I’m not thinking that way at all……]

[It’s just Alice, so it can’t be helped~~ I can feel at ease since it’s just Alice~~]

T- This is bad, she’s completely sulking. No, it was my fault in the first place, so it was obvious that she’d get angry but…… W- What should I do? I- Is there something that I could somehow do to make Alice lively again……

Feeling a large amount of sweat running down my body, I hurriedly looked around and incidentally saw a rather large stall selling grilled fish on a skewer nearby, and trying to clutch onto that straw, I quickly bought one of those and presented it in front of Alice.

[A- Alice, I’m really sorry…… Y- You can have this……]

[Aaaaahhhh! Kaito-san!? You think that if you just give me food, I’ll keep quiet about this!!!? Please don’t take me for a fool! I’m not such a, such a——- Yum! Eh? What is this, isn’t it absurdly delicious!?]

[R- Really? I’m glad you liked it…… No, Alice. I’m so sorry I forgot! As an apology, you can eat as much as you want from the store there!]

[As much as I want!? S- Seriously? M- Mnhhh…… I- It can’t be helped. It’s not like Kaito-san had any bad intentions either…… W- Well, Alice-chan has a big heart, so I can’t help but forgive you.]

A- Alright, I think I’ve somehow managed to get her mood back a little bit…… That’s great. No, but, she still seems to be displeased, but if I push a bit more……

[……Ummm, I’ll make sure that we have our date soon…… And also, along with the dinner, we’ll also have a fancy lunch!]

[A fancy lunch too!? I forgive you! I completely forgive you!!!]

When Alice heard my words, her eyes dazzlingly lit up and she repeatedly nodded her head.

It seems that she has forgiven me…… I’m really glad.

This time was completely my fault. I did a really bad thing, completely forgetting about the promise I made to Alice. I’ve managed to get her to forgive me this time, but to make sure that this won’t happen again in the future——– Let’s make a note about the promises I made in the future.

[G- Go on, Alice. You don’t have to act reserved, and eat as much as you like……]

[Thank you! Well then, can I have “300 skewers” please!?]


[Ahh, you also have tsuboyaki too? Then, I’d also like “50” of those!]

(T/N: tsuboyaki is shellfish cooked in its own shell.)


[Fish fillets? Then, I’d like “80 servings” of those and “60 pieces” of smoked fish…… Eh? Most Recommended? Then, for the time being, give me “about 40” of that too……]


* * * * * * * * * *

In a room in the royal palace of the Hydra Kingdom that is used for the most extensive and important purposes. This room, with a huge round table in the center, is where the council meeting, which plays a large part in the government of the country, is held.

The Hydra Kingdom has a parliamentary system, and the members elected by the people are assembled here by vote. Eight members are from the nobility, eight from the merchants and commoners, and with the addition of the king, there are 17 people within this room that are discussing various national issues on a daily basis. The people’s vote lasts until the Festival of Heroes, which means that the members present here have been in office for at least nine years. Even though the members of the parliament are accustomed to this kind of situation, they looked very nervous today. The reason for this is obvious…… It was because the Supreme God, Fate, who rarely visits the Human Realm is sitting next to the King…… or even just the fact that she’s here in this place.

[……Well then, how about we get started?]


[If possible, I would be glad if we could move forward with the matters involving the God Realm first?]

[Understood…… In regards to the events that will take place in various places with the incoming Light month……]

With Shea and Heart behind her, Fate’s eyes were cold to the point that chills ran down the spines of those who participated in the council meeting , and her nonchalant voice held no emotion at all. Sweating under the tremendous pressure, King Hydra spoke the first item on the agenda, and the King’s subordinates, who were waiting in standby in the room, handed out the materials to Fate and the council members.

The first thing that came up on the agenda was the events for the incoming Light month…… The festivals within Hydra Kingdom that would take place before take place before the Festival of Heroes. In the year of the Festival of Heroes, festivals are held in many parts of the world, and even in the Hydra Kingdom, the number of festivals is huge if you include the ones in small villages.

And the organizers of those festivals…… to put it simply, they want to invite the Gods to their festivals. Just their participation is enough to make the name of their festival glitter in gold, so almost all of the organizers of the festivals were asking if the Gods could attend theirs.

Originally, it was delivered to the low-ranking Gods who stayed in various parts of the Hydra Kingdom, and after being checked by the high-ranking Gods, the Supreme God, Fate, would make the final decision. However, since Fate has personally come to this place now, she will give her responses to these requests here and now.

Fate slowly picks up the materials placed in front of her, and with the eyes of the senators focused on her, she slightly lifts the stack of paper, which must have been comprised of a hundred sheets, with one hand and releases her grip. The material that fell from Fate’s hand mysteriously returns to the table, dropped straight down on the table, without a single piece of paper disrupted from its order.

[……I give my approval for the 4th, 9th, 13th, 25th, 41st, from number 52 to 56, 76th, and 92nd requests. God of Disasters, assign people to each respective place.]


[Other than that, I don’t feel that it is necessary for the Gods to participate. If you really want to invite the Gods that much, tell them to rework their proposals and submit it again…… However, regarding #66 and #80, their outlines are too unrealistic. Tell them to review it from scratch.]

[……Y- Yes. Thank you very much. We will do as you will.]

Fate had looked over all the documents in a few seconds just now, and in response to the festivals that she would grant permission for, she pulled out a form and gave it to the High-ranking God, Shea. Moreover, the forms were already signed by Fate and it was already completed as a document.

[……Then, next. Show me a list of all the citizens of the Hydra Kingdom who have been blessed by anyone other than the low-ranking Gods residing in the Hydra Kingdom.]

[Y- Yes!]

[……God of Disasters, give me the reports that you were about to submit to me in the God Realm.]


As if to say she wasn’t going to waste her time, Fate immediately moved on to the next case…… Supplementing the report about the people who received blessings, she compared the report she received from the Kingdom with the report to the God Realm.

[……There are three cases that were omitted in the list here. Two were received in the Symphonia Kingdom, while the other was received in the Archlesia Empire.]

[T- That is… Please excuse our incompetence.]

[It’s fine, it’s not like it’s that bad…… I’ve already checked these, so you should validate and revise these by tomorrow…… Can you do that?]

[Y- Yes! By all means!!!]

The senators and the King were silent as if completely overwhelmed by the sigh of Fate’s figure, who was dealing with one job after another with terrifying speed.

This sight before them was a true testament to how out of the norm the Supreme Gods are……

[…..Well then, regarding the Festival of Heroes…… About the rotation of the Gods staying in the Hydra Kingdom. Where’s the draft?]

* * * * * * * * * *

[Omnomnom…… Pfuaahhh~~ That was quite sumptuous!]

[T- That’s great then.]

What’s left in front of me now is what’s left over after Alice finishes eating…… Piles of skewers and wooden plates stacked up like towers…… This woman seriously ate all of it. N- No matter how I look at it, isn’t that strange? The volume of the food she ate obviously outweighs the size of Alice’s body…… W- Well, we’re talking about Alice here, so I guess it can’t be helped?

[W- Well, anyway, with this…… I guess we’ll go on a date right after we get back to the Symphonia Kingdom?]

[Okey-dokey~~! Well~~ It’s been a long time since I ate lots of food~~ Alice-chan is satisfied.]


[I- I see……  Wait, oi, oi, Alice.]


Just when I was wryly smiling, looking at Alice with a satisfied smile on her face, I saw that the corners of Alice’s mouth was a bit dirty. Well, if she’s that greedy in devouring all the food earlier, her mouth will certainly get dirty too. She’s really a troublesome fellow. Thinking about this, I took out a handkerchief and wiped Alice’s mouth.

[Fuehh!? Mnguuh!?]

[Come on, stay still.]

[Nyaahhh!? K- K- K- Kaito-san!?]

[No, like I said, don’t move……]

[I- I can wipe it myself! I said I can wipe it myseeeelllfff!?]

As I wipe her mouth, Alice flaps her hands around in an unusually flustered manner. When I put away my hand after overcoming her resistance, Alice looked at me with her face bright red.

[……W- W- W- Well then, I will be g- g- going back to guarding you!!!]

[Ahh, wait!?]

And thus, she disappeared in the blink of an eye, and even when I called out to her, she didn’t respond. Eh? Arehh? Could it be that she felt embarrassed? It might be the first time I’ve seen Alice act like that other than that time she took off her mask. How should I say this…… Seeing Alice’s unexpected side, or rather, her adorable side, I suddenly felt a smile leak out of my lips.

After that, I started walking again to head towards the inn. As I go through the busy street, the scenery gradually changes to a shopping street with a calm atmosphere. It seems that there are many clothing stores around here, as I could see many show window-like things here and there, where beautiful dresses and high quality clothing are displayed. Come to think of it, I remembered Alice once said that the clothing culture is well-developed in the Hydra Kingdom, so perhaps, there are many shops like that around this area.

Since I’m here anyway, I decided to peek into a few shops, slowly heading towards the inn……

[……Arehh? Could it be…… If it isn’t Miyama-san!?]


When I heard my name being called, I turned around to see a young man with black hair a short distance away, waving his hand at me. The young man, who was wearing glasses and had a refreshing smile on his face, has a well-groomed face that seems to be a combination of childishness and maturity. It feels as if I’ve seen him somewhere though…… Though it also feels like I didn’t……

[……Hello, it’s quite unexpected that I would meet you here. Do you remember me?]

[……E- Errr……]

The young man runs up to me with a bright smile on his face and lightly bows his head to greet me. If I were asked if I’m familiar with him…… I feel like he is. I feel like he’s familiar but…… I can connect his appearance with anyone I know. He had his face, but I don’t know if I could say it like the atmosphere around him is different…… Or perhaps, like a child who has become an adult…… But anyway, this young man is……

[……C- Could you be “Mitsunaga-kun”?]

[Yes! It’s been a while!]

[E- Eeeehhhh!?]

I was right!? He’s Mitsunaga-kun!? Hasn’t he changed too much since the last time I saw him!? I- I mean, this might be a bad way of saying this, but the Mitsunaga-kun I know was one of those people who studies liberal arts, with their backs always hunched over…… Just like a good boy you can find among the typical high schoolers…… but when I saw him again, he had changed inta refreshing, sporty ikemen. N- No, no, it isn’t just on the level of how boys apparently change if you don’t see them for three days, you know!? Eh? Is he really Mitsunaga-kun? This ikemen whose existence screams out riajuu? He’s Mitsunaga-kun!? Seriously!?

……W- What the heck happened…… in these last 5+ months?

I happened to meet again in the Hydra Kingdom this year’s Hero, Mitsunaga Seigi, who is an otherworlder just like me. Surprised to see that Mitsunaga-kun has clearly changed from the last time I saw him, I slowly spoke.

[……It’s been a really long time. Have you been doing well?]

[Yes! Miyama-san seems to be doing well too…… I’ve heard lots of rumors about you, you know?]

[R- Rumors?]

[Yes. I’ve heard  a lot of things from Cathy…… Ah, no, from Princess Cattleya, who’s been accompanying me.]

Mitsunaga-kun said that he had heard rumors about me…… Come to think of it, as I recall, the Second Princess of the Symphonia Kingdom is accompanying the group who have the role of Hero, and I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s exchanging letters with Ryze-san, Amalie-san or with Orchid. However, fumu…… Princess Cattleya…… Is Cathy her nickname? It seems like it was as Alice said, they seem to be good friends.

[I heard that you got to know the Six Kings-sama and won in the Sacred Tree Festival……]

[A- Ahaha…… No, it really was just an accident……]

[No, that’s amazing! I haven’t even met one of the Six Kings-sama yet, so I’m feeling envious. They’re the top of the Demon Realm, so they were definitely quite majestic…… They must feel like those last bosses in RPGs, right!?]


I think only Megiddo-san and Magnawell-san can adapt to that kind of impression.

[S- Speaking of which, did Mitsunaga-kun…… come to this city for the pilgrimage of the person who has the role of Hero?]

[Eh? Ah, yes. I came to this city the other day after I finished my tour around the Archlesia Empire.]

[Hehhh…… Do you make speeches or stuff like that?]

[Yes, but even though I say that, I mostly just read the script they give me, and there are only a few instances where I think and speak for myself.]

With a refreshing smile on his face as he speaks, I think Mitsunaga-kun has really brightened up. No, I don’t know much about how the old Mitsunaga-kun was, but from his expression and the way he spoke, I could tell that this pilgrimage had been a good experience for him. It wasn’t a great idea to just stand there and talk about stuff, so we decided to move around a little bit and continue the conversation while sitting in a place that seems to be a plaza.

[……Aoi-chan and Hina-chan were also worried about you.]

[Really? I can understand if it was Kusunoki-senpai, but wouldn’t Hina just say that “it would be great if Idiot Seigi gets hurt somewhere”?]

[……Ah, no, that is……]

[She has always hated me even back then, you know…… Well, it certainly was my fault.]

She did say something like that. She said that he was so full of himself when she met him back at the evening party…… Apparently, Hina-chan seems to be very harsh only when it comes to Mitsunaga-kun.

[……Are you two childhood friends?]

[Yes, well, rather than just childhood friends…… We’re “cousins”.]

[Eh? Eeehhh!? R- Really?]

[Yes. I was born in April while Hina was born in March, so she was born a bit earlier than me.]

What a surprise, it seems that Mitsunaga-kun and Hina-chan are cousins. I don’t feel like they resemble at all, but since they’re male and female, I guess they wouldn’t resemble each other just like some brothers and sisters do.

[……Well, I’ve always been selfish and acting big around my relatives, a no good person. They hated me to the bone. Moreover, there’s that trope, right? About how they speak all these sorts of things how they hate you, but deep inside…… Well, my case isn’t like that, they hate me inside too, so they would speak out their hate to me.]

[T- That is, how should I say this……]

[No, I guess it can’t be helped. I don’t really like the person I used to be either.]


Somehow, I think that Mitsunaga-kun was trying to change himself, and that’s why he became the way he is now. I feel like he encountered a big turning point in this world, just like I did when I met Kuro. That is what I feel. As I was thinking about this, Mitsunaga-kun looked at the people walking in the plaza with a distant look in his eyes and calmly spoke.

[……Back when I first arrived in this world. I felt as if I was the protagonist of the story. Being in a story about a Hero summoned to another world…… I liked those kinds of stories too, and thought about what it was like being one.]

[……I actually thought so too, because of all the light novels and all the other stuff.]

[Miyama-san too!? Isn’t it great, being summoned to another world! Well, I never expected that I really would be summoned……]


Mitsunaga-kun happily laughed when he heard that I had the same hobby.

[In such instances, the Hero would often have a cheat ability, so I wondered if it was the same for me too.]

[That’s right. However, there’s also that pattern of multiple heroes being summoned, and you aren’t chosen as the hero.]

[Right!? Well, I didn’t have the composure to think about it……]

After speaking up to that point, Mitsunaga-kun’s face slightly drops down and a somewhat regretful expression appears on his face, as if he was regretting his past.

[……I really was an idiot. It’s not like I’m a great person, but I ended up thinking that I can do anything and got carried away with my own selfishness…… If there’s a hole somewhere, I feel like I want to bury myself in it.]

[……I would have done the same if our positions were reversed though. I think I may grow impudent from all the politeness I receive. Besides, the fact that you feel that way means that you’re not the same now, right?]

Yes, if I had been in Mitsunaga-kun’s position, I might have also been carried away. I would think that I am the protagonist of my story, and end up acting all cocky towards others.

[……I’ve never actually been scolded that much. No, on the contrary, I think I’ve rarely had “conversations with my own parents”.]


[Yes. For my workaholic parents, I was just “a child born out of accident” and isn’t someone they wished for.]


He indifferently said those words, but I could tell that Mitsunaga-kun didn’t think well of his parents.

[It isn’t like they abandoned me though, but they were indifferent to me most of the time. They would give me money for my birthdays or other occasions like that, so that I could buy whatever I wanted…… But they would almost never praise or scold me for my actions.]

[I see……]

[Well, that’s not the only reason, since I think I was also pretty twisted back then.]

[If you say it like that, that means that it’s different now, right?]

This may not be a good memory for Mitsunaga-kun, but at least, he has grown up enough to talk about it as a story of the past. I think that’s a really admirable thing to do, because that isn’t something easy to do…… And the person who changed such a Mitsunaga-kun must be……

[Yes. When I arrived in this world, I was getting full of myself…… Princess Cattleya thoroughly scolded me. She punched my nose that was growing long back into my face…… My authority is just something I borrowed, who the heck do I think I am, she said……]


[……I know this may sound weird, but when she scolded me, I felt happy. No one has ever looked at me so straight and straightforwardly scolded me before……]

Mitsunaga-kun described his former self as someone selfish. And now, he felt happy to be scolded…… Perhaps, Mitsunaga-kun was acting selfishly because he wanted someone to look at him and scold him. Just like me who wishes for someone to save me, he was also stuck in his own shell……

[After that, I tried to change…… Even if I may be acting in self-interest, I want her to recognize me and not want to let her down…… I still have a long way to go, but I still think I can change thanks to Princess Cattleya.]

[……I see.]

[Or something like that. I’m speaking about myself too much, aren’t I?]

[No…… Regardless of the past, I’m relieved to hear that you seem to be enjoying yourself now.]

Mitsunaga-kun’s expression as he talked about Princess Cattleya was bright and I could tell that he really cared for her. At the same time though, I remembered that I had heard something before, and although it may be useless, I turned to Mitsunaga-kun and slightly bowed my head.

[Speaking of which, I have to apologize to Mitsunaga-kun……]

[Eh? Apologize?]

[Unnn, I was actually curious about how Mitsunaga-kun was doing before, so I asked one of my acquaintances to look into it…… And that’s when, ummm, I heard that Mitsunaga-kun had confessed to Princess Cattleya…… I’m really sorry!]

[Eh? Eehhh!? You know about that!? Uwaahhh, I’m feeling embarrassed…… N- No, well, it’s not like it’s wrong for you to know about it……]

When I apologize, Mitsunaga-kun looks surprised before hiding his face in embarrassment.

[……By the way, do you also know the result of my confession?]

[Errr…… Just that you were slapped after you confessed to her.]

[Pfff, ahaha…… That’s kind of pathetic hearing what happened from someone else’s mouth. Well, it’s certainly true but……]

Yes, I know that Mitsunaga-kun confessed his feelings to Princess Cattleya and that he was slapped, but I didn’t know the results in detail. When I only heard that story, I thought that the fact that he was slapped means he was dumped, but looking at it now, it doesn’t feel like he was dumped.

[……Ahh, by the way, the reply to my confession was still pending.]


Thereupon, perhaps sensing my doubts, Mitsunaga-kun gave me a gentle smile and told me the result of his confession.

[Yes, I was certainly slapped when I confessed to her. And then, she told me “Stop trying to depend on me! You still don’t have any confidence in yourself! I will never accept a confession from someone…… whose only desire is to rely on others!”]

[……E- Errr……]

[But afterwards, she said “However, I am very happy with your thoughts. But for this reason, I must make sure that I won’t hinder your growth. That’s why, first of all, show me that you’ve decided to do your best, and that you’ve done your part as the one who holds the role of Hero.”.]

[I guess that could be considered as a favorable response, right?]

[Yes…… Also, she told me “If you’ve made it to the end, if you’re confident in yourself, and if you still feel the same way as me…… Let me hear you say that again. When you do, I promise to stand beside you, even if it means giving up my position as royalty.”…… She looked really shy when she said those words to me.]

Mitsunaga-kun seemed very happy as he said this, and I could tell that he and Princess Cattleya still had a good relationship with each other.

[After that, Princess Cattleya immediately sent a letter of inquiry to the King of Symphonia…… and the King of Symphonia agreed to it.]

[Is that so…… Congratulations.]

[Thank you…… Though it’s still too early for that. And thus, my immediate goal is to become a man worthy of standing next to Princess Cattleya!]


Clasping his hands tightly, Mitsunaga-kun’s face is filled with motivation. I could see a definite strength and determination in his eyes, and I understood that these were the factors that changed him more than anything else.

Mitsunaga-kun and I talked for a while. About this world, our previous world, Aoi-chan and Hina-chan and after an hour or so, Mitsunaga-kun took out his pocket watch, checked the time and then stood up.

[……I’m sorry, Miyama-san. It’s about time for me to go back……]

[Ahh, my bad, were you busy?]

[No, I wasn’t, and I had fun chatting with you……. but if we talk any longer, I won’t have time to study……]


Hearing the word study coming out of Mitsunaga-kun’s mouth, I tilted my head. What is he studying for? It doesn’t sound like it’s just something like studying for his high school classes, and based on his reaction, I’m sure that it’s pretty important……

[Yes, I have to study about Aquarius……. Ah, it’s this city’s name, and its history.]

[Unnn? Are you perhaps studying as someone who has the role of Hero?]


[……Those who have the role of Hero also have to do that?]

I knew that those who hold the role of Hero were going to make a pilgrimage to different parts of the world, and heard that they were giving speeches…… but this is the first time I had ever heard of them even studying the specialties and history of each region.

[It isn’t obligatory…… but if I don’t study it, I will be in trouble with the “meetings”.]


[Yes. Before the person who has the role of Hero gives his speech…… We will meet the mayor or feudal lord of each city or town. There’s an unspoken rule in those meetings that they don’t ask about the world we were in, so it was inevitable that they would ask us what we think of the city.]

[……That sounds like a lot of work.]

Every time he visits a place, he has to meet with the local authoritative figure, which seems like a lot of work just by listening to him. And even more so for the 16 year old high school student Mitsunaga-kun…… Conversing with high ranking officials feel like it would be quite exhausting in itself.

[……Sure, to be honest, there was quite a bit of mental pressure on me. There are many long-lived races in this world, and most importantly, I have 100 great Hero senpais, along with the First Hero-sama, before me…… No matter how I look at it, I can’t be compared with them.]


[Those who play the role of Hero are given a day of free time when they arrive in the city. I think of that time as a time for me to study. Today is the day where I have my free time…… And tomorrow, I’ll meet with the parliament members of this city, and the day after that, I’ll make a speech before I head to the next city.]

[……T- That means, you’re only staying in one city for three days?]

[……That seems to vary quite a bit depending on who holds the role of Hero. I like to visit as many cities as I can though, so my schedule was quite packed.]

Travel, study about the city for a day, meet with the people with authority on the next day, give a speech the day after that, and then, travel to another city again……. It’s an overcrowded schedule, but it seems that it’s what Mitsunaga-kun wants to do. How should I say this…… That’s kinda amazing…… Mitsunaga-kun was quite the hard worker.

[Of course, if I want to take it easy, I can do it as much as I want. As I said before, I’m not forced to study at all. It’s just that I’m making use of my free time to study.]

[……Isn’t it difficult?]

[I would be lying if I said it wasn’t difficult but…… The three nations of the Human Realm take turns in summoning of Heroes. And no matter how I look at it, I can’t be compared to the previous people who held the role of Hero…… Even if they don’t say it out loud, if the people think that “the one who hold the role of Hero this year is no good”, I would feel bad for Princess Cattleya and the people of the Symphonia Kingdom who have been so good to me, so I’ll do the best that I can!]

[I see…… How should I say this…… I honestly think that’s amazing.]

[Ahaha, even though I did all that, there were also times that I failed…… However, I have a very fulfilling life now. Studying may be difficult, but it’s fun to talk to the people who live in this area and know what their lives are like…… Also, how should I say this…… Princess Cattleya would be happy too.]

The expression on Mitsunaga-kun’s face as he said this had a definite strength to it…… I thought that this definitely is what his real self is. He may have been twisted by all sorts of things, but the young man named Mitsunaga Seigi is probably a serious and hard-working kid. I’ll have to learn from him too……

[Unnn…… Do your best, and let me know if there’s anything I can help.]

[Thank you. That’s very reassuring.]

[Ahh, my bad. I held you up longer.]

[No, it was nice talking to you, Miyama-sn…… Ahh, if you have time around tomorrow afternoon, can we meet again? Princess Cattleya would probably want to see you too.]

[Unnn, of course I’m fine with it…… Then, should we meet up in this place?]

[Yes. I’ll be available at 2:00 pm, so if it’s fine with you, please come by then.]


[Well then, I’ll be excusing myself.]

After promising to meet again tomorrow, Mitsunaga-kun left with a bright smile on his face.

Looking at him as he departed, his back looked much bigger and stronger than the last time I saw him, and I could feel that he had grown up. I’m well-aware that all people can change. Mitsunaga-kun has met someone important for him in this world, and he has grown up a lot. Is that why? Mitsunaga-kun, who I don’t have any preconceptions at all, in my eyes——– He’s a diligent hard worker.

* * * * * * * * * *

In a large and luxurious room prepared in the royal palace of the Hydra Kingdom, there were Shea and Heart, who had finished with the preparatory meeting with the parliament.

[……I guess It really didn’t end in just a day huh.]

[It can’t be helped. There are some things that need to be revised, and those things need a few days to finish.]

[Yes, however, as expected of God of Fate-sama……. We finished lots of things faster than planned. If she’s usually working at this pace, I’m sure that God of Time and Space-sama wouldn’t be holding her aching head……. If she’s so capable, why does she usually keep slacking off?]


Hearing Heart complain about the gap between Fate and her usual self while remembering Fate’s appearance today, which can definitely be described as God-like, after a few moments of silence, Shea spoke.

[……I guess you didn’t talk that much with the God of Fate-sama huh?]

[Eh? Yes, it’s not every day that a low-ranking God like me has the opportunity to speak directly with her. This is even the first time I’ve ever had a direct conversation with God of Fate-sama without the intermediary from a High-ranking God…… So, what of it?]

[……Let me tell you a few things…… about the God of Fate-sama.]


Shea slowly turns her gaze towards Heart, and announced in a quiet but clear voice.

[……God of Fate-sama is the first God created by Shallow Vernal-sama. It could be said that God of Fate-sama is the closest being to Shallow Vernal-sama among all Gods. That includes her nature…… You understand?]


[Yes, I guess let’s start talking about her premise…… For God of Fate-sama, whether it’s her subordinate Gods, the Humans, or the Demons…… She only thinks that any of them are just the same as “some pebbles on the side of the road”.]


Listening to the words Shea indifferently said, even the expression on Heart’s face turned serious.

[For God of Fate-sama, most of the things in this world can be moved to do just as she wills it…… And that’s why she sees anyone’s value as no different from a doll. That’s why it can’t be helped if she thinks of you as some “dull being”.]


[……Just remember this. The God of Fate-sama you saw today is in an “extremely good mood”…… She was so friendly because there was a being nearby that God of Fate-sama thought was “interesting”……]


* * * * * * * * * *

In the inn I arrived at, which can be described as being too luxurious…… Putting down my luggages there, I was just killing my time as it can be said that it’s evening already. What should I have for dinner? As I was sitting on the sofa in the large room thinking about what to do…… I heard a knock on the door.

[I’m coming~~]

Hearing the knock, I walk towards the door. It seems that this inn is currently reserved, so the only people who should be visiting me are the inn’s employees or Fate-san and the others. From the magic power I felt from outside the door with my Sympathy Magic, the person outside is undoubtedly Fate-san, so I opened the door without being vigilant at all.



The moment I opened the door, Fate-san rushed in with the speed of a bullet. Here’s one important thing to note though…… Fate-san is very petite, so when she rushed in like that, the pit of my stomach received a critical hit from Fate-san’s head strike. As if all the air in my lungs were pushed out from the impact, I felt like I would faint from agony.

[Kai-chan! I’m really tiiiirreeeddd! I did lots of woooorrrkkk! Heal me~~ Pamper me~~]

[Cough, cough, F- Fate-san…… Wait, step away for a bit……]

[I don’t wanna! I’m replenishing the insufficient Kaichanium in my body right now!]

[Cough……. I- I don’t understand what you mean…… Cough……]

On the first day of my stay in the Hydra Kingdom…… It seems that this day isn’t going to end so easily. To sum up what she’s trying to say, she’s asking for praise for a job well done…… I know this is something I’ve thought about many times, but is she really a Supreme God?


[……Ummm, Fate-san?]

[Unnn? What is it?]

[……What’s with the situation right now……]

[I’m replenishing my Kaichanium right now!]

[……I- Is that so……]

Now then, as for my current situation, I really don’t know why this is happening…… Fate-san is sitting on my lap, tightly holding my hands. I don’t know what exactly she was replenishing from being in this position, but I do know that this situation is a very bad one. Not to mention the softness I’m feeling on my knees, as she was held within my arms in front of me…… In this posture where Fate-san was held within an unplanned embrace, Fate-san’s large bulges were against my arm, and it feels like my reasoning is being burned by a wire mesh. However, even if I want to resist, the difference in power between Fate-san and I is obvious, and from a while ago, I couldn’t move my hand at all.

Whether or not she knows how I’m feeling, Fate-san seems to be in a good mood and she’s completely sprawled out and leaning her body against mine. She’s completely treating me like a chair. Well, I guess this might be better than usual, as she isn’t forcibly trying to do dangerous deeds like usual……

[……Errr, you did great on your work today.]

[Really~~ Why in the world do works exist…… No way~~ I still have to work tomorrow. I hope tomorrow never comes.]

She’s speaking like a student on the last day of summer vacation, but in case you’re wondering, she’s still one of the great people of the God Realm. This may not be something I should be worried about, but is the God Realm really alright? However, why does Fate-san hate her job so stubbornly? For instance, her knowledge and speed are probably orders of magnitudes greater than mine, so wouldn’t she be able to finish her job quickly if she gets serious about it? No, well, I don’t know what it’s like to work in the God Realm, so it might take Fate-san lots of times to do even with her abilities but……

[Fate-san, why do you hate working so much?]

[……I mean, it’s “boring”.]

[Boring…… As I recall, you said the same thing when I went to the God Realm before.]

[That’s right…… Being able to do everything you want is seriously boring, and I hate it with all my heart. That’s the reason why I don’t feel any motivation at all.]

While saying this, Fate-san lightly shakes her finger and brings a pitcher that was on the desk close to her. Thereupon, she started pouring red wine that she took out of nowhere into that pitcher.

[Normally, I don’t have to say it, but for you to clearly understand, I’ll speak it out loud……. “Don’t blend”.]

[ ! ? ]

With Fate-san’s mutter, the red wine in the jug cleanly separated from the water, not blending with each other like oil and water.

[……”Blend”…… “Separate”…… “Return to Vessel”.]


Every time Fate-san said those few words, the red wine that had been separated mixed with water before cleanly separating again, and finally, defying the laws of physics, the red wine returned back to its original container.

[……Kai-chan, did you know about my abilities?]

[You can manipulate fate…… right?]

[Hmmm, describing it that way isn’t a mistake, but accurately speaking, I guess you can say that you’re mistaken? Being able to govern fate…… If I wish, I can even “create” an originally improbable fate.]

Just being able to manipulate fate is a considerably cheaty ability, but it seems that Fate-san’s power is more than that. She can even create a fate that was originally impossible…… The red wine that she poured out of the liquor bottle goes back into the bottle as if I was watching a movie playing on reverse…… It seems that even such an originally impossible phenomenon can be created by Fate-san. I don’t know if I should say that it is to be expected from a God or not, but she easily overturned common sense…… That certainly shows how powerful she is.

[Therefore, I can move most things in this world the way I want. This power I have is part of the power of Shallow Vernal-sama…… So, if I get serious, not even the God of Time and Space or God of Life can resist my power.]

[……Fate-san, your eyes……]

[I’ve shown them to you once before, haven’t I? When I seriously use my abilities, my eyes change to the same color as Shallow Vernal-sama’s. Or rather, this is the original color of my eyes, and I usually just suppress my power because it’s too powerful~~]

When Fate-san said that with a chuckle, her eyes, which had changed to the same golden color as Shiro-san’s, returned to their original reddish-purple color. Apparently, the usual reddish-purple eyes are proof that she is holding back her own power that could even twist the laws of the world. If Fate-san becomes serious, even Chronois-san and Life-san can’t match her, but she basically never seriously uses her power, and the only time she used it seems to be in the former battle between the God Realm and the Demon Realm.

[……As I said before, there are only four beings in this world that I can’t move as I please…… Shallow Vernal-sama, Underworld King, Shall-tan…… and lastly, Kai-chan.]

[……That’s because of Shiro-san’s blessing, right?]

[Right. That’s why I was so happy~~ when I first found Kai-chan…… I felt really excited at that time. It’s the first time I’ve met someone who can be my “soul friend” since I met Shall-tan.]


She has only told me later, but when Fate-san and I first met…… Fate-san had apparently manipulated fate so that no human could get close to her. That’s why there wasn’t a single soul around when we met. After Fate-san was silent for a while, she slowly spoke again.

[……Hey, Kai-chan. Can I ask you something?]

[Eh? Yes. What is it?]


[……Can you honestly answer me, do you dislike me? Do you find me unpleasant?]


It was a voice so frail that it was unimaginable from Fate-san, who was always so cheerful and aloof. Is that why? I didn’t really think about my response, as I just told her my honest opinion.

[……No, it’s not like I’ve ever thought about you that way.]


[Yes, I certainly thought that Fate-san is a troublesome person, but I’ve never once disliked or felt displeased by you.]

[Ahaha, I see~~]

After hearing my words, Fate-san smiled somewhat happily before tightening her hold on to my arm.

[Then, one more question…… You see, my body is petite, but for Kai-chan, can someone like me be a “target of your lust”?]

[Bfuuhh!? W- What are you……]

[It’s fine, isn’t it? Tell me~~]

It seems like she has returned to her usual tension, as Fate-san asked me something outrageous in a relaxed voice that sounds as if she was having fun. While I’m shaken by her question, pushed by Fate-san, who was rubbing the back of her head against my chest, I just resigned myself to fa……  I just gave up, and spoke.

[……I think…… you are……]

[Fufufu, is that so~~ I see~~]

Somehow, I felt like the flow was turning into a dangerous direction. Especially since we’re in a really bad position…… My escape route is blocked. If she comes at me just like she usually does in this situation, I may not be able to escape. As my body stiffened while thinking about it, Fate-san, perhaps sensing my thoughts, turned only her face towards me and gave me an innocent smile.

[You don’t have to put your guard up, I won’t be doing anything else today~~]


[I’m plenty satisfied for today. Ahh~~ Kai-chan feels so warm~~ It feels much more comfortable against your body compared to my cushion.]

[……E- Errr……]

Fate-san seems to have gone into full-on slacker mode, completely leaning her body against me as if she was melted cheese. I don’t know what’s going on, but she seems to be in a very good mood and is so relaxed that I think she’s going to fall asleep like that.


[Eh? What is it?]

[Kai-chan is really interesting~~]


[I can’t make you do what I want or make you go where I want…… However, you’re kind and fun, hmmm…… As I thought, I really like you the best. I’ll definitely have Kai-chan support me! Let’s do that!!!]


Fate-san was kind of the same as always, but it seems like I got along with her a little better, and she showed me a side of her that I hadn’t seen before. Well, even with all the things she does, as expected———- I don’t dislike her.