I Was Caught up in a Hero Summoning, but That World Is at Peace (LN)

Volume 9 - CH 3

The 2nd Day of the Light month.

Today is my 23rd birthday. I don’t know if it’s because of this or not, but the servants have been busily moving around the mansion since early morning…… and glancing out the window of my room, I saw an outrageous number of people, crowding in front of the gate of the mansion. It’s obvious that they’re mostly envoys of the nobility, gathering to congratulate me, even if it’s just a single word of congratulations…… which is making my head ache.

Back at the party held in the royal palace the other day, I received a Supreme God’s blessing which is the first time in the history of the Human Realm. I now hold the power that can already be called as an authority, currently making me the noble in the Symphonia Kingdom with the most powerful voice. Of course, I do not intend to indiscriminately use Chronois-sama’s name…… Even if I didn’t make use of Chronois-sama’s name to make a statement though, I would still appear to the other nobles as Chronois-sama’s messenger. That’s why I’ve received dozens of invitations to tea parties and other events since that party. Most of them have been disposed of by Luna, but since nobles are basically beings with thick skins, the amount of letters I received haven’t decreased at all. In this respect, I really envy Kaito-san.

Kaito-san’s existence is now a well-known fact to the nobles…… but at the same time, he is known as someone that should never be carelessly come in contact with. In the past, many nobles wrote to Kaito-san, but now, there are almost no letters from them…… They only occasionally send him modest invitations to tea parties and the likes. The reason is really simple and clear…… Kaito-san is connected with Phantasmal King-sama……

Luna is also pretty good, and she’s been very helpful in turning down the invitations but….. the Phantasmal King-sama is on another level. In the first place, the Phantasmal King wouldn’t even let you send a letter…… Since she wouldn’t allow any beings that were harmful to Kaito-san to approach him, the Phantasmal King stops the letters that were being sent to Kaito-san. From what I heard from hearsays…… It seems that anyone who tries to send a letter to Kaito-san will receive a warning letter from the Phantasmal King beforehand. The contents of said letter is that if they try to interact with Kaito-san for their personal gain, she won’t guarantee your life…… Yes, if the Phantasmal King, who has the world’s largest and best information network, gives such a warning, no one would dare to disobey. Truly, Kaito-san is one outrageous being……

Looking back, Kaito-san was different from Aoi-san and Hina-san from the first time I saw him. Fufufu, come to think of it, the first words we exchanged with each other were “Can you keep quiet for a bit?”. I was surprised when I heard him say that to me. But despite that, my impression was that he was just a commoner who should be protected. However, that impression was smashed to pieces within a month of Kaito-san’s arrival here. At any rate, he far exceeded my expectations in the blink of an eye. Underworld King-sama took a liking to him, Death King-sama fell in love with him at first sight, and she received the God of Creation’s blessing…… This happened in just a month, you know? Geez, he really is a monster.

After that, Kaito-san’s rapid progress didn’t stop. He met the World King-sama, brought God of Fate-sama back home, won a drinking contest against War King-sama, was given his own scales by Dragon King-sama, and finally took Phantom King-sama under his command. Yes, now that I think about it again, it still doesn’t make any sense…… He’s complete outside the scope of common sense. Thanks to this, I’ve been in the middle of a mayhem for almost half a year now, not having any chance to breathe…… I’ve taken a lifetime worth of stomach pills within the past 6 months. I wish he would take it a little easier on me. If I simply wanted no part of such mayhem, I would have distanced myself from him, not getting involved with him anymore…… but the really troubling thing is that I can’t dislike Kaito-san.

Kaito-san is truly a strange person. He isn’t some stuck-up noble, nor does he sophisticatedly brandish his authority, he’s just straightforward, sincere, and kind……. His personality attracts and changes many people. Sieg, Luna, me, and the servants of the mansion…… All of us are changing because of Kaito-san’s influence. And those changes aren’t in a bad way, as there are more smiles than ever before, and the whole mansion is filled with warmth and happiness…… I really feel that Kaito-san is amazing. Kaito-san has done so many miracles for me. He restored my strained relationship with Sieg, helped me regain Sieg’s voice and smile, and helped me settle my past, which was another long-cherished wish of mine. Such a strange and kind man makes me feel confused with all the surprises he has, but he also brings me lots of happiness……

It may have been inevitable…… that I fell in love…… with such a Kaito-san.

Since that party, I’ve been completely aware of my feelings for Kaito-san, and because of that, I’ve been unable to look at him well. For me to feel “first love” at the age of 23…… Even though I’m talking about myself, it looks really shameful. I should probably cut it out and stop running away, right…… It’s about time I prepare myself and show my courage…… I have to tell Kaito-san how I feel about him……

However, Kaito-san has been acting a little strange lately, and I’m very concerned about that. He looked exhausted and tired, looking like he’s extremely sleepy, is what I thought, but in the next moment, he would suddenly look lively…… Just as I was thinking of asking him why he was like that for the past few days, Kaito-san would eat breakfast and then, go straight to taking care of Bell and Lynn immediately, and then, he would hole himself up in his room after he goes back home, so I haven’t found the timing to…… No, that was probably just an excuse. There were plenty of times where I could have asked if I wanted to, but I was just too embarrassed to have a proper conversation with Kaito-san…… Let’s stop running away.

Today is my birthday, and I intend to have a small celebration with just the people in the mansion. Of course, Kaito-san will be there too…… is what I think. I- If he doesn’t come…… I- I might cry.

When I reached the dining room where my birthday party was to be held, I loitered around in front of the door. In my head, I was recalling the words Luna told me about how “I have been so cold to him that Kaito-san got sick”. Of course, I never intended to do such a thing…… and I also don’t know what Kaito-san thinks…… I may have already been disliked by him……

As these thoughts come to my mind, I feel my body tremble…… Putting my hand on the door and slowly opened it, wishing that Kaito-san was here.

[……Eh? A- Arehh?]

When I opened the door, what I saw was different from what I had expected…… No, I’ve already expected that the room was gorgeously decorated but……

[W- W- Why…… is Kaito-san “alone” here?]

[……I’m sorry. I actually asked Lunamaria-san to tell Lilia-san that the party is one hour earlier.]

[E- Ehhh!?]

Yes, none of the many servants, Luna, Sieg, Aoi-san, and Hina-san were in the room…… Kaito-san was waiting for me alone. After he bowed to the surprised me, Kaito-san told me that he had asked the others for me to be in this situation. The time that was told to me was 1 hour earlier? W- Why did he…….

[U- Ummm, K- Kaito-san?]

Confused by the sudden situation, I look at Kaito-san’s face, which has a serious expression on it. H- His usual kind expression makes me feel relieved…… but his serious expression looks dignified…… wait, what the heck am I thinking about!?

[……Lilia-san, I need to talk to you about something.]

[Eh? Ah, errr……]

When I look at Kaito-san’s face, my body heats up and I can’t speak well. Kaito-san said he wanted to talk to me about something…… C- Could it be about what has happened recently? He’s come to complain…… I- I certainly felt like I was blatantly avoiding Kaito-san…… I- It’s natural that he would be angry. I- I need to apologize……

[First, I’ll cut to the chase.]

[Ahh, t- that is…… M- My apolo……]

[I love you, Lilia-san.]

[……gies…… Ehh?]

A- Arehh? H- Have my ears gone crazy? I think I just heard love…… or something like that earlier. Y- Yes, this must have been because of extreme tension and stress that I’m hearing auditory hallucinations! Good grief, that’s really pathetic of me…… I haven’t even known love for a long time, and I guess I’ve developed a habit of having delusions even now that I’ve become an adult. This really is no good, me…… Come to think of it, I feel like I haven’t taken a vacation in a long time. When this birthday party ends, let’s go get myself about three days off to get myself together……


[Eh? Ahh, I’m sorry! I didn’t hear you……]

[Errr, like I said…… I love you, Lilia-san. As a man to a woman, that is.]


At that moment, my mind completely went blank. And thus, after this one night…… I never expected that my relationship with Kaito-san would drastically change at this time.

When Kaito-san told me that he loved me, I froze as if time had completely stopped. Kaito-san just stared at me, waiting for me to recover from my confusion, not saying a word. As my consciousness gradually returned, the first thing that came to mind…… was that this couldn’t be true.

[……T- That’s a lie……]

That thought unintentionally leaked out of my mouth, and once that one word leaked out, my mouth naturally continued speaking.

[I mean…… I- I was always being helped by Kaito-san…… and for Kaito-san to love this useless me……]

Yes, I couldn’t believe Kaito-san’s words. After all…… I’m very weak and cowardly, and there’s nothing to make him love me. All these talks about having Kaito-san under my protection were just for appearances, and in fact, I had only been making use of Kaito-san’s connections for my own purposes…… I have so much to be grateful for, and I’ve hardly been able to repay him at all. And yet, for what reason…… Why?


[ ! ? ]

The feeling of disbelief is so great, but just as it’s about to turn into a feeling of fear, Kaito-san calmly calls out my name, and I can’t help but twitch. Seeing me like that, Kaito-san looked slightly astounded before he spoke.

[……It isn’t like I can say this myself, but I don’t think that Lilia-san’s habit of demeaning yourself is good.]


[Lilia-san, you’re not useless. You’re a wonderful woman who has given me so much and always helps me.]

I have given Kaito-san so much? I have always helped him? T- That is……

[……I’m really glad…… that you’re the first person I met in this world.]

[…..hy…… Why is that!?]

[Eh? L- Lilia-san?]

Before I knew it, I was screaming. It’s a feeling of guilt that’s always been in the back of my mind, but I didn’t say it out loud because Kaito-san and the others didn’t care about it, but it was something that had been bothering me for a long, long time……

[It’s all… It’s all my fault!!!]


[It was my fault that I made a mistake in the Hero summoning…… It was my fault that Kaito-san and the others were brought into this unfamiliar world! Being in a sensitive position where you don’t hold the role of Hero, and all these hardships and anxiety, everything is my fault……]

[Ah, no, I already know who actually did that, so I know that it isn’t Lilia-san’s fault.]


……Errr, what the heck is Kaito-san saying? He already knows who did that? Could it be, the truth about the last time’s Hero summoning that I didn’t know……

[Well, putting that aside.]

[You’re putting that aside!?]

—is what I thought, but Kaito-san quickly switched the subject…… Can’t you explain that topic a bit more? I was dumbfounded by what I just heard…… but all of those thoughts and the questions that came into my head were immediately blown away.

[Wha!? Ahhh……]

Kaito-san approached me, reached out his hands and spontaneously brought my body into his embrac……. Eeeeehhhh!?

[Wha, w- w- w- what are you doing, K- K- Kaito-san!?]

[……Lilia-san. I’m really glad to have met you.]

[ ! ? ]

[If it wasn’t for you, I’m sure that I wouldn’t be laughing as much as I am now…… I’m always troubling and surprising you, but you still kindly smiled at me. The you who were concerned about me like it was natural…… made me love you.]

[ ~ ~ ! ? ]

His words echoed deep within me, as if they had physical power, shaking me greatly. As my body was surrounded by his numbing warmth, I felt my mind boiling over…… feeling happiness so great that I couldn’t express how high it was. That’s because I thought it was absolutely impossible…… that even if I was in love with Kaito-san, there was no way he would like me back……

[Uuuaahhh….. Kai…… to…… -san?]

I should be happy now, but tears started falling from my eyes. I should be saying something, but I can’t speak. I just keep crying like a child, burying my face in Kaito-san’s warm chest. As he held me gently, Kaito-san’s gentle whisper reached my ears.

[……Lilia-san, can I hear your reply?]

……Reply? What is he talking about……? Seriously…… Isn’t that a given already……?

[……I…… also l- love you…… Kaito-san……]

[ ~ ~ ! ? Lilia-san!!!]

[Fuehh!? Hyaannnn!?]

Feeling my face burning hot, I told her my feelings too, and Kaito-san hugged me much tighter than before. I was surprised at first, but soon, my heart was filled with his powerful embrace…… Only with happiness…… And I wasn’t able to say anything again.

How long have we been embracing each other? Separating our bodies from each other, Kaito-san and I face each other with a sense of embarrassment that is beyond our control. I should be so embarrassed that I can’t look at his face, but I always find myself glancing at Kaito-san, and when my face met his, I would turn bright red again. As I was feeling such an embarrassing, yet happy atmosphere, Kaito-san took out something from his pocket that looked like a small box and held it out to me.

[……Errr, Lilia-san…… Happy birthday.]

[T- Thank you. W- What is this?]

[It’s a music box magic tool. It’s my first time making one, so I’m sorry if it was inferior to what others make.]

[……Kaito-san…… made it for me?]

The words Kaito-san said with a bashful smile, made me impossibly happy, and I felt like I was about to burst into tears again. As I desperately struggled to hold back these tears, I held my hand over the little box I received…… this music box magic tool that Kaito-san made for me. The music box, which is about the size of my palm, has a small magic crystal attached to it, and just like the magic  box, it seemed to have been structured to restrict its use to a limited number of people.

In other words, this music box is a magic tool that can only be used by me in this world…… Something that was really made just for me alone……. Uuughhh… This is foul play…… How can I not be happy from this……

Suppressing this impetuous feeling, I registered myself as the user and opened the magic box…… and found that the inside of it was studded with beautiful blue jewels, twinkling like a starry sky. When I held my hand over the biggest jewel in the middle…… A wonderful song was played that was bright, and yet, somehow gentle. This is my first time I’ve heard this song…… but I wonder? Somehow, it seems to fit the current atmosphere. However, the surprise didn’t end there. As soon as the song began to play, the central jewel lit up, and on the back of the box, the dragon crest…… Albert Duchy’s family crest emerged, and the image of small stars appeared around it, moving in time with the song.

[……It’s really…… beautiful…… Did Kaito-san also make this mechanism too?]

[Yes. Well, it was difficult…… If you look at it closely, you could see how lacking my skill is, so I’m sorry……]

Indeed, when he mentioned it, my family crest and the stars that were floating around seemed to have some distorted parts here and there. However, that was the best proof….. that Kaito-san had worked hard on this little gem, and even its distorted lines looked impossibly lovely to me.

[……Is it really alright though? For me…… Just meeting Kaito-san felt like a miracle…… and yet…… for all these happiness to happen……]

[Of course it’s alright! Lilia-san should be hap…… No, I’ll make sure that you will be happy!]

[……Yes, there are many things I’m not good at…… but please take care of me.]

To be honest, for a long time now, I’ve never been blessed in love. Even Luna and Sieg have told me that I’ve had bad luck with men, and I’ve had lots of headaches in the past because of it…… And to be honest, I had even given up on that. I would either remain single for the rest of my life, or just like from what I heard from the other people in this peaceful world, I’m going to have to marry a noble I don’t like in order to boost my voice, through political marriage……

However, miracles really do exist…… As fortune hasn’t given up on me, because I’ve met such a wonderful person. No, this might be a once-in-a-lifetime miracle…… Even so, if that one-time miracle partner for me was Kaito-san, I think I really am lucky.

[……By the way, Kaito-san? I don’t think I’ve seen this gem before, but what is this?]

[Ah, errr, it’s Midnight Crystal.]

[……Huh? Eh? Umm…… that jewel that was said to only appear once every 10 years? T- Then, what about this strangely good quality wood?

[……Wood made from the branch of the World Tree.]


I- I feel dizzy…… Midnight Crystal? A branch of the World Tree? Seriously, how far does this person want to……

[……U- Ummm, Lilia-san?]

As I held my head with one hand, Kaito-san spoke to me while timidly looking at my face. After a short pause after hearing his voice, I slowly lowered my hand and turned to Kaito-san……

[……F- Fufufu……]


[Good grief, Kaito-san, you never cease to surprise me.]

[I- I’m sorry……]

[However, I guess it can’t be helped…… I’ve fallen in love…… with that part of you too……]

Kaito-san is out of the norm like usual, and he easily overthrew my common sense…… However, that’s the kind of man, Miyama Kaito, the person I fell in love with. I’m sure I will continue being surprised a lot by Kaito-san, and I’m sure that I’ll have my head in my hands a lot more times. However, just as much as I feel troubled…… No, I’m sure that he will bring me a lot more happiness. I will be surprised, troubled, helped…… and laugh together. I’m sure that my everyday life will be flurried, but filled with happiness…… It’s also the future that I sincerely want to walk with, together with my beloved person.



[Please make me happy, okay? I’m also…… going to try even harder so that you don’t regret loving me.]

[……Yes. I will be in your care from now on.]

On the 2nd day of the Light month…… On my 23rd birthday, along with the miraculous blue light and the resounding blessing of a song…… Kaito-san and I became lovers.

* * * * * * * * * *

The 3rd Day of the Light month.

I was taking a leisurely stroll around the town the day after I told Lilia-san my feelings for her. Lilia-san and I have become lovers, but Lilia-san is still the usual, as during the birthday party, her face looked red from start to finish. She was nervous that I felt bad for her, so I wasn’t able to talk with her that much. But unlike before, even as her face turned red, she’s still frantically trying to make conversation with me…… How should I say this…… She looked very cute.

Anyway, “Operation: Present” was a success, and now, I’ve decided to take some rest for three days as I promised to Kuro. I tried checking with Kuro again, and it seems like I don’t need to be stuck in my room resting for three days, and she’s just telling me to take it easy and not do anything hectic for the next three days. I’ve been holed up in my room lately, so I think it’s a good time to take a leisurely walk alone like this once in a while. Walking around, thinking of buying some food at the food stalls or looking at the shops that are lined with products that I don’t know what they’re for, I heard a familiar voice.

[……Arehh? Miyama-kun?]

[Eh? Ahh, Dr. Vier. Hello.]

Turning towards the voice, I saw Dr. Vier dressed in her vestments, carrying a large black bag in her hand.

[Unnn. Hello…… What a coincidence, seeing you in a place like this. Are you shopping?]

[Ah, yes. I’m just randomly looking around…… Dr. Vier, did you visit a patient?]


The large bag in Dr. Vier’s hand looked like it contained some kind of medical tools, so I asked her that, and she nodded with a kind smile.

[Unnn. I’m back from a medical visit…… Recovery Magic isn’t effective when dealing with illnesses, and some patients find it difficult to come to the clinic in the first place. So, I would do home visits a few times a month.]

[I see.]

With the same gentle doctor vibe around her, I think that Dr. Vier is someone that makes others feel relieved. Perhaps, that’s why she’s a doctor. At that moment, Dr. Vier looks at me, a look of contemplation on her face.

[……Hmmm. It’s sort of a good timing for me to meet you here, isn’t it…… Miyama-kun, would you be interested in a summer resort in the Demon Realm?]

[Eh? A summer resort?]

[Unnn. You see, it’s getting warmer these days, right? It’s hard to tell because the temperature doesn’t change that much in this country, but in some parts of the Demon Realm, it gets really hot this time of year. That’s why it has become a standard to travel to summer resorts. That also includes the Humans.]

[Heehhh…… Unnn? But what does that have to do with me?]

I remembered hearing that in this world, the Light month is summer and the Heaven month is winter. The Symphonia Kingdom feels like spring all year round, and the temperature doesn’t change much, but it seems like there are places where it gets hot in some areas. That’s why I was convinced that there would be a summer resort, so I nodded my head, but I still didn’t understand why she was asking me about it at this time. Thereupon, Dr. Vier pulled out what looked like a card from her bag and spoke.

[In fact, there was a patient who made a reservation for the day after tomorrow, but suddenly got sick and couldn’t go. She gave me this ticket for her reservation as a thank you…… I couldn’t say no, so I received this from her, but I was examining a pregnant woman who was about to give birth. There’s no way I could just leave her examination while she’s pregnant, so I wouldn’t be able to find the time to attend that…… However, I thought it would be a shame not to use the things given to me, so why don’t you go, Miyama-kun?]

[Eh? No, but……]

[Miyama-kun has been a big help to me with Noir-san’s treatment. It can’t be helped if you’re busy, but if you’re not, would you like to take it?]


I feel bad about it, but I don’t think it’s a good idea to refuse her kindness. Moreover, I’m going to be leisurely anyway, and if I’m looking for a place to relax, this summer resort would be just fine. After thinking about it for a while…… I received the reservation card that Dr. Vier held out to me.

[……Well then, I’ll be presuming upon your kindness. I’ll thank you for this one day……]

[Ahaha, it’s the contrary. I’m the one who’s asking you to go after all.]

[I- Is that right?]

[Unnn, unnn. Don’t worry about it…… If you insist on thanking me, you can just visit me and let’s have some chat.]

[……Yes. Thank you.]

Thanking Dr. Vier once again, who had a kind smile on her face, we chatted for a while before saying goodbye.

* * * * * * * * * *

Waving her hand to Kaito as he left, when Kaito was completely out of sight, Vier shifted her gaze to the shadows and muttered.

[……Like you said, I gave it to him, but was that okay? Lu-chan.]

[Yes. Thank you for your cooperation, Big Sister Vier.]

At the same time as Vier muttered, Lunamaria appeared from the shadows and bowed to Vier, thanking her for her help. In fact, the travel voucher that Vier gave to Kaito earlier wasn’t given to him by a patient, but was something that Lunamaria asked her to give Kaito without him noticing.

[However, why do you bother to do this roundabout thing? If you just want to give Miyama-kun a travel voucher, why don’t you give it to him directly, Lu-chan……]

[No, Miyama-sama has been wary of me lately, so the chance that he would accept it when I give that travel voucher upfront is……]

[Wary…… Don’t tell me, Lu-chan! You’re trying to pull another prank again……]

[T- That’s not it!? T- This is something that’s entirely for Miyama-sama……]


[I- I’m telling the truth!]

When Vier looked at her with doubtful eyes, Lunamaria hurriedly came up with a word of defense. For Lunamaria, Vier has long been her mother’s doctor, and with her interactions with her, she herself loves Vier like a sister…… She’s one of the few people she looks up to.

[Mnghh… I’ll believe you for now…… You shouldn’t trouble Lilia-chan too much, okay?]

[Y- Yes. I’ll be careful.]

[Unnn, that’s a good girl…… Well then, I’ll go back to the clinic. Come visit me again for a cup of tea, okay?]

[Ahh, yes. Thank you for the help.]

Even though her face shyly blushed as Vier stroked her head, Lunamaria didn’t resist. It proves that she adores Vier that much, and it might be a surprising sight for others to see. After patting Lunamaria’s head, as Vier turned on her heel and walked towards her clinic, she turned her head towards Lunamaria and smiled.

[I’ll see you later then, Lu-chan.]

[Yes…… wait, Dr . Vier!? In front! There’s a signboard!]

[Eh? ——-Fugyaaahhhh!?]

* * * * * * * * * *

Hearing the words Lilia muttered, Lunamaria replied to him with a heartfelt look of amazement. Lilia, who was serious and never took a day off to begin with, wasn’t very good at resting in any way…… She’s so bad at it to the point where she’d start working on her vacation if she was left alone……

After letting out a sigh, seeing Lilia like that, Lunamaria took out a card from her pocket and placed it on the table.

[Then, Milady. Would you like to go on a trip with me for the first time in a long while?]

[Eh? With you?]

[Yes, I was originally going to go with my mother but…… my mother couldn’t make it, so I thought that since you’re going to have a vacation anyway…… Look, it’s that summer resort we’ve been to before.]

[Ahh, that quiet, scenic place. That’s quite nice…… I was just thinking about taking a relaxing vacation too……]

Hearing Lunamaria’s suggestion, Lilia replied to her enthusiastically, and hearing her reply, Lunamaria let out a grin.


[It’s settled then……]

[Yes. Ahh, I’ll pay for the travel expenses.]

[Understood…… Well then, I’ll be dropping my mother off to her appointment on that day, so I’ll be a little late.]

[Unnn? I don’t mind if I’m late in my departure though?]

[No, no, both of us know of that place anyway, so let’s just meet there.]

[…….I guess so. Alright then.]

After handing the travel voucher to Lilia, saying that with a serene smile on her face, Lunamaria bows and leaves the room…… With an impish smile plastered on her face…… Not knowing that she had been set up by Lunamaria, Lilia began preparing quickly, looking forward to her vacation the day after tomorrow.

* * * * * * * * * *

The 4th Day of the Light month.

With the reservation ticket Dr. Vier gave me, I came to the summer resort in the Demon Realm, Carrel. It seems that Carrel has a cool climate close to autumn throughout the year, and is a very popular tourist destination near the Teleportation Gate. The place I arrived at was just like the image of a summer resort. Wooden cottages stood in the midst of the shining, beautiful scenery of the plateau facing a big lake, and a tourist city with various shops can be seen on the other side of the shore…… I see, I can stay in this cottage and shop for anything I need in the city on the opposite shore.

The place looks even better than I expected…… I came alone because I left on such short notice yesterday, but it might have been more fun to come with someone else. Well, that’s for next time. For now, I’ll go to the cottage where I plan to stay. Fortunately, my luggages are all in the magic box, so I can just walk around empty-handed.Magic really is quite convenient. Leisurely enjoying the scenery, I presented my reservation ticket at the Teleportation Gate and looked at the key I received. When I arrived at the cottage where I would be staying, the faint smell of wood tickled my nostrils. The inside looked quite luxurious, looking like a true resort, even having its own bathroom assorted with magic tools. I feel like it’s a very luxurious place to stay.

It seems that there are several bedrooms to accommodate multiple people, and after choosing one of the bedrooms, I realized that it was just the right time for me to sort out my stuff.


[……Shoot. I forgot to bring any bath towels.]

Yes, I brought a change of clothes and other household items that I usually use…… but the bath towels I usually use were from Lilia-san’s mansion, so I guess I accidentally forgot about them. I do have face towels with me, so I could use that for the time being…… I guess it’s a good idea to take a stroll and go to the tourist area to buy some. Even though it wasn’t very big, it’s a tourist city, so I think they would at least have a towel sold there.

Thinking that, I decided to put the luggage I was about to spread out back into my magic box, locked the cottage up tightly before heading out.

* * * * * * * * * *

About half an hour after Kaito leaves the cottage, a shadow approaches the cottage.

[……It’s been a while since I’ve been here, but it’s still a nice view.]

Lazily muttering with a smile on her face, Lilia reached the cottage while her shimmering blonde hair swayed with the wind. Entering the cottage with the key in her hand, she lightly looked around the rooms.

[This is quite a nice place to rent again…… Now then, there’s probably still some time before Luna arrives, so what should I do?]

Muttering that, Lilia glances at her body.

Unlike Kaito, who used Teleportation Magic to travel to the gate, she felt a little sweaty, though not to the point that she was being bothered by it, probably due to the fact that she had traveled to the gate in a carriage.

[……I guess I would have a light bath……]

In fact, Lilia is quite fond of bathing, and since she originally came here with plans to stretch her wings, she decided to take a bath, even though it was still early, and moved towards the bathroom. Not knowing about the tragedy that awaits her……


* * * * * * * * * *

The tourist city was closer than I thought, as my shopping was done in about 40 minutes and I came back to the cottage to sort out my stuff again. Then, after I unlocked the door and walked into the cottage……

[……Arehh? What’s with this luggage?]

There was a small travel bag in the living room of the carriage…… Of course, I don’t remember bringing that with me. Did someone get the wrong cottage by any chance? No, they wouldn’t have been able to open it without my key so…… a thief? No, a thief would be the one taking bags, not leaving them here. As I was tilting my head at the strange situation, I heard small footsteps with the faint sound of creaking wood…… and also, a voice that somehow sounds familiar…… the voice of someone who shouldn’t be here.

[……Luna, you’re early. I’m sorry, I took a bath first—— Eh?]


The one who appeared was Lilia-san, dressed in a thin bathrobe while wiping her water-soaked hair with a towel. The slightly wet white skin peeking through the gaps of the bathrobe looked so beautiful that it would make others salivate, but I was more shocked by this situation than I was by such things. As Lilia-san and I remained staring at each other, the both of us stiffened. Lilia-san’s eyes widen when she saw me and she began to profusely sweat.

[……Kaito…… -san?]

[Errr, why is Lilia-san……]




[ ! ? ]

Immediately afterward, with a scream that seemed to rip through silk, Lilia-san disappeared into the inner rooms at great speed, leaving me stunned as I stared in the direction Lilia-san went…… Errr, what the heck is going on?

Lilia-san came back a while later, properly dressed…… and currently sitting across from me at the table in the living room, looking down with her face blushing red.



It feels awkward, outrageously awkward…… How the heck did this situation happen? I got a summer resort reservation ticket from Dr. Vier, and came here to get some rest…… but when I went back from shopping, I found Lilia-san fresh out of the bath in the cottage for some reason……

[……K- Kaito-san……]

[Eh? Ah, yes!]

[W- Why are you here…… L- Luna was…… supposed to be here……]

[E- Errr, I don’t really know anything about Lunamaria-san but…… I got a reservation ticket from a friend of mine because she said that she can’t use it……]

Lilia-san thought that Lunamaria-san was coming. I thought I would come alone…… Deriving these two points, the answer would be……


[P- Please calm down, Lilia-san!?]

Lilia-san’s voice echoes from the depths of the earth…… Unnn, I knew it…… It was that useless maid who did this!!! So, does that mean Dr. Vier is in on it too? I- I thought she wouldn’t be the kind of person who would act as an accomplice for this…… As I watched Lilia-san send a hummingbird flying towards Lunamaria-san in anger, I also sent a hummingbird flying towards Dr. Vier to complain to her for a bit.

[……Ummm, what should we do about this?]

[……Kaito-san…… D- Did you see?]

[Eh? W- What is?]

[L- Like I said…… M- M- M- My…… n- naked body……]

[!? I- I didn’t see it! Or rather, I couldn’t see it!!! You were properly wearing a bathrobe, and I was rather surprised at seeing you at that time…….]

I wasn’t lying, I’m telling the truth. I did see Lilia-san after her bath, but since she was wearing a bathrobe, I didn’t see those ethically dangerous zones…… and the surprise I felt was too strong for me to take a closer look. Unnn, I’m not thinking that I should have looked at her a bit more carefully or anything like that…… definitely not!

[……I- Is that so…… that’s good.]

[Ah, yes. Errr…… So, ummm, what should we do now?]

[……W- W- W- What do you mean?]

[L- Like I said…… W- What are we going to do now…… Should I go home? Or should I stay?]

Putting aside my anger at Lunamaria-san for now, I talked about the topic of what I’m going to do with my stay, which was originally scheduled for two nights and three days. Hearing my words, Lilia-san moved her gaze a few times and her expression changed as if she were feeling troubled…… Then, with a bright red face, she muttered.

[……J- Just stay…… w- with me like this.]

[Eh? I- Is that alright?]

[Y- Yes! F- Fortunately, there are multiple rooms here…… I- I- In the first place, K- Kaito-san and I are…… l- l- lovers anyway…… s- so there shouldn’t be any problem.]

[……T- That’s right. Alright.]



What should I do? Lilia-san’s flustered face turning bright red is just too cute, and at the same time, the atmosphere is so bittersweet…… that our conversation isn’t going well!? T- That’s weird…… I should have gone to this place to get some rest, but why is my mind being strained like this……

As Lilia-san and I silently stared at each other, the silence was broken by an incoming reply sent by a hummingbird…… coming from Lunamaria-san and Dr. Vier, flying in almost simultaneously. The hummingbird stopped in front of us, and after Lilia-san and I looked at each other and nodded, the both of us touched the hummingbird before us. The message from Dr. Vier that emerged in front of me…… was filled with a tremendous amount of apologies. Hummingbirds are supposed to only send short sentences, but whether its Dr. Vier’s magic power or technique was amazing, she has written quite a bit…… It seems that Lunamaria-san asked her to give the reservation ticket to me, but she didn’t expect that this would happen. She wrote over and over again that she was really sorry, and I felt sorry just by looking at it.

A- Anyway, I was relieved that Dr. Vier didn’t have any bad intentions, so after sending a reply to Dr. Vier , I moved my gaze to Lilia-san. Lilia-san’s shoulders are shaking as she looks at the words floating in the air, as if she’s holding back her anger. As I was wondering what the heck that maid told her, I took a peek, and saw a very Lunamaria-san-like frolicking sentence, telling Lilia-san to “Properly return my embrace with a tighter one”.


It’s natural that Lilia-san got mad…… I mean, even I got mad seeing that. However, ummm, Lilia-san…… she just smashed the table to pieces……


[L- Lilia-san!? Please calm down!]

[Ugghhh….. But… Buuuuuttttt!]

[I understand how you feel. I understand, so just calm down for now……]

In the meantime, if Lilia-san’s anger isn’t qualified, I don’t think we have to question anymore whether I should stay here in this cottage or not, as at worst, this cottage will be shattered by Lilia-san herself. I’m sure that Lunamaria-san thinks that she’s acting as some kind of love cupid but…… I bet that more than half the reason she did this is that she’s having fun…… and I won’t forgive her for that.


[Ehh? Ah, yes!?]

[……I’m…… counting on you here.]

[……Errr, ahh, yes. I’ll go and punish her.]

When I told her those few words, Alice immediately disappeared, as if she understood my intentions. For the time being, this should be enough to strike back at Lunamaria-san, but I have to do something about Lilia-san, whose aura of anger looks like it’s about to make cracks around us……

Despite the shocking turn of events early on when I just arrived, we just settled on the conclusion that Lilia-san and I should enjoy this opportunity to enjoy each other’s company. So, the both of us dropped our luggages off in our chosen rooms and decided to go sightseeing together. As I entered the room and began organizing my belongings, Alice appeared right at that moment.

[I’m back~~]

[Unnn, thanks…… So, how did it go?]

I asked Alice to punish Lunamaria-san, but I honestly don’t expect that she would be sorry even after that. That’s why I half-heartedly asked Alice…… and she gave me an impish grin.

[……I punished her so much that she said that “she’s sorry for being born”.]

[……What the heck did you do to her……]

She’s sorry for being born!? I know I was the one who asked her to do that, but what the heck is Alice’s punishment to her……

[Errr, first, I physically beat her up until she became tattered…… Ahh, she’s alright, I properly healed her.]

[U- Unnn.]

I feel like it’s important to note already when someone’s being beaten up by one of the Six Kings, but well, since she’s healed, she should be fine…… It’s Lunamaria-san after all.

[Afterwards, I mentally beat her up.]


[Yes. First of all, I duplicated a picture she wrote when she was eight years old, titled “Mama, I love you”, and handed it out to all the servants in the house.]

[……Are you the devil……]

W- What a frightening mental attack that was…… Even though I wasn’t the one receiving such an attack, I feel cold sweat running down my spine.

[Next, I revealed to everyone a notebook she wrote when she was about 14 years old, filled with ideas for what her finishing magic would be……]


Please don’t do that…… That would really kill someone.

[And to finish her off, I’ve presented her daily diary to “her mother”.]

[……Lunamaria-san, somehow, I’m sorry…… for unleashing such a devil on you……]

I wonder why, I’m sure I felt nothing but anger just now…… but now, I just feel sorry for Lunamaria-san. I mean, seriously, what she did was really frightening…… I mean, she even prepared such personal secrets easily…… As I thought, Alice was the most frightening among the Six Kings. For the time being, let’s just…… buy some tasty souvenirs for Lunamaria-san.

While praying for Lunamaria-san’s soul, I finished sorting out my luggage and decided to go out to the tourist city I had just visited, together with Lilia-san. It seems that Lilia-san had been here once before, as she was looking at the stalls lined in the street with a somewhat nostalgic look.

[……It’s very lively, isn’t it?]

[Yes, for real…… This area is famous for being a tourist destination after all.]

[Hehh…… They also have some strange things here too huh. What’s that? That iron ball-like thing……]

As expected, since this place is within the Demon Realm, which I’m not really familiar with, there are many foods I’ve never seen before, and the one that caught my attention was a 50cm black iron ball with a number of spikes on it, which I guess is food considering the other items lined up beside it…… Sea urchins?

[That is a needle shell, a shellfish. It’s a pretty high quality food.]

[……It’s big.]

[No, that one is rather small…… The big ones are several times that size.]

[……H- Hehh……]

Several times that size, which means that it could easily exceed more than a meter in size…… The heck is that, that’s scary.

[Aahhh! Kaito-san, look! It’s a Tempest Dragon!]

[Ehh? Errr, that dark green dragon?]

[Yes. It’s a fairly large species of Dragon, a very rare and high-ranking Demon…… I never expected that I’d see one here……]

At the end of Lilia-san’s gaze, who seems to be excited and happy, a large dragon is flying near the top of a mountain, which is quite a distance away from here. According to Lilia-san, that dragon is called Tempest Dragon. Just its name itself sounds kinda disturbing, so I wonder if it will be alright? It’s not like it would suddenly attack us or anything like that, right?

[……Lilia-san, wouldn’t that dragon attack us?]

[No, Tempest Dragons are gentle types of dragon, so as long as you don’t harm them first…… Oya?]

[……Lilia-san, is it just my imagination or is that dragon flying towards us?]

[……Y- Yes, I kind of feel like that too.]

The Tempest Dragon, having the looks similar to those pterodactyl…… just like wyverns…… Anyway, it was flying towards the tourist city by largely flapping its wings that were integrated with its front claws. However, it doesn’t seem to be attacking the tourist city, but after it flew in circles twice in the air, it then flew off somewhere else.

[……I- I wonder what that was?]

[Wouldn’t that be someone’s pet?]

In this world, keeping monsters as pets is common, and I even remembered seeing a dragon pulling a cart in the Symphonia Kingdom. So, I asked if that Tempest Dragon was someone’s pet too, but Lilia-san shook her head.

[No, that isn’t possible. Tempest Dragons may not be belligerent, but they are prideful and aren’t attached to people.]

[……Is that so… Then, what was that just now……]

[I dunno?]

Tilting our heads at the action of that unfamiliar Tempest Dragon, we didn’t find out the true meaning of its actions until we returned back to our cottage.

[……Ummm, Lilia-san.]

[W- What is it?]

[That one in front of our cottage…… Isn’t that the Tempest Dragon earlier?]

[I- I guess so.]

As we returned to the cottage as the sun began to set, we were met with the strange sight…… of the Tempest Dragon, which somehow seems to be waiting in front of our cottage. When the Tempest Dragon noticed us, it placed a huge…… boar-like beast that it was carrying with its mouth to the ground, and for some reason, it deeply lowered its head to us who were on guard, before flying away. As I was dumbfounded by its actions, which made no sense to me at all, I heard Alice’s voice out of nowhere.

[It probably just came to greet Kaito-san.]

[……To greet me?]

[Yes, the Dragons of the Demon Realm have received strict orders from Magnawell-san to treat Kaito-san with courtesy when they see you…… The two circles in the sky earlier were a sign of welcome, and this time, I think it came to greet you with an offering.]

[……The heck is that, that’s scary.]

Apparently, the series of strange behaviors was due to the strict orders of Magnawell-san, the Dragon King, and while I’m relieved to find out the cause…… I also slightly shuddered at the thought of such actions every time I meet a dragon in the Demon Realm.

[……Ummm, Kaito-san……]

[What is it?]

[……That, errr…… I’d also love to see Dragon King-sama too…… Ah, no, it’s nothing.]

Lilia-san was about to mutter something, but she just flusteredly shook her head and entered the cottage, her cheeks slightly red. Seeing her off, I look at the huge boar placed in front of the cottage.

[……What do I do with this though?]

[Should I dismantle it?]

[……Unnn. Please do, then you can leave aside some meat for us two and take the rest of the meat with you.]

[It’s done!]

[So fast!?]

I decided that it was impossible for Lilia-san and I to eat this really huge boar, so I told Alice, who offered to dismantle it, to leave some for the two of us, and that Alice could eat the rest…… and in just a few seconds, the boar turned into meat.

[Well~~ Magnawell-san is quite the gracious one. This is the first meal I’ve had in four days……]

[……You’ll get a scolding when we get back.]


Coldly telling Alice, who was joking around as usual for now, after receiving the meat, I went into the cottage. Thereupon, Lilia-san brought some of the ingredients that we had bought in the tourist area in the kitchen and checked the tools over there. Arehh? Could this be the pattern where Lilia-san is cooking for me?


[Ahh, Kaito-san. It’s just about dinner, and I was about to prepare it.]

[……Errr, is Lilia-san going to make it?]

[Yes, that’s what I was planning…… what I was actually planning……]

Unnn? I wonder why, the way she spoke just now sounded incoherent…… No, it may just be my imagination……

[I had Alice dismantle the boar earlier.]

[Then, since there’s that, let’s use it.]

[Yes, let me help too.]

[Thank you.]

And so, Lilia-san and I decided to prepare dinner together, and we stood in the kitchen side by side. While I’m washing the vegetables with water, Lilia-san seems to start cooking the meat right away, putting it on the cutting board and holding her knife aloft…… Eh? Holding her knife aloft?

[Taaaahhhh! wait, a- arehh?]

[L- Lilia-san!? What in the world are you……]

Lilia-san held the knife aloft, and leaving a shining trail, swung it down into the meat, slicing the meat in half…… along with the cutting board. No, no, isn’t that weird!? Why did you cut the cutting board in half!?

[……Eh? N- No, I need to properly cut it……]

[……By slicing the cutting board as well?]


[Ummm, could it be that Lilia-san…… You’ve never cooked before?]


Hearing me pointing that out, Lilia-san’s shoulders slumped down. Come to think of it, it was easy to forget because of her usual friendly demeanor, but Lilia-san is a former princess and is currently a noble…… A high-class lady from birth. It wouldn’t be strange if she’s never cooked before.

[I- It’s alright! I know how to cook to some extent…… You just cut, grill, and let them boil, right!?]

[I think we could agree…… that cooking is almost unknown to you.]


[……Ummm, I’ll go make it, okay?]

[……My apologies.]

Even though I feel sorry for Lia-san whose shoulders were slumped down, if I leave it up to her like this, the kitchen will be destroyed before we can even eat anything.

[No, there’s no need to apologize…… Or rather, couldn’t you just leave it to me from the start? Though it’s not like I’m good at it either……]

[……I- I mean…… I- I’m also a woman too…… s-so, even for a bit…… I wanted to look feminine……]


Apparently, Lilia-san wanted to show me her femininity, and to do so, she decided to try cooking, something that she had no experience with. Why is she so cute? The sight of her shyly hanging down her head while sticking her index fingers together, it makes me feel protective of her that it’s hard to believe that she’s older than me.

I stand in the kitchen in place of Lilia-san, who rather than being unable to cook, has no experience in cooking itself. First of all, I quickly sliced the meat of the boar, but this seems to be a pretty good meat, as I was able to cut it quite well without the knife getting stuck in its tendons. Lightly sprinkling the sliced meat with salt, I put it aside for a while to let it adjust with the seasoning, and in the meantime, I start preparing the vegetables. Since I intended to fry them together with the meat, cutting them too small would blur the taste, so I cut the vegetables a little larger and threw them into the pan, starting with the ones that are hard to cook. While stir-frying the various types of vegetables, mixing them together, I throw in the meat when it’s time, and the sound of popping oil gives off a fragrant smell in the air. When the color of the meat changes, it’s to do the finishing touches…… I took out the “yakiniku sauce” that I bought from a shop and seasoned it a little bit.

……This completes the Poor College Stundent’s Specialty Cooking: Stir-Fried Meat and Vegetables…… No, I didn’t cut corners in any way at all.

To be clear, improvising with the current ingredients is too difficult for me….. But it should be fine if I fry them all. If I fry it and pour the sauce on it, it should generally be delicious. After that, I decided to prepare a soup as well since eating just a stir-fry feels too lonely…… Taking out the “soup Sieg-san made for me” from my magic box, I nonchalantly transferred it to a bowl. No, it isn’t like I’m cutting corners…… This is just the best option, given the circumstances. Even if the heavens and earth are turned upside down, there’s no way that the soup that I would make, using ingredients I’m unfamiliar with, could ever be a match for the delicious soup made by Sieg-san. In fact, it isn’t even worth comparing them…… So, this is a decision based on wanting Lilia-san to eat good food, and it isn’t like I’m bad at making soup or anything like that, okay?

And while I, a Japanese, would like to eat some rice, Lilia-san…… or rather, the people of this world don’t really like rice that much, so I’ll just take out some bread here. Of course, the bread I took out are those delicious ones I bought from a “bakery”. No, I won’t bake bread or anything like that…… It takes an awful lot of time to bake, and the last time I tried so hard to bake on my own, I created a demonic substance in the form of a black apple pie. Let’s just leave the baking to the professionals. Unnn, I know I was condescendingly saying to leave the cooking to me, but I feel like the only thing I’ve made is just the vegetable stir-fry…… But well, let’s just leave the trivial details behind. O- Of course, what I made may be my specialty, but I don’t have all the ingredients I know for making it wasn’t on hand…… By the way, I’m really good at making sandwiches and fried eggs. Saying that makes me embarrassed though……

[Lilia-san, it’s ready.]

[Already!? Amazing…… Kaito-san is an amazing cook huh.]


She started looking at me with honest, admiring eyes!? Just receiving those gaze is impossibly making me feel like running away, you know!? I’m sorry, all I did was just stir-fried meat and vegetables! Cooking is something that will require practice in the future, but anyway, now that our meal is ready, I sat down at the table with Lilia-san and began eating. Lilia-san takes a sip of the soup first, and gives me a lovely smile.

[It’s so delicious. It’s almost as delicious as the soup our chef made.]

[T- That’s great.]

I’m sorry, I didn’t make that…… The person who made that was the one who’s a very good cook. And next, Lilia-san reaches out for the vegetable stir-fry that I made, and seeing that made my anxiousness reach its peak. This is bad, this is really bad…… I mean, no matter how I think about it, compared to Sieg-san’s soup, my vegetable stir-fry is a few steps inferior in taste. As a noble, she’s used to eating good food, so it might not be to Lilia-san’s taste…… It’s not that I would be troubled if she found out, but even though I was condescendingly told to leave the cooking to me, I feel embarrassed if she knows that I asked for the help of Sieg-san’s cooking.


Without realizing my anxiety, Lilia-san brought the fried vegetables to her mouth…… and tilted her head. A- As expected, she didn’t find it tasty……

[U- Ummm, Lilia-san?]

[……It has an unusual flavor. It’s the first time I’ve tasted something like this.]


[It’s a little salty and has deep flavors, but it’s really delicious.]

[……I- Is that so……]

Lilia-san had never had yakiniku befooorreee!? Indeed, there are yakiniku shops in this world, and yakiniku sauce is widespread but…… Thinking about it, Lilia-san is a former princess and currently a Duchess…… She’s a full-fledged noble lady, and what should I say…… This might be the first time eating something like this whose flavor is being brought by the sauce. A- At least, it doesn’t seem like she dislikes it, as Lilia-san proceeded to eat her meal somewhat happily.

……What can I say, unnn…… I feel relieved.

After finishing our meal and putting away the dishes, I guess it’s a good time for me to take a bath.

[Lilia-san, would you like to take a bath first?]

[Eh? A- Ahh, y- yes. I- I- I guess so!?]


I thought what I said was a very normal thing for me to say to her, but for some reason, Lilia-san looked very flustered and her face was getting redder and redder.

[……P- Please wait for a bit. M- My heart isn’t ready yet……]

[……E- Errr…… Yes?]

She’s just going to take a bath, why does she need to prepare her heart? Not understanding the meaning at all, I tilted my head…… And with a face so red that it looks like steam is about to come out of her ears, Lilia-san spoke.

[……H- How about…… K- Kaito-san go in first?]

[Eh? Huhh…… that’s fine with me but……]

[I- I’ll try my best…… n- n- n- not to keep you waiting…..]


What is this? I really don’t know what Lilia-san is talking about. Even though I’m still wondering why, since she asked me to take a bath first…… I didn’t really mind that, so I agreed and quickly got ready.

Meanwhile, Lilia-san looked down with a bright red face and seemed to be mumbling something…… but when I tried calling out to her, she was so flustered that she couldn’t hold a conversation at all. So, for the time being, I decided to just talk with Lilia-san after she calms down, while I head for the bathroom.

It isn’t as large as the one in Lilia-san’s mansion, but it’s large enough for one person to take a bath in. The wooden bathtub has a nice atmosphere, which is very attractive for the Japanese me. I’m sure that this wood is different, but it feels just like the bathtub made of cypress wood I bathed in back in Rigforeshia…… How should I say this, it feels like a wonderful Japanese style bath. Washing myself clean, I then soaked in the bathtub and relaxed, stretching my arms and legs. Ahh, that feels great…… It feels like lately, I seem to be prone to encountering problems while I’m in the bathroom, so I was always feeling flustered while I’m taking a bath.

It started with the mixed bath with Isis-san and Kuro…… In Rigforeshia, Rei-san and Fia-san would use all types of strategies just to try and get me and Sieg-san to bathe together…… And in the Divine Realm, that mixed bath with the four Goddesses. Well, thinking back on those times again, I don’t know how I was able to endure it. However, in that regard, it’s Lilia-san who is with me today…… If it’s the modest Lilia-san, she wouldn’t think of bathing together, even if we’re lovers already, so I don’t need to worry……


[……U- Ummm, Kaito-san……]

[Eh? Lilia-san? What’s the matter?]

As I was thinking about this, for some reason, I heard Lilia-san’s voice from the other side of the  door. Asking her back, wondering if she had something urgent to say, a brief silence passed before Lilia-san replied with her voice trembling.

[…..I- I’m sorry t- to keep you waiting…… I- I’m finally ready……]

[……Ready? Ummm, Lilia-san…… What in the world are you……]

[E- Excuse my intrusion!]


As I was having a bad feeling about the conversation that showed unusual signs around it, the door was opened and Lilia-san appeared, a single towel wrapped around her body. Eh? What is this? What the heck…… is happening now?

There are always things you can’t expect in life…… but for some reason, my unexpectedness even seems to be focused on where the hot water is. Honestly, I don’t know…… Why the heck am I in this situation right now……

I was bathing in the cottage’s wooden bath when Lilia-san appeared when Lilia-san appeared in front of me, wearing only a single towel wrapped around her body, with her face bright red. For a moment, it was so far outside the scope of expectations that I wondered if I was hallucinating…… I mean, Lilia-san is an extremely shy person, and even though we’ve been lovers for a few days, she’s the kind of person who turns bright red when we’re talking alone…… What the heck is she thinking, going into the bathroom I’m in?

[……U- Ummm, Lilia-san?/]

[Y- Y- Y- Yes!?]


[W- What the heck are you……]

[I- I’m finally ready……]

Ready? For what? Wait a moment, seriously, could you wait!? Even though she had hidden her body behind a towel…… No, it was exactly because the towel is partially hiding her beautiful skin that is as white as an icefish, which I saw with great clarity. Lilia-san is the type who looks slender huh……. They’re larger than I thought, those bulges are…… wait, what the heck am I thinking!?

In front of the confused me, Lilia-san takes a few deep breaths before she goes inside the bathroom and closes the door. Then, with her face still bright red, she picked up the sponge and spoke.

[U- Ummm, Kaito-san…… I- If it’s possible, can you please…… not look at me too much.]

[Ah, y- yes! I’m sorry!]

Hearing Lilia-san’s words, I hurriedly flipped over in the bathtub and turned my back to Lilia-san. Thereupon, I heard the sound of hot water flowing and sponge moving, sounding as if she started washing her body. This is bad, this is bad, I’m being completely swept away. Not even knowing what’s going on, I’m being swept by her actions! I mean, isn’t this more dangerous than before? I mean, this bath isn’t really like the onsen, so the waters aren’t murky at all…… In the first place, the bathtub isn’t very big at all. That means that…… that…..

[……S- Sorry for the wait.]

[ ! ? ]

To my horror, the situation didn’t wait for my thoughts to settle, and as her shaking voice resounded, the hot water shook and I felt her presence behind my back. The two of us are now in this rather narrow bathtub, with our backs facing each other, and I felt an inexplicable amount of nervousness.

[……K- Kaito-san…… P- Please turn around.]

[Eh? Eeehhhh!?]


[I- I- I- It’s alright. I- I’m ready for it.]

Like I said, what the heck are you ready for!? I even began wondering if this is some kind of dream after I fainted somewhere…… I see, a dream huh…… No, it could even be that I was that tired that I was starting to hear hallucinations? I see, hallucinations huh…… If it’s hallucinations, then it can’t be helped……


[ ! ? ]

A hallucination. This is just a hallucination…… There’s no way that this dream-like situation where the naked Lilia-san is behind me could be anything but my hallucinations. That’s right, even if I followed what this hallucination Lilia-san said and turned around…… There wouldn’t be anyone…… around?

[ ! ? ! ? ]

[……I- It’s embarrassing……]

[ ~ ~ ! ? ]

The heck is this, have I already died? Is this heaven? A beautiful woman, a princess straight out of the stories, is soaking herself in the hot water without wearing a single cloth. Seeing Lilia-san shyly hiding only the important parts of her body with her hands and turning her moist eyes towards me with her face bright red, my thoughts went completely blank. I can’t speak, I can’t understand the situation, but I can’t take my eyes off her…… Was it from the hot water or was it from nervousness, but seeing her slightly cherry-red skin, and the bulge  that changed shape as it was held by her hand…… I felt like I heard myself gulp. As I look at Lilia-san, who is so close to me that our skin could touch each other if I’m not careful, I mobilize all my reasoning in a desperate attempt to squeeze out my voice.

[……L- Lilia-san…… W- Why…… are you doing this……]


From my image of her, Lilia-san, at least, isn’t supposed to be someone who would do this kind of thing on her own accord and that’s why my thoughts stopped until I was in this situation, not being able to stop this from happening beforehand. I may actually be mistaken and Lilia-san is actually an aggressive person but……Looking at the current situation, with her face red and looking down in embarrassment, as if she’s desperately trying to endure her shyness, it’s obvious that it isn’t the case. When human beings are in a crisis, our brains run fast, and right now, my head is spinning as fast as a computer, trying to find a way out of this situation.

The answer that my thought led me to is that Lilia-san may have been some kind of misunderstanding…… Lilia-san is surprisingly inexperienced when it comes to love, and perhaps, she’s acting on knowledge she’s only heard about. Hearing the words I desperately squeezed out, Lilia-san looked confused for some reason.

[……T- That’s because…… K- Kaito-san and I…… are lovers…… right?]

[Y- Yes. It is as you say?]

[……L- Lovers must have a bath together…… right?]


What the heck is this person talking about? You must have a mixed bath with someone when they become your lover? Is that some kind of unique tradition of love in this world? No, it doesn’t seem so. It’s true that I’ve experienced mixed bathing with two of my lovers, Isis-san and Kuro…… However, I haven’t done that with Sieg-san. This is also the first time I’ve heard of lovers needing to have a mixed bath.

[……Lilia-san? Lovers needing to have a mixed bath together…… From where did you hear that strange story……]

[Eh? T- That’s because, Luna…… said that when two people become lovers, they must take a bath together…… If they don’t have a mixed bath, they can’t really be considered lovers……]

She got her information from the worst person of all!? That person is the one she shouldn’t trust the most!!! Moreover, she even believed what she said…… Is this person an angel…… she’s just too pure. Seeing my reaction, perhaps sensing that I’m acting somehow strangely, Lilia-san’s red face started turning blue.

[Lilia-san, ummm, I’m very sorry to say this but…… What she told you was a lie.]

[……Eh? I mean…… No way…… I- I just…… properly wanted to be Kaito-san’s girlfriend…… So…… Even though I’m embarrassed, I gathered my courage…… Eh? Ehhh?]

[L- Lilia-san!?]

[I- I mean, then, I’m, eh? N- N- Naked…… A- Aahhhhh…… Kyuuu~~]

[Wait!? Lilia-san!!!]

When she understood that she had a fatal misunderstanding, Lilia-san, with her face completely changed to a bright blue, began to sweat profusely, not due to the bath, and her blue eyes moving so violently that it was as if there was a whirlpool forming in her eyes…… before she fainted. I repeat, she fainted…… while we’re here in the bathtub.

[Lilia-san, pull yourself together!!! Nggh!? E- Excuse me!!!]

Lilia-san has fainted, and I don’t have the time to worry about the hands that had stopped hiding her important parts, as I rushed to grab her body and hold her up before she sinks into the hot water. Feeling my heart powerfully leap up at the touch of her soft, smooth skin, I moved my hands to Lilia-san’s back and below her knees, holding her body in a princess carry as we exited the bathroom, struggling to hold my gaze from moving downwards. Then, I lowered Lilia-san’s body to the floor of the changing room and draped a large bath towel over her body. I hope she’ll forgive me when I do so, as it was inevitable. However, what should I do now…… If I just let her stay like this, Lilia-san will catch a cold…… S- Should I wipe her body? N- No, that would be the last resort. Let’s call out to her first before that.

[Lilia-san! Lilia-san!!! Please wake up!]

[……Ughhh…… Hnnn……]

If she stays unconscious, it will be dangerous. Mainly for my reasoning, that is…… So, I desperately called out to Lilia-san, and as if that wish had been answered, Lilia-san’s body moved and her eyes slowly opened.

[T- That’s great…… You’ve finally regained consciousness.]

[……Arehh? Kaito-san? What was I——-!?]

Then, opening her eyes, Lilia-san slowly raised her body up, but her eyes opened wide and she stiffened.



I realized that I had made a serious mistake. I was so desperate to carry Lilia-san that I didn’t think about myself at all…… That is to say, I’m completely naked right now. Lilia-san looked at me and completely stiffened, and immediately afterwards, I felt as if I could hear an explosion somewhere as her face immediately turned bright red.


[ ! ? ! ? ]

Then, with a scream that rips through silk, she fled from the changing room at a frightening speed. They say that happenings would come as a part of one’s journey, but this was an incredibly hardcore of a happening. Is it just because Lilia-san is too pure or was it because it was Lunamaria-san’s fault…… Anyway, even now, the image of Lilia-san’s body is still burned so strongly into my mind——– I may not be able to sleep tonight.

Due to the happening in the bathroom…… or rather, due to the situation that occurred mostly because of Lunamaria-san, Lilia-san and I were currently in an intensely awkward situation. Lilia-san didn’t hole up in her room, but she was sitting on the edge of the living room, covering her face with her hands. I didn’t know what to say to her. I can only imagine what Lilia-san is going through right now…… Lilia-san summoned all her courage to take a mixed bath so that “she can truly become my lover”, but it was all a misunderstanding…… No, she’s probably just too embarrassed to know what to do now that she knows that it’s just false information planted by the root of all evil.

It would have been great if it had ended at that point when she found out at the worst time. Then, if I followed up well, it would have ended with just Lunamaria-san receiving all her anger. However, Lilia-san regretfully fainted there…… and ended up suffering the embarrassment of having me see her completely naked body, a shame that I would want to get into a hole if I found one. Therefore, the embarrassment of being seen naked outweighed her anger at Lunamaria-san for giving her false information, and she now sat down, covering her face that was so red that it was reaching her ears. Maybe it would have been easier if she had scolded me for being a pervert or something like that, but Lilia-san also has a firm understanding that it was inevitable for me to see her naked in that situation, and personality-wise, she isn’t the kind of person who would take it out on someone…… And because of that, there’s no place for her emotions to go.

[……U- Ummm…… Lilia-san?]

[ ! ? W- W- W- W- W- What is it!?]

However, this isn’t going to get us anywhere, so I tried starting a conversation with her but…… Lilia-san’s shoulders leaped, as if she was a surprised cat, and even though she replied with her trembling voice, she didn’t turn around.

[Errr, ummm…… Even though what I did was unavoidable, I’m really sorry. Thinking about it carefully, there may have been better ways for me to do it…… So, what happened before was my fault.]

[T- That’s not it! Kaito-san didn’t do anything wrong!!! It was originally I who took Luna’s words…… that I……. that I…… have shown you something immodest……]

Lilia-san still didn’t turn around, but Lilia-san’s shoulders were slightly trembling, and she seemed to be afraid of something. However, from her atmosphere, it doesn’t seem like she’s afraid of me…… If that’s the case, what is she afraid of……

[……H- Have you come to…… dislike me now?]

[Eh? W- Why did you say that?]

[T- This naive…… pathetic…… no good me……]


Hearing those words which sounded fearful, I finally understood what Lilia-san was afraid of. Lilia-san was extremely afraid of being feared or disliked by people due to the events in the past which can almost be called as a trauma. And with her catastrophically strong sense of responsibility, she perceived that others would hate her because she isn’t good enough. To Lilia-san, I was the first lover she’d ever had…… You could say that our relationship is deeper than her friends. And that’s why Lilia-san doesn’t want me to hate her…… That’s why she decided to take this opportunity to take a mixed bath with me, because she properly wanted to be my lover. So, now, she’s afraid that I would become disillusioned, seeing that she easily believes in lies…… And that’s why she’s trembling now.

As soon as I understood Lilia-san’s loveable true feelings, I felt as if my mind was eased, and at the same time, my thoughts became clearer. After that happened, it became quicker for me to understand what I need to do, and immediately act on it. So, slowly approaching Lilia-san…… I hug her crouching body from behind.

[Hyaaahhh!? K- K- K- Kaito-san!? W- W- What in the world a- a- are you……]

[……That’s my line. What in the world are you talking about…… It’s not like I’m going to hate you for something like this, Lilia-san.]


Yes, I think what I can do for Lilia-san right now is to reassure her above all else. I’m still not really sure what people should do when they become lovers…… but still, I think I have enough ability to hug my trembling lover’s body.

[Lilia-san has been thinking a lot of things for me, and you even gathered courage to do this…… I would obviously be really happy. However, you don’t have to be that impatient……]

[……Kaito…… -san?]

When it comes to love, Lilia-san isn’t that knowledgeable, and even I can see that…… Normally, we have to take it more slowly, step by step, removing the walls within our hearts one by one…… However, she rushed it out of impatience and fear, and she made a slight mistake. That’s why, what Lilia-san needs now is certainty and security…… And this is the best I can do for her right now.

[……I’m not going to go anywhere…… I’m also not rushing you. I’ll wait as long as I can…… So it’s fine, let’s take it one step at a time.]


[I don’t really know what this world’s lovers are like either…… However, I think we got our own pace.]


As I continued to speak as gently and calmly as I could, Lilia-san’s body gradually eased up.

[Lilia-san doesn’t have to carry everything and force yourself to overdo things…… We’re lovers, so let’s think about things together, discuss it with each other, and move forward side by side.]


[It’s fine if we move at our own pace…… One by one, let’s build up memories…… One step at a time, bringing us closer to each other. Okay?]


With those words, Lilia-san let go of the hands that were holding her face…… and gently laid it on my hands, which were reaching out from behind her.

[……Kaito-san, is this really alright? I’m a coward, so it’s going to take me lots of time, you know? You’ll probably have to wait a lot, you know?]

[Of course, it’s alright…… That’s what makes Lilia-san Lilia-san. That’s why I fell in love with you…… Waiting isn’t bothering me one bit.]

When Lilia-san confirmingly asked me, I gently….. and yet, forcefully and clearly answered. Thereupon, Lilia-san’s hands that were gripping mine became a little stronger, and after a bit of silence, she mumbles a few words to herself.

[……I’m a really lucky person, aren’t I?]

[You think so?]

[Yes…… That’s because I had a wonderful man telling this me who doesn’t have any confidence, that I didn’t need to rush and that he would wait as long as I wanted to…… I’m really lucky to have such a man as my lover……]


She sounded really happy that even I, who was listening to her, felt warm and happy. Then, Lilia-san intertwined hre fingers in my hand and held it…… just like how lovers hold hands, and continued speaking with straightforward affection held in her voice.

[……I’m sure it will take me some time. However, I will also do my best…… to be able to say with pride that I’m Kaito-san’s lover……]

[Yes. I feel the same way.]

[Thank you…… One day, when I finally have confidence in myself…… When I get brave enough to stand by Kaito-san’s side…… At that time…… will you please receive…… my everything?]

[Yes. Gladly.]

The adversity passed, and our foundations began strengthening…… Although it may be a little different from that, thanks to that happening, I think I was able to get to know Lilia-san one more time. There are a lot of things that the both of us need to learn, and I feel like it’s hard to keep pace with each other, but I’m sure we’ll be fine…… We’re going to continue to do this in our own way, at our own pace——– because I think that this way, we can build up memories.

* * * * * * * * * *

The 5th Day of the Light month, one night after that happening on the first day.

After finishing the simple breakfast I had prepared, Lilia-san and I came to a lake not far from the cottage for a certain purpose.

[This area might be good for us.]

[……Yes. I’ve never fished before.]

[I haven’t had that much experience either, and I’ve only done it a few times when I was a kid.]

Yes, the reason why Lilia-san and I came to the lake is to go fishing…… Our cottage is actually always equipped with fishing rods, and if they only buy the bait in the tourist city, anyone can enjoy fishing. This was a good opportunity for us to make memories with Lilia-san, so we decided to go carefreely fishing.

[Arehh? You didn’t try it out when you came here with Lunamaria-san?]

[……Yes, Luna strongly refused to do it…… I wanted to do it but……]

Hmmm? Why did Lunamaria-san refuse to go fishing? It’s not like…… he has a phobia in large bodies of water, right? Fumu, wait a moment…… fishing…… adamantly refusing…… bait…… Come to think of it, the bait that was sold in the tourist city wasn’t worms just like I imagined, but they looked like small bugs……

[Ahh, come to think of it, Lunamaria-san hates bugs, doesn’t she?]

[Yes, she was even saying things like “I wish that vile and stupid creatures like bugs would just go extinct”.]

[I heard something similar before. She must really dislike them. Ahh, incidentally, are you okay with bugs, Lilia-san?]

[Yes, I’m perfectly fine. I once lived with Sieg in the woods, so I’m fine.]

[Fumu…… By the way, is there anything you’re weak at, Lilia-san? Ahh, you don’t have to answer if it’s unreasonable……]

It was a question I asked out of mere curiosity, so I won’t force her to answer if she doesn’t want to answer, but shyly fidgeting, Lilia-san softly responded.



[…..Ghosts and Undead…… It’s fine if it had a Humanoid form but…… other than that, I- I’m scared……]


Eh? What? She’s weak to scary things? ……Why is she so cute? An angel? Is she an angel? Overwhelmed by Lilia-san’s dazzling cuteness, I was left speechless for a few seconds.

Perhaps, because the both of us weren’t used to it, we’re a little confused about putting the bait on, but we somehow managed to get ready and lining up next to each other, we dropped our fishing lines.

[……Lilia-san, it feels kind of nice. This kind of thing.]

[Yes. It’s relaxing and…… comforting.]

[Indeed, things have been quite busy for both of us lately.]

[Yes…… Ahhh, speaking of which, Kaito-san, you haven’t been sleeping that much lately, right?]

As time passes slowly and quietly…… Relishing that feeling and having a peaceful conversation…… but after she brought out a topic that greatly pricked my conviction, my body jolted. A- As expected, she found out that I was sleepy huh. No, in the first place, I have given Lilia-san the music box, so she may already know what I’ve been doing……

[……Please don’t make us worry so much. I’m really, very happy that Kaito-san is doing your best…… but, we would still feel worried for you.]

[Yes…… However, I also like to tell you that too……]


[Don’t you always work too late into the night, Lilia-san?]

[Ugghhh…… Y- You’re gonna make that comeback huh……]

I certainly think I was reckless this time, and Kuro scolded me for it too. However, when it comes to recklessness, I don’t think Lilia-san can really say that to others since she always goes to bed later than anyone else…… At least, as far as I could tell, the lights were always on when I walked by the office at night. When I pointed this out, Lilia-san wryly smiled, as if to say that I’ve hit a sore spot.

[I know that Lilia-san is busy as the homeowner, and that’s not something I would say anything about but…… and that would make us worried about you.]

[Ugghhh, yes…… I’ll be careful.]

[Yes. I’ll also take care of myself.]



What is this, neither of our situations are great……. They may be similar, but the situation where we’re worried about each other not taking it too far is kind of funny, and I can’t help but laugh along with Lilia-san. Ahhh, seriously, what is this…… It’s a conversation that isn’t supposed to be anything special, but it’s so fun and fresh…… As I thought, something like this feels kinda nice.

I was just taking it easy for a while and enjoyed fishing…… a troubling situation occurred. It seems that trouble really comes with every occasion……

[……Ahh, another one.]


The rod I held my hand shook and I caught another fish…… How did this happen? After a few hours of fishing, there was a clear difference between Lilia-san’s catch and mine. I’ve already caught so much fish that they wouldn’t fit in my water bucket, and now, I’m releasing them when I caught one. On the other hand, Lilia-san’s water bucket is just filled with clear water…… How the heck did this happen?

[W- Why, I don’t even have one……]

[N- No, I think it was because of my luck……]

[T- To even attract the attention of fishes…… Kaito-san, you’re really amazing.]

[No, can you please not get strangely impressed?]

I seem to be catching a lot of fish today that it troubles me. I’m even starting to think that I was actually destined to become a great fisherman. What I was worried about though, was Lilia-san, who hadn’t been able to catch anything at all while I was catching fishes…… However, from her reaction, it seems that Lilia-san is as usual, as she was enjoying herself. With that thought in mind, I was about to put the bait on the hook again and let the fishing line drift along the waters, when Lilia-sa’s rod twitched.

[Eh? Ahh!? S- Something finally bit! Eh? Eh? What should I do now though……]

[I- It’s alright! Calm down…… The fish seems to be easy to catch, so look for the right time, “and with all of your strength” pull it in.]

[U- Understood…… All of my strength, right……]

Arehh? It’s just that I felt a chill run down my back just now…… Ahh, this is no good, it’s dangerous. At the moment she found the right moment, LIlia-san pulled with such speed that my eyes couldn’t follow the movement of the rod…… And in that instant, the water in the lake blows up as if an explosion has occurred.

[!? Lilia-san!!!]

[Eh? Kyaahhh!]

It was almost a reflex action, but I quickly covered my body over Lilia-san, protecting her and received the splashes of water all over my body. Even though it is summer, being splashed with water still feels quite cold…… And as I was thinking about that, I heard Lilia-san’s voice.

[!? K- Kaito-san! I- I’m sorry…… I wasn’t able to moderate my strength.]

[No, I just said it badly…… Are you not splashed with the water?]

[Y- Yes, Kaito-san protected me…… So I didn’t get that wet.]

[That’s great.]

I let out a sigh of relief as I managed to protect Lilia-san from the water splashes. If Lilia-san gets wet here…… Lilia-san’s white dress-style clothing would definitely be transparent, she would be extremely embarrassed…… That’s great. No, it’s not like I was thinking that it was a bit of a disappointment or anything like that, okay? Slowly raising my wet body, I moved away from Lilia-san for a bit so that I don’t get her wet, and then, brushed the water out of my hair.

[Then, I’m going to change for a bit……]

[Ah, yes. I’m sorry.]

[No, no, don’t worry about it…… Well then, I’ll be right back.]

[Yes…… Ahh, Kaito-san!]


Lilia-san stops me once I’m about to go back to change clothes. When I turn around, with a blush on her face, Lilia-san looks down and after fidgeting…… quietly said.

[……Thank you…… for protecting me. Kaito-san, you looked really dreamy.]

[T- Thank you.]

* * * * * * * * * *

The 6th Day of the Light month.

Lilia-san and I had a big problem at the beginning of our vacation at Carrel, but after that, we were able to enjoy our stay, and both Lilia-san and I were able to fully achieve our original goal, taking a break. And the best thing about it is that the situation that had been going on since Amalie-san’s party was resolved in a good way. After the party and after we became lovers, Lilia-san was a little nervous and we couldn’t continue our conversations, but after staying together for three days at Carrel, she became more relaxed. By the time we returned home, Lilia-san was as relaxed as she was before…… No, we are now able to exchange words with each other much more intimately than before. In that sense, I’d have to thank Lunamaria-san for pulling the strings behind the scenes for this one. Well, but then, that Lunamaria-san…… As soon as we got home, she was slapped by Lilia-san and was “buried in the wall” but…… Well~ I didn’t know that people can have half of their body buried in a wall like that……

Well, Lunamaria-san was stuck on that wall for about an hour but…… it may just be that the people in this world aren’t weak. If I take a slap like that, my head will physically fly off…… I’ll make sure that I don’t do anything that would upset Lilia-san that much.

[……Alright, Bell, you’re looking good.]


[Thank you for helping me, Lynn.]


With that in mind, I finished brushing Bell. Thanking Lynn for her help, I then held her in my chest as the both of us leaned against Bell, who was laying down in a prone position. I’m very proud of Bell’s fur, which I don’t miss brushing and washing everyday, and it feels nice, silky and fluffy. As I sat down on the grass and buried myself in Bell’s fluffy fur while feeding Lynn dried meat as a reward for helping me, I heard footsteps and Sieg-san arrived.

[Good job, Kaito-san.]

[Sieg-san too, good job. Are you done with your patrol?]

[Yes, I was working on the night shift, and I just finished.]

After exchanging greetings with a smile, Sieg-san hands me a beverage and asks if she can sit next to me. Of course, I don’t have any reason to say no, so I agreed. Sieg-san then elegantly sat down on the lawn and leaned against Bell, just as I did.

[Haahhh…… Bell-chan’s fur feels nice.]

[Yes, I don’t skip a day in brushing him.]



Having a leisurely conversation with her, I put Lynn on my lap after she finished eating her dried meat, and she started to curl up in my lap and fall asleep, feeling sleepy after feeling up her stomach. Bell wasn’t asleep, but that fact that he’s in a relaxed, prone position means that he may be dozing off. Well, it’s certainly the perfect weather for a nap, and I know how he feels……

[……Fuahh…… Ahh, I’m sorry.]

[Ahh, Sieg-san was working on a night shift, right? It can’t be helped if you feel sleepy.]

Hearing Sieg-san let out a small, adorable yawn, I looked in her direction and saw her rubbing her eyes as if she was a little sleepy, probably because she was on night duty. Smiling at her adorable actions, I called out to Sieg-san.

[Isn’t it fine if you take a nap here, right?]

[That is…… a very tempting proposition.]

[Ahh, before that……]

[What’s the matter? Kaito-sa—— Eh?]

I thought it was just the right time, so I took a small wooden box from my magic box…… the music box that I had made for Sieg-san, and handed it to her. Sieg-san’s eyes widened as if she was completely struck unprepared by the situation, and dumbfounded, she stared at the music box she received.

[……This is?]

[Errr, a music box.]

[Music box? Eh? However, didn’t you give this to Lili……]

[Ah, yes. Of course, this is different from the one I gave to LIlia-san. Ummm, you see, Sieg-san has always been a great help to me, and since you also helped me with that previous situation…… This is my gratitude.]

Hearing my words, Sieg-san exchanges glances between my face and the music box over and over again. The music box I gave to Sieg-san is different from the one I gave to Lilia-san, and is made of emeralds and other green jewels. When it was opened, the magic crystal lit up, and with the mechanism written in it, a tree and a bow emerged, the emblem of the Elves. Well, I didn’t have enough time and didn’t know where to go, so I’m using jewels that I bought at the store……

The song was also composed by Alice to suit Sieg-san. The song makes one feel like they’re in a vast, lush wilderness. It kind of reminds me of the folk songs back in my world.

[……C- Can I really have it? I mean, I didn’t really…… help you that much……]

[Not at all. You have been taking care of Bell and Lynn while I was busy, and you even gave me food to eat while I was working. Thanks to you, I was able to work hard. Thank you so much.]


When I honestly expressed my heartfelt gratitude, Sieg-san looked surprised, and yet very happy, holding the music box I gave her with both hands and hugging it tightly in front of her chest, as if it was something precious.

[……Thank…… you. I will cherish it.]


[……This is, errm, what should I do…… I feel so happy that I can’t get the words out of my mouth.]

Her cheeks blushing and some tears blotting from her eyes, Sieg-san moved her gaze several times as if she’s searching for words, but in the end, she still didn’t know what to say, so she looked down once, shook her head, and then, gently leaned her head on my shoulder. As her beautiful red hair swayed slightly, I felt a comfortable weight on my shoulder…… Sieg-san calmly and softly said.

[……I don’t want to bother you but…… do you mind if I allow myself to be spoiled for a bit? Right now, I feel like I need to be near you.]

[Yes. I wouldn’t feel bothered by that at all. I’m rather happy about it instead.]

[……Thank you.]

Saying that, Sieg-san leans on my shoulder and closes her eyes with a smile on her face. A comfortable silence passes and happiness floods my chest.

[……This is happiness.]


No further words were needed, yes, just feeling peace from the presence of the other person by our side, I surrendered my body to the warm sunshine and slightly refreshing breeze.

* * * * * * * * * *

The 7th Day of the Light month.

I’m going to thank the people who helped me make the gift for Lilia-san, so I decided to go to Isis-san’s residence first. I’ll give Kuro’s music box in the evening, so the people I’m going to give the music boxes today are Isis-san, Lillywood-san and Alice.

[……Kaito…… Welcome…… I’m glad…… that you came.]

[I’m sorry to intrude, but I actually have something for Isis-san.]

[……Something for me?]

In spite of my unexpected visit, Isis-san wholeheartedly welcomed me and willingly invited me into her home. After having a cup of tea made by Isis-san and apologizing for my sudden visit, I decided to cut to the chase. Isis-san doesn’t seem to know about my intentions yet, as she cutely tilted her head. Feeling my heart warmed from her cuteness, I took out the music box I made in the image of Isis-san from my magic box.


[I’m grateful to Isis-san for helping me and giving me advice on the previous matter, and you also helped me with the jewels…… It might be comparably shoddy, but please take this.]

[……I- Is that alright?]


The jewels used for the music box made in the image of Isis-san aren’t made with Midnight Crystal, but just ordinary Ice Crystals and Blue Diamonds…… The reason I used these two is simple: I thought that Isis-san’s image wasn’t a deep blue color just like the ocean, but a blue with a lighter shade just like snow and ice. And the song that the music box is playing is quiet and soft, inspired by the transition from a snowy landscape to spring…… I think it’s a perfect fit for the kind Isis-san.

[……Kaito…… Thank you…… I’m glad…… really…… glad.]

[If you’re glad with it, then I’m happy.]

[……Unnn…… Kaito…… I looooveee you.]

With some tears blotting out of the corners of her eyes, and a smile that looked happy from the bottom of her heart, Isis-san told me her sweet and happy words of thanks. Just hearing those words and the smile on Isis-san’s face was more than enough to make my efforts worthwhile. Drinking tea and chatting with Isis-san, we spent some time together filled with happiness.

* * * * * * * * * *

The forest city of Yggfresis…… I had a glimpse of this city governed by Lillywood-san before, and it is a beautiful city that looks like the city of Rigforeshia enlarged several times over, and I can really feel the power of nature in the air. In the center of that city, at the base of the giant, heaven-piercing World Tree, this is where Lillywood-san apparently lives. When I got a branch of the World Tree, Lillywood-san picked me up at the gate, so I didn’t stop by here and it can be said that this is my first visit here. The place has a majestic appearance that could be described as a temple made of wood, and even though I’ve sent a hummingbird there beforehand, I feel like I’m going to be immediately turned away at the gate……

However, I guess it’s as to be expected from Lillywood-san. When I told my name to the gatekeeper at the entrance, he greeted me very politely and showed me to a large reception. From the walls to the furniture, the room, which was entirely made out of wood, had an indescribably elegant charm in it. For some reason though, it makes me feel like I’m in a temple, but well, it isn’t necessarily a mistake. To the people of this city, Lillywood-san is an object of faith, and a being equivalent to the Gods…… It wouldn’t be strange if this place feels solemn.

“……My apologies, Kaito-san. I’m sorry to keep you waiting.”

[Ah, no, I’m sorry instead for suddenly intruding.]

As I was drinking the fragrant tea that had the sweetness of fruit served in the reception room, Lillywood-san appeared, and standing up from my seat, I greeted her. I’ve heard that Lillywood-san is quite busy, so I was prepared to wait for quite a while but…… Thankfully, she seems to have given me quite a bit of priority and went to receive me.

“So, how can I be of help this time? I heard that you had a business with me but…… If I can be of help, please don’t hesitate to let me know.”

[Ah, no, I’m not here to ask for a favor, I came to express my gratitude.]

“……Express…… your gratitude?”

She apparently wasn’t expecting these words, as Lillywood-san asks me back with a wondering expression on her face. Smiling at Lillywood-san, I take out the music box that held the image of Lillywood-san from my magic box. The jewels used for this music box is an olive green Peridot…… a jewel that looks like the vibrant green leaves, which I think is perfect for Lillywood-san. The song is a powerful, resonant, deep piece of music that is reminiscent of the great outdoors, which also fits Lillywood-san…… Alice really did a great job with this one.

“……Errr…… Kaito-san? If I’m not mistaken…… Isn’t that a music box?”

[Yes. Lillywood-san had helped me in the previous matter, and I want to at least thank you for it……]

“Ahh, errr……”

Lillywood-san looks at the music box that is offered to her, looking puzzled and somewhat troubled. Just as I was feeling uneasy about whether she doesn’t like it, Lillywood-san speaks with a puzzled look on her face.

“……Kaito-san. Aren’t you giving it to the wrong person? I haven’t helped you in any way that would warrant your gratitude, you know?”

[No, that’s not the case! Thanks to Lillywood-san, I was able to make really great music boxes. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.]

“……H- However…… You took the time and effort to make it…… If you find good women out there, wouldn’t it be better to give it to them? I’m a “tree”, so to speak. I don’t think it would be appropriate for me to have such a nice item……”

I can tell from Lillywood-san’s tone of voice that she’s being very reserved about it but…… Since I made this music box for Lillywood-san, giving it to anyone else isn’t an option, and if I were to do that, it would be disrespectful to Lillywood-san and the one I would supposedly give this music box to. Or rather, calling herself a tree…… It’s true that Lillywood-san is the spirit of the World Tree, but even if she says that she’s a tree, she hardly looks any different from a human……

[……I think Lillywood-san is a beautiful, lovely lady though.]

“P- Please stop teasing me…… There’s no benefit, flattering a tree like me.”

[No, I’m being serious. That’s what I think from the bottom of my heart.]

“!? ……I- Is that so…… You’re quite the weird one, aren’t you?”

When I straightforwardly told her that these words I said were from my heart, Lillywood-san’s cheeks turned a bit red and she looked troubled again.

“……It would be rude to refuse too stubbornly, isn’t it…… Yes. Well then, undeserving it might be of me…… I will gratefully accept Kaito-san’s kindness.”


“……How should I say this… You’re quite the troubling human, aren’t you?”

[……Eh? What does that mean?]

Lillywood-san, who receives the music box from me with a look of resignation on her face, speaks with a slightly wry smile, but not understanding the meaning of what she said, I tilted my head. Thereupon, Lillywood-san somewhat gave me a happy smile before continuing to speak.

“……I think I can understand why Isis likes you…… i- is what I mean.”

[ . . . . . . ? ? ]

“Fufufu, no, please don’t worry about it…… Thank you for the music box. I feel really happy about Kaito-san’s thoughtfulness.”

[Ah, yes.]

I didn’t really quite understand what she meant, but it seems like Lillywood-san is having fun, so I guess that’s good…… Or rather, so Lillywood-san could smile like that huh. The usual gentle smile she had is nice, but I think she looks much more attractive, seeing her smiling happily like this.

“……I can’t just send you back home like this, can I? It isn’t very much, but Kaito-san, I’ll have lunch prepared for you, so please eat.”

[……Errr, in that case, I’ll be presuming upon you then.]

“Yes. Ahh, also…… Please take this.”

[……This is…… a flower?]

When I heard Lillywood-san’s words about having lunch, I realized that it was just around lunchtime and I was getting hungry, so I decided to take advantage of her kindness. Thereupon, Lillywood-san… I wonder if she used Spatial Magic? Anyway, a green ripple appeared in the air, and she took out a small pink flower from it and handed it to me.

“……Based on the language of flowers, it’s a flower that brings happiness. I think it’s perfect for you.”

[T- Thank you.]

“Well then, I still have lots of things to deal with, so please excuse me…… I’ll come back again after you finish lunch.”

[Yes, please do your best with your work.]

“Thank you.”

Lillywood-san somehow seemed to be happy as she said that and left.

* * * * * * * * * *

After having lunch at Lillywood-san’s place, since I was here anyway, I decided to go have a little tour around the streets of Yggfresis before going back to the Human Realm. Since I took my time before I came back, the time was approaching evening, and I think the time was about right for me to go towards that place.

[Fwamff, whamm, mushyaamm…… Excuse meee. I’ll have from here to there on this menu!]


And now, I move my gaze to this idiot…… namely Alice, who is currently wholeheartedly devouring yakiniku. Alice is eating the meat so fast that I really began to wonder where she was putting all that meat in her small body. After watching the scene over a cup of tea, I handed the music box to Alice, who is resting her chopsticks until the next set of meat arrives. As for the music box that I had given Alice, she obviously knows the details. It is made with a purple Amethyst in the center. I had the song made to be fun and somewhat mysterious.

[Alice, here. Thanks for all the help.]

[Thank you…… wait, isn’t that too lighthearted!? What’s with that lightheartedness!? Isn’t it weird that I’m the only one who you lightheartedly gave this music box to!? Can’t you give it to me with some words that have a heart-pounding, bittersweet feeling behind it!?]

[……I mean, I’m giving it to Alice anyway.]

[What cold words!? Kaito-san, aren’t you treating me a little too roughly!?]

Hmmm. Even if she said that though, I don’t know if treating Alice respectfully feels unusual for me or not but…… I wonder why though? To me, Alice might be someone like a close friend or that friend of mine who is a bad influence to me. I can talk to her with great ease and I don’t have to choose my words…… Could you call it confidence? I’m feeling a strange sense of relief around her. But well, my feelings of gratitude to her isn’t a lie at all. I couldn’t have done it without Alice’s help in making this music box…… Song writing, design consultation and drafting…… I honestly think that she was the one who helped me the most.

[My bad, sorry, I’m just a little embarrassed…… but I’m feeling really thankful to you. Thank you, Alice…… I’m glad you were there with me.]

[……W- What’s with you, suddenly saying that……]


When I lightly scratched my head and thanked her, I received an unexpectedly brusque response. Tilting my head as I look at such an Alice…… For some reason, she looked away.

[……Alice? What’s the matter?]

[N- No, it’s nothing……]

[No, but why are you turning your face away……]

[Ahhh~~! Is the next set of meat not ready yet~~!!!?]

……Something feels kind of wrong with Alice. What’s going on? Just as I was wondering what’s with Alice, who was clearly trying to get off the topic, when a new plate of meat was brought in right at that moment, and just when I was about to reach out for the meat…… My hand touched Alice’s hand, which happened to be reaching out at the same time.



Thereupon, for some reason, Alice let out a scream and leaped away, and the eyes that were visible beneath her mask were violently trembling. Arehh? Could it be……

[……Alice, are you perhaps…… embarrassed?]

[!? I- I- I wonder what you’re talking about now…… M- M- Me, being embarrassed by j- j- just being straightforwardly praised for a bit…… Kaito-san, are you really that tired!?]

[……Then, turn towards her for a second.]

[……No, that’s kinda……]

It seems that Alice’s behavior became strange because she felt embarrassed by my honest praise. Alice’s ears are slightly cherry-red as her face was turned away. and the way she was somewhat flustered looked amusing that I can’t help but smile.

[Haha…… I guess there’s something pretty cute about you, Alice.]

[Nyaahhh!? W- What are you talking about? Alice-chan is clearly always cute. I- I guess Kaito-san has also noticed my charm huh.]

[Unnn, that might be so.]

[Can you please throw your tsukkomi like you always do right there!!!? I can’t properly look directly at your face now, you know!!!?]

Speaking of which, when I really think back on it, Alice was that side of hers that is embarrassed when her unmasked face is seen, so she may actually be a shy one. She has been hiding it behind her usual antics…… but perhaps, she was deliberately lifting herself up, calling herself a beautiful girl or something like that, so that she wouldn’t be praised in a strange way……

This is……. Unnn…… I felt like I had found an amusing weakness.

[……Uwaahhh, Kaito-san. That’s an evil smile you had there.]

[……That’s rude.]

[……Haahhh…… I’ll just say this now…… but I’m only like this when it’s Kaito-san who’s saying that, okay? Geez, seriously, it’s really troubling for me too.]

After saying that and letting out a sigh, Alice grilled the meat and started eating it. In a somewhat unexpected place, I felt like I was able to hear Alice’s true feelings hidden beneath her heart, and even though I felt strange…… I felt slightly happy.

* * * * * * * * * *

The sun had set, and I was lying down…… not on my bed, but on the sofa.

[Mhmm…… It kinda feels like this has turned into a fixed position for us……]

[Unnn? I’m happy like this though.]


While I was lying down on her lap, Kuro smiles as she gently pats my head. Along with the feeling of embarrassment and happiness rushing into my heart, I can hear the gentle sound of the music box in my ears. The music box presented to Kuro is decorated with yellow Diamonds in the image of her beautiful eyes. And as for the song, it’s the only one I had Alice rework once. At first, Alice wrote a bright and fun song with the image of the sun. It was a great song, and it also fits Kuro’s image…… but I asked her if she could recreate it again, with the image of the beautiful and gentle moonlight.

The song turned out to be just what I envisioned Kuro to be, a song that gently illuminates the darkness.

[……Thank you. Kaito-kun, I feel really happy.]

[……If Kuro’s happy with it, then I’m happy too.]

Kuro knew I was making a music box, but she accepted the music box I gave her with a really happy smile, and still lovingly gazed at it as it played on the desk.

[Speaking of which, Kaito-kun. Have you had a good rest?]

[Ahh, well, there was a lot going on, but I was able to relax.]

[I see, that’s great then…… Don’t push yourself too hard, okay?]


Seriously, I feel like I can be very honest when I’m with Kuro…… Hmmm. It might be embarrassing, but I guess I had been spoiled quite a bit.  The image I have of Kuro is that of the moon and the stars, illuminating the dark nights…… She softens and heals the dark feelings within me…… making me look forward to doing my best again.

[……However, hearing you talk about that makes me want to go on a trip with Kaito-kun too.]

[I also think it would be fun if I could go on a trip with Kuro…… but Kuro, aren’t you busy?]



Kuro may not be showing it in front of me, but I think she’s been very busy as one of the Six Kings. That’s evident from the fact that Kuro basically only comes here at night, and she’s been especially busy lately.

[Well, we have the Festival of Heroes this year. I have more time in the years that it isn’t celebrated but…… only the years with the Festival of Heroes would there be all these various troublesome coordinations.]

[I see…… Lillywood-san also seems to be quite busy.]

[Ahh~~ Errr, well, she has also been busy lately because of another matter though……]

[Another matter?]

[It’s still a sec~~ ret~~ now~~.]

Seeing Kuro with a smile that looks like a child who was planning a prank, I can’t help but chuckle.

[Well, once the Light month passes, I will be able to be a bit more carefree…… If it’s okay with you, Kaito-kun, we can go somewhere together.]

[Yeah, that sounds like fun…… Unnn, I’d love to have that.]


The gentle moonlight shining through the window, the kind smile in her eyes when I look up at her, the warmth of her caress on my head…… As I was surrounded by such happiness, I slowly closed my eyelids.

* * * * * * * * * *

The 9th Day of the Light month.

With the coming of the Light month, the halfway point of the year is drawing near. Well, to be honest, it was partly because the past few months have been unusually dense, and I even thought of “Eh? Six months haven’t even passed yet!?”……

I think I have felt lots of changes in me come in less than 5 months. I’m not only looking forward to the future now, but recently, I felt like I’ve also been able to adapt to the common sense of this world recently. As expected, that would most probably be because I’ve already settled my emotions…… and that I’ve made a clear decision about what I’m going to do in the future, and I guess you can say that I’ve broken through an emotional barrier. Well, I’ve certainly gone through a lot of changes since I came to this world, but it isn’t just me, as the people around me have changed a lot too.

But well, there are things that don’t change even if I try to change them……


It’s late at night and the date is about to change. I let out a sigh as I stood in front of one of the rooms. There was a faint light leaking out from underneath the door in front of my gaze, proving that someone was in this room. If this was someone’s private room, I would have thought that they were just staying up late but…… The door that is currently in front of me is the door to the office…… In short, a room where you do work. And the fact that this room has been in use for the longest time in the mansion is, needless to say, a well-known fact…… Well, it might be obvious already, but the one inside is Lilia-san. Seriously…… Isn’t she working a little too hard? The other day, when we went on a trip together, we talked about how the both of us shouldn’t push ourselves too hard…… Only a few days passed and she’s already like this.

I don’t know if I should say that it’s just like Lilia-san or not, but seriously, I think her personality of being too serious is a problem. Letting out a sigh in front of the door again, I walked away from the place and started walking in the “opposite direction of my room”.

A little after the date changed to the 8th day of the Light month, I knocked on the door of Lilia-san’s office.

[……Yes? Come in.]

[Excuse me.]

[Eh? Kaito-san?]

Probably because she didn’t expect that there would be someone knocking on the door this late, a voice filled with curiosity called out from behind the door. After receiving Lilia-san’s permission to enter, I opened the door and walked in. It seems that Lilia-san didn’t think it was me, as her eyes opened wide and a surprised expression appeared on her face.

[……What’s the matter? You’re up at this hour.]

[No, that’s more of my line here……]

[A- Ahaha……]

Muttering in response to Lilia-san, who curiously tilted her head as she turned her reproaching eyes at me, Lilia-san wryly smiles with the expression of a child whose prank has been discovered. While letting out a sigh looking at such a Lilia-san, I take out the things I’ve prepared in the dining room earlier from my magic box.

[……Here’s some refreshments. Please take a break for a moment.]

[Eh? T- Thank you.]

[Sieg-san has taught me a few things but…… please pardon me if it tastes comparably crude.]

I brought tea and cookies…… Well, I made the tea, but the cookies were bought from the bakery. It’s impossible for me to bake cookies in a short time, so I prepared the ones I have in my magic box. Lilia-san seems to be a bit apologetic as she looks at the tea and cookies I’ve prepared, and obediently following what I said, she stops processing her paperwork and takes a break. By the way, I’ve prepared a warm cup of tea and cookies for her…… It’s because I wanted to make her feel sleepy and get rested already but…… Well, I’m not really certain if she would feel sleepy after she fills up her belly, so I could only hope that it happens.

[……It’s very warm and delicious. Thank you.]

[That’s good to hear…… By the way, Lilia-san?]


Looking at Lilia-san, who was smiling with relief after drinking tea, I decided to cut to the chase.

[If I remember correctly…… We talked about how the both of us will refrain from pushing ourselves too hard, right?]

[Ahh. errr…… This is, ummm……]

[Lilia-san, please don’t look away.]

[N- No, I have some business that I really need to deal with as soon as possible……]

Hearing my words, Lilia-san, who clearly looks flustered, turned away her gaze…… That gesture of hers looks very cute, but now, there’s an oni appearing within my heart as I continued speaking.

[Heehhh……. That must be quite the urgent business huh?]

[Y- Yes, that’s right. Well, so, you just happened to see me when……]

[Lunamaria-san told me that most of the work that Lilia-san is doing today is “work that Lilia-san didn’t originally have to do” though……]


It may be that Lilia-san thought she was able to deceive me, but unfortunately, I know that she worked until about the same time yesterday and the day before that. I’ve also received word from Lunamaria-san that the workaholic Lilia-san is going as far as to do the work that would normally be best left to her subordinates. Hearing my words, Lilia-san begins to sweat profusely, and her gaze restlessly moves about, as if she was desperately trying to think of an excuse.



[Is there something you want to say?]

[i- I’m sorry……]

Seeing Lilia-san bow her head, a loud sigh comes out of my mouth again. Seriously, I don’t know if I should say that she’s too serious or not, and it’s troubling me as even though she had the habit of giving her subordinates plenty of time off and breaks, she doesn’t try to take a break at all. Well, that’s just the way Lilia-san is…… Fate-san, how about you try following Lilia-san’s footsteps for a bit?

[……Haahhh…… Can’t you lower your workload for a bit?]

[……Uuuuhh… Yes.]

[……Is there anything I can help with?]


At any rate, this personality of Lilia-san already feels like a disease. Even after she left them for a while, she’ll probably start working late again…… At the times when Lunamaria-san isn’t around, I’ll check on her from time to time. Anyway, regarding what she was working on tonight, as far as I can see, there’s still quite a lot left to do on her desk. I don’t think I can be of much help, but I still want to help her out with some things.

[Please don’t hesitate and speak. Well, I may only end up being a hindrance but…… I can’t just leave my important lover as she’s pushing herself, so please let me help you in any way I can.]

[……Ah, y- yes…… then, ummm…… can I ask you one thing?]

[Yes, anything you say.]

Hearing my serious words, Lilia-san looked half apologetic and half happy, and as she slightly looked down, she murmured. When she confirmed that I nodded at her words, while she’s making a gesture where both of her index fingers were poking at each other, Lilia-san spoke with a blush on her cheeks.

[……You don’t have to do anything in particular…… I- It’s just, errr…… C- Can you please stay by my side?]


[I- If you do that, errr…… I feel like I will be cheered up……]

[……Yes, understood. I’ll stay with you as much as you like.]

It’s a very cute and innocent request…… So cute that I almost reflexively hugged Lilia-san, but I could see that work wouldn’t progress that way at all, and at worst, Lilia-san might pass out, so I firmly held back. Then, before she finished her tea and returned working, Lilia-san prepared a chair for me…… Sitting down in the chair provided next to Lilia-san, who had started working already, I look at the serious expression on her face as she goes over her paperwork. Lilia-san goes on with her paperwork in silence, while occasionally glancing back at me with a smile on her face.

As I continued to stare at Lilia-san work for a while, I suddenly felt a soft touch on my hand that had been resting on my lap, and when I looked down…… I saw Lilia-san’s hand, the one that isn’t holding her pen, was piled up over my hand.



[……Ummm, thank you.]


[……Errr, also…… Will you take a trip with me again sometime?]

[Yes. Anytime.]



[……I love you.]

[I love you too.]

Lilia-san is a very serious and hardworking person, and she doesn’t take a break at all. Even though there are some troubling aspects of her…… She’s shy and cute, and even her little gestures are overflowing with charm, and that’s why I think——– That there’s something cute about her that I just can’t leave alone.