I Was Caught up in a Hero Summoning, but That World Is at Peace (LN)

Volume 8 - Prologue


Caught up in a Hero Summoning, Miyama Kaito finds himself living in the peaceful other world “Trinia”. As Kaito began to get accustomed to life in the other world, not just in the Human Realm, but in the Demon Realm and God Realm, his relationship with the Underworld King Kuromueina and the Death King Isis deepens. Living in the other world where he found people important to him, Kaito’s feelings began to change———–

Dear Mom, Dad————-

It’s been almost half a year since I was summoned to another world.

Perhaps, because I have spent quite a few intense days in this world, I feel as if I have been living in this world for years already. And just as I was getting used to this world, I still find some things that seemed strange to me. For example, some things have different names from those in our world, such as our world’s apples being called ripples, while others have the same name, such as oranges. If that was all there is to it, I would have attributed it as some kind of influence those who used to play the role of Hero had in this world…… but other than that, this world also has the sun, the moon, and the stars. A world that should be different from ours, yet somehow familiar…… Is there a reason for this?

Having such thoughts in mind, I closed the diary I was writing and looked out the window. The moon floating in the starry skies that can be described as unknown, somehow feels rather unfathomable……

(There is no great reason for it. If I had to describe one, I would say that the God of Kaito-san’s world and I are old acquaintances, and she gave me a lot of advice when I created this world, so there are some similarities between our worlds.)

——is what I was thinking, but the God who created this world personally told me the reason. S- So that’s how it is…… Then, does that have something to do with the fact that people can go back and forth between worlds through the Hero Summoning and abilities like that?

(I suppose so. Because “she” and I have mutually gave each other permission, it’s possible to travel between our worlds using magic. Of course, there are some conditions attached to it.)

I see…… Rather, she? The God of my world is also a woman like Shiro-san huh…… Hmmm, I’m a little curious. Shiro-san, what is the God of my world like?

(……An incomprehensible, crazy God…… I suppose?)

Doesn’t that make her sound dangerous!? What’s particularly dangerous is that she’s on a level that that Shiro-san described her as “crazy”. H- How outrageous of a person could she be?

(Let’s see. She dotes on all life in the world she created, calling them “her child”. She also says that humans have already left her hands, and she apparently doesn’t intervene with that world anymore, but she continues to watch over it.)

Arehh? It doesn’t sound like she’s a strange God to me though……

(However, she loves her children too much…… So when we were signing the contract about the Hero Summoning, we had quite a struggle. In the end, we came to the conclusion that even those who chose to emigrate to this world would have their souls returned to her after their death.)

Hmmm. Rather than having deep love, I guess she would be a God extremely brimming with motherliness. She probably loves the children of her world so deeply that she appears to be insane, so it may just be a matter of perspectives and all those sort of stuff? If that were the case, it really seems like she’s a decent God. If I had the chance, I would like to meet her at least once.

(……I see. I’m slightly looking forward to the time your assessment of her changes.)

Eh? What’s with that, please don’t say something that makes me uneasy……

(Well then, let’s go back to our earlier topic. We’re talking about our date, weren’t we?)

Rather than going back to the topic, you’ve completely diverted it to a different dimension though!? Eh, is this that? Does Shiro-san feel like chatting with me for a while? The date’s about to change now, so I was thinking of going to bed……

(I see, I understand. In that case, I’ll rewind the world’s time for an hour or so……)

Wait! Alright! I understand! I’ll keep you company as long as you want, so please don’t do anything that might make Chronois-san cry again!