I Was Caught up in a Hero Summoning, but That World Is at Peace (LN)

Volume 8 - CH 7

Who could have foreseen such a thing happening, even in their dreams?

Making use of the Hero Summoning to summon otherworlders has already become common knowledge in the world. It’s because such a thing has become a matter of course, because everyone has become familiar with such a thing…… that no one had questioned it. No, perhaps…… “they had been manipulated by someone so that they don’t question it”. The Hero Summoning is a tremendous technique that transcends the barriers between worlds, allowing the user to call people from another world. However, such a tremendous technique…… “Who is it that created it”?

The first summoning took place a thousand years ago in the Human Realm. However, were the Humans of that time capable of creating such a technique? Even though a thousand years has passed and no one has been able to reproduce the same technique……

That being the case, the only person who could have created the magic circle for Hero Summoning would have been the Creator God, Shallow Vernal.

However, why is it that this God created this magic circle? To save Humanity? That’s not possible. If that’s what she had wanted, the events of that time could have been easily solved by Shallow Vernal wielding the faintest of her omnipotent magic power. That God is also the kind of being who cares about the rift between the Demon Realm and the Human Realm.

No, rather than that…… It may be that “all premises were mistaken”. “Since when” has the magic circle for the Hero Summoning existed in the Human Realm? Why did Shallow Vernal create the Human Realm, “which did not exist 20,000 years ago”, and why did she create the Humans living there?

Shallow Vernal sometimes referred to a certain being as “Singularity”.

Upon her investigation, Alice, the Phantasmal King, considered that Miyama Kaito was summoned by Kuromueina’s magic power because he had the qualities to fulfill Kuromueina’s wishes. She definitely was not mistaken. With her exceptional intellect, she had seen through the definite truth.

However, the truth isn’t always one and the same.

Was the being named Miyama Kaito really sought only by Kuromueina? Why was Miyama Kaito chosen? This matter could have been simply ended by the words “It was but a coincidence”. However, the truth is, if you look at the situation differently, you will find another answer.

What if…… Miyama Kaito wasn’t accidentally summoned to this world because of Kuromueina’s interference with the Summoning Magic Circle?

What if Miyama Kaito isn’t only the singularity for Kuromueina…… “but a Singularity for someone else” as well?

Having this in mind, the colors of the truth start changing. Perhaps…… He may be “a being sought by someone who could see into the future”. If that were the case, wouldn’t the premises change?

What if the future that the being sought, “a future where she is together with her singularity, Miyama Kaito”…… has been “unintentionally changed by another being”? What if, because of this being’s special characteristic of “being able to nullify Shallow Vernal’s power”, she had distorted the wheels that were set in motion and advanced the pointer to a future that wasn’t meant to be?

Wouldn’t that be tantamount to “stealing what she desired” for this God?

[……Why…… How did this happen……]

The God is shaken. Dark emotions filled her heart, emotions that she still can’t fully express, she thought of the future that will never come……

The gears of time had started to move askew. The Singularity has already appeared in this world. There may no longer be any point in discussing who really was the beginning.

And yet, the God still wailed.

Even as her expression and voice remained the same, she still cried out in her heart.

Seeking what she had lost…… The Destruction God of the Apocalypse, Shallow Vernal, unnoticed by anyone, has now begun to move.

(Volume 8 End)


For picking up the 8th Volume of “I was Caught up in a Hero Summoning, but That World is at Peace”, thank you very much. This volume raised a number of flags for later. Kaito, Illness, Funf…… and the two people at the center of the biggest taboo in the world. Furthermore, the Last Boss, who had been showing signs of turbulence from time to time, finally made her move, bringing about a lot of foreshadowing. Well, to go into the details of the foreshadowing here would be a spoiler, so let’s talk about the other parts of the story.

I especially want to focus on the Six Kings Festival, which will play a major role in the future. It’s a very big event. There’s an inside story about it…… Actually, the Six Kings Festival in the Web Novel is held during the Heaven month. So, why is it held in the Fire month in the Light Novel…… it’s solely due to me, the Author’s fault.

In preparation for when it was to be turned into the Light Novel, I added a lot of things to the Web Novel, and as a result of revising this and that, and spending an extravagant number of days…… there wasn’t enough time to break down the rest of the events. If we had proceeded with the schedule according to the Web Novel, Kaito-kun would have to digest events on a really overcrowded schedule, so I went with the somewhat forceful choice and changed it to the Fire month.

Actually, not just in that festival, but one volume earlier…… There’s also the first princess Amalie’s birthday party. In the Web novel, at that point in time, Kaito and Sieg had already become lovers, and that event was the start of Lilia’s arc…… the time where Lilia realized her love for Kaito. However, due to the number of days I could fill in the Light Novel, I couldn’t finish Sieg’s arc in time, and I was quite torn between doing Lilia’s arc first or having Sieg’s arc as scheduled. As a result, picking the option that’s easier for me…… Rather than saying that it would be better having it later, even though I myself know that I’ll have a hard time when Lilia’s arc begins in the next volume, I was actually just putting things for later.

Regulating the number of days to your scheduled plans sure is difficult, isn’t it?

Also, I have nonchalantly mentioned it, but yes, the next volume will be Lilia’s arc. In fact, “Lilia is the first heroine that Kaito met” in the series. If we include her appearance, personality and how she was like in the previous chapters, I feel that she has enough potential to be the main heroine. Also, she’s the “precious human heroine”. At the time I am writing this afterword, the number of lovers Kaito-kun had in the Web Novel has increased to seven…… If you think about it, Lilia is his only human lover. It’s very strange that a human heroine is so rare, but I hope you will look forward to the continuation of the story.