I Was Caught up in a Hero Summoning, but That World Is at Peace (LN)

Volume 8 - CH 2

After dinner, we continued chatting for a while, and after taking a bath, I was thinking that the only thing left to do was to go to bed…… when Sieg-san suddenly called out to me.

[……Kaito-san, do you mind if we go take a stroll around?]

[A stroll……?]

[Yes, I felt like getting some night breeze, so if it’s fine with you, would you mind accompanying me?]

[Alright. Let’s go.]

I had no reason to refuse, so I accepted her invitation and walked out of the house with Sieg-san. The city of Rigforeshia at night is very quiet, the stars shining in the sky are beautiful, and the comfortable night breeze somehow makes me feel peaceful. Sieg-san and I began to walk together, not having any particular destination in mind. We rarely exchanged words, and although our stroll was silent, by no means does it feel uncomfortable at all…… Strangely enough, I felt peace of mind.

Then, we continued on for a while, but when we arrived in the plaza…… I was suddenly gently hugged from behind.



[E- Errr, S- Sieg-san!?]

A soft, warm embrace, and the good scent faintly wafting after a bath…… I felt my heart loudly beating as I flusteredly called Sieg-san’s name, and after a moment of silence, still hugging me from behind, Sieg-san spoke.

[……Kaito-san is a very strong person. Always straightforwardly doing your best…… I really respect you.]

[N- No, it’s not like I’m that great of a person……]

[Even if you think so, you are a man I can truly respect…… I always get courage and energy from the hardworking Kaito-san. So, I sometimes want to return what I felt to you too.]

[……Errr. I appreciate that but, w- what’s with our situation?]

[……Strong and admirable…… And yet, by no means are you an invincible person…… I want to hug such a Kaito-san right now but…… Is that no good?]

[N- No!?]

[…..That’s great…… Well then, let’s just stay like this for a bit longer……]

What is this? This feeling…… I was supposed to be very nervous, but I felt truly reassured instead. Sieg-san is a mature woman who is always kind, calm and dependable…… Just like a dependable older sister. I was an only child, but if I had an older sister…… would she be like this? Do I think of Sieg-san as an older sister?

……No, but what about the pounding I’m feeling in my chest right now? I don’t think I’m going to have any answers right away…… but it isn’t making me feel uncomfortable. I don’t know why, but the tears which should have already stopped…… started flowing again.

After my stroll with Sieg-san, we came back to Rei-san and Fia-san’s home. I was feeling a bit gloomy, but that was resolved after my stroll with Sieg-san, and I thought all I had to do now was get a good night’s sleep and get ready for tomorrow, but at that moment, a troubling situation arose.

[Kaito-san! How many times do I have to tell you to make you understand!!!?]

[That’s my line!]

[……You’re really stubborn, aren’t you……]


[……I return those words back to you.]

……Sieg-san and I were currently having what you would call an argument for the first time since we met. However, it isn’t that we’re speaking ill of each other or that we’re displeased. It’s simply because we held opinions that clashed with each other.

[……Like I said, I’ll go sleep on the floor! Sieg-san, you go sleep on the bed!]

[That’s no good! Kaito-san is our guest! I’ll be sleeping on the floor!]

[If you’re saying it like that, there’s no way I would let a woman sleep on the floor either! I won’t budge on this one!]

Yes, Sieg-san and I are arguing about the one and only bed. Even though two people could sleep on it if they wanted to because of its size, Sieg-san wouldn’t want to sleep with a man like me on the same futon, so I told her that I was originally planning to sleep on the floor…… But Sieg-san just wouldn’t stop insisting that she couldn’t let me, as her guest, sleep on the floor. And now, we are arguing about giving each other the bed.

[I’m stronger than you. I used to sleep outdoors a lot, so I’m fine on the floor.]

[In the world where I was in, it was common to sleep on the floor with a futon laid out on the floor. It’s fine if I just sleep on the floor.]



Lilia-san once described me and Sieg-san as being similar to each other, and I think that might actually be true.

[Anyway, I have my pride as a man too! I can’t let a woman sleep on the floor!]

[You don’t have to treat me like a woman! I’m not sexy or feminine at all!]

[That’s not true! Sieg-san is a very charming, lovely woman!!!]

[Hweh!? T- T- T- Thank you……]

[Eh? Ah, no……]

I just reflexively said something outrageous!? Hearing the words I shouted at her, Sieg-san’s face turns red as she looks down. I can’t continue to speak anymore either. Unable to speak to each other, seeing Sieg-san looking down and fidgeting made me feel embarrassed and I looked away. However, the conversation wouldn’t go on if we just stayed silent like this, so after a moment of silence, I slowly opened my mouth.

[……B- But, you see…… If the both of us won’t budge at all, we’ll have no choice but to sleep in the same bed though?]

[……I- It’s not…… l- like I…… mind it that much anyway.]


If we both won’t allow the other person to sleep on the floor, we’ll have to sleep together in the same bed…… When I told her that, to my surprise, Sieg-san said she was fine with it. I know she’s just looking out for me but……

[……A- Are you really sure you’re okay with that?]

[……Yes…… I- I guess Kaito-san really wouldn’t want to be in the same bed as a tall girl like me, right?]

[N- No, I don’t think of such things at all…… Also, Sieg-san is a really lovely woman. Your height is also part of your charm.]

[ ~ ~ ! ? ! ? ]

Sieg-san is about the same height…… or maybe a bit taller than me, and she seems to be pretty conscious about that. She has already asked it multiple times before, to which I told her I wasn’t intimidated by her features. It’s true that Sieg-san is tall, and with her extremely beautiful face, at first glance, she gave a cool impression. But after talking with her, I realized she’s very gentle and her height, coupled with her slender figure and beautiful proportions, is just one of the things that makes her so attractive.

[……P- Please don’t flatter too much…… I- It’s making me feel embarrassed.]

[Ah, I- I’m sorry.]

Back then, Sieg-san couldn’t speak, so even now, I know what she wants to say even if she doesn’t say much, and in fact, the opposite was also true, and she seems to know what I’m thinking to a certain extent too. She could tell that I found Sieg-san attractive, and as she tried hiding her long ears that had turned red, she looked very cute…… and thinking about what’s about to come, I felt my nervousness tremendously rise.

* * * * * * * * * *

……It’s quiet…… Too quiet.

The ticking of the clock is extremely loud, and I’m currently keeping my eyelids shut, surrounded by a crystal-clear silence in the darkness of the night. My body was considerably tired. I took a long trip on the Flying Dragon Services, a lot of things have happened since we got here, and I took a night stroll…… But even with all the things I’ve done and how tired my body is, I don’t feel like I can sleep at all. I’m lying on my side on the edge of the bed, and behind me is Sieg-san, who lying down and should be facing the opposite direction.

[……Kaito-san…… Are you still awake?]

As I’m savoring the feeling of time slipping away without feeling like I can sleep at all, I heard a small voice call out from behind me.


[……Don’t you think we’re wasting a little too much space?]

[……I was also thinking the same thing.]

Currently, Sieg-san and I are lying back to back, as far away from each other as possible. However, although it’s bigger than a normal bed, it’s not as big as a king-size bed. When we are laying down while trying to keep some distance away from each other, we can’t help but be at the edge of the bed. This may be partly due to our personalities, but at any rate, the space in the middle of us is quite empty.

[……Should we get a bit closer?]


I had been thinking about it, but I couldn’t just carelessly say it as it might be impolite, but thanks to Sieg-san opening up that topic herself, despite my nervousness, I was able to agree to it. Wriggling my body to avoid looking back at her, I slightly moved towards the center of the bed. I can hear the sound of clothing rubbing with clothes from her side. It seems like Sieg-san is moving in the same way as mine……

[ [ ! ? ] ]

However, there is no way we can make fine adjustments by moving with just our senses without looking back, and after I feel Sieg-san’s back touching mine, both of us simultaneously flinch. I felt my senses being awfully keen because I’m nervous, and my back feels hot even though we only slightly touched each other. I could hear my own heart thumping loudly, and I was about to speak to distract myself from the nervousness that was boiling my body…… Before I could speak though, Sieg-san spoke.

[……Kaito-san, can I ask you something weird?]

[……Something weird? Y- Yes, I don’t mind.]

Hearing Sieg-san ask me in a slightly raised voice, I nodded my head and replied that I don’t mind. Thereupon, Sieg-san stayed silent for a moment before she slowly spoke.

[……Today, you were talking about it with Father…… ummm, about my underwear……]

[Ehh? Ah, no, that was just Rei-san’s joke, okay!?]

[Fufu, I know. No, that was probably just the usual outbursts……]


Hearing Sieg-san suddenly saying something outrageous, I was so flustered that I had explained myself, even though I had done nothing wrong. After chuckling at my excessive reaction, Sieg-san spoke more outrageous words.

[I don’t really understand though…… for example…… Would Kaito-san want to see me…… while I’m just wearing my underwear?]

[Wha!? S- S- Sieg-san!? W- W- What the heck are you saying!?]

[No, I was just simply wondering…… what would you feel when you see…… a woman whose chest is small and doesn’t have any glamor…… And you see, I’ve heard that men like women with big breasts……]


Eh? What’s with these questions? Ummm, do I have to respond to this? I’m feeling so embarrassed just hearing about this…… H- Hmmm. It’s just my guess, but I think based on what she usually says and does, I think Sieg-san doesn’t have a lot of confidence in herself as a woman. So, being a man, she wanted to hear my opinion…… If that’s the case, then I should properly answer her.

[……Don’t every person have their own preferences? Of course, there are a certain number of people who like women with large breasts but…… I personally think they are attractive enough even without them being large.]

[……For instance, what do you think about me? If Kaito-san saw me only wearing that…… w- would you, ummm, be a- aroused?]

[……I definitely would be…… I’ve said this many times, Sieg-san is an incredibly attractive woman and……to be honest, I’m still very nervous even now.]

My face was burning hot, but I honestly told her my thoughts.

[……Is that the truth?]

Thereupon, Sieg-san tried confirming it again, sounding a bit anxious.

[Yes. I think Sieg-san should have more confidence in himself.]

[……Being told that I have a low estimation of myself, I don’t want to be told that by Kaito-san……]


That’s a very strong counter, that I even let out a groan. I certainly don’t have that much confidence in myself either. How should I say this… I guess you could say I’m a cowardly person at heart, and that everytime people think highly of me, I’m afraid that such compliments aren’t fitting for someone like me…… This is the only thing that I feel isn’t going to change anytime soon.

[Fufufu, but thank you. I got a bit more confident in myself.]

[I- Is that so…… That’s good to hear.]

[……Ahh, but, please don’t steal my underwear.]

[I won’t steal it!!!]

I strongly refuted the words that she teasingly said. I mean, even though I know she’s just joking, I didn’t expect that she would really warn me of that…… What kind of person do I look like in Sieg-san’s mind……

[……I think you’re a man more fantastic than any others.]

[Ehh? Ah, errr, t- thank you.]

The words were spoken as if she could see through the thoughts in my mind, and I felt the heat that was supposed to have cooled down, suddenly returned back to my face…… Unnn, as expected, I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep today.

* * * * * * * * * *

Walking through the beautiful forest, I squinted my eyes as light shone through the trees. I feel quite heavy since I couldn’t sleep at all last night, but looking at the beautiful scenery around me, I naturally felt energized. Sieg-san is walking a little distance in front of me, and she would occasionally move her gaze at me with a smile.

[Kaito-san, are you alright?]

[Yes, the air feels great.]

I’m currently walking through the forest with Sieg-san, which is simply put, a walk in the woods. It’s the second day since I arrived in Rigforeshia, and Sieg-san suggested that she would show me the forest around Rigforeshia that I couldn’t see during the Sacred Tree Festival. Other than the city itself and the Spirits’ Forest, I certainly hadn’t seen much of Rigforeshia, and since I wanted to see more of the vast forests, I gratefully accepted her invitation. The place Sieg-san brought me to is the forest where the hunting competition of the previous Sacred Tree Festival was held, and it seems to be a place where many animals live. Since it’s also a place where the elves hunt, the road from the city of Rigforeshia is well-maintained, and it’s somehow pretty easy to walk around. All of the trees are thriving and the air feels very refreshing, as well as the beautiful scenery, and just as she explained to me beforehand, I can see small animals here and there.

Having lots of animals obviously means that there are lots of monsters in the area. I wouldn’t have been able to come by myself to this place, but since Sieg-san is with me…… and I can also say that if the need arises, Alice, who would likely be around here somewhere, will be here to help me. As Sieg-san and I made our way through the vibrant forest, I felt like we were currently hiking. From time to time, Sieg-san will stop and give me a brief explanation about the plants and animals. I guess I should have expected it since we’re in a different world, as there are many plants and animals that I have never seen in my previous world. Sieg-san’s careful explanation though, was very easy to understand and fun to listen to.

[……We don’t see that many monsters, isn’t it? Ah, no, as far as I’m concerned, I’m grateful for that but……]

[The Black Bears were wiped out by the Death King before. Also, due to the influence of World King-sama’s Barrier Magic, it seems that there are even fewer monsters approaching the city than before.]

I don’t know if I should say it’s to be expected from Isis-san or it’s to be expected from Lillywood-san…… but it seems like it has become much safer around Rigforeshia. I wondered if that would reduce the amount of prey they could get from hunting, but the elves didn’t seem to like meat very much to begin with, so they seemed to be rather grateful to have more places to safely grow fruits. Well, either way, thanks to that, I’m grateful to that since I am now able to enjoy a leisurely stroll around here.

As I was enjoying a leisurely stroll with Sieg-san, time had passed before I knew it, and the sun seemed to be quite high in the sky.

[……I guess it’s about time for lunch huh?]

[Yes, since we’re going to the forest, I prepared a bento for us…… I hope you like it……]

When I called out to see what we’ll have for lunch, Sieg-san pulled out a bento containing our lunch with a smile on her face…… Honestly, I was looking forward to it.

[Thank you. The food Sieg-san makes is delicious, so I’m looking forward to it.]

[Fufufu, you won’t get anything even if you flatter me.]

Searching for an open area in the vicinity, I then laid out a large cloth as a sheet and sat down with Sieg-san. After that, Sieg-san places what appears to be a small magic tool on all sides of the cloth that I had laid down.

[Sieg-san? What’s that?]

[Ahh, it’s a magic tool that deploys a weak barrier around us…… It would be troubling if a monster interrupts us while we’re eating.]

I see, so it’s a monster barrier huh? We certainly are pretty vulnerable while eating, so it’s a relief to have something like that. When she finished putting all of them down, Sieg-san once again placed the bento in front of me.

[I’m still not as good as Mother but……]

[That’s not the case. Sieg-san’s food is really good and I like it a lot.]

[T- Thank you.]


With a slightly bashful smile, Sieg-san spreads out the delicious-looking bento. Mini hamburger steaks, egg salad, and simple sandwiches…… All of them looked delicious…… Or rather, all of the food lined up were my favorites, so embarrassing it may be, I felt excited. How should I say this… Bento boxes have a strange excitement to them, and being within their boxes strangely makes them look so much better than when they’re normally on the plate.

[Thank you for the food.]

[Yes, enjoy your meal.]

Pressed on by her gentle smile, I took a sandwich and brought it to my mouth first. Ham and lettuce? It was seasoned with a tangy and slightly spicy seasoning to make the salty taste of the dish more appetizing. Continuing on, I brought the egg salad, served with a small wooden fork, to my mouth, which was also really carefully unwrapped with a soft and gentle tastle, along with a refreshing vegetable flavor that spread in my mouth. Sieg-san’s cooking really had a gentle taste and was very delicious…… Or rather, it seems like every time I eat it, it’s getting more and more to my liking.

[I have prepared lots of them, so you can take your time and eat…… Ah, I also brought some tea. Here.]

[Thank you.]

Hmmm, I wonder why? How should I say this…… Spending time like this feels kind of nice. Eating lunch with Sieg-san, who would serenely smile in the midst of the greenery-filled nature…… It somehow makes me feel very warm, or rather, it makes me feel very calm. Feeling relaxed and happy, we proceeded with our meal and finished all of the bentos, which should have been quite large. Just as my stomach swelled up, Sieg-san quietly prepared a cup of hot tea, and after I thanked her again, I brought it to my mouth.



[Ahh, I- I’m sorry.]

[……Could it be that you haven’t been able to sleep much last night?]

[……Errr, I actually only slept for a bit……]

I don’t know if it’s because I felt relaxed after a good meal, but I unintentionally leaked out a yawn.

[……Kaito-san, how about you get some sleep for a bit?]

[Eh? No, but……]

[You don’t have to be that reserved, go get some sleep.]

As she said this, Sieg-san took a large cloth from her magic box and rolled it around, she turned it into a pillow. It’s true that after I filled up my stomach, I’m feeling quite sleepy…… so her suggestion that I can sleep sounds very appealing. Moreover, since Sieg-san was so concerned about me, it’s kind of difficult for me to say no.

[……T- Then, I’ll sleep for a bit.]


Deciding to take Sieg-san’s suggestion and sleeping for a little while, I laid down on the pillow that Sieg-san had prepared for me. Thereupon, Sieg-san took out a thin blanket and gently draped it over me.

[……Errr, then, please wake me up after a while.]

[I understand.]

Laying down quickly makes me feel sleepy, and when I called out to Sieg-san as I felt my eyelids getting heavier, she gave me a gentle, reassuring smile. Then, she slowly approached me, and as I felt my hair being gently stroked, I heard her beautiful voice.

[ ~ ~ ♪    ~ ~ ]

[……A song?]

[Yes, it doesn’t have any lyrics but…… It’s often sung in lullabies. If it’s unpleasant, should I stop?]

[No, you can keep going if you want.]

[Yes…… ~ ~ ♪ ]

The gentle, beautiful melody comfortably echoes in my ears and slowly lulls me to sleep. So Sieg-san…… is a good singer too. She really seems like a mature woman who can do everything, a really lovely person…… As I was thinking about this, my consciousness slowly faded away…… I thought I heard her soft voice mixed in with the song.

[……Kaito-san…… While you sleep, I’m going to prepare myself…… When you wake up…… Please let me convey…… these feelings of mine.]

Before I could get a firm grasp on her words, my eyelids completely dropped…… and my consciousness sank into slumber.

* * * * * * * * * *

Smelling something good, I slowly opened my eyelids to see Sieg-san brewing tea with a magic tool that looks like a portable stove. When I raised my body and lightly shook the sleepiness out of me, Sieg-san noticed me and smiled.

[Good morning, Kaito-san.]

[Good morning…… Ummm, how long have I been sleeping?]

[Around two hours.]

[T- That long…… You could have woken me up though.]

[You were sleeping so comfortably earlier so…… Ahh, please wait for a moment, I’m preparing tea……]

Apparently, I’ve slept longer than I thought I would, and even though I’m feeling a little apologetic for making her wait that long, I accepted the tea that Sieg-san offered me.

The taste of the warm tea seeped into my sleepy body and I felt my consciousness slowly wake up.

[Kaito-san, eat this with your tea.]

[……What’s this?]

[It’s called a fruit stick. It’s a popular snack among the elves.]

Sieg-san prepared a long, thin pastry the size of my palm…… It kind of looks like a spring roll. Fruit stick…… Speaking of which, didn’t Alice mention this when she asked me to buy her a souvenir? I see, it’s a famous sweet here in Rigforeshia huh. When I picked one up and ate it, it seemed to have jam inside the sticky crust, and the natural sweetness of the fruit and the soft crunchy texture was very delicious. It doesn’t seem to be like jam bread, or rather, bread at all, though it isn’t as hard as a scone. The jam also contains large pieces of fruit, which change in texture from time to time, making it a wonderful product.

[……It’s really delicious. I really like this.]

[I’m happy that you like it.]

[Somehow, it kind of reminded me of the jam cookies I bought the first time I went out with Sieg-san.]

[The shop we bought those jam cookies buy their fruits from Rigforeshia after all.]

While lightly chatting with Sieg-san, we had a nice cup of tea and fruit sticks. The fact that I slept for two hours after lunch means that it’s just about teatime, so drinking tea now felt just right.

[It’s just that, Kaito-san, there’s something wrong with what you said…… The first time I followed Kaito-san as your escort wasn’t that day.]

[Eh? Is that so?]

[Yes, in case you hadn’t noticed…… I was actually your guard from the first day Kaito-san came to this world. I’ve been relieved of my duties now that Phantasmal King-sama is here now though.]

My impression is that the first time I met with Sieg-san was when we were shopping together, but in fact, I just didn’t realize that Sieg-san was always guarding from a distance whenever I went out. I see, so that was why when I was attacked by Eta and Theta, Sieg-san was the first one to show up……

[I wasn’t aware of that. So I’ve been under Sieg-san’s care for a long time already huh.]

[……I’m a useless guard who lost track of Kaito-san on the first day though.]

[No, that is…… Errr, once again, thank you.]

[……The one saying thanks should be me instead.]


She has been protecting me all these days without my knowledge. When I thanked her for that fact, Sieg-san slowly shook her head and her blue eyes directly looked at me.

[At first, I thought Kaito-san was an ordinary, somewhat unreliable person…… just letting the situation go with the flow, a bewildered person who doesn’t have a definite purpose. I thought you were just one of the many people you can find anywhere.]

[Ahaha, I think I really was like that.]

[No, I just had such an impression because I think my eyes were blinded. You were a much stronger and better person that I was.]

[N- No, I’m not that exaggerated of a person……]

With a gentle tone, Sieg-san began praising me, and scratching my head, I felt embarrassed to reply, but Sieg-san just looked at me with eyes that carried no hesitation. The emotions that are being conveyed in those eyes…… Affection? Respect? Anyway, it’s something favorable and powerful……

[……I have always been watching you, Kaito-san. Coming to an unknown world unprepared, surrounded by many people stronger than you, and many of them aren’t so friendly to you…… I can’t even estimate how anxious you were, feeling such pressure at that time.]

[……I’ve just been fortunate enough to have many people helping me out……]

It certainly as Sieg-san said, even though I am quite energetic now, I was very anxious when I came to this world in the beginning. In a world where my own common sense doesn’t work, and I have no choice but to rely on some strangers…… It’s hard not to feel anxious. However, I was fortunate enough…… to have a chance to meet with all these people. I’m really enjoying my life now because of that.

[I think being blessed with connections is a great talent. But most of all, I think it’s because of your personality that so many people have come around you.]


[You’re a strong, straightforward person who is strong and kind, thinking of others above all else…… You’ve also given me lots of courage.]


A calm voice, but I can definitely feel the firmness within it……I think what Sieg-san will be talking about is probably something very important for her. Because I felt that, I also looked straight at Sieg-san when I replied to her with a serious expression on my face.

[Yes…… You have been a dazzling presence to me while I was stuck in a situation where I wanted to change things but was afraid I would make the situation worse…… And then, Kaito-san has changed what I couldn’t change over the years, with ease.]


[My relationship with Lili, the guilt in her heart, and my lost voice…… Kaito-san has done so many miracles for me. What I wanted, what was once broken…… you picked up all of the pieces, and presented it to me.]

[……I didn’t really mean to do anything that exaggerated though? If things have changed for the better for Sieg-san, it isn’t because of me, it’s because of Sieg-san’s efforts.]

The reason why Lilia-san and Sieg-san’s relationship was repaired is because they had firm feelings for each other…… I think what I did was just a little bit of a catalyst. The guilt in Lilia-san’s heart loosened because she herself had a strong chest and firmly looked ahead. And the reason why Sieg-san’s voice has returned is because of Lillywood-san…… Of course, I may have helped them out a bit, but above all, Sieg-san’s own efforts are the most important factor why they achieved all that. When I replied to her with these words, Sieg-san gently smiled, as if she knew I was going to reply this to her.

[Yes, I thought Kaito-san would say that. You were that gentle of a person after all, and I……]


[……Even if you feel that way, I can’t express the gratitude I have for you in my heart enough, Kaito-san. Once again, thank you very much.]

[Ah, n- no, y- you’re welcome?]

Saying that, Sieg-san deeply bowed her head to thank me, and after she raised her face, she looked straight into my eyes again before speaking.

[……Kaito-san, you’re like the sun to me. Dazzling and big, yet so warm and reassurringly guides me…… And that’s why such a fantastic person like you……]

[……S- Sieg-san?]

[……I am but a weak elf. I haven’t had the courage to do this for a long time. But finally, I have the courage to tell you these thoughts I’ve been holding. I want to keep looking at you for the rest of my life. Closer than ever before……]


I wonder why? My heart is beating absurdly fast. Each word she spoke in a serious voice echoes loud and clear in my ears. Although I was confused why, I couldn’t take my eyes off Sieg-san…… no, I don’t think I should look away from her. Sieg-san was silent for a moment, and then, filled with her very strong thoughts, she spoke.

[……Kaito-san, I love you. As someone of the opposite gender……]

[ ! ? ]

Receiving her words, which were filled with a flood of emotions, my thought process completely stiffened. I totally didn’t expect it…… isn’t the case at all. I was aware that Sieg-san was directing her favorable feelings toward me. However, I just assumed…… that it was something close to affection. But it seems I was mistaken, and today, Sieg-san——- confessed to me.

The words Sieg-san suddenly said…… were a confession about how she likes me as someone of the opposite sex. To be honest, I was quite dumbfounded and my head wasn’t able to catch up with the situation at all. I felt like I should be saying something, but my mouth doesn’t move as if something was keeping them shut, and my thoughts won’t completely settle. The seriousness in Sieg-san’s eyes, the look of determination on her face that doesn’t look away from me…… I don’t feel any doubt that she’s serious about her words just now. Seeing me frozen, unable to say anything, Sieg-san’s expression faltered a bit before she wryly smiled.

[……I know. I know that until now, Kaito-san wasn’t recognizing me as a target of affection…… So I understand why you’re confused.]

[……Ah, no, errr.]

It certainly as Sieg-san said, I’ve never seen Sieg-san as a target of romantic interest. It’s not that Sieg-san is unattractive or anything, it’s just that, to me, Sieg-san is…… her existence is like a woman I admire. She is a kind, dependable, mature woman. She’s a high-ranked woman, or something like that, I guess? I think that’s how I looked at her.

[……S- Since…… when did it start?]

Shameful it may be, the words that leaked out of my mouth…… is a question to stretch out the conversation. In response to me, who hasn’t been able to wrap my head around it at all, Sieg-san gave me a reassuring smile and spoke.

[It wasn’t until the Sacred Tree Festival that I became clearly aware of it.]

[……I- It’s been that long……]

[Yes. However, it took me a long time to find the courage to express my feelings.]


How should I answer her? I don’t know…… I can’t think of a good response at all. SIeg-san is amazing…… she’s calmly smiling in a situation like this, while I was just……

[……It was just troubling, wasn’t it?]


Hearing the words she said in a slightly sad tone, my vision, which had been confused and narrowed before, opened up at once.

…….Sieg-san’s hand…… they’re trembling?

[I’m sorry. I know that it would confuse you if I suddenly told you about it…… but I really wanted to share my feeling with you.]


[You don’t have to respond now…… I won’t rush you for your response. However, it would be nice if you could remember it…… even in the corner of your mind.]


Sieg-san’s face, as she said that with a smile, looked like she was about to start crying. Thereupon, Sieg-san moved her gaze from me, and reached out to put away the magic tools she had placed around us.

[……It’s about time for us to head back—— Eh?]

[……P- Please wait.]

Before I knew it, I was holding Sieg-san’s outstretched hand. I wasn’t conscious of anything. My head is still a mess…… but I clearly knew that I couldn’t just let this happen.

[……Just a bit, please give me a bit more time to think! I will give my reply to you right here!!!]

[!? Y- Yes……]

Sieg-san confessed her feelings to me. Sieg-san knew that I hadn’t seen her that way, but she still built up the courage to tell me her feelings. I’ve also confessed my feelings to Kuro and Isis-san before. With Kuro, I was so preoccupied with all the stuff that was happening that I didn’t have the time to think about what was about to come. When it was with Isis-san though, I was aware that she already has affection towards me…… But still, I felt terribly uneasy when I confessed until she answered. I’m sure Sieg-san is more anxious now than I was at that time…… Confessing even though she doesn’t know how I felt, and even having no expectation of a response, how much courage did she need to have to do that……?

If I were to indulge Sieg-san’s kindness and withhold my answer here…… I would definitely end up dragging it out and would ambiguously stall it. If that happens, Sieg-san would end up having to carry her anxiety all the time……That’s why, I knew I had to respond, or at least, make sure I had the thoughts on my mind right now. In front of Sieg-san, who had turned back towards me, I slowly closed my eyes and let my thoughts wander. How do I feel about Sieg-san? How do I want to interact with her in the future?

First of all, I must stop seeing Sieg-san as just a mature woman I respect, or that she’s a high-level woman…… I must only see Sieg-san as the woman she is. As for whether I like her or not…… I obviously like her. Even now, I’m really happy that she confessed to me and that she liked me. When I first met Sieg-san, I had the impression that she was a cool person with a slender body with a beautiful face. But when I talked to her, I found her to be a gentle person who paid attention to every detail, good at brewing tea and cooking, and had such family-oriented interests. Back when I had just come to Lilia-san’s mansion, where everyone didn’t look at me too favorably, she connected with me without looking at me with strange eyes. Because I felt happy about that, we began to talk a lot.

After we got back from the Sacred Tree Festival, she would sometimes give me her home-cooked meals…… And even when she had little time on her hands, she taught me how to cook. When I was attacked by Eta and Theta, she was the first to come running and risked her life, fighting for me. After we got Bell, even though I had no experience with animals, she taught me how to take care of him in many ways, and she often came to help me when she had some spare time out of her work.

I must be an idiot…… Looking back on it like this, I can see Sieg-san’s affection was evident in her behavior, but I didn’t notice it at all and just took advantage of her kindness.

How insensitive am I……

Slowly opening my eyes, I stare into those beautiful blue eyes, remembering each and every one of the memories I had with Sieg-san, the words I exchanged with her, and her thoughts.


[Y- Yes!?]

[To be honest, I didn’t really understand…… Sieg-san, you’re right, I’ve been oblivious to Sieg-san’s affection for me until now, and even though I’m thinking about it right at this moment, I haven’t been able to firmly put it all together.]

[……I think it isn’t unreasonable. As I said earlier, I’m in no hurry——]


Interrupting what Sieg-san is saying as she looked slightly sad, I wrapped both of her hands in mine, and continued to speak.

[If you ask me if I like or dislike Sieg-san, I will answer without hesitation. I like Sieg-san!]

[ ! ? ]

Yes, I couldn’t come up with a smart answer. I also couldn’t come up with a cool reply. However, even if I removed all the filters I had selfishly attached to my perception of Sieg-san, I still had the feeling that I like her.

[I’m aware that it’s a very selfish thing for me to say.]


[However…… From this moment on, if I were to see and treat Sieg-san as someone of the opposite sex…… as a love interest…… I can assure you that I may like you more than I do now, but I can’t possibly hate you!]

[ ! ? ! ? ]

Yes, seriously thinking about it, that much was certain. If I were to walk with Sieg-san from now on…… I would probably like her even more than I do now. And there’s no way I’m going to hate her. I’m glad that Sieg-san confessed to me, and I want to know her better than ever. I want to like her even more. That would mean…… I’ve already thought of one clear answer.

[That’s why, errr…… That’s why…… from now on, as a lover…… I want to know more about Sieg-san. Please let me understand more…… Please let me like you even more than I already do.]

[……Y- Yes!]

That’s the answer I chose…… I want to be lovers with Sieg-san from now on, and I want to know a lot of things with her, see a lot of things with her. When Sieg-san heard my answer, she vigorously nodded her head and then, large drops of tears spilled out of her eyes.

[……Eh? A- Arehh? E- Even though I’m feeling so happy…… why……]



As Sieg-san wiped away her overflowing tears with a happy smile on her face, I gently brought her into my embrace.

[Ummm, I may be an insensitive, stupid and unreliable man but…… I look forward to being with you from now on.]

[……Yes. It was me instead, who’s timid and unreliable but…… I will be in your care from now on.]

I continued to hug the crying Sieg-san as I felt the distance between our hearts have crossed a single boundary…… as if we had somehow come one step closer to each other than ever before. I may be slow, stupid, and I’m only just starting to make progress, so I think I have to do my best from now on. But now, for sure——- I think our relationship has become deeper and closer than we’ve ever been before.