I Was A Single Mother 'till I Met Him'

Chapter 44 - Sweet child




After listening to the words of the old man a sweet smile came on Mia's face.

And the air again started showing the relationship between grandfather and daughter. While others were feeling like an orphanage.

Mia smiles cutely and starts going.

Auden glanced at her quietly and after a glance, he starts eating because nothing new was happening. The old man looked at his actions and  asked harshly, "Don't you gonna say 'bye' to your wife"

Auden looked at her and after blinking his eyes multiple times. He said, "Bye Habibi '' as soon as words came out from his mouth, his face became red, and looked at food.

Mia looked at him with a sweet smile.

It was the first time in his life that he wants to dig himself.

"Bye Habibi," She said in a sweet voice and just after saying the word 'Habibi'. Everyone started looking at her.

she was feeling like an ostrich who was running in a race and everyone was looking at her because they invested their money on her.

She looked at them and her ears started turning red unexpectedly and she went away while acting normally (but she was acting like an excited teen girl who was acting super abnormal while looking at her crush.)

After hearing that cheesy word from Mia's mouth he looked at her and his ears can't believe the truth. His spoon dropped from his hands and he looked at her with others.

After glimpsing at the different reactions of everyone she ran out from that place while cursing her faith. But she was too poor as she didn't even have time to curse herself.


She hurriedly took a taxi and ran towards the small flat near Lee's villa where Aurora was living with a middle-aged caretaker.

She wants to find a school for her and she also wants to spend quality time with her Princess.

She entered into her room and eyes popped out after looking at her room, it was clean and all the stuff was placed properly. She looked at everything which was placed cleanly.

Her room was filled with many teddy bears whom she didn't like, there were many books of science and technology whom Mia don't like and the room was painted in blue color

There was nothing like a child except the bears which were forcefully given by Mia.

And then she reminds of her room which was messy like a slum and none of the things were at the place. Her clothes used to be every corner of the room and her toys were on the bed. Even though she broke her chairs and tables, the prices of papers were used to fly like petals when she turned on the fan.

The Papers and clothes work as a carpet in the room, nobody can look at the floor of her room.

And this room looks like a room and fake teardrops from her eyes, my daughter is not like me.

She thought of everything.

After some time a small child came inside the room.

"Mommy" Aurora shouted after looking at Mia. As she didn't think that she would come to meet her.

"Aurora, my child" she shouted happily and took Aurora in her hands. within the second Aurora started flying in the hands of Mia.

"Mommy", Aurora said happily.

" Yeh! I am here" she answered and kissed on her forehead.

Mia looked around in the room and asked, "Where is aunt "

"She has something to do as her son is ill .....so, she went away as soon as I woke up" Aurora answered in a sad voice.

Mia looked at her and realized how much her daughter needs her and she is not even living with her.

" I am sorry," she said and her eyes started filling with tears.

Aurora looked at her and kissed on her hand and said, "Don't be like this, you are the best mother in this world"

Aurora announced and gave a warm kiss on the cheek of Mia.

Mia smiled brightly and hugged Aurora as she is the biggest gift the god gives to her.

"Have you done breakfast?" she asked while caring the messy hairs of Aurora


"Ok, princess. Now, go and take a bath, I will take clothes for you "

"Ok, mommy," Aurora said and left Mia alone.

"I am a sorry princess" Mia mumbled as sorrow started flowing in her eyes.


Mia went into the place which gave her the highest peace in the world. The air makes her hair wave in the air and she looks at the most heartwarming place. The more she looks at it the more she wants to look at it.

She looked at the ground and reminded how she was running and Clara was running behind her

How the old geyser punished Clara and then she cried like a poor owl.

And a smile appeared on her face.

"Are you fine mommy. " Aurora asked while looking at Mia who was smiling by herself, and she was definitely looking like an idiot.

"Yeh! I am good" Mia answered without looking at Aurora.

Aurora looked at her suspicious smile and she asked," Is this your school"

Mia looked at Aurora and with a smile, she responded," yes"

There was a warm smile on her face, it was the first time Aurora saw her smiling like this.

'This is real you' Aurora whispered, she looked at Mia's smile before but there was always a tension on her face which she used to hide from the world. But today there was no tension. They went towards the reception, where an old lady was shouting at a young receptionist.

Mia went there and the old lady looked at Mia and a smile appeared on her face.

"Oh my child," she said and tears started floating from her eyes.

She was Mrs. Kim.

Mia hugged  her back and she complained in a sad voice, "you don't even meet me when you were meeting with the old geyser"

Aurora who got abandoned was looking at the scene and started feeling good and whispered with a smile, "my ostrich has some good people and they are the reason why she was feeling that happy, I will protect you and your people" Aurora whispered and promised to herself.

Then she looked at the other things, that reception was decorated perfectly and everything seemed ancient and charming there.

After hugging Mia the old lady looked at the Aurora who was looking at the things quietly and while smiling she said, "All the things are perfect because Clara is not here if she would here, then she will destroy some of the things in her anger or carelessness"

After listening to the words of the old lady,  all of them started laughing loudly and three imaginary dots appeared on the head of the gorgeous receptionist.

The old lady looked at Aurora who was laughing and realized the most important thing 'she looks like Mia'

"You … you are my  ... my Mia's daughter," the old lady asked with a smile, she was very happy that she wasn't able to speak properly.

"Yes, Aurora answered with a gentle smile.

She put her hands on her face "oh my eyes"

"You are Aurora.....My lovely child"

She sits on the floor on her knees to reach her height of little one. And hugged her tightly.

"I am your granny "she introduced herself

"Granny" Aurora asked

"Yes. But you can call me sister. I know I am young to be called granny." the old lady answered, which made Aurora speechless.

Aurora has a high IQ with zero EQ.

"I know...… I am not your granny by blood but I don't want you to call me by any name except granny," she said gently while brushing Aurora's long black hair.

"Ok! Granny"

Aurora answered with a bright smile and that made that old lady dance like a hen.

The single word made her the happiest woman on the earth.

"Miss. Dharavi apply for the admission for this kid on the administration quota and made me her guardian" She ordered the poor receptionist who was looking at the drama with an awkward smile.

"Thanks, Mumma" Mia replied

"Don't talk to me …. You only love that old man. I don't want to talk to you brat" she said to Mia and start talking with Aurora.

"Oh I am sorry, on that day you were absent and I looked for you before the old geyser," Mia said in her defiance.


"Hey believe me I love you more than that old geyser"

She said these words with a lot of confidence and in a lovely voice.

"Oh! I see"

The voice said and Mia said "yes" with the same confidence.

And after looking at the person, the floor went away from her legs.

Mia looked at Mr.Kim and stepped backward.

"I am an innocent old geyser …. This woman is encouraging me to say these words ..  I am really innocent"

Mia answered with a terribly sweet face and started smiling.




# to be continued