I Want to Live a Slow Life in the Countryside After Reincarnation

480-Skiing with family

Three days after ordering the skis at Ehrman\'s workshop. The skis and other skis for Nord\'s father and Erna\'s mother arrived at the mansion.

\'Now we can go to the mountains!

The person who was most pleased with this was my sister Elinora. She\'s been wanting to ski as hard as she can in the mountains for a while now and she\'s been very excited about it since early morning.

Thanks to that, she\'s been very excited since early morning.

I\'m sure you\'re right. We should go to a nearby mountain.

Yeah, let\'s go.

It seems that they are completely hooked on skiing, and my dad and mom, Erna, are really into it.

They don\'t seem to have any work to do today.

Well, I guess I\'m not up to the challenge of skiing in the mountains right now.

While the three of them are ready to go, Brother Silvio says with a subtle expression on his face.

\'\'It\'s okay! I can handle it as long as I just slide shakily and apply the brakes!

No, I think you have to get used to it when you\'re sliding down a mountain, but...

Brother Silvio laughs at Sister Elinora\'s words, which are not as well-founded as they should be.

If it\'s just a little playground or an incline, it\'s still fine, but when it comes to sliding down a long distance in the mountains, it\'s a different story.

Elinora, Father Nord and Mother Erna are all athletic, but Brother Silvio and I are normal.

I\'m an athlete from a previous life, so I can ski, but Silvio is a beginner. It\'s too hard to ski in the mountains all of a sudden.

"I want to go too, but I\'m not sure...

Well, let\'s wait until Silvio gets better before we all go together.

\'That\'s true too. If you can\'t make it this year, you can go next year.

It\'s a pity that only brother Silvio can\'t go. It makes sense for the whole family to go together, so there\'s no need to force everyone to go if they can\'t go.

Father Nord and Mother Erna have made a generous decision to do so.

Somehow, there is a feeling that today\'s family skiing is going to be cancelled.

Sister Elinora, on the other hand, is slightly disappointed.

She must be dying to go right now because she loves to move her body.

And Silvio brother is aware of such feelings of Elinora sister.

She tries to say something while looking apologetic.

.........Wait a minute. You can read what\'s going to happen next.

\'\'I\'m sorry that everyone will not be able to go because of me, so at least your sister should go with Al.

\'It\'s all right. \'You better get good at it, Silvio. Al, then. It\'s just me and you.


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I\'m exhausted from being left alone with my sister Elinora for a day of skiing.

........Oh no. It\'s easy to imagine such a future. If that happens, the person who will be the first to pay for it will be me, no matter what you think.

There\'s no way the physical strength monster Elinora sister can be satisfied with a single slide down.

It\'s too heavy a burden for me to support her for a day by myself in response to her various demands. That future alone must be prevented at all costs.

\'\'It\'s okay, brother Silvio! If you\'re not confident, I\'ll be right behind you and support you!


If you slide in a weird direction, or if you almost fall or go too fast, I\'ll use my psychic to stabilize you.

\'You had Al\'s magic to support you during practice! With that, we\'ll be safe in Silvio!

I want to avoid being alone with Elinora\'s sister.

Elinora wants to go skiing in the mountains right now.

We are thinking about something completely different, but at this moment. Our interests are aligned with the plan to persuade Brother Silvio to go skiing.

It is certainly safe for Silvio to ski in that case. What do you think, Silvio?

If Al is willing to go that far, I want to go skiing with everyone else!

Perhaps reassured by my support, Brother Silvio declared emphatically.

\'Then today, we\'ll go skiing in the mountains as planned.


The family\'s policy for today is firmly in place, and sister Elinora screams with joy.

In the midst of all this, Silvio\'s brother speaks to me, looking really touched.

You are very kind to do that much for me. Thank you so much, Al.

Yeah. I\'d love to go skiing with you guys, too.

Because if I don\'t, I\'ll be left alone with my sister Elinora.

It\'s a requirement that the whole family go skiing together so that I\'m not the only one struggling.

So, brother Silvio. I don\'t want you to look at me with such pure eyes. It hurts my heart.


We were going to be able to go skiing as a family, and we were quickly dressed and out.

Nord\'s dad was wearing a crisp blue jacket and black trousers, and Erna\'s mom was wearing a yellow-green color with mountain spray. Erna\'s mother wore a yellow-green and yellow-blue jacket and trousers.

They look like fashion models in their winter clothes. The ad says, "Best ski wear for this winter! I wouldn\'t be surprised if the two of them were in an image photo with the words.

\' \'...maybe this is the first time I\'ve ever seen Mother Erna soberly wearing pants.

\'Oh! Indeed!

Is it? It\'s kind of embarrassing to hear you say that.

It\'s embarrassing to be seen wearing trousers, or maybe Mother Erna is shy about being seen in them.

You can\'t help but look good in such an outfit, isn\'t that what Erna\'s youthfulness is all about?

Today, her appearance is fresher than usual.

Sister Elinora is wearing a red jacket and black trousers that match her hair color, and she looks like she could really go snowboarding. In fact, it\'s quite possible.

Silvio was wearing a green jacket and blue-ish black trousers, which also made him look like a child model.

And me, I was in a brown jacket and black pants.

Yes, Al still looks good in subdued colors. It\'s quite a difficult shade, but I knew my eyes weren\'t wrong.

...a little more austere or something else.

Mom Erna told me what I thought I was going to do.

It\'s a shade that wouldn\'t look good on me at all if the person wearing it was wrong, but it was perfect for me.

I wanted to wear brightly colored clothes like everyone else anyway. Well, I\'m not that obsessed with it, and it looks good on me, so it\'s fine.

\'I mean, the fabric of these clothes is water resistant, right? How did you keep this stuff around?

The clothes we were wearing were water resistant and water repellent.

It was as slippery and comfortable to the touch as a raincoat.

I know you bought it for a reason.

Come to think of it, the day before yesterday or so, the Triera Chamber of Commerce was here. Mother Erna must have bought them then.

\'I have a hat and goggles for you to wear, too.

I don\'t know about the hat, but even the goggles...

I shudder at the equipment Mother Erna offered me. Too well prepared.

They said it could be next year, but Erna-san must have actually been looking forward to it quite a bit.

At any rate, me and Silvio brother put on our hats and goggles as we were told, and adjusted and put them on as well.

As expected, they are not as light and clear as the ones from my previous life, but they will protect your eyes from the snow and wind.

\'I don\'t need either of those things,\'

As we put it on, Elinora\'s sister says something like an energetic schoolboy.

\'You\'re not even wearing a scarf, Elinora. At the very least, you should wear a hat and goggles. It\'s even colder in the mountains than it is here, you know?

Because if I wear a hat, it interferes with my hair.

So why don\'t you just let your hair down?

Sister Elinora is made to undo her hair and put on her hat and goggles in the blink of an eye by Mother Erna.

She\'s the older of the two sisters, but it was Elinora\'s sister who was the first one to take the lead in this kind of situation.

Well, that\'s what makes me smile. Erna\'s mother and Nordo\'s father, who are looking after her, are also smiling peacefully.

The person who was made to wear them seems unhappy, though, and has shifted the goggles around his neck to relieve his exasperation.