I Want to Live a Slow Life in the Countryside After Reincarnation

297-Seafood soup and small crab

We were taken away by Sister Elinora, and we ended up eating while being exposed to the villagers\' strange gazes.

\'\'Well why do we even have to eat here?

We were surrounded by people. It was hard to get out without them.

\'Haha, she says it\'s hard to get out because there are so many people around, sister Elinora isn\'t that frail - ouch! Why are you hitting me?!

Because I got pissed off.

Unreasonable. I was just telling the truth.

I give her a protesting look, but Sister Elinora ignores me and eats her seafood soup.

Oh well. I\'m a little concerned about people\'s eyes, but they\'re mostly on Elinora\'s sister, so it doesn\'t matter.

I\'ll just eat the seafood soup without a care in the world.

I hand the seafood soup to Meena while I\'m floating on a psychic.

\'Oh, it\'s pretty hot,\'

Then the wooden plate was quite hot, or maybe Meena was holding the top of the plate in a hurry.

\'It\'s pretty hot? We have to be careful.\'

\'Terrible, Master Alfried! You\'ve used me as an experiment!

\'Sorry, sorry, I didn\'t mean to do that.

I just found out that the wooden plate was hot, thanks to Meena, without a figure. As expected, I wouldn\'t do such a terrible thing.

\'See, Eric too,\'

Oh, oh. Put it on the bench.

When I tried to give it to Eric as well, he freaked out and said something like that.

\'It\'s okay. He said if you hold the top of the wooden plate, it won\'t be so hot.

\'Can you believe the words of one with such a smirk on his face! Put it on the bench!

Tsk, okay.

The moment Eric was about to touch the top of the teacup, I was just trying to shift it to a slightly hotter place with my psychic.

Eric doesn\'t show any signs of receiving it in alarm, so I have no choice but to place it on the bench around where Eric is sitting.

\'\'Alfried-sama, I knew you used me as a test subject in the beginning as well...\'\'

No, I wasn\'t shooting at Meena\'s.

I sit down in my place as well, excusing myself once again to Meena, who gives me a questioning look.

Now, let\'s eat the seafood soup first. According to Meena, it seems to be a little hot, so we need to cool it down enough to eat it.

I huff and puff while holding the top of the wooden plate.

That\'s all it takes to get the fragrant smell of seafood soup in the air. It smells so good I want to eat it right now, but I hold back.

Stirring the soup with the spoon I was given, I carefully blow on it and let it cool down.

When the steam is well dispersed, I bring it to my mouth.

The flavors of seafood spread in my mouth. The light and sweet taste of the white meat of the fish, the flavor of the shrimp, and the broth of the shellfish are all blended together.

The amazing thing is that there are so many seafood ingredients in the dish, but they don\'t interfere with each other.

When I put the next one into my mouth, the generous shrimp, Chinese cabbage and carrots came pouring in this time. The large shrimp blistered when I bit into it, spitting out a rich flavor in my mouth. The chinese cabbage and carrots were soft and tender, perhaps because they were well-cooked and had absorbed the seafood broth well.

\'It\'s hot, but delicious!\'

There\'s a lot of flavor in there.

I\'m glad you like it.

Eric says, looking happy as Meena and I eat like crazy.

I guess he\'s happy to be praised for the villagers\' food.

I\'m sure it\'s rough-hewn, unlike the seafood dishes we eat at Eric\'s house, but it\'s a different kind of bold and traditional taste.

You can\'t make fun of the local cuisine, after all.

After eating a little bit of seafood soup, the small crab was next. It was stuffed with small bright red crabs.

I grabbed them with my finger and looked at them, they looked like they might start moving at any moment.

I wonder why shrimps and crabs look so delicious when they turn red like this. I didn\'t think anything about it when I saw the normal blackish state in the past life, but I want to eat it when I see it become red.

By the way, the reason why crabs and shrimps turn red is because they store a substance called astaxanthin, which is contained in algae that crabs and shrimps eat.

At first, it binds with proteins and takes on a dark color, but when heated and separated from the proteins, it turns a bright red, the original color of astaxanthin, according to the report.

After enjoying the sight of the reddish crab, I crunch it straight into my mouth.

It\'s just hard enough to chew as it is. The more I chewed, the more I enjoyed the feeling of crunching it in my mouth. The more I chew, the more I want to keep chewing on it as the taste of the crab and the sweet and spicy sauce seeps out.

This is o--


I almost stopped speaking to say how I thought it would go with the alcohol.

No, it\'s this hard texture and the sweet and spicy taste that seeps out the more you bite into it. It\'s definitely the kind that goes well with beer. But I\'m not supposed to know what alcohol tastes like right now, and I shouldn\'t be drinking it.

\'It\'s a nice snack,\'

\'Yes! It\'s sweet and spicy and delicious! It\'s a reasonable size and you can\'t help but reach for it.

At any rate, I managed to fool myself by reiterating that it\'s a snack.

Even if the size isn\'t affordable for Meena, she\'s always reaching for a snack.

\'\'Well small crabs are inexpensive and affordable. Widely popular as a kid\'s snack and as a drinking companion for adults.

Oh, okay. I\'ll take that one.

My sister Elinora eats my small crab, probably because she wants to eat it when she sees us eating it.

I can hear the crunching and crunching sounds right beside me.

\'Oh, it\'s so good,\'

Sister Elinora chews and swallows the small crabs well, and then quickly reaches for them again.

Five small crabs are taken from my wooden plate.

Thanks to that, my small crabs are down to half of my small crabs.

\'If you like it, go get some,\'

Don\'t worry about it, the stalls are crowded. It\'s good enough.

Sis Elinora says, and then crunches a small crab into her mouth.

It\'s true that it\'s a hassle to go out and buy something while getting strange attention and attention.

\'\'But what would bother a noblewoman from the outside that much?

\'\'Well in this village where most people are tanned, a woman with white skin like Elinora is rare. And Elinora is beautiful.

As I blurted out as I looked around, Luna explained to me what this phenomenon was.

It\'s true that fishing is very popular in this village, and many people go out to sea. Even if they play, they will at least go out to the sea to swim as a matter of course.

I\'m sure there are many tanned people in the village, but a beautiful, fair-skinned woman like Elinora\'s sister is quite eye-catching, isn\'t she?

Well, Elinora sister is just good to look at. She has clean, smooth, auburn hair and white skin. Her body is toned, and her limbs are slender and elongated.

Furthermore, with her brand of being a noblewoman, it\'s no wonder that everyone\'s attention is drawn to her.

However, everyone\'s not seeing what\'s inside.

\'\'Ah, that means I\'m going to gather my gaze as well.......!


\'Hey, why are you snickering, Master Alfried, Master Elinora!

\'No, I\'m sorry. I just couldn\'t imagine Meena getting cheered up like that.

Because it\'s Meena.

I couldn\'t for the life of me, I couldn\'t imagine the picture of Meena being too beautiful to be the center of attention.

\'It\'s terrible, you two! Even I get attention when I walk, you know.

That\'s because you\'d stand out in a maid\'s uniform.

\'Ugh! No, it\'s not! I\'m sure it\'s because of my white skin and cuteness!

\'Yeah, yeah right. Meena has a lot of adult charm!

What\'s with that random slurping?

I tried to calm down Meena, who seemed to be going in a troublesome direction, but apparently my heart wasn\'t in the right place. I was even angrier at Meena than usual.

\'\'Well Meena is a soothing type of person.

It\'s true that Meena is more of a small animal cutie than an adult attraction.