I Want to Live a Slow Life in the Countryside After Reincarnation

286-But troublesome


Sister Elinora throws a fireball at me.

It hits the shield deployed in front of me and sends out a blast of flame.

It seems that the blow just now was not a coincidence and that Elinora has obtained control, power and range with her skill.

However, it doesn\'t combine unreasonable power like a sword.

With this level of power, you won\'t be able to break through my shield.

\'\'There\'s no end to it from afar!

Perhaps thinking that a magic attack from a distance would not get us anywhere, sister Elinora runs to close the distance.

Unreasonably, her speed is faster than a thrown fireball. What\'s going on with being faster than magic?

While poking around in my mind, I activate my earth magic again. The sand under my feet moves, and I myself on top of it, too.

However, even if I go down at the speed of a flat escalator, I can\'t match the speed of Elinora\'s sister who is running. I\'m moving the sand and dropping back, but my opponent is faster than me, so I\'m closing the distance with a bang.

\'I won\'t let you get away!

There\'s nothing scarier than the fact that sister Elinora is coming at me.

I desperately tried to increase the speed of the sand\'s movement, but I realized that I didn\'t have to move alone in anything.

I activate my earth magic on the large area of ground where Elinora\'s sister is. I move the sand away from me.

\'This is the one you were doing to Eric earlier!

Sister Elinora dashed, unconcerned by the sand receding under her feet. What a brainiac move.

But unlike Eric, it\'s gradually closing in on me, surpassing even the speed of the sand I\'m operating.

If I let him ride at top speed like this, he\'ll come closer.

Understanding this, I raise the sand at sister Elinora\'s feet one after another.


The agile Elinora sister reacts to it brilliantly and takes an evasive motion.

Once that happens, she can\'t move forward or increase her speed.

Elinora sister gradually retreats backwards.

Hmph, if you can run at a fast speed, until you don\'t let her run faster. The infinite running that I thought Elinora sister couldn\'t understand is also understandable, isn\'t it?

\'\'Hey Al! What the hell is wrong with you? Come on, you should come up with a more decent attack!

For wizards, pause is life. There is nothing wrong with focusing on it.

It\'s important to be in a position to attack your opponent from a safe point. It\'s a good idea to have a good time.

I don\'t want to use attack magic or anything like that too much, but let\'s use it anyway.

I\'m not going to be able to get the best out of it.

I\'m not going to be able to get a good idea of what I\'m talking about.

That\'s all my fireball has been extinguished.

\'\'That\'s right, Elinora-sister would have slashed a fireball of this magnitude, right?

As I was muttering in a similar state of resignation, for some reason Sister Elinora made a happy noise.

\'\'Yes! That\'s the kind of magic I\'m talking about!

It\'s a bit scary to look happy about being sent a fireball or something, but I knew that Elinora sister was asking for a wizard-like attack magic.

But I\'m not going to answer to that.

I\'m going to do the same thing with my fire magic and send a fireball through the air. Then, Elinora\'s sister holds up her wooden sword and tries to intercept it, but it falls a little too close.

The fireball explodes, scattering sand in a flamboyant manner.

\'\'Buhaha! Hey, hey! You need to fly it properly!

Even if you aim at Elinora sister normally, she will only be cut by the wooden sword. If that\'s the case, it would be much more effective to be blinded by raising a cloud of clay smoke like this. I feel like I\'ve learned how to use the fireball better.

I continuously generate fireballs. One after another, I land them around Elinora\'s sister, sending sand flying.

As expected, they can\'t cut or duck the grains of sand that are scattered over a wide area.

Elinora slowed down while protecting her face with her arms.

She can no longer even run close to you.

On the contrary, I can only unilaterally attack her from a distance without moving an inch. Excellent. After all, this is the true essence of being a wizard.

All that\'s left is to crush the exhausted part with a large amount of sand, and that\'s the end of it.

As I was thinking of such an optimistic thought, my sixth sense, or should I say my sixth sense, rings an alarm bell.

In the next moment, the wave of sand I was operating cracked at once, and a shockwave that I would call a slash came straight at me.

After confirming this, I sidestepped and ducked to the side.

Then a slash line passed through the place I was at earlier and cleanly gouged out the sand.

This is Elinora sister\'s slash.

........bad. With the current slash, the sand from Elinora Sis to me was blown away in one fell swoop, creating a path.

There\'s no way Elinora Sis would miss it. I hurriedly tried to maneuver the sand back, but before I could do so, Elinora sister ran out.

That\'s exceptionally fast, even faster than when I was first trapped in a running machine. Using her signature body enhancements, she ran at an amazing speed.

Even if I tried to manipulate the sand at my feet to set it up again, Elinora sister was too fast for the sand to catch up with me, and I couldn\'t anticipate the feet that would land in the sand.

The next thing I know, the distance I maintained with my magic is quickly closed in and Elinora sister is right in front of me.

The wooden sword wielded in a flowing manner.

Do I manage to duck it? Or do you want to defend against it with shields and earth magic?

No, let\'s keep our distance here!

I activated my earth magic at the moment Elinora sister stepped in her right foot, and I activated my earth magic at her feet. The ground slightly retracts, causing Elinora\'s sister\'s position to move back.

I\'m not going to be able to get a good idea of what to do with it.

It\'s extremely scary, but I hold back and activate my sand arm with earth magic.

I grab both of her ankles to prevent her sister Elinora from avoiding me, and I hold my right arm out in front of her and let out a fireball.

\'\'Yes, doh!\'\'

When I raised my voice like that, Elinora\'s sister shook her shoulders as if she was startled or scared for a moment.

And when you find out that the fireball in front of you isn\'t flying, you become embarrassed, or perhaps frustrated at being tricked, and your expression turns grim.

\'\'.......What is this?\'\'

His voice is low and his expression is scary.

I wondered if that was the end of it, no matter what they said.

It\'s not over and I\'m not under attack yet!

No, it\'s true, but is it necessary to do that much in practice? Because it\'s quite difficult to adjust if you want to give an effective magic attack at this distance.

It\'s good that you put out a fireball to threaten the moss, but if you use it at such a close range, you\'ll cause damage to yourself and you can\'t use it. Blocking your breath with a water ball is good and safe, but you don\'t want to get violent, and you don\'t want to feel awkward using earth magic to smash a bullet into the ground.

It\'s a good thing that you did it, but Elinora\'s sister could get up and redo the partition with no time to spare, and it\'s better to end it like this, like you got one.

\'Elinora, I don\'t get too upset.

I don\'t know when they arrived, but Mom Erna comes with Dad Nord.


This time it\'s just a matter of losing a point. It\'s training, so I\'ll just try to win the next one.


Elinora\'s sister finally calmed down after being admonished by Father Nord.

Thank goodness. It was going to be a problem if she started to complain about how she could still fight.

\'Al, I won\'t lose next time,\'

If I answered "yes" at this point, it might lead to a rematch, so I kept silent.

Then, Elinora\'s sister approaches me with a pissed off look on her face.

Why don\'t you respond to me?

Because it\'s too much work and I don\'t want to do it.

What? What\'s that? I thought you liked magic.

When I say it once and for all, Elinora\'s sister shouts in surprise.

\'\'It\'s one thing to like magic and quite another to like fighting with magic. That\'s why I don\'t like to fight.

It\'s true that I like magic, but that doesn\'t mean I like fighting with magic, either. However, from Elinora sister\'s point of view, she doesn\'t seem to understand and is dumbfounded with her mouth open.

It\'s a good thing that you\'re not a fan of the same thing, because it\'s a good thing that you\'re a fan of weapons and anything related to combat. I guess that means that even those who like something are slightly different from each other.

Well, I wouldn\'t have to think about it if I had to cut down on sword training and independent training to do it instead.

It\'s easier to practice magic.