I Want to Live a Slow Life in the Countryside After Reincarnation

284-Magic simulated battle

"Alfried! I won\'t allow it!

Eric, who was thrown into the sea by an earth magic running machine, screamed as he put wakame on his head.

The way he barks while covering the long, wet and slippery wakame is scary in the middle.

I\'ve been thinking about this for a while now, and then Eric comes back to the beach with the wakame on his head, scraping through the seawater.

Naturally, that is my domain, so I activate my earth magic again.

Moreover, this time it\'s suddenly at breakneck speed.


The foothold suddenly dropped so fast that Eric lost his balance and fell on his ass.


Then, without a trace, Eric was sent back to the ocean again.

It\'s quite amusing to see him roll into the sea in a colossal way.


And then another angry Eric emerges from the sea with great vigor and comes running towards us. I don\'t know what he\'s going to do when he gets close enough to me, so I activate my earth magic the moment I put my foot in the sand.

\'How many times can it get through!

I\'m sure you\'ll be able to find a way to duck by jumping to the side.

But no matter how much we duck, it\'s still all sand.

It\'s too much of a hassle to jump and duck again, so I maneuvered the sand within about 20 meters and moved it out to sea.

It\'s not a good idea. That\'s ridiculous!

Eric was surprised but kept running desperately to avoid being swallowed up, but he couldn\'t beat the sandy ground prison that kept moving as long as my magic power didn\'t run out, and he was carried into the sea with a large amount of sand.

Hmm, I might be the strongest as long as there\'s sandy ground.

What can I say, but at such a short distance, Elinora\'s sister and others won\'t be able to communicate with me because they\'ll pack it in a few steps.

As I\'m contemplating this, Eric emerges from the seawater again.

His body was covered in sand, probably because he had doused himself with a large amount of sand.

\'\'Well how is it? Have you found out how wonderful my magic is?

d*mn, it\'s frustrating, but you\'ll have to admit it\'s useful.

I was expecting him to get angry again without learning a lesson, but he didn\'t show the slightest pretense of such, and Eric said with a calm expression.

Then, he came out of the sea without saying a word and walked towards us.

The man named Eric is a man of pride and a small vessel that will always be rooted if he is hit by the slightest thing. It is not a man who will give up easily, even if the other party uses magic that is unbeatable.

\'\'--and I thought I\'d say--Behu!

I was fully aware of that, and the moment Eric approached me, I activated my earth magic.

I grabbed Eric\'s ankle and he fell face first into the sand.

If it were on normal ground, I would be in tears from hitting his face, but this is on soft sand.

This is the level of surprise that is acceptable. I am dealing with Thor, Asmo and the other villagers of the Koliat village.

"What the hell is this?

Eric looked up from the sand and froze to see what had grabbed his ankle.

Because the thing that grabbed his ankle was in the shape of an arm of sand, which was a traumatic experience for Eric.

Eric turns his face to me, his voice trembling.

\'Ta, please. Please don\'t do that.

I wouldn\'t have done it if you hadn\'t blindsided me.

I tell him mercilessly and manipulate my sandy arm to pull Eric\'s ankle.

Eric flaps his hands with an impatient expression and tries to step on it.

However, Eric\'s resistance is empty and the sand arm pulls him into the sea with a cheat.

\'Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! No, no! Stop it, yeah, yeah!

I say this with a very impatient look on my face, but the place I\'m being dragged into is the shallow sea.

When I was dragged into the sea by sandy arms and washed the exhausted Eric clean with the water magic method, Mother Erna and Father Nord arrived with Sister Elinora.

I have a bad feeling about this. I\'m sure you\'ll be able to find a way to make it work.

It\'s a good idea to have a good idea of what to do with it.

\'\'Al, do you have a minute?\'\'


Why are you denying it before you\'ve even heard of it?

When I immediately deny it, sister Elinora rushes in.

\'It\'s not the content that\'s the problem. It\'s because I\'m busy taking care of Eric right now.

I\'ll be fine. You can get on with your next lesson.

The moment I said that, Eric unleashes a blow that seems to be aimed at me.

This guy! This way, you can\'t use Eric as a reason to turn down Mother Erna and the others, can you?

As I glared at him with that thought in mind, Eric smiled slightly and headed alone to the seat where he could rest.

What a deed to do after being taken care of so worthily by me. Is it payback for being thrown into the ocean earlier? I knew he was small.

Now that we\'re free, it\'s okay.

It seems there is no longer any way to escape.

When I\'m quiet as if in contemplation, Nord Dad opens his mouth.

\'\'We\'re going to have a mock magic battle now, and I\'m going to ask Al to join us.

What, all of you?

I\'m going to give everyone a little bit of experience, all of them.

\'\'However, I think Elinora, Al, and Luna-san can do something that can be called a mock battle. With Silvio and Eric-kun, I think we\'d be on the level of flying magic at each other.

Probably the next best magician among the kids, after me, is Luna. Even if she is limited to magic, she is competent enough to do what can be called combat.

To be honest, Elinora\'s sister has some difficulties with power and control, but her ample physical ability is enough to get by.

Certainly these two would be enough to reach the level of a mock battle.

The next one is Silvio brother, but because of the fact that the attribute he deals with is wind, it is inevitably severe.

\'Silvio can only use wind blades for his attack magic.

\'Even other attribute magic is still dangerous, but it\'s a bit risky to let kids do it to each other.

It\'s because if the wind blade is hit, your arm will fly off completely.

It\'s a magic that you never want it to fly, even in a simulated battle.

You can\'t get that much power if you adjust your magic power. It\'s a good idea to be able to have a good idea of what you\'re looking for, but you can\'t control your magic with such delicacy.

If that\'s the case, you can use other means of attack, such as gusts of wind or tornadoes, but those magic is very difficult to control, so Silvio brother hasn\'t mastered it.

Wind magic is quite delicate and difficult compared to other magic.

\'\'As for Silvio, it\'s better for Al to deal with him.


\'No! Who would use such dangerous magic!

Oh come on, what if you get hit by a wind blade and your arm flies off, or your neck flies off and you die.

\'\'What are you talking about, someone who uses more dangerous magic?

Haha, Al is fine.

I tried desperately to insist, but Mother Erna and Father Nord wouldn\'t take me up on it at all.

I mean, what is dangerous magic? I don\'t think I\'ve ever used any aggressive magic in front of Mother Erna.

\'Well, I\'ll start with Elinora and Al, please.


It\'s a word that comes out reflexively.

"Geez, what\'s that? You\'re good at magic, aren\'t you? I have high hopes for you, so you\'ll have to be diligent.

Sis Elinora said and flipped her auburn ponytail as she said that.

I\'m suddenly feeling a bit awkward about dealing with Elinora sister.

I would have preferred Erik at first.

That guy is at a level where he can barely activate magic, so it would be a loose verification match where they would be shooting magic at each other from a distance.