I Want to Live a Slow Life in the Countryside After Reincarnation

264-Silvio brother VS Luna

Welcome home, loser. There was only one glass left.

Shut up.

I offered words of comfort to Eric as he walked in, covered in sand, and he grumbled at me.

He\'s not a very friendly guy, even though I gave him advice and comforted him.

Anyway, Eric and sister Elinora\'s bout ended as fast as I expected.

It\'s about five seconds after the call to start.

It\'s really fast. I can\'t help but notice that Elinora\'s sister is so strong that I couldn\'t see most of Eric\'s abilities, but it can\'t be helped.

Next, let\'s watch Luna-san and brother Silvio\'s fight as planned.

\'Hey, Alfried. As I recall, you were good at magic, weren\'t you?

I was about to shift my gaze at that thought when Eric suddenly spoke to me.

\'Yes, but?\'

I see. So, that means that her sister, Miss Elinora, is as skilled in handling magic as you are? A wonderful physical enhancement--

\'Eric, your sister Elinora didn\'t use physical enhancements, did she?

I tell him once and for all, interrupting Eric, who is about to speak with a strange misunderstanding.

Then Eric\'s mouth snaps up and moves like a fish, and a shocked expression appears on his face.

\'\'........Bah, that\'s silly. There\'s no way I could produce that kind of speed without using my magic power...

It\'s Elinora who can.


Me and my brother Silvio would be able to understand, these words.

However, from Eric\'s point of view, who has only had one meeting with her, he can\'t seem to recognize the insanity of Elinora\'s sister.

Well, I\'m sure he\'ll be learning more about that today than he ever will.

I don\'t need to force you to explain anything in words. As if to express this, I look away from Eric, who is thinking, and look at Luna and Silvio.

The two of them seem to be staring at each other, measuring the pause between them, unlike Eric\'s, who settled the matter quickly.

It\'s a good thing that you\'re able to get a good idea of what you\'re looking for.

What kind of offensive and defensive actions will the two men, who have diametrically opposed characteristics of emphasizing speed and emphasizing defense, perform?

When I\'m watching with excitement, the always expressionless Luna-san slightly distorts her expression.

\'\'.........There\'s no gap.\'\'

It seems that he noticed Brother Silviot\'s unearned pressure.

Yes, Brother Silvio is really seamless when he holds the shield. He feels a sense of urgency that if he were to attack without thinking, he would be countered instantly.

In fact, since I\'m not afraid of anything but counters, I don\'t need to be so scared, but from Luna-san\'s point of view who doesn\'t know that, Brother Silvio would seem to be a pretty strong man.

\'\'........If there\'s no gap, until I attack from here.

As they continued to stare at each other for a long time, Luna-san decided to get ready to get out of the way.

Luna-san took a deep breath, exhaled, and ran underneath Brother Silvio, who was holding his shield.

When Luna-san slashes from the front, Brother Silvio receives it with the shield equipped in his left hand. At the same time, a sharp counter of Cleave with the wooden sword in his right hand.

Brother Silvio\'s signature move was performed, and while I thought it was quickly decided, Luna-san\'s figure suddenly disappeared.

No, it wasn\'t that she disappeared, it was that she ducked on the spot, deflecting her upper body backwards to the extreme and dodging Cleave.


Soft body! He\'s as flexible as a gymnast or a skater.

After exchanging a cleave, Luna kicks Brother Silvio\'s leg to make him fall back.

Then she returns to her original stance and goes around to the side of Brother Silvio, who has lost his stance.

A sharp thrust from Luna-san who is advancing on the sand.

Brother Silvio still lets the thrusts flow as he tries to match the wooden sword. However, it doesn\'t go cleanly due to an inadequate stance.

Perhaps because he was reading it, Luna-san used the energy that was flowing halfway through and went further into his pocket.

Hating that, Silvio-san hates it and plans to somehow retreat while ducking.

However, Luna-san didn\'t let that happen and instead launched a short, raging attack using her short, portable wooden sword and soft body.

Attack, attack, duck and attack. Attack is the greatest defense.

Luna\'s fighting style was reminiscent of those words.

Luna-san ran in all directions around Silvio-san, who was fighting back with a pained expression on his face.

It\'s like a dancing goddess, and Brother Silvio is at the mercy of Brother Silvio\'s unpredictable attacks.

Brother Silvio also desperately tries to defend himself against it, but this is unfamiliar sandy ground. Silvio\'s brother Silvio\'s feet are caught in the deep sand and he loses his stance.

When Luna-san slashed into him without missing it, Brother Silvio thrust out his shield with great force in anguish.

\'\'It\'s out! Silvio bash!


I scream with excitement, and Eric tilts his head in wonder.

It\'s a move that is synonymous with Brother Silvio! Well, it doesn\'t matter now.

The counterattack shield that was brought out. I thought Luna-san was going to duck it, but she rushed into it herself.

While utilizing her soft body, she ducked the shield and rolled using brother Silvio\'s body as a foundation.

Then, Luna-san instantly took brother Silvio\'s back and placed the wooden sword on his neck.

\'\'That\'s enough!\'\'

When Aegal-san called for the end, Luna-san slowly let go of the wooden sword.

Wow, Luna-san is so strong.

Brother Silvio might have had the advantage of being an unfamiliar beach sand, but even without that, Luna-san\'s victory was predictable.

Transformational body techniques and swordplay that made use of his soft body. Elinora sister\'s decision to lose to Luna-san, even if it was Silvio brother who excelled in defense, was correct.

Ah, I can\'t imagine beating Luna-san at all.

\'\'It took you longer than I thought, didn\'t it?

When Luna-san came back after brushing the sand from her body, Sister Elinora called out to her.

\'\'Well that was much stronger than Elinora told me. That defense, foul.\'\'

But you\'re good at attacking things like that, aren\'t you?

Well, yeah.

Luna-san\'s reply was short, but I could sense a certain confidence in her voice and expression.

Perhaps because she\'s good at anomalous attacks, she must have confidence in her ability to slip through all kinds of defenses.

\'\'No, I\'ve lost.\'\'

Good job, Brother Silvio.

It\'s quite a feat to be able to confront your sister like that on your first visit.

Me and Eric give brother Silvio a labored look when he comes back.

\'Was that supposed to be a bout of striking? They didn\'t let me attack from us at all after I countered the first time.

Luna, you\'re very flexible.

"Your sister\'s fighting style is to use her soft body and mix in unique rhythms and feints as she attacks. You\'ll have a hard time getting used to it.

This is a completely different fighting style than sister Elinora and brother Silvio. This is going to be hard to get used to.

\'\'Next up is Eric and Alfried-kun!

As we were discussing the current fight in a drinking manner, such a voice rises from Mr. Eagal.

Then Eric gave me a provocative look.

\'\'Ho, so I can finally fight you again.

\'What? Maybe you feel like you\'re rooted to the slashing of the tongs?

\'Of course! A result like that is null and void. This time, we\'ll fight with pure swordsmanship alone!

If you\'re saying it\'s invalid, you don\'t have to root for it.......

Well, he wouldn\'t listen to me if I said that to Eric.

Anyway, this guy doesn\'t like the idea of losing to me, even if it\'s a tongue game.

I don\'t care about the outcome of this kind of training, but losing to Eric is not good for me.

I\'m going to win this one so that I don\'t get ridiculed by this guy in the future.

Okay, let\'s do this again.

No magic this time. Brace yourself, Alfried!

Eric stood up and jabbed his finger at me, and I heard Mr. Agal\'s exasperated voice in the distance as he said

\'Quickly, both of you!\'

"Oh, yes!