I Want to Be the King of Football

Chapter 905: Mythological Road

At the end of August every year, Monaco will become the focus of attention of fans all over the world.

The annual UEFA Champions League group stage draw and UEFA awards ceremony will be held at the Grimaldi Conference Center in Monaco.

Su Dong received UEFA’s invitation very early. Later, for fear that he would not be willing to participate, he passed the Manchester City management, Messi, Harvey and others, and even Platini called in person to invite him to attend. This event.

Last season\'s Champions League lost Su Dong, obviously eclipsed a lot, now Su Dong has come back, it is naturally the focus of the Champions League hype, but also the focus of the media and fans all over the world.

This is the first time in Manchester City\'s history that they have participated in the Champions League.

The newly promoted horse won the championship, this has always been a myth that the world football is talked about.

The most popular one is the Bundesliga’s Kaiserslautern. This is mainly because of the nearest distance. In the late nineties, under the leadership of coach Rehagel, Kaiserslautern created the myth of being promoted to win the championship. .

There is no such precedent in the Premier League so far, but before the birth of the Premier League, the Premier League has appeared before and twice.

In 1961, under the leadership of legendary coach Alaf Ramsey, Ipswich was promoted to the League One, and miraculously won the League One championship in 1962, creating It was the first promotion in the history of England\'s top league to win the championship.

Fifteen years later, Nottingham Forest led by Brian Clough repeated this myth. This time, Clough did a more thorough job. After winning the Champions League, he represented the Champions League and participated in the Champions League. In the case of participating in the UEFA Champions League for the first time, he won the Champions League historically.

That\'s it?

No, Clough\'s team successfully defended their title in the second season after winning the Champions League!

Although the current Nottingham Forest has always been in the low-level league and lost the right to advance in the play-offs this summer, the glory of this team more than 30 years ago is still bloody.

In the history of the Champions League, Nottingham Forest is not the first team to win the championship for the first time.

In the 1950s, the Champions League was created. There were only twelve teams at that time. Real Madrid, which won the first Champions League championship, became the first team in history to win the Champions League for the first time.

In 1964, Inter Milan participated in the Champions League for the first time, and after passing through all the way, defeated Real Madrid in the final and became the second team to win the championship for the first time in the Champions League.

Only three years later, the Celtics from Su Chao made a blockbuster debut and successfully became the third team.

So, strictly speaking, Clough\'s Nottingham Forest is the fourth team in the history of the Champions League to win the Champions League for the first time.

In 1982, Aston Villa participated in the Champions League for the first time after winning the League One championship and defeated Bayern Munich in the final, winning the Champions League and becoming the fifth legendary team.

In the fifty-five-year history of the Champions League, a total of five legendary teams have been born that won the championship for the first time.

But the most recent time was in 1982, and it has been twenty-nine years since then.

So why in the first 26 years, a total of five teams emerged to win the championship for the first time, but in the following 29 years, they did not reappear?

The team newspaper said in the analysis that this is because the threshold for winning the Champions League has become higher and higher.

The previous Champions League was a cup competition. There were not many participating teams. Only the winning team in the league was allowed to participate. There were fewer matches, the probability of an upset would be higher, and the requirements for the team were relatively lower.

This is the same as the FA Cup in England. The single knockout system makes the FA Cup known as a hotbed of unpopularity.

But with the restructuring of the Champions League, especially in recent years, the Champions League has continued to expand. In addition to the champion team, the top-ranked teams in the league can participate in the competition. It seems that there are more participating teams, and many teams can. Playing in the Champions League, but in fact, it is precisely because there are more participating teams and more games, all teams want to win, not only need stronger strength, but also have an excellent state to carry out the entire season.

The group stage is more of a test of the overall strength of the team. Only the top two with excellent strength and better condition can advance to the knockout rounds, and the subsequent knockout rounds are basically strong dialogues. Without sufficient strength and state, it is difficult to level up. Level promotion.

Moreover, with the Bosman Act, the flow of players has become more and more convenient, and high-level players have also begun to gather in the wealthy teams, which makes the threshold for winning the Champions League higher and higher.

There is no shortage of mid- and lower-level teams in various leagues. After the accidental outbreak, they played in an astonishing state, achieved good rankings in the league, and even won the championship, but in the subsequent summer transfers, it is difficult for them to have enough. With financial resources to retain his own star, the loss of personnel has become very serious.

Therefore, in the next Champions League, it is difficult to have the strength to hit the championship.

This is why in the first twenty-six years, five teams were born that won the championship for the first time, and in the following twenty-nine years, there was not even one.

Does Manchester City have a chance to become the sixth team?

After the first three rounds of the Premier League, everyone was surprised to find that Manchester City\'s strength has not weakened compared to last season, but has become stronger, and Guardiola\'s tactics have become more mature and stable.

Such a team has the opportunity to impact this historic honor.

However, as the team newspaper said, Manchester City wants to hit the Champions League for the first time in the Champions League, which is as difficult as winning the lottery.

When the star Su Dong and technical director Begiristan were blocked by the media reporters at the entrance of Grimaldi Conference Center, they asked Manchester City\'s views on the lottery and the expectation of the outside world. Su Dong said it was too far away. .

"I have played many times in the Champions League, so I know that in a competition like the Champions League, it is not normal to think about things that are too far away. All of us, from the management to the coaching staff to the players, should play well. The next game."

Su Dong also mentioned the current grouping situation of the Champions League.

It is the first time for Manchester City to participate in the Champions League. Although the UEFA Champions League last season helped the points, Manchester City is still ranked in third gear. What does this mean?

The first gear is the eight strongest seeded teams. The second gear is also for strong teams like AC Milan, Lyon, Valencia and Villarreal. Even in the third gear, there are Manchester City and Lille. , Leverkusen, Ajax and other teams.

Not to mention the fourth gear, Dortmund and Naples are the standard configuration of the group of death.

In other words, leaving aside the third gear, Manchester City\'s drawing to the death group is a high probability event.

Or it should be said that whoever draws Manchester City unluckily is tantamount to being planted into the group of death unluckily.

This is true for opponents, not for Manchester City himself?

Who wants to meet the group of death from the beginning?

How much is the consumption for six games?

Therefore, to a certain extent, the European war points and the Champions League group draw and division are actually also important factors that prevent non-strong teams from going further in the Champions League.

Of course, if Manchester City are lucky enough to explode, the first team draws the weakest Porto, the second team draws Marseille or Benfica, and the fourth gear avoids Dortmund and Naples, then Manchester City’s luck is indeed Burst.

But this kind of good luck really cannot be expected too much.



As soon as Sudong and Begiristan walked into the Grimaldi Conference Center, they immediately became the focus of attention.

The reason is simple, Manchester City has now been labeled as the group of death, and whoever touches it is unlucky.

More importantly, Su Dong.

No one wants to meet Su Dong in the Champions League group stage. This is terrible!

Su Dong and Bezilistan stood for a moment at the entrance, and looked around. The first thing they saw was Messi walking towards him.

"Hey, Sue!"


The two embraced enthusiastically, and then Iniesta also greeted him.

"Long time no see, Su!"

Barcelona participated in the lottery and awards ceremony tonight a lot of players, Harvey and Puyol and others also came.

What made Su Dong\'s eyes very hot was that Puyol appeared in such a serious occasion in a very casual outfit, which is simply too unusual in the Grimaldi Conference Center, which is full of suits and shoes. Up.

"Yellow T-shirt, gray plaid shorts, perfect!" Su Dong nodded and gave a thumbs up.

Everyone around suddenly burst into laughter. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Puyol\'s outfit really did not bring him attention.

"Does it look good?" The servant opened his arms cheekily and asked.

"Very elegant, calm, and calm, with your...um...lion-like hair, I\'m almost...um..."

At the end of the talk, Su Dong really couldn\'t make up anymore. He shook his head and smiled bitterly, and said, "Nimei, did you forget to bring a suit when you went out? Go back and change it!"

Everyone burst into laughter again.

In fact, Puyol was really wronged.

When the Barcelona team came to Monaco, they wore the suit he now wears, with the Barcelona team badge on his chest.

It stands to reason that if you want to come to participate in this kind of formal occasion, you should change into formal clothes. Messi, Xavi, Iniesta and others are like this, but Puyol didn\'t, he just put it on. Here comes.

It is impossible for UEFA to say that you don’t let you in if you dress like this?

"You know, there is no team badge on our suit." Puyol pulled up the team badge on his chest and said solemnly.

Harvey shook his head helplessly, "He is injured and can\'t play the Super Bowl, but wants to help the team win, so he wears this suit to the party, saying that he wants to contribute to tomorrow\'s game."

Su Dong was confused, only feeling a crow flying above his head.

Nima, dressed like this to participate in the party, does it have anything to do with tomorrow\'s game?

The brain circuits of Spanish players are really strange!

"Then you are really wearing it for nothing!" Su Dong smiled.

Isn\'t the Super Cup tomorrow the Champions League champion Barcelona, ​​against the Europa League champion Manchester City?

Su Dong immediately decided that he must stay away from Puyol.

Those who are near Zhu are red, and those who are near stupid are stupid.

It\'s better to keep your distance.