I Want to Be the King of Football

Chapter 776: Su Dong has been transformed?

After Sudong assisted Di Maria to score a goal, Sunderland was stimulated.

The coach on the sidelines, Steve Bruce, is a **** English man who has been directing the team non-stop, ordering players to continue to attack Manchester City and impose stronger pressure.

Sunderland was like a wounded barbarian. The bleeding did not make him feel terrified and frightened, but further stimulated his wildness and continued to launch a more violent counterattack against Manchester City.

But Sunderland\'s counterattack is destined to not last long, because under Manchester City\'s passing system, their physical consumption will become more and more serious, and they may even end up exhausted and left to the slaughter.

Only ten minutes later, Manchester City attacked again.

After Tony Cross got the ball in his own half, he took a look at the front and quickly sent a long pass, directly to the right side of the frontcourt. Sanchez jumped in at the fastest speed and went straight. restricted area.

After the ball landed on the right side of the penalty area, Sanchez was chased and interfered by Richardson all the way, but goalkeeper Mino Wright took the lead, abandoned the goal, leaped high, and took the ball out of the air.

Sanchez took a step slower and missed a very good opportunity.

Richardson was born in Manchester United. After coming to Sunderland, he has always been the team\'s main player. At the age of 26, he is in the best state of his career and is very active.

After stopping Sanchez, he immediately ran to the left.

Mino Wright quickly threw the ball to Richardson.

The former Manchester United player stopped the ball back and forth, took a few steps forward, and wanted to plan an attack.

But at this time, Su Dong ran to the left for the first time, trying to plug Sanchez\'s loopholes, and timely pressure on Sunderland\'s ball-holding players to delay the black cat\'s counterattack.

And Sanchez in front also ran back for the first time after the attack was frustrated.

There are no defensive players within ten meters of Richardson, but he feels the pressure from Sudong and Sanchez.

Perhaps it was because he didn\'t have enough confidence in his own technology, or because of other reasons, his choice was anyway, instead of waiting for the two to get close, he took the first step and passed the ball back to the center back Bramble.

It stands to reason that there are not too many problems with such a pass.

The real problem was that he wanted to avoid Sanchez, so he passed to Bramble, but in this way, he gave Su Dong a very good opportunity.

The moment Richardson passed the ball, Su Dong realized that the ball was close to him.

So he gave up pressing Richardson for the first time, turned and rushed directly to Bramble.

Bramble was on the penalty zone line, and when he saw Richardson pass in front of him, he could only run forward.

Unexpectedly, Su Dong’s speed was faster, like a bolt of lightning, and in an instant he rushed from to the left and rushed right in front of him. Before he stopped the ball, he took the first step to intercept the ball and let Bu Rumble jumped for nothing.

Everyone knows that this kind of positive interception success is often the most terrifying.

Because it can directly attack.

After Su Dong grabbed the ball, he rushed to the penalty area with the ball.

Bramble reacted quickly enough, entangled Su Dong for the first time.

But Su Dong suddenly stopped, his right foot quickly dribbled the ball to his left foot, and the whole person moved horizontally to the top of the arc, relying on his skilled foot technique to control the ball firmly.

When Su Dong drove the ball to the top area of ​​the arc, Michael Turner couldn\'t help but rushed straight to Su Dong, and Bramble blocked Su Dong in front of him, for fear that Su Dong would get a chance to kick again. .

Everyone knows that the front of the big restricted area is already within the range of Su Dong.

In front of them were two tall center defenders, and behind them were Henderson and Catermore who were chasing all the way back. Su Dong was once again trapped in an encirclement, and the scene seemed familiar.

But this time, he made a sudden stop and buckled the ball firmly, followed by a false move, which was to kick and hit the goal, causing both Michael Turner and Bramble to make a misjudgment. Then he lightly left his foot. Lightly sent a diagonal pass.

The ball passed between the two defenders, Turner and Bramble, and landed on the right side of the goal.

Sanchez, who was ready to go just now, had already entered a rocket at this time. He slid into the right side of the penalty area from behind Brambles very quickly. He didn\'t stop the ball at all. Instead, he shot directly with his right foot and directly shot Su Dong. This pass from Sunderland was sent to Sunderland\'s goal.

After the goal, Sanchez roared and jumped up, looking extremely excited.

"Man City! Manchester City scored another goal!!!"

"In just ten minutes, Manchester City has two cities in succession!"

"Another subtle assist from Su Dong!"

"It\'s really amazing. In just ten minutes, Manchester City made two quick counterattacks and pierced Sunderland\'s goal. All of them were wonderful assists from Sotung!"

The whole Stadium of Light booed.

Sunderland fans are quite dissatisfied with this result, especially the performance of Su Dong.

Too depressing, isn\'t it?

Our players have clearly worked so hard, so hard, so dedicated. Why is it that Manchester City has always scored?

This is simply unbearable!

After Sanchez scored, he quickly rushed to the sidelines.

Su Dong also caught up in the first time. The two double-clicked their palms in the corner area and hugged hard. Su Dong smiled and touched Sanchez\'s head.

His height is about 1.7 meters, just in line with Su Dong\'s height.

The other Manchester City players also rushed to catch up and surrounded the two.

"Since the beginning of the game, Manchester City\'s pass-and-control play has indeed been disrupted by Sunderland, but Sunderland has also paid a painful price for it, especially in terms of physical fitness and defensive formation, which made Manchester City relieved. , Two consecutive attacks created a threat and both scored goals."

"Sudong’s assists are very clever. Whether it’s the kick for Di Maria or the assist for Sanchez, they all show Sudong’s super personal strength. They are all pressed by defensive players and passed the ball. To create opportunities for teammates."

"It is worth mentioning that after two assists tonight, Su Dong has reached five assists in the Premier League this season, surpassing Drogba in the assists list, ranking first in the assists list, even better than his More balls."

"So far, Su Dong has only scored four goals in the Premier League."

"It has to be said that this is a very new thing, and we even have reason to worry about whether Su Dong, under Guardiola\'s transformation, will gradually change his scorer traits and add more passes and assists. ?"

"As a result, countless fans will definitely feel sorry for this."

Su Dong turned into a tactical center?

Do not make jokes!

Even if Sudong himself was willing, the Manchester City management would not accept his change, and even Guardiola did not want him to do so. The reason is simple. Today, Manchester City needs goals from Sudong more than ever.

You know, in last season, the reason why Manchester City\'s offensive was weak, a very important problem was the center.

Santa Cruz performed well in Blackburn. He was tall, fast, and good at his feet, but his body was not strong enough. He is a typical South American center. He has a keen sense of scoring in front of goal and he has a certain ability to take the ball. And passing ability, but the back and physical resistance are very poor.

After holding the ball with his back, the ability to turn around and get rid of is almost impossible.

The two wide players, whether it is Di Maria and Sanchez, or Adam Johnson and Wright Phillips, are very good assists and wide assaulters. They can create enough for the frontcourt. Shot chance.

In this way, all the scoring pressure falls on Santa Cruz.

Santa Cruz is good at grabbing points, has excellent header ability and a keen sense of smell, but attacking tough is not his strong point. Once he gets into the dense encirclement of his opponent, he immediately disarms, there is no way at all.

As a result, Manchester City\'s possession advantage is very obvious, the two wings are also very lively, but very few goals.

There is even an embarrassing situation where Manchester City won no points and was finally hit by a counter-attack by the opponent.

Without exception, these are caused by weak offense.

Because of this, after the introduction of Su Dong this season, Manchester City\'s entire offensive situation has completely opened up.

In terms of scoring ability, Su Dong is better than Santa Cruz by more than one level; in terms of skills at the feet, Su Dong is more delicate than Santa Cruz; in terms of physical strength confrontation, Su Dong is crushing Santa Cruz\'s existence.

As a top center in the world, Su Dong\'s ability to hold the ball behind his back and turn around to get rid of is even better.

Therefore, it is obvious that after Manchester City joined Su Dong, the overall offensive level has been improved by leaps and bounds, reborn, and then driven the overall performance of the team, and this is the beginning of this season\'s winning streak.

In this case, even if Su Dong himself is willing to transform, Manchester City\'s management and Guardiola are absolutely impossible to make him transform.

For nothing else, do they still want to rush to the mistakes of last season?



With Manchester City’s consecutive goals, Steve Bruce finally had nothing but to choose defense. He really couldn’t expose his team to Manchester City’s artillery anymore.

As Sunderland strengthened its defense, Manchester City\'s offense was also contained.

During the intermission, UU reads www.uukanshu. com Steve Bruce replaced two players in one breath, first to strengthen the team\'s defense, and at the same time replaced Welbeck, who was loaned from Manchester United, to counterattack full-time.

Steve Bruce\'s intention to change is very obvious, that is, to continue to guard strictly, and continue to wait for the opportunity to counterattack.

After the start of the second half, Manchester City continued to firmly control the ball and the situation on the court, patiently consuming Sunderland, constantly looking for opportunities, and ready to give the opponent the most deadly blow at any time.

Until the 63rd minute, Sanchez made a forcible breakthrough on the right, kicking the ball into Richardson\'s leg before the baseline, bounced off the baseline, and earned a corner kick for Manchester City.

David Silva ran over quickly to take the corner kick.

Several tall players from Manchester City also all came to Sunderland\'s penalty area, making the already crowded penalty area suddenly more overcrowded.

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