I traveled through the days in Naruto World

Chapter 345

At night, you should have a good sleep and rest. You should be in a full state, ready to wait for the arrival of support, and then you will start the mission again!

However, the water tree here is not for cultivation, or thinking about cultivation. I didn't sleep well that night. In this way, unconsciously after midnight, but was disturbed by a night owl's cooing.

"The sound is --" the water tree carefully got up from the quilt, put on his clothes and left the room, followed the voice of the owl to the nearby woods: "come out! I know it's you

A sudden sound of wind, there is a shadow appeared, and the speed of flying.

In the silent night, such a sound is very obvious, even the white eyes don't need to be opened, only listening to the wind can predict the direction of the shadow, and the shadow's attack can be stopped with a stop.

The water tree didn't even have to turn his head to catch this thing. He sneered in a cold voice and said, "how dare you be rampant when you are defeated?"

There are two figures coming out from the trees on one side. In the whole forbearance world, each group will only arrange two people. It seems that there is only Xiao organization, right? As for the identities of these two people, they are naturally jiaodu and feiduan.

The attack launched just now, of course, is that feiduan is not convinced. He was beaten down last time and wanted to find the field. However, it's a pity that water tree's ability can completely restrain this guy, even his own defense can't be broken, and he can't get his own blood. What can this guy do?

"Damn little devil, I won't talk about your sacrifice today!" Feiduan has taken back his weapon and is about to start again. However, he is stopped by the corner around him: "you fool, we are here to talk business and kill our employer. Who do you want money from?"

Shuishu is not afraid of feiduan at all, but the other side is two people. Jiaodu has many hearts, and can use a variety of properties of ninja. What's more, this guy has a calm mind, which can't be compared with feiduan's impulsive personality.

The last time the two sides successfully negotiated a deal, I didn't expect that it had been more than a month since we left. It was almost two months. But it's lucky, at least the other side has done it.

Jiaodu took out one thing and handed it to Shuishu: "this is the answer you want to know."

This is a scroll. After Shuishu took it, he had a look at it. Then untie the rope, slowly open the scroll, there are some pictures and words.

"Flowers on the other side of the river, flowers in the other side of the underworld, gorgeous red flowers like blood. There are flowers but no leaves. When the soul goes through the river, it will forget all kinds of things in life. Everything that has been left on the other side will turn into a beautiful flower. "

Looking at this line of text on the scroll, it's obvious that the water tree doesn't understand what the other shore is and what the flowers are. Does this have anything to do with the answer you want to know?

Water tree did not understand this: "what is this thing? Is this the way to deceive me? "

Because I feel cheated, Shuishu's tone is not good, it should be very cold.

However, Jiao Du didn't mind her emotion, just responded with the same tone: "you're going to look down!"

For this guy's words, water tree's face appears more suspicious color, but since that said, just keep looking down.

Open more scrolls and see a related illustration of the other side. The painting is abstract, but it's easy to see that it's a bunch of bright red flowers. As mentioned above, there are no branches, only flowers.

From here continue to look down, the following is about the other side of the land: "life and death for this side, nirvana for the other side."

What is behind the other shore? When the scroll is opened a little more, the scene on the other side is also illustrated. What ghosts and ghosts look like, just like the shadow of the soul.

There are still some white bones on the ground. However, in this place, I saw something wrong: "how is this skeleton different?"

To the back and continue to open, the scroll will open a little more, will see the content behind. What other shore, what pure land, are all about the underworld, some kind of death?

However, looking back, Shuishu noticed a word "Shura field", a place where he could only struggle in a desperate situation. It's really creepy, because everything in this training ground can only make more desperate efforts in despair forever.

wait a second! When you see this, the face of the water tree changes. This other shore, this Shura, has a kind of fear and uneasiness, appears in his heart.

With an arm, just have the rest of the decoration, bright as blood in general, really similar to the other shore flowers! However, this said Shura, his three turn occupation name, is not exactly "Asura"?

Will be opened to roll up again, water tree appear a little heavy expression: "this thing is from where get."

"Do you care?" Jiao Du said with no expression: "what I want is money. What you entrust has been done."

This guy is more annoying than you think, thanks to the zombie duo guy.

Shuishu takes out a check with the commission payment written on it, and then gives the check to the other party: "this is a check from the black market. You can withdraw money from the black market or villain's Island."

When he got the reward he deserved, he glanced at the check, and the figures on it were quite a few. He nodded with satisfaction: "well, for the sake of the transaction, the question just now is free! It used to be the vortex tide village in the country of vortex. "

The country of vortex? Wochao village?

Hearing the name of this place, the water tree subconsciously thought of something: "all the ghosts are sealed!"

It is said that the technique of ghost seal comes from the whirlpool clan. It has super seal ability and can summon the legendary god of death. Any life swallowed by the God of death is invalid even if it is forbidden to reincarnate! The soul that is not in the pure land cannot be reincarnated.

It seems that if necessary, I should take a chance to go to the vortex tide village of vortex country. I remember that this is a destroyed village, but I don't know if I can find anything more.

The transaction between the two sides has been completed. There is nothing else to do. We are ready to leave. But the feiduan here is a little bit chirpy: "Hey, are you going like this? Because will it be like last time? Let's have another fight and see if I don't dedicate you to the evil Lord! "

For this four legged, mindless fool, water tree has no need to pay attention to: "garbage, it's always garbage, it's the same several times! Here, in the successful transaction, jiaodu also gave me a free intelligence. If we meet again, I'll appreciate crushing your bones. "