I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 93: naruto and sasuke

Early in the morning, at Minato\'s house.

Accompanied by two door opening sounds almost at the same time, two people, one big and one small, wearing the same style of pajamas came out of their respective rooms.

"Morning, Mom." Naruto greeted, rubbing his eyes sleepily.

"Morning, Naruto." Kushina scratched her messy red hair and replied with a hache.

Then, the two went to the bathroom together.

Brush your teeth, rinse your mouth, wash your face...

The movements of the two are exactly the same, and even the last two slaps on the face to show that the grooming work is complete, the rhythm is completely consistent.

It is worthy of being a mother and son in the same line.

When he came to the dining table, seeing the breakfast made by the warm man Minato who went to work early but thoughtfully prepared milk and bread, Naruto\'s eyes lit up with a big appetite, and he clasped his hands together and said, "Mom, I\'m starting!"

"I\'m starting too!" Kushina stretched out her hand first as she spoke.

Naruto saw it in his eyes, and quickly followed him as if he was facing an enemy.

All of a sudden, the breakfast on the dining table is visibly decreasing rapidly.

The mother and son seemed to be in a competition, and they ate voraciously, for fear that they would fall behind.

And it is true.

After giving birth to Naruto and being a good wife and mother for a period of time, Kushina finally couldn\'t restrain her nature and returned to the blood red pepper style.

This is not only for outsiders, but also for his own son.

Therefore, Naruto, who had learned many painful lessons, did not dare to be careless in the face of the predatory behavior of old children.

At this moment, he had a piece of bread in his mouth, a few slices of bread in one hand, and a milk box in the other, as if he was on a battlefield. While eating and drinking quickly, his eyes were fixed on the opposite mother Every move, I am afraid that the other party will make another cheating method such as using the shadow clone.

It is impossible for other people\'s mothers to do this, but his mother is definitely an exception!

However, although he often grieves and resents his mother\'s "shameless" behavior, Naruto is still very willing to accept all this from the bottom of his heart.

Just because the process of getting along with his mother is more like a pair of good friends fighting.


This is a very luxurious and longing existence for Naruto right now.

Therefore, in the face of his mother\'s occasional cheating behavior, "there are a lot of adults", he just turned a blind eye.

"I\'m full~"

"I\'m full too~"

Soon, with the sound of two bulging stomachs, and then in the same hiccup sound, Naruto and Kushina lazily leaned on the back of the chair and patted their stomachs, looking very leisurely .

Naruto was very happy, because he ate one more slice of bread than his mother in this breakfast battle, which undoubtedly represented the victory of this "struggle".

"You won this time, Naruto. Next time! Mom, I will do my best. Don\'t cry when Naruto loses!" Kushina looked at her silly son who was dancing, and smiled. Then he squeezed his eyebrows again, pretending to be unwilling to say.

"Haha! Mom, come here! I will never admit defeat when it comes to eating!" Naruto raised his fist high and said with high spirits.

Start the day with this fun-filled mother-son romp.

It\'s just that adults have their own affairs after all.

After resting for a while, Naruto knew that his mother was going to work, looking at Kushina who was putting on the Jōshin uniform.

Although he felt lost, he still smiled and said goodbye to his mother sensiblely:

"Don\'t worry, mom, I\'ve made an appointment to go out with some friends later! Mom, you have to be careful!"

Kushina was slightly silent. Knowing the truth, she didn\'t reveal her son\'s comforting words, but rubbed his golden hair that inherited from her father and said with a smile: "Little Naruto should get along well with his partners outside. Oh!"

Although she also hopes to spend more time with Naruto, but as Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, the indispensable top combat force in the village, Konoha will not let her idle at home for nothing.

Before being able to accompany her for such a long time, Yun Ting deliberately extended her vacation.

Fortunately, for Naruto, as a mother, she is still at ease.

Cheerful, passionate, honest, brave...

Even after experiencing many setbacks, this child still maintains a beautiful character that shines like gold.

Looking at the sensible son with a bright smile on his face in order to reassure himself, Kushina\'s heart is full of pride while feeling distressed.

Just as she, Minato, and Teacher Jiraiya expected Naruto to become a great ninja in the future.

Now, she is extremely confident about this.

"When playing, don\'t forget the lunch time. Mom won\'t come back at noon, so remember to go to Dad\'s for dinner."

"Don\'t worry, Mom, I remember everything." Naruto said still full of energy.

Until the door slams.

Just like a deflated balloon, he instantly became listless.

Looking at the empty home, Naruto sat there for a long time before choosing to go out.

Konoha is now 52 years old.

Compared with Konoha\'s 47 years when Yunting began to rule, in the past five years, the development of the entire Konoha Village has never been faster.

Under the guidance of Yun Ting, who values ​​science and technology, various scientific and technological crystals have spread throughout Muye Village.

In the home, home appliances such as TV series refrigerator air conditioners are entering every home more frequently than before.

In the outside world, compared with the old-fashioned buildings in the past, there are now many more high-tech buildings, large screens, neon lights and so on.

For all these things, the old people in Muye Village are naturally very grateful.

But Naruto didn\'t feel much about it when he opened his eyes and saw this.

He launched his own children\'s bicycle, and Naruto, who is almost four years old, rode on it and kicked his feet, and he drove the two wheels through the streets and alleys of Konoha very skillfully.

At this time, not only him, but also many people on the street are riding bicycles, a means of transportation that has become popular only a few years after its appearance.

It\'s just that compared to a bicycle, Naruto still hopes that he can fly over walls like a ninja!

Noticing a few jumps on the roof around him and passing by him, the ninja wearing the Konoha forehead protector, his eyes lit up, full of anticipation.

There are two more years!

He can go to the ninja school and become a real ninja just like his parents said!

Naruto rode his bicycle aimlessly while looking forward to it.

After a while, he heard a frolic.

Riding along the sound, he saw a group of kids his age playing the most popular ninja game.

Several of them he had known before.

Naruto, who was very envious, mustered up his courage, and was about to ask if he could join in the fun.

Suddenly, the group of children also found him, and several children he knew shouted in panic:

"It\'s... that monster!"

"The monster is coming!"


In the blink of an eye, before he could speak, the group of children in front of him ran away.

The smile on Naruto\'s face stagnated, then he lowered his head deeply, and pushed the bicycle away without saying a word.


He didn\'t understand that he had played well with this group of people in the past, but suddenly when he went there again, the latter looked at him in horror, shouting "monster" and running away from him.

He didn\'t know what he did wrong, so that his former friends hated him.

But since then, he has never had a friend by his side.

This made Naruto extremely frustrated.


Everyone\'s childhood is very sad.

This is not the reason for secrecy.

It is difficult to suppress the occasional leakage of Tailed Beast Chakra because of its immature body.

This also led to the loss of people or things around Renzhuli.

Even if they don\'t intend to, it is difficult for most people to be completely sane when faced with the threat of evil and terrifying powerful forces.

Especially those who were injured when Renzhuli was out of control, they directed this resentment towards Renzhuli.

Therefore, Jinzhuli\'s childhood was basically spent under the hostile, fearful, and hateful eyes of outsiders looking at monsters.

The reason why the current Naruto is called a monster by his former partners is also because the nine-tailed chakra was accidentally leaked during a certain game.

Fortunately, Accompanying Anbu shot quickly, so no harm was done.

It\'s just that those former partners saw it~www.novelhall.com~ but they had a sincere fear of Naruto, and the name of "monster" was also spread in the circle of children. Since then, no one is willing to play with him .

When the Nine-Tails Chakra was leaked, Naruto had fallen into a coma and was completely unaware of what had happened. Afterwards, he naturally didn\'t understand the change in his friend\'s attitude towards him.

Fortunately, he was born with a big positive heart, buried all the bad words in his heart, and still faced the world with an optimistic attitude.

After all, in the original book, this Lord grew up hated by the whole village, but still kept the sunshine.

Now he\'s in a better place.

Under Yunting\'s special instructions, except for a few people in Konoha, the news that Naruto is Nine-Tails Jinchuriki did not spread to the outside world at all.

Right now Naruto just can\'t make friends, the so-called "monster" to the villagers who haven\'t experienced the Nine-Tails Rebellion, it\'s just a child\'s play, they don\'t take it seriously at all, and naturally treat Naruto as usual.

In addition to Minato, Kushina\'s parents are still there, and Naruto can\'t say that he is disabled. Instead, under the former\'s precepts and deeds, he faces the world more sunnyly.

Of course, no matter how optimistic people are, there will still be times when they are disappointed and unhappy.

Just like now, Naruto, who only felt that he was wronged, stared at the pedals, and unknowingly rode to a small river.

He stopped, sat by the river, and threw stones into the river in frustration.

At this moment, not far away, there was also a little boy in a bad mood walking towards us.

Soon, the two who found each other looked at each other.


Almost unanimous cold snorts sounded.

As if they were enemies in fate, the two immediately turned their heads away in disdain.