I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 68: Tsunade's Bet

Practice begins.

Yun Ting sat beside a lake full of natural energy liquid with a calm expression. According to the secret technique given by the living slug, during breathing, the majestic natural energy was inhaled into his body visible to the naked eye.

Affected by the environment, the natural energy in the Wetbone Forest is not only more intense than the other two holy places, but also because of the live slugs, the life characteristics in it are more active.

This is undoubtedly very comfortable for Yunting who has a wooden escape.

Because of this, compared to other people, the risk of him being petrified while practicing immortality is much smaller.

After half an hour.

Just as Yun Ting continued to practice without distraction, a puff of white smoke suddenly appeared from the wet bone forest, and a person walked out of it.

The only one who can come here now is Tsunade.

I saw that she came to Yunting\'s training place with a clear purpose, and she didn\'t bother her. She just folded her arms and stared at Yunting motionlessly, holding the pair of huge weapons.

"This kid, it seems that he has improved compared to before! It\'s really possible to succeed in Grandpa\'s cultivation of the Immortal Technique of the Wet Bone Forest."

Although this matter is a great thing for Qianshou and Konoha, but when she thinks that she has bet with this guy before, she can\'t get angry.

How cunning!

Tsunade snorted habitually.

Now she is very worried that the other party will ask some bad conditions.

As for running away?

Although Tsunade always loses every gamble, she gambles very well and never owes anyone money.

At most, it is in arrears for a period of time.

Although this time may be a bit long, it will still be paid back anyway.

As for Yunting\'s request at that time, will it be delayed like before?

Tsunade thought about it, then shook his head reluctantly.

Can not be done!

Now because of Mu Dun\'s experiment, she and Yun Ting can meet every now and then.

How is this delayed?

As for Mu Dun, after witnessing Yun Ting\'s performance with her own eyes, and now seeing that the immortal technique she tried and failed on the other party is about to succeed, Tsunade is not envious in his eyes.

Especially when he recently heard that the Mudun experiment has made some progress, no matter what, he will never stay away from Yunting!

So, it all comes back to the original question.

What should Yun Ting do if she makes a bad request?


When Yun Ting completed a training cycle and opened his eyes to see Tsunade, he found that the other party\'s face was cloudy and cloudy, and the changes were very fast.

When he walked up to Tsunade, he thought that the other party would react, but it was rare that he was still in a daze, so he waved his hand in front of her eyes and yelled mischievously.


Tsunade was startled suddenly, and subconsciously jumped back.

After discovering that it was Yun Ting, she said angrily, "You brat! What are you crazy about!"

Yun Ting smiled and asked curiously: "What were you thinking just now? I didn\'t respond when I walked up to you. This is not like the usual you!"

Tsunade would naturally not say what he was thinking.

Seeing that Yun Ting was still in shorts when she was practicing, she changed the subject and said, "You haven\'t put on your clothes yet, but you little brat, are you in good shape?"

"It\'s really not as good as you." Yun Ting shrugged and said sincerely.

The woman in front of him can be said to be very familiar, and he couldn\'t find anyone in Konoha who could compare with her in terms of figure.


As soon as Yun Ting\'s voice fell, the roar sounded.

The live slug not far away looked up, and then continued to do his own thing as usual.

After a quarter of an hour.

On the open space full of potholes and broken trees that seemed to have been hit by a meteorite rain, Tsunade, who was not blushing or out of breath, patted the dust on his fist, only feeling refreshed.

What others saw as a fierce fight just now was just an appetizer in her eyes.

Yun Ting also had the same idea.

After all, in terms of non-human strength, the Thousand Hands Clan and its close relatives, the Whirlpool Clan, are both well-known.

Yun Ting had already put on his clothes again at this time. Except for a lot of dust on it, the other performance is the same as Tsunade.

He looked up at each other.

To be honest, in terms of physique, apart from not having the majestic life force brought by Mu Dun, Tsunade is not inferior to him.

Compared with those Qianshou people in the past, she should have the greatest possibility of awakening Mu Dun.

It\'s a pity that I lost a little luck after all.

Unfortunately, the current research on Mutun has improved, but there is a glimmer of hope.


After the usual warm-up ended, Tsunade also asked the most concerned question at the moment:

"How\'s the progress of the research on Wooden Dungeon?"

Yun Ting replied: "It\'s not bad, there have been some breakthroughs. Through research and comparison, Tsunade\'s own physique already meets the requirements for stimulating Mu Dun, but it lacks the influence of some key factors. The Wooden Dungeon cannot be activated."

"Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for you to awaken Mudun again. But isn\'t there still me! I was able to awaken Mudun at this age, obviously I found those key factors by accident. With me as the blueprint, now as long as the If these key factors are found and cultivated to reproduce, then you, who are qualified, are very likely to be able to awaken.”

"Of course, all this still needs time and luck. Now the research team is still a long way from the final success. Tsunade, you still need to wait patiently."

Even for a master of science like Orochimaru, it takes a long time to invest in a research to achieve results.

Not to mention Konoha\'s research team.

In addition, the research object is Mutun.

I don\'t know how many forces have carried out research in the past, but in the end, except for the bad luck, Yamato, who can no longer be copied, inherits the inferior version of Mudun, and all others fail.

Yun Ting is quite confident in the study of Mudun that he set up by himself.

After all, the blueprint of his living accidental awakening Mu Dun is extremely precious.

Regardless of the underground black market, he paid a sky-high price of 800 million yuan for his body, and the dozen or so jounin specially sent by Raikage only wanted to get back a little of his blood at first.

In addition, Tsunade\'s own conditions are also in line. If it were other Qianshou clansmen, even if they found the key factor, it would be difficult to awaken because their physique is not up to standard.

So, the outlook is undoubtedly bright.

But as he said, there are always twists and turns in the process.

It has been almost half a year now, and the research has only made some progress. If we really have to wait until the cracking is completed, I am afraid it will take years to count.

As an older leftover woman, a female tyrannosaurus, and a person who has been tempered by the Second Ninja World War, Tsunade\'s temper is still hot, but in some respects, she can still be sensible.

Although Mu Dun occupies a huge place in his heart, outsiders can hardly imagine the excitement and urgency brought about by regaining the thought that he had given up long ago.

But knowing that the process is difficult, she can still suppress her urgency, and occasionally she can find Yun Ting, a person who is very familiar ~www.novelhall.com~ and does not have to worry about killing or injuring her.

"It\'s okay, I\'ve been disappointed for so many years anyway, and I don\'t care about waiting a few more years. Just treat it as a gamble, and you won\'t lose money if you lose, and you\'ll make money if you win." Tsunade replied grandly.

Yun Ting heard it in his ears, a strange flash appeared on his face and he said quickly: "I said Tsunade, don\'t take this as a gamble! Don\'t you know the outcome of every gamble? Isn\'t that Curse yourself!"

You must know that Tsunade must lose every bet, but the law of cause and effect.

He was afraid that the other party\'s crow\'s mouth would ruin the research on wooden escape that he had built up with a lot of money, manpower and material resources.

Even if it can be done, it will be even more terrifying.

You must know that every time the opponent wins, important people around him must suffer a great crime.

Judging from the current situation, he is the most likely to win the bid, who is the closest in terms of blood and relationship.

Therefore, this bet must not stand!

"Nonsense! I\'m a **** of gamblers..." Tsunade\'s light yellow eyebrows frowned, and when he was about to get angry, he suddenly thought that this time was related to his awakening, and then thought about the results of his previous gambling , she finally stopped deceiving herself and others, so she said without interest, "That... let\'s do it! If you don\'t gamble, don\'t gamble!"

Yun Ting breathed a sigh of relief: "A wise decision."

Then, he thought of something else, and added: "Right now, this bet can\'t stand, but Tsunade, don\'t forget the bet we made before."


"That\'s right! Also! If Mu Dun\'s research is successful, then Tsunade, you owe me a huge favor again. Have you figured out how to repay it?"
