I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 65: punish

The very eye-catching red and white corners are the Hokage Yushen robe that Danzo is very familiar with and has always wanted to wear.

So, the plan failed?

Seeing the person wearing the Naruto Yushen robe push the door in, and then turn his gaze to the young and familiar face, Danzo\'s heart suddenly twitched, and his straight waist instantly became extremely hunched as if discouraged. .

It really failed.

On the other side, Yun Ting strode in and said in an undisguised indifference tone: "Danzo, are you surprised and regretful to find that I\'m not dead?"

At this moment, the atmosphere in the house became extremely oppressive.

After all, it was the darkness of Shinobu. After a few breaths, Danzo suppressed the trembling in his heart, and asked with a barely calm face, "Why did the fourth generation say that? This old man has been confined at home for a while, and he doesn\'t know about the outside world. If there is any misunderstanding, the fourth generation will make it clear."

Seeing Danzo\'s reaction, Yun Ting was not surprised and said with a sneer: "Li · Sixiang sealing technique, Elder Danzang is really good at it! I don\'t know when Genbu cultivated such powerful four dead men? "

"Li Sixiang sealing technique? I don\'t understand why the fourth generation said that. The root register is clear to the fourth generation. There is no such person."

So far, Danzo can only deny it.

Even if everyone can guess the result, as long as there is no conclusive evidence, as the elder of the Konoha Advisory Group, he will not be in danger of his life.

As long as you don\'t die, everything is possible.

Seeing this, Yunting naturally understood Danzo\'s thoughts.

He sneered and said: "Those who keep making contributions to Konoha in the form of being in the dark, did not expect that there will also be times when they shrink their heads for their own selfish desires. Danzo, you let me down very much!"

If at this moment Danzo yelled "for the sake of Konoha" and took off his clothes, and used the Li Sixiang seal to die with himself, then he could still look up to the opponent three points.

But looking at it now, this old guy already has the posture of sitting and watching his allies stand still when Payne attacks in the future!

Danzo wanted to refute something when he heard the words, but Yun Ting was too lazy to waste his words, and he directly announced: "Li Sixiang seal is a high-level sealing technique of Konoha, but there are enemies using it to deal with Hokage. It is a serious matter." There are only a few high-ranking Konohas who are qualified to master the former, but there are only Anbu and Nebu who have the ability to train dead men and have a strong intelligence network to assassinate Hokage. Anbu is all my people, and there cannot be dead men, so the biggest Suspicion is the root cause!"

"Although there is no direct evidence, a serious suspicion is a serious suspicion. Until enough evidence is found to settle the case, the operation of the root will be suspended, and its personnel will be temporarily transferred to the secret department. As for the elder Danzang, who is also a major suspect, you will be grounded until you prove your innocence. The time limit is extended indefinitely, and no one else is allowed to visit!"

After finishing speaking, Yunting flicked his sleeves, not interested in listening to Danzo\'s sophistry, turned and left directly.

However, when he was about to leave the house, he suddenly thought of something, turned his head and looked at Danzo with murderous eyes and said:

"Danzo, I would be very happy to see the well-known ninja\'s dark minions interrupted, imprisoned in this small room forever, and become the clawless tiger watched by the outside world for the rest of his life."

"I think this will be a good punishment for you. Of course, you can also ignore my order and go out privately. In that case, I will happily kill you with my own hands! At that time, the others will have nothing to say! "

After the words were finished, the people had left, leaving only the room full of silence.

Winners and losers.

As a loser, Danzo already had the determination to accept losing everything at the moment he saw Yun Ting appearing, and to go up and down and wait for the future.

This is not without his experience in the confrontation with Ri Zhan in the past.

However, when Yun Ting\'s last words just now, especially the phrase "a clawless tiger being admired" echoed in his ears, no matter how much he comforted himself, he still felt as if he had opened a dyeing workshop.

Do you regret it?

Danzo just sat there, not moving for a long time.


Walking out of Tuan Zang\'s house, Yun Ting stretched out his hand and made a move.

In an instant, an Anbu ninja appeared in front of him and respectfully said, "Master Hokage!"

"The number of personnel monitoring Danzo will be doubled. In addition, the white-eyed ninja will be added to the team. I need to know what Danzo does every day." Yun Ting ordered.

Because Danzang was only banned for one year as a small punishment, his status as an elder was there after all. Yun Ting could not treat prisoners like he did when he sent people to monitor, so the intensity was lighter, which also made the other party\'s subordinates feel more confident. There is an opportunity to take advantage of.

Now he won\'t be so indulgent anymore.

Not only will he strictly monitor Danzo\'s every move in the future, but he also has other plans for his gang of root subordinates.

As the root people who are loyal to Danzo, even if they are lifted from the seal of tongue disaster, they will continue to secretly loyal to each other because of years of brainwashing.

Therefore, suspending the operation of the root and merging these into the dark part is only a stopgap measure.

Afterwards, Yunting will make follow-up arrangements.


It has been three days since Yunting returned to Konoha.

During this time, the story of his own assassination naturally spread throughout Konoha.

All the ordinary villagers know is that he showed his power and killed more than 30 ninjas. After all, the 20 or 30 corpses brought back cannot be faked.

As for the more dangerous Li Sixiang seal assassination, it was only spread among Konoha high-ranking, ninja clan, and some jounin.

In the final analysis, this is a matter of Konoha\'s internal struggle, and it is not good to spread it.

Including Yunting, everyone tacitly limited the matter to a few people and concealed it from the general public.

Of course, concealment is concealment, but this does not mean that Yunting will not retaliate for this matter.

The merciless punishment of Danzo and Genbu has also spread among the ninja community.

For this reason, Konoha\'s two advisers, Mitomon Yan and Zhuanju Koharu, who had rarely visited before, could no longer sit still and join hands today.

"Fourth generation, without any evidence of the assassination, it would be out of order to punish Elder Danzo like this?"

In Hokage\'s office, Mitomonyan questioned Yun Ting.

As a member of the Konoha Advisory Group~www.novelhall.com~ Danzo is the most powerful among all the elders.

However, now that the latter has lost everything, he will end up under house arrest. This makes the Konoha Advisory Group, which has gradually reduced its voice under the influence of Yun Ting\'s increasing power, even worse.

Therefore, regardless of public or private interests, Mitomon Yan and Zhuanju Koharu must work hard to see if they can pull Danzo up.

Even before they came, they specially called Sarutobi Hiruzen who was retired at home, but unfortunately the latter didn\'t agree.

At this moment, facing Mitomonyan\'s questioning, Yun Ting, who was processing the documents, just glanced up and said:

"Li Sixiang Sealing Art is only qualified to be read by the high-level Konoha. If it is not Danzo, then is Elder Yan you?"

Mito Menyan was startled, and quickly waved his hands in denial: "How could it be me? As Konoha\'s advisor, I would never do anything to assassinate Hokage!"

"Yes, Elder Yan, and Elder Xiaochun, you would never have such motives. But what about Danzang?" Yun Ting twitched his lips and said with a cold smile: "As an old comrade-in-arms who has been together for decades, I want to come to Danzang You know what kind of person you are."

Mitomon Yan and Zhuannian Koharu were silent.

It was precisely because they knew that they didn\'t complain much about Yunting\'s punishment for breaking the rules and going beyond the procedure. Sarutobi Hiruzen didn\'t even want to show up.

Now the only thing the two of them want to do is to bring this old friend back.

As for the roots, they have already given up on them.

Apart from matters of power, after all, Danzo has been fighting for Konoha with them for decades and has made great contributions.

As old people, they don\'t want to see each other end up as sinners for the rest of their lives.