I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 52: travel far

"Ryukko? Ritsuko? Ritsuko?"

At night, at the home of the Thousand Hands Clan, Yun Ting, dressed in casual clothes, yelled several times before seeing Ritsuko Yamanaka approaching with a cold face, and deliberately stopped at a distance of three meters, looking at him business-likely waiting for orders.

Seeing it, Yun Ting sighed helplessly.

Speaking of which, all of this happened a few days ago when Zi Lai Ye said goodbye.

For the benefit of the majority of men in the ninja world, it is rare for him to become a life mentor. When guiding Jiraiya, he could only choose the only long-legged girl in the room as his target.

Although the effect was achieved, Ritsuko Yamanaka discovered the small actions of him and Jiraiya.

Jilai also ran away before she got angry, let alone mentioning it.

Ritsuko Yamanaka didn\'t give a good face to the only remaining herself during this time.

Even the black silk skirt that the latter used to wear in the past has deliberately changed to ordinary trousers during this period.

This made Yun Ting sigh a lot.

Fortunately, my female secretary has a clear distinction between public and private. Although she has not been able to give a good face, she still does what she should do seriously.

No, as Hokage\'s personal secretary, even after work, she is now not allowed to go back to her home with him, waiting for orders at any time.

Although Yunting\'s house is not as located in the best part of the clan land as Tsunade\'s house, which inherited his grandfather\'s real estate, it is also located in the core area, covering a vast area, with antique architectural styles, rockery, flowing water, and pavilions. , It can be said that the goal of life has been exceeded early.

With such a big house, it is naturally impossible for Yunting to live alone.

Before that, there were a group of hired servants in the family who were responsible for taking care of his daily life and cleaning the house.

Even if there are more Ritsuko Yamanaka, there is no shortage of the other party\'s residence.

It can be said that Yunting has already become a big winner in life after traveling to this point.

"What are you doing so far away? Come and sit down and talk." Yun Ting patted the chair beside him, beckoning to Ritsuko Yamanaka.

Different from some stubborn old people, Yun Ting naturally takes care of his own home as comfortable as possible.

In the past, his home was still a kind of classical Japanese style home, but now after being rectified by himself, except for the exterior, the interior has almost been replaced with a similar modern home style.

The so-called tatami mats naturally no longer exist.

Ritsuko Yamanaka hesitated for a moment, but finally sat beside Yunting.

Seeing this, Yun Ting\'s eyes lit up, it seemed that the cold war for a while had finally come to an end.

It\'s a pity that the other party can\'t let the other party return to the secretary outfit immediately, after all, she will have to go on a long trip with him next.

After each new Hokage takes office, he needs to spare time to go to the capital of the Fire Country, visit the Fire Country daimyo, explain the policies of the new leadership, and contact each other\'s friendship.

Although Muye Village is not controlled by the Nation of Fire, it still respects the name of the Nation of Fire in name.

The first, second, and third Hokages all went to visit the daimyo after taking office.

Yunting, who is now the fourth generation goal, is no exception.

Seriously speaking, it\'s too late for him to start now.

But who made Konoha have a village feeling before.

Only when Yun Ting, who has truly mastered the power and basically controlled the village, is relieved, will he have the time to visit the daimyo.

And right now, what Yun Ting said to Ritsuko Yamanaka is precisely this matter: "...So, you should prepare well when you go back. Not only yourself, but also the supply and route planning of the entire team, etc. These things are You will be in charge. I will give you three days. After three days, I will set off for the capital of the Land of Fire."

"Understood!" Ritsuko Yamanaka, who knew the importance of the matter, no longer played petty temper. Hearing this, she nodded solemnly, and then said with a trace of hesitation on her face: "Master Hokage is only accompanied by shadow guards, isn\'t the defense force too weak? Do you need to add a few Anbu teams?"

Yun Ting waved his hand, and said to himself: "No, the Shadow Guard is enough. Even if there is danger, isn\'t there me as Hokage!"

Besides, if the strength on paper is not weakened, how will the ghosts and monsters in the dark have the courage to attack him.

A trace of coldness flashed in Yun Ting\'s eyes.

This trip, whether for some mice in the dark or hostile forces, is undoubtedly the best time to get rid of him, the Fourth Hokage.

Even if he has Mutun, no one is willing to let go of such a good opportunity.

You must know that power, politics, money, glory, and even the pursuit of the secrets of Mu Dunxue Jijie, etc., are enough to make people let go of their fears and attack powerful targets.

As for the legendary **** of ninja who swept the world by relying on wood escape, after all, it has been too long, so that except for old people like Ohnoki, few people in the ninja world have truly experienced its power.

From their point of view, no matter how powerful the Blood Successor Boundary is, he is still a mortal body after all.

Since it is a mortal body, it is naturally possible to be killed.

Therefore, Yun Ting can imagine how many vultures will come to test the news of his going out.

This is destined to be a road paved with blood.

He was ready for that too.

Just in time, use the blood of these people with ulterior motives to frighten the world~www.novelhall.com~ Let the world re-understand the power of Mu Dun, and at the same time, understand that as long as he is still there, no matter whether it is inside or outside the village, no one can shake him location!

At this moment, Yun Ting, who was sitting on the chair, was like an unsheathed sword, exuding a sharp luster all over.

As someone close to him, he quickly understood what Ritsuko Yamanaka was thinking of and didn\'t try to persuade him any more, instead his heart was full of expectations.

As just said.

This one in front of me is Hokage!


Three days later, at the gate of Konoha.

Wearing the Hokage Imperial Robe and holding a Hokage hat in one hand, Yunniwa briefly exchanged a few words with the Konoha people who came to see him off, then turned his gaze to Nara Shikahisa, Namikaze Mizumon said:

"Shikajiu, Minato, Konoha\'s work will depend on you for the next period of time. If there is any important matter that cannot be handled, Feiying will send me a message."


"Don\'t worry, Hokage-sama, we will take good care of Konoha."

The two replied solemnly.

Yun Ting nodded, for these two people, he was still very relieved, no matter in terms of handling ability or personal character.

As long as he doesn\'t have an accident, he doesn\'t have to worry about what will happen in the village.

"Then let\'s bid farewell, everyone, go back to your duties."

Finally, after saying goodbye to everyone, Yun Ting put the Hokage hat on his head amidst the sound of farewell, and led Ritsuko Yamanaka to leave Konoha Village slowly.

Accompanying him secretly is his shadow guard.

They are Baiyun Hayama, Tekumi, Hyuga Tokuma and the newly joined Uchiha Aya.

At this point, the news that the Fourth Hokage was out of Konoha Village spread extremely quickly to the ears of interested people, and an undercurrent began to surge.