I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 5: 1 Le Ramen

The method for Yunting to obtain Hokage\'s reputation points is very straightforward.

Since there is no major event that can allow him to earn reputation points, the accumulation of small things will make a lot of money. As his dignified Fourth Hokage, he visits the people, meets all the simple and honest villagers with kindness and enthusiasm, and acts as a friendly gesture. Moved, so that he can gain reputation points.

Therefore, after getting off work from the Hokage Building, Yun Ting did not return to the empty and deserted Thousand Hands Land, but wore a Hokage Imperial Robe, wandered around the village, and warmly greeted the surrounding villagers.

"Hello, Fourth Generation!"

"Hello, old man! Walk slowly, pay attention to a small stone in front of you, I\'ll help you..."

"Master Hokage, come and taste the authentic three-color meatballs, and you won\'t be charged."

"Then how can it be done! Even Hokage can\'t eat for free. You must accept the money I give you, boss..."

"Master Hokage! In the future, when I grow up, I will become the Hokage who protects the village and everyone like you!"

"What an amazing ambition! Then you have to study hard at the ninja school, make progress every day, and don\'t skip classes and get distracted, so that your wish can come true..."

"Master Hokage..."

"Master Hokage..."


Along the way, Yun Ting warmly greeted every passing villager without the slightest bit of identity. Although his face was about to freeze from laughing, the system\'s "Hokage reputation + 1" that kept echoing in his mind made him My heart blossomed with joy.

In a short period of time, he has gained more than 50 reputation points. After finishing his face today, it would be no problem to get three or four hundred, not to mention breaking a thousand.

If he accumulates at this rate, he will be able to exchange for the most anticipated Wooden Dungeon in a little over a month at most.

For Yun Ting, the reason why Mu Dun was the first choice is not only because he belongs to the Qianshou family, but also because with his current strength, although there are many abilities in the system, most of them cannot give him decisive help .

There are not many abilities that can greatly improve his strength and can fight against Nine Tails, and most of them are expensive.

Among these abilities, Senshou, who is famous for being the **** of the ninja world, can restrain tailed beasts, and even Mu Dun, which is symbolized by Konoha, is undoubtedly his first choice.

Thinking of using Wooden Dungeon in the future and regaining the look of the first generation of Hokage sweeping everything, Yun Ting couldn\'t help being very excited, and even the smile on his face became brighter. Very blushing.

"Master Hokage is so handsome!"

"Yeah yeah!"

"I heard that Hokage-sama is not married yet, so I don\'t know what kind of girl he likes?"

"It\'s a pity that my sister is already married, otherwise, with my 36D, hehe..."

Listening to the increasingly explicit words of tigers and wolves in his ears, Yun Ting didn\'t care too much, seeing that they had contributed a lot of prestige points.

While continuing to brush his reputation, after passing a corner, the curtain at the entrance of a store not far away caught his attention.

"Yi Le Ramen!"

As a ramen restaurant that runs through the whole Hokage, Yunting is naturally impressed by it.

Now that he has come to this world, he must have a good taste.

"Welcome~~ Hey! So it\'s Hokage-sama! Dad come out soon! Hokage-sama has come to our shop!"

Just as Yunting opened the curtain and just stepped into the store, a happy girl\'s voice sounded in the store.

Iris, who is still a cute little loli, is stepping on a high bench, barely sticking her head out of the counter.

The moment she saw Yun Ting, she was overjoyed, and immediately turned her head and shouted to her father in the background.

"I\'m coming!"

Soon, under Yun Ting\'s gaze, he looked younger than the original one. The well-known owner of Yile Ramen, who was jokingly called "Dajian Wooden Hands" by everyone, was wearing an apron and holding a rolling pin in a hurry ran out.

"Hahaha! Hokage-sama came here in person, it really makes my blood boil! Calamus!"


"Prepare the ingredients, today I will show off my style in front of Hokage, and give me the reputation of Ichiraku Ramen!"


Yun Ting: "..."

Looking at the father and daughter who were full of enthusiasm and fighting spirit, as if they were about to go to the battlefield in person, Yun Ting was speechless.

So, people who have been able to make friends with Naruto since they were young, and are not affected by his demon fox at all, are they really that kind of passionate idiots?

"Cough, cough, cough!" Yun Ting coughed several times in a hurry, and then drew the attention of the father and daughter, and then said, "You two, it seems that I haven\'t ordered yet."

hand type:"......"


"So, Hokage-sama hasn\'t ordered yet." Shuda scratched his head in embarrassment and said.

"Yes, Dad." Calamus opened her big eyes and said innocently.

"Ahem! I\'m so excited, I\'m so excited!" He tapped his hand a few times, and turned his face towards Yunting, "Then Hokage-sama, what ramen do you want?"

Seeing that the topic was finally back on track, Yun Ting also breathed a sigh of relief, and turned to look at the menu posted on the wall on the left.

I saw that from top to bottom are "Ramen 60 taels", UU reading www.uukanshu. com "special ramen 70 taels", "wild vegetable ramen 65 taels", "tonkotsu ramen 60 taels", "special char siew 75 taels"... "miso char siew noodles 90 taels".

Yun Ting is not a pauper like Naruto, whether it is the assets left by the Senju clan or the salary of Hokage, it is enough for him not to care about money at all, so naturally he ordered the most expensive miso char siew noodles.

"Okay! A bowl of miso char siu noodles!" Tachida replied with a smile on his face, and then acted quickly, pulling up the ramen in a smooth manner.

Soon, a large bowl of fragrant ramen was placed in front of Yunting, and the char siew on the surface was full.

"Welcome to enjoy!" Shouda and Acorus said in unison.

Yun Ting smiled and nodded, then took out his chopsticks and ate the long-awaited Yile Ramen.

"Well~ very good!"

Swallowing the hot ramen into his stomach, Yun Ting\'s eyes lit up and he praised sincerely.

"Thank you for the compliment!" Shuda laughed from ear to ear.

At this moment, Yun Ting paused slightly with the hand holding the chopsticks, because he heard a different voice from the system in his head.

"Hokage prestige points +5 from hand-made"

The prestige point unexpectedly increased by five points?

Yun Ting thought that the prestige gained from everyone could only be a little bit.

So what makes it different from others?

Yunting glanced at the ramen on the table.

Is it because I sincerely praised the delicious ramen, and this is also the most proud part of hand-made noodles, so the latter loves him more than others?

The reason for this is because I praised the right place?

After deducing this conclusion, Yun Ting\'s eyes lit up.

It seems that the speed at which he can gain reputation points can be accelerated again.