I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 335: show up

With Yunting\'s current strength that is the best in the entire ninja world, it is natural to be able to tell whether the technique of reincarnation in the dirt described by Orochimaru is true or not.


Originally, Yunting thought that Orochimaru would deliberately leave some traps in his words.

As a result, what the other party told from the beginning to the end was the real and complete technique of reincarnation from the dirty soil.

After Shinji happily left, Yunting, who was still in the secret room, looked at Orochimaru suspiciously, not understanding why the other party did this.

At this moment, Orochimaru, still hanging in the shape of the character "big", suddenly said, "Come out."

Yun Ting let out a sigh, as if taking off the cloak of invisibility, he appeared in the secret room instantly and said, "Can you find me?"

"Of course not, you know I can\'t use even a little Chakra now."

Orochimaru, who was not surprised by Yunting\'s appearance, said with a smile,

"I just don\'t think that a kid, even a kid with a wooden escape, can\'t pass through the guards and come to me. Now it seems that it is really a real-life adventure prepared by the father for his daughter."

"Oh? Since you guessed it early, why did you say those things just now?"

While Yun Ting asked doubtfully, he walked up to the sealing technique that Zhenji thought would cause serious consequences, and destroyed a sealing technique on the ground with a swipe of the sole of his foot.


The sound of a heavy object falling instantly sounded behind him.

Accompanied by it, there is the sound of chains "clanging".

Yun Ting looked back and saw that the feet of Orochimaru, who were originally in mid-air, had now landed on the ground.

But even so, the chains that bound Orochimaru tightly, and other sealing techniques are still working.

This is indeed what he said to Zhen Ji before, he just wants to get a foothold.

At this moment, Orochimaru, who was standing on the ground with both feet on the ground, twisted his neck in relaxation, and replied, "I am following your father-daughter game. Look now, the reward will come soon."

"In order to adapt to the game, can you even say the real technique of reincarnation?" Yun Ting said calmly.

"Just like what Shinji said just now, who made me the elder." Orochimaru said with a smile.

But soon, when he saw Yun Ting\'s unwavering samsara eyes staring at him, he only thought it was a spoil from Uchiha Madara, and then suddenly thought of fighting Payne in Yuyin Village, When the other party extracted the soul power with Ren Jiandao\'s hand, Orochimaru coughed slightly in his heart, and continued:

"Of course, there are other reasons besides favors."

"I think, Honorable Hokage-sama, you are probably going to imprison me for a long time. If so, it would be a pity if such an exquisite forbidden technique perfected by me has been dusted forever."

"In addition, the reason why forbidden techniques are forbidden techniques is that, apart from the fact that certain practices or performances will cause damage to the body, others will have a profound impact on the spirit. Especially breaking the boundary between life and death, imitating death The art of reincarnation in the dirty soil of cognition. I really want to see whether this newly discovered new style of Zhen Ji will end up sinking like this, or will it bloom with a dazzling brilliance that I can\'t imagine."

"This will be a very interesting experiment! Haha~"

At the end, Orochimaru stuck out his long tongue, and said excitedly without any concealment.

Yun Ting understood the meaning of Orochimaru.

The Jutsu of Dirty Reincarnation, which can be called the most buggy ninjutsu in the ninja world, once someone masters it, as long as he is a captain of Mojin for a period of time, if he wins a big prize during the period, he will be able to gain enough power to rival a country or even more .

This may not be a big deal to Zhen Ji who has a wooden escape.

However, if life and death, the most important principle that transcends everything in the world and lays the foundation for everything, is modeled, then everything else in the world can also be subtly influenced and broken without any sense of awe.

Once people are not bound by the established rules, they will become the most terrifying monsters.

This is also the reason why Senshou Zhujian repeatedly emphasized that the boundaries between the living and the dead must be clear and must not be confused.

Like him, a mature-minded person like Yun Ting can recognize this.

But what about Maki who is still young.

Orochimaru wanted to see how far the new wind he had discovered could grow.

For this reason, since Zhenji wants the technique of reincarnation in the dirty soil, then he will just give it.

Even if he will lose the advantage brought by the technique of reincarnation in the dirty soil in the future, it will not be as good.

It is worth explaining that Dashewan did not do this out of deliberate deliberation, but a flash of inspiration.

Among them, Zhen Ji\'s small mouth also made a great contribution.

In this regard, Yun Ting can only say that the chaotic camp is more funny than others.

"I don\'t need Orochimaru to worry about what will happen to Zhen Ji in the future. With me... no! Even without me, Zhen Ji will grow like a healthy tree." The confident Yun Ting said calmly.

"Now let\'s talk about Oshemaru yourself."

Arriving in front of Orochimaru with big strides, Yunting opened his palm, and a large number of trees stretched out. At the moment when the seal and chains were lifted, they wrapped him up instead, and continued,

"Obviously pursuing longevity, but always looking for death and thinking about making troubles all day long, don\'t you feel contradictory, Orochimaru?"

Seeing this scene, Orochimaru was not afraid to rejoice and said: "Who told me that I am not the Buddha believed by the monks in the Temple of Fire? The snake itself is a very vengeful creature."

"So...our beloved Hokage-sama, are you impatient to execute me?" Orochimaru grinned and asked, feeling his body being constantly squeezed inward.

"Execution? No, no, no! This is too cheap for you." Yun Ting shook his head.

Then, under Orochimaru\'s puzzled gaze~www.novelhall.com~, he suddenly asked a question that was completely irrelevant to the former: "Oshemaru, do you know the Sage of the Six Paths?"

Although he didn\'t understand why Yun Ting asked this question, Dashemaru glanced at Yun Ting\'s reincarnation eyes, and nodded in response: "Of course. Who knows the story of the Six Paths Sage. Not only do I know the existence of the Six Paths Sage, but I also know the other party. He is the founder of Ninja sect."

Compared with today\'s ninja world, people generally believe that the Six Paths Sage is just a fictional character in myths and legends.

Orochimaru, who has been archaeological for a long time in order to gain a deeper understanding of Chakra and create various forbidden techniques, and has learned information from thousands of years ago from various dilapidated ancient books, knows that the Sage of the Six Paths does exist, and his strength is stronger than that of Yunting in front of him. Also much stronger.

"Oshemaru, I\'m not surprised that you know this. Then do you know the further history. For example, the mother of the Sage of the Six Paths, the ancestor of Chakra?" Yun Ting asked again.

"The mother of the Sage of the Six Paths? The ancestor of Chakra...?"

What Yunting said at this time completely involved Dashewan\'s cognitive blind spot.

His thirst for knowledge suddenly soared, and he couldn\'t wait to ask: "She can be called the ancestor of Chakra, who is she?"

"Let\'s not mention who she is. The reason why I said this is to tell Dashemaru the treatment you will face next."

Yun Ting said so.

Then, in Orochimaru\'s sudden distress, he looked up.

As if through the ceiling of the secret room and all obstacles in the Hokage Building, he looked straight at the moon that was hanging in the night sky, shining like a mirror.