I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 318: Heijue and Obituary

In love with you Kanshu.com, I, Konoha\'s new Hokage

In the quiet mountain forest far away from the battlefield of the country of grass, a sound of space distortion broke the silence.

"It seems that there are no pursuers behind!"

Obito Uchiha, who walked out of the space vortex, looked back, and finally let go of his hanging heart.

However, soon, his eyes, who turned his attention back from his escape and returned to the current situation, couldn\'t help but become confused.

"Madara is dead, so what about the Moon Eye Project? What about my ideal?"

Obito felt deeply powerless when he thought that the extremely powerful Madara had died in the hands of Senju Yunting, and that the largest force in the ninja world, and even the only force that would soon become the only force in the ninja world, was also in the hands of the opponent.

"With such an unreasonable person blocking the way, there is no hope at all!"

Obito clenched his fists, full of despair.

"There\'s always a little bit."

At this time, Heijue, who slowly rose from the ground beside him, spoke.

As a behind-the-scenes spoiler for thousands of years, its foot oiling skills are very good, and it has not been too much on the battlefield before.

After Mingming Madara died, it easily escaped Konoha\'s pursuit and chased after Obito, the only partner at the moment.

"A little hope? Where is it?" Obito, who was not surprised by Absolute\'s arrival, asked depressedly, without even looking at him.

"Ten Tails!" Hei Jue said decisively, "Only by fusing the Nine Tailed Beasts and becoming a Ten Tailed Jinzhuli, Qianju Yunting is absolutely no match!"

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The voice fell.

In an instant, Obito looked at Heijue with the eyes of a fool.

All idiots know that ten tails are powerful, but the problem is that they can\'t do it now!

Naturally, Heijue knew it too, seeing it continued:

"Of course, it is impossible to capture all the nine tailed beasts now. But with Obito, you have secretly found the tailed beast information of the Four Kingdoms Alliance from Iwa Shinobi during this time. Taking advantage of the current weakening of the strength of each ninja village and the opportunity to take care of ourselves, we can Let\'s capture these Renzhuli first."

"Madara has already transferred the control of the outsider golem to Obito in your palm. As long as you absorb a few more tailed beasts, the strength of the outsider golem will also increase. As for the remaining tailed beasts... .”

Having said this, Hei Jue paused and said, "Keep waiting! Wait for ten years, twenty years, or even longer! Just like back then, who would have thought that the invincible Qianshou Zhujian would die early. There won\'t be any accidents in the future like Senjujuma in the future. After all, there are too many strange things in this ninja world."

Thousands of years of experience have made Hei Jue deeply understand that sometimes, the development of things is often very unexpected.

An enemy you can\'t defeat today, maybe you don\'t need to worry about it tomorrow, and he died by himself due to unknown reasons.

Time is always the best means to defeat everything.

What Hei Jue lacks most is time.

Now, after discovering that Uchiha Madara, who he believed to be the most likely to realize the Moon Eye project, finally died in Senju Yunting, it chose to shrink from the heart.


If you can\'t survive fifty years, let\'s survive a hundred years.

No matter how strong Qianshou Yunting is, he is still a mortal body.

After the other party dies, it will come out of the mountain again at that time, cultivate another Uchiha Madara, and it will not be too late to complete the Moon Eye project.

Of course, if a few tailed beasts could be captured in advance before then, it would be great to waste less effort afterwards.

But right now, with the information in hand and Renzhuli with the least protective force around him, it is undoubtedly the best time to do it.

Hei Jue, who has already decided to hang on, actually wants to use Obito, who has good strength, as a free thug at this moment, fooling the other party into using his last remaining strength, and doing some free work for his future new "partner".

It just doesn\'t look very effective.

Under Heijue\'s persuasion, Obito still lacked interest.

In his opinion, if he is unable to catch all the tailed beasts, then even if he catches most of them, it will still be useless, and it doesn\'t matter if there is one more or one less.

It\'s better to let these jinchuriki do more actual damage to Konoha.

Hei Jue saw it in his eyes, and after thinking for a while, he suddenly decided in his heart: "Actually... if you don\'t completely capture the nine-tailed beasts, it is also possible to condense the ten-tailed beasts."

"Oh?" Obito finally said in surprise after hearing the words, "Didn\'t the ten-tailed beasts be born only through the fusion of all the nine-tailed beasts?"

Hei Jue shook his head and said, "Whether it is ten-tailed beasts or nine-tailed beasts, they are all composed of chakras in essence. The birth of ten-tailed beasts is to gather the chakras of nine-tailed beasts. The process Among them, it doesn’t matter if the chakra imported by each tailed beast is a little less. Even if the incomplete ten-tailed one is born in the end, its power is still not comparable to that of others, including Qianshou Yunting.”

"But even if that\'s the case, we can\'t find those missing tailed beast chakras." Obito\'s eyes lit up, but soon he said dimly.

"Yes!" Hei Jue said confidently, "The technique of reincarnation of the filthy soil! The thousand-handed door that chased you just now, is obviously a dead person, but can have the same chakra characteristics as before life, which is the performance of this forbidden technique. If It is enough to bring those previous generations of Jinchuriki or those who have the characteristics of Tailed Beast Chakra to the earth, and the outsider golem can swallow their Tailed Beast Chakra, which is enough to give birth to a small ten-tailed. At that time, become Ten-tailed Tail Jinchuriki\'s Obito, you can completely compete with Konoha, and you can even complete other tail beasts later!"

"Is it the art of reincarnation?" Obito\'s eyes immediately lit up again when he heard Heijue proposed such a brand new path.

He found that doing so has a great chance of success!

"Other than Konoha, only Orochimaru knows the technique of reincarnation in the dirty soil. He is even more skilled in this technique."

Thinking back to when I captured the Nagato reincarnation eye, Orochimaru\'s reincarnation of the first Hokage and the second Hokage brought me a lot of trouble~www.novelhall.com~ I am no longer depressed, and Obito, who is full of fighting spirit again, is looking forward to it road:

"We must find the whereabouts of Orochimaru immediately!"

"Of course! I, a professional intelligence officer, will find the whereabouts of Orochimaru. Obito, you are responsible for bringing back all the tailed beasts that can be captured." Hei Jue Pai promised.

At the same time, it also breathed a sigh of relief in its heart.

Finally, the free labor of Obito was reactivated.

The method I said to use the technique of reincarnation from the dirty soil is true.

If Obito can really become Ten Tails Jinchuriki under this use, of course it will be very happy.

Even if it failed, as long as it captured more tailed beasts, it would not be considered a failure.

As the son of a mother who has merged with the Ten-Tails, Kuroba\'s control over the heretic golem is far beyond Obito or Madara\'s imagination.

Even if Obito is killed at that time, the alien golem that has absorbed many tailed beasts will still be its property, and will become the capital for the next launch of the Moon Eye project.

Anyway, it\'s not bad at all.

Of course, it will indeed do its best when looking for the remains of Orochimaru and even the remains of people needed for reincarnation in the dirt.

As for Obito, this time he didn\'t refuse after hearing Heijue\'s division of labor plan.

Although he is still an ally with the Four Kingdoms now, he doesn\'t feel guilty at all when it comes to backstabbing.

Instead of hiding in the dark for decades and waiting for the incomparable possibility, it is better to give it a go one last time.

With such thoughts, Obito looked firmly and said:

"The long-lost tail beast capture plan, let\'s restart it."