I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 313: Prestige Buddha

Uchiha Madara was shocked by the fact that the sequel could be smashed with one punch.

But before he could think about it, Yun Ting had already stepped down and swung out another punch, pointing at him.

Knowing that if he really gets this punch, the end will not be as fast as that of Zuo Nenghuo just now.


Under the effect of the round tomb and border prison, Madara\'s body and a shadow not far away switched positions.


The replaced shadow had no room to resist, and was directly punched by Yun Ting.

And Madara himself, who teleported out, opened his mouth suddenly when facing the surrounding wooden avatars of Yunting.

Fire Escape · Dust Concealment Technique!

In an instant, a large amount of high-temperature dust was spit out from his mouth, and the moment it landed, it spread to the surroundings extremely quickly.

Although this can\'t do much harm to the wooden clones in golden armor.

But when the dust covered his whereabouts, Madara, who had a room to breathe, had time to prepare for the real attack.

Not long after, Yun Tingmu\'s avatar found Madara\'s figure in the thick dust.

You can see the center of the opponent\'s hands in a closed posture, and a black ball that is much larger than the one seen in the last battle condenses out.

Explode the stars!

Ban Samsara\'s eyes froze, and he threw the black ball in his hand into the sky.

Next second!

Compared with the many black **** that were condensed against Yunting\'s multiple wooden figures last time, this time it is just one black ball, and its impact exceeds the sum of the former. The terrifying suction exploded rapidly.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Like a landslide, the huge floating island named Gaotianyuan was continuously peeled off by the terrifying suction force of the Earthburst Star, covering the black ball in all directions.

Also among them, even if Yunting\'s wooden avatars had some blessings from the Prestige Child Art, they would still inevitably be sucked away when facing the same Samsara Eye Child Art that Madara did his best this time.

Not only them, but even Satoshi, who was able to attack Madara Shadow with ease before, now spreads all over the entire space, absorbing everything like a black hole, and the evasion ability he has always been proud of can\'t play any role. No matter how desperately he flapped his wings, he still couldn\'t get rid of it. In the end, he could only involuntarily fly towards the black ball above the sky.

After a loud "bang", Wu, who had already covered the surface of the soil layer and hit a big hole, wanted to resist, but saw a steady stream of soil clods stripped from the ground flying towards him one by one. cover it.

Soon, Wu\'s huge figure disappeared.

Looking at this scene, Yun Ting, who was in a state of complete majesty and was not affected by the Earthburst Star, remained calm.

As Gao Tianyuan\'s accessory, even if Wu was destroyed, as long as he, Gao Tianyuan\'s master, was still there, he would still be able to recover after a while.

The same goes for the surrounding flowers and plants.

Of course, even so, as the owner of this place, it still made him very unhappy that the bad guys came to make a mess of it.

"Let\'s end this as soon as possible!"

Yun Ting, who remained motionless no matter how much the suction was pulled, raised his immortal-patterned face, looked at Madara with a pair of purple samsara eyes, and then slapped his hands violently.


The crisp slap sounded in the extremely turbulent space of Gao Tianyuan at the moment.

Obviously the sound was very soft, but Madara still noticed it in time.

He turned his head immediately, and when he observed through the eyes of reincarnation that Yun Ting was very familiar with the fluctuation of the spell at the moment, his face became very dignified and said:

"come yet?"

After the words fell, Yun Ting just finished everything and said:

"Immortal Art, Wooden Dungeon, True Thousand Hands!"



The super-large thousand-handed Buddha statue, which is countless times stronger than the movement of the earth-exploding star, rose rapidly from the ground.

The moment when thousands of hands completely appeared on Gao Tianyuan, countless huge wooden arms spread out like a peacock spreading its tail around the Buddha statue.

In an instant, only its shape can block out the sky and the sun, and its power is incomparable.

In contrast, under the continuous wrapping of a large amount of soil and rocks, the earth-exploding star, which was still very spectacular before, seemed extremely small.

It\'s the same even if you add the complete body energy condensed by Madara.

"Madara, let\'s see how you block this time."

Standing on top of the big Buddha, looking down at Madara, who is still insignificant even though he has a complete beard, Zuo Nenghu, after Yun Ting announced lightly, he saw his samsara eyes move.

The mighty armor wrapped around him disappeared immediately.

Instead, a layer of gorgeous golden armor was quickly condensed on the surface of Zhen Qianshou\'s incomparably huge body, making it even more sacred and inviolable.

This is Prestige·True Thousand Hands!

Yun Ting\'s reincarnation eye children\'s art costume can not only be used on oneself, but also can be blessed on other people or things alone.

as it is now.

And compared to the once similar Prestige Nine Tails, today\'s Prestige Buddha is undoubtedly much stronger both as a carrier and as a carrier.

Madara, who knows this very well, has no energy at all to refute Yun Ting\'s words.

When he drove Earth Explosive Star to slam into Zhenqianshou, he quickly formed a seal while raising his head, looking outside the space.

Under the consumption of a large amount of reincarnation-eyed boy\'s power, using himself as the coordinate, he immediately saw one after another huge meteorites being attracted by their long tail flames.

Sky Obstacle Shocking Star, one of Ban\'s unique reincarnation eye skills.

Maybe it\'s because of being in a foreign space, outside of Gaotianyuan, there is endless void.

At this time, it is much easier for Madara to cast Tianshi Zhenxing than when he was in the ninja world.

This also makes the current Tianzhang Zhenxing much stronger than the previous time when they fought against Yunting, both in terms of number and power.

But in the blink of an eye, four bright lights flew towards Gao Tianyuan\'s outer space at an extremely fast speed.

After the distance was shortened, the four meteorites, which were much larger than the previous Earthburst Star, turned into meteors with a long tail flame in the form of four stars, and moved towards the real thousands of meteors with an astonishing momentum. Smash it with your hand.

Yun Ting watched all this calmly, and stepped on her right foot.

The roaring sound of "Zhi Zhi Zhi" sounded from under him instantly.

A series of extremely thick wooden arms quickly moved out of the Buddha under his instructions, opened the huge palm wrapped in the mighty armor, like a pillar of the sky, and grabbed the sky-blocking star above the head.

After a moment, there was an earth-shattering impact sound.

Accompanied by the incomparably violent aftermath sweeping towards all directions like a sea, Zhenqianshou collided with Tianshi Zhenxing again.

Just different than ever.

When the gunpowder smoke cleared~www.novelhall.com~ I looked again this time, and saw that the real Qianqian hand wrapped in golden mighty armor just used a lot less arms than last time, and the four-star Lianzhu All the heavenly tremors below were stopped.

Affected by space, Madara\'s sky-shattering star art can become stronger.

But Yun Ting\'s True Thousand Hands is far stronger than that under the boost of Tongshu\'s prestige.

Boom! Boom!

In a blink of an eye, the huge meteorite above the head threw it away even though the Prestige Buddha still had a lot of energy left.

Amidst the sound of the earth shaking and the mountains shaking, it strode toward Madara to kill.

"Madara! Can you still dance? Can you still please me?"

Standing on top of the majestic Buddha, at this moment, Yun Ting, who was rapidly approaching, said loudly to himself, using Ban Yi\'s mantra of arrogance.


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