I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 294: uchiha


The sound of ninja knife piercing into the body sounded.

Hot blood gushed out in an instant.

Looking at Orochimaru, Konoha Black Armored Ninja, who had been pierced through the chest by himself with a knife in front of him, the corner of the mouth of the woman named Uchiha Aya slightly curved.

"Sure enough!"

Orochimaru\'s weakness is the information of illusion, which Yunting had told Konoha before.

As one of the most trusted members of the Shadow Guard, Uchiha Aya naturally listened.

Now it is used, but it is a bigger surprise than expected.

‘Prior to this, I am afraid that no one would have thought that one of the once famous and extremely difficult Konoha Sannin is now so weak in terms of illusion resistance. \'

At this moment, Uchiha Aya was thinking in her heart while maintaining the magic-flag hang technique.

On the other side, Orochimaru, who just felt that he couldn\'t move at all, was full of disbelief.

Even though he was pierced through the chest by a ninja knife, and was hit by all the weapons in the hands of the Konoha ninja who came later, he didn\'t pay attention at all, and just focused on the illusion space in front of him.

In the blood-red sky, he was firmly nailed by iron nails.

Unexpectedly... really fell into the illusion!

"how is this possible!"

Orochimaru suddenly felt a sense of absurdity.

As the former Konoha Sannin, he is naturally very familiar with the illusions of the Uchiha clan.

In his knowledge, the magic and shackle jutsu performed by the Uchiha woman just now ranks among the top among all Uchiha Sangoama ninjas.

But even so, this shouldn\'t trap yourself!

As a master in the field of chakra research, Orochimaru, who is at the forefront in the entire history of the ninja world, does not think that he will be confused by the sharingan illusion.

The rule of running away from Uchiha one-on-one that has been passed down in the ninja world can be ignored by a person of his level of strength.

This is also when he was writing Sharingan in front of him just now, he didn\'t care about it at all, and even said the words of "mere illusion".

But now, the facts are in front of us.

Orochimaru has tried various methods of dispelling the illusion, but none of them work.

His face quickly became ugly.

Not only because he was knocked down by one move.

It was also because after calming down, he finally discovered that the main cause of all this was not that the other party was too strong, but his own extremely weak soul.

until now.

It was only then that Orochimaru realized that the technique of immortal reincarnation, which he thought to be a perfect means of longevity, had such a weakness in the soul.

It is also through the technique of magic and shackles.

In the original book, Itachi awakened his weakness.

So much so that he couldn\'t extricate himself from devoting his energies to the limit of blood inheritance of Sharingan.

Now it\'s Aya Uchiha.

However, the difference is that Orochimaru, who has not forgotten his current dangerous situation, has no time to think too much.

When he noticed that there were more and more attacks from the outside world stabbing at his body with a wide open door.

It\'s no better than the illusion of kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes.

After struggling for a while, Orochimaru, who finally had a little bit of resistance under Uchiha Aya\'s illusion, moved his eyes.

outside world.

Just when another sharp ninja knife was beheaded by a Konoha ninja towards the main body of Orochimaru.

Suddenly, Orochimaru\'s neck stretched out like rubber, and flew out of Konoha Ninja\'s encirclement with the head above it.

next second.

The neck was cut off, and the Orochimaru where it was originally turned into a headless corpse.

The battle didn\'t end there, however.

Orochimaru\'s head, which had just been taken out by stretching its neck, opened its mouth wide.


Another Orochimaru, who was covered in transparent mucus and looked very disgusting, crawled out of his own severed head, and then faced the Konoha ninjas again without any loss of breath.

Looking at this scene, Nara Shikohisa, who is the commander of Konoha\'s unit, was not surprised: "Sure enough, it\'s not that simple. Is Orochimaru\'s exclusive substitute technique? It\'s really as disgusting as the information says."

After all, it was the former Konoha Sannin. If he was so easy to kill, his own Hokage-sama would have crushed him long ago.

Which round gets them now.

However, it is good news to verify the opponent\'s shortcomings.

Nara Shikahisa immediately issued a new combat order.

No one questioned.

The Konoha ninjas who can participate in the current battle are undoubtedly those with rich combat experience.

They all noticed Orochimaru\'s sluggishness just now.

As a result, a group of Konoha ninjas acted quickly.

Among them, five Uchiha fans were also printed on their clothes, and the Uchiha ninja who opened the Sangou Yusha Sharingan together with Uchiha Aya stood at the front.

Next, they will undoubtedly be the main force of the attack.

Seeing this, Orochimaru frowned involuntarily, and for the first time moved his gaze away with sympathy.

Although not every illusion performed by Uchiha ninjas can have the power of Uchiha Aya.

The latter ranks third in strength among the entire Uchiha clan, except for Shisui and Itachi who have already opened the Kaleidoscope Sharingan.

But even being stranded by illusion for a moment is not a good thing for him.

"It seems that it will not be so easy in the future."

When fighting ninjas, what they are most afraid of is their own intelligence, especially their weaknesses being mastered by the opponent.

Orochimaru, who has no time to make up for his own shortcomings, finally became serious at this time.

After experiencing the dirty soil reincarnation technique, the tasks of Qianshouzhujian and Qianshoufeijian have not been completed, so he did not choose to evacuate, but continued to entangle with the guys in front of him.

"Psychic art!"

boom! boom! boom!

A large amount of white smoke rises.

With more chakra consumed by Orochimaru, the thick giant snakes from Ryuji Cave rushed towards Konoha Ninja.

He undoubtedly chose the safest way of fighting.

‘It’s a pity that Ten Thousand Snakes can’t be summoned, otherwise it would be easier. \'

At this moment, he suddenly remembered the Ten Thousand Snakes who were still clamoring to swallow him alive in the Ryūchi Cave after so many years, Dashemaru shook his head slightly regretfully.

On the other side, under the command of Nara Shikahisa, the Konoha elite troops also methodically killed the snake group and Orochimaru behind them.

Among them, Uchiha Aya, who is wearing a special chakra black armor, is stronger than ever under the boost, and is also the strongest master of the Konoha side at the moment. Regardless of other things, she holds the sharp ninja knife in her hand and points directly at the big snake again. Pill away.


at the same time.

In Muye Village, next to the train station.

Wielding the Vajra Ruyi stick in his hand, Hiruza Sarutobi, who was resisting the attack of Senshou Hashirama Mutun, ignored his side when he saw Senshoubanma~www.novelhall.com~ he performed the flying thunder **** technique on his own, and teleported to the train Standing at another place, when he wanted to destroy it, he quickly ordered the only one who could keep up with his speed:

"Kai! The second generation will be handed over to you!"

"Guaranteed to complete the task!"

After Maitekai responded loudly excitedly, his figure suddenly moved.

In an instant, he who had opened the seven doors was seen going straight to the Thousand Hands Door with a speed comparable to teleportation.

This time, Qianshou Feijian, who finally reacted, immediately stopped the seal of the detonation technique in his hand, took out the Flying Thunder God Kunai, poured the water escape chakra into it, and turned it into a sharp water blade to quickly stab the arrival Kay.

boom! boom! boom!

Two figures that cannot be seen by the naked eye continue to intertwine.

In the village and outside the village, the fierce battle broke out.

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