I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 286: Konoha's Maki Squad

, update me as soon as possible, the latest chapter of Konoha\'s new Hokage!

Hidden Leaf Village.

As the most prosperous place in the Nation of Fire and even the entire ninja world, although the flames of war did not reach here or even the Nation of Fire, a series of changes triggered by the war still affected this place.

Not to mention anything else, the departure of tens of thousands of Konoha ninjas who originally lived in the village has made the whole village a lot quieter, and even the bustling and bustling business district in the past has become much more depressed than it was at its peak.

Of course, no matter what, more people are still living their lives as before.

At this moment, there is a small team composed of Senju Maki, Uchiha Yui, and Naruto Sasuke wandering idly on the street.

"Ahhhh~~~ Why do Zuosuke and I go shopping with you two now that we are such grown-ups!" Halfway through the walk, Naruto\'s extremely bored cry of grief rang out.

"No! I\'m going to practice! I\'m going to sign up to participate in the frontline battle!" At the end, he even raised his fist, cheering himself up as if he was about to achieve it.

But soon, his ideal was shattered by reality.

"It\'s useless. Naruto, who is two years away from graduating from ninja school, you can only stay in the village no matter how loud you shout." On the side, Shinhime was laughing with Yui, who was holding a ton of milk tea. After hearing Naruto\'s familiar silly words, he rolled his eyes and said directly.

Before asking Naruto to go shopping together, she had already expected that Naruto would not be able to help complaining because of his impatient nature, and it was not surprising.

Hearing this, Naruto glared at Zhen Ji with his big eyes, and vowed: "Ordinary students do have to study for six years before they can graduate from the school. But I know that Zuo Zhu\'s brother often brings unhealthy books to the school. The white-haired uncles in my family have all graduated from the ninja school in advance. Zuo Zhu, you think so?"

After finishing speaking, Naruto turned his head to ask Zuozhu for proof.

Looking away from a wooden fish rice ball stall next to him without a trace, Zuozhu, who put his hands in his trouser pockets, nodded coolly at this moment.

"Look, Zuo Zhu has confirmed the authenticity of Big Brother Itachi\'s early graduation. Zuo Zhu and I can also follow suit!" Naruto said excitedly, "Zuo Zhu, what do you think? With our strength , can definitely pass the assessment and get the ninja quota in advance, then..."

"At that time, go to the front line to be cannon fodder. You can get the lunch box directly after playing for less than a second?"


As if a basin of cold water had been poured on it, Naruto, who was on Xing\'s head, suddenly froze because of Zhen Ji\'s yin and yang interjection.

However, soon after he understood the meaning of the other party\'s words, he retorted angrily: "Don\'t interrupt people\'s speech at will! Also! How could I be cannon fodder, Mr. Naruto! You must know that I am very powerful, okay?" !"

"So strong that even a four-year-old child can\'t beat it?" Shinji chuckled, and pierced Naruto\'s heart like a needle.

"That... this... Ms. Maki, you are different from other people..."

Hearing this, Naruto rarely blushed and scratched Minato\'s hair of the same style, looking left and right.

Yes, until now he still can\'t beat Zhen Ji who opened the wooden trap early.

On the side, the same left assistant\'s mouth twitched vaguely.

Unavoidable to continue to bring disaster to Chi Yu, he quickly grabbed Naruto, pointing out: "It is true that in the previous ninja school, there were students who passed the assessment and could graduate early. But it is no longer possible. All ninja school students, no matter how talented they are, must complete their studies. Six years. Naruto, your idea won\'t work."

"What???" In an instant, like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, Naruto said with loss on his face, "Why is this happening? Which idiot made this policy?"

"I heard that it is for the sake of the mental health of ninja students that they are not allowed to graduate early. In addition, Naruto, the idiot you mentioned is the fourth Hokage of Konoha, and also my father." Zhen Ji smiled. Explained to Naruto.

"Cough, cough, what idiot? I\'m talking about myself." Naruto reacted very quickly and pretended to be stupid.

It\'s not that he\'s afraid of Hokage-sama who has always treated him well, but he\'s afraid that the great devil in front of him will go crazy.

"It\'s really white to have such a cute face."

As if encountering a scourge, Naruto\'s eyes quickly moved away from Maki\'s beautiful face that inherited his parents, and then looked at Yui who had been obediently staying aside, looking at himself and others with a gentle smile , After some comparison, I couldn\'t help sighing.

In the following time, Naruto, whose illusions were shattered, could only go shopping with Zuo Zhu dejectedly, protecting the two young ladies like King Kong left and right.

It\'s just that "patience" is one of the few things he doesn\'t have.

Soon, Naruto, who had gone shopping a total of seven or eight hundred times, and could even name the shop owner on the street, was bored, and said again: "I said Miss Maki, you and Yui have nothing to do with shopping. We can just go together, why do you have to drag me and Zuo Zhu?"


After walking for a while, Zhen Ji, who was thirsty, didn\'t rush to answer, but turned away the water glass she carried with her, soaked in wolfberry, and drank it in a big gulp.

Unlike my best friend, Yui, who likes to drink milk tea.

Ever since she noticed that her father drank water soaked in goji berries, Zhen Ji, who took her father as a role model, chose to drink this kind of weird-tasting drink without hesitation.

To this day, she is still aware of the strange look in sister Jingyin\'s eyes when she asked for something like goji berry.

In any case, Zhen Ji, who drank too much, is now used to this unique taste, and she even found that drinking this drink seems to be quite nourishing.


Seems like a little too much.

After drinking most of it in one gulp, Zhen Ji, who had just flattened her head, only felt a wetness on her lips.

I reached out and touched it, and it turned out that my nose was bleeding.

When Shinhime, who started ninja training early on, didn\'t care much about the blood, she was about to wipe it off as if nothing had happened.

Suddenly, her big and bright eyes rolled, and after a chuckle, while hugging Yui\'s small shoulders, she unabashedly raised her blood-stained fingers, and said to Naruto pretending to be "poor":

"Mr. Naruto, can you bear to see our two four- and five-year-old children outside alone? What if they are abducted by adults? Also, you see, I am bleeding now, and I am very weak."

"You...you..." Naruto pointed at Maki with a shocked face.

Although he is naive sometimes, it doesn\'t mean he is stupid!

Don\'t talk about Zhen Ji\'s strength, just talk about her identity, everyone in Konoha doesn\'t know who doesn\'t know who doesn\'t know, how could she be in danger.

Just when Naruto was about to retort with righteous indignation, Maki quickly gave Yui a look.

So, the latter immediately put on a sad face and said, "Brother Naruto, do you hate being with us?"

"I...I..." Naruto was a little incoherent.

At this moment, Zuo Assistant, who couldn\'t see the past and also wanted to leave early, made a move.

"Take it and use it."

Knowing everything already, he took out Naruto\'s wallet, added his own, and handed it to Zhen Ji together, with a calm expression.

"What\'s the point of this?"

Having said that, Zhen Ji still took it with a smile at this time, and then waved her hand and said: "Naruto and Zuozhu, you can do whatever you want!"

Naruto stared at all this in a daze~www.novelhall.com~ So, calling himself and Zuo Zhu over, was it just for his pocket money?

Thinking that all the expenses for shopping before were paid by himself and Zuozhu, Naruto, who is not too stupid, finally reacted.

Then, when he got angry and was about to say something, Yui\'s pitiful eyes made him stagnate.

In the end, Naruto, who could only sigh deeply, was about to leave this sad place with Zuosuke, with the grief that the pocket money he had finally saved these days was no longer there.

However, at this moment, a sudden huge explosion sounded not far away, breaking Konoha\'s silence.

In an instant, Naruto and Zuosuke paused.

And Zhen Ji, who looked like a money fan, suddenly straightened her face, grabbed Yui who was a little surprised, and looked into the distance with a serious expression.

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Chapter 286 Konoha\'s Maki Squad is free to read.https://