I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 25: teacher and apprentice

It\'s interesting to see things that move, but boring to see things that don\'t move. A windmill that doesn\'t turn, although sometimes it feels unique, but it is actually worthless at all!

In Orochimaru\'s view, Konoha, who has been staying for more than 30 years now, is that bloated windmill, which has made him feel extremely boring.

Originally, if he became the owner of the windmill, he could blow out fresh wind to drive the windmill to rotate quickly.

It\'s just that he lost to the other guy.

Somewhat unexpectedly, when the person who was originally boring met him again, he saw a new style from the other person.

It\'s a pity that it will take a long time for this wind to really blow.

For him, what he lacks most now is time.

Therefore, instead of watching it move slowly, it is better for him to become the new wind himself and let everything go according to his own ideas.

Touching the Konoha forehead guard on his forehead, Dashemaru smiled indifferently at the moment.

I saw him write the last stroke on the scroll, and then psychic out a snake, let it be swallowed in the stomach and then turned into white smoke.

After finishing all this, he looked up at the door, his face moved, as if the big stone in his heart had finally fallen, and he smiled and said to himself: "It\'s finally here!"

In the next second, the stone door exploded, and several figures rushed in from the outside.

From exactly the third generation of Naruto Sarutobi Hiruzen and a team of Anbe.

"Oshemaru!" Hiruzaru Sarutobi\'s extremely angry voice resounded in the secret room.

Orochimaru looked slightly surprised when he saw the person coming.

He originally thought that Qianshou Yunting would lead the team this time, but he didn\'t expect it to be his teacher.

It\'s really... interesting!

At this moment, Sarutobi Hirazan, who didn\'t know what Orochimaru was thinking in his heart, first looked at the disciple who seemed very strange at the moment, and then he looked around. After seeing the fact that rows of glass jars soaked in various human organs , with a strong disappointment on his face and said: "Why?"


Orochimaru came back to his senses, sneered, and said in his hoarse voice, "Because I want to learn all ninjutsu and understand all the truths of this world. Just like the first person who mixed yellow and blue together , naming the color he sees green, I\'m just doing the same thing."

"But you shouldn\'t kill innocent people!" Hiruzen Sarutobi scolded angrily.

Dashemaru heard the words, and the sneer on his face became heavier: "My \'kind\' teacher! On the road to pursue the truth, sacrifice is inevitable. For these ordinary people who have been doing nothing all their lives, they can dedicate themselves, devote themselves to In a great cause, it is definitely the most honored thing."

After hearing this, Hiruzaru Sarutobi\'s face was icy cold.

He knew that his most beloved apprentice had fallen too deep, so he said firmly: "Oshemaru, you have gone mad! As your teacher, as the third Hokage, I must correct everything. So... through Spirit art!"

A cloud of smoke rose up.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi\'s old comrade-in-arms, a psychic beast named "Ape Demon King Ape Demon" appeared.

"Hi Zhan, what did you call me out for? Who are you going to deal with?" Looking at the Konoha ninjas all around, the tall and burly ape demon with white hair asked suspiciously.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi replied: "Oshemaru!"

"Oshewan?" The ape demon looked at Orochimaru puzzledly at first, then noticed the surroundings, and it quickly understood everything and said coldly, "Hi Zhan, I told you that your apprentice\'s mind is not right, now Seems like a big mistake!"

"It\'s really a noisy old thing." Orochimaru glanced at the ape demon coldly, then looked at Hiruza Sarutobi, and asked seriously, "Mr. Sarutobi, you know that I won\'t be caught without a fight. Teacher Fei, are you ready to kill me? Can you really do it?"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi was slightly taken aback after hearing this.

This is the time!

The corners of Dashewan\'s mouth slightly sunburned, and took advantage of this opportunity to quickly form seals with both hands.

Soon, an ear-piercing sound wave erupted from his handprints, rushing towards Sarutobi Hiruzen and the others under the sound of the large glass jars shattering instantly.


In an instant, all the Anbu members present fell down with blood spurting from both ears.

The ape demon is a little bit better, but it can only barely hold on.

The only one who can still display his combat power is Sarutobi Hiruzen.

At this moment, Orochimaru moved quickly, flashed past the latter, and fled towards the outside of the base.

"Kill him, Sarutobi! The only chance is now!" At this time, the ape demon shouted at Sarutobi Hiruzen.

But Hiruzaru Sarutobi stood still, just looking at Orochimaru who had already arrived at the door from the corner of his eye.

In an instant, a series of faces from the other party\'s childhood, teenager, youth, etc., appeared in his mind one by one.

Intellectually he knew exactly what to do now.

But the reality is that he can\'t do anything to this disciple who he has watched grow up and taught everything.

At this time, Orochimaru also paused slightly at the door, and from the corner of his eye, he glanced at Sarutobi Hiruzen who was not moving at all, and a touch of touch flashed in his eyes.

\'So, teacher, you still can\'t do it! \'

Withdrawing his gaze, Orochimaru ran out without looking back.

Seeing all this, the ape demon slashed at Sarutobi Hiru in disbelief: "Sarutobi, you..."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi bowed his head in silence for a while, and said, "Sorry, I couldn\'t do it."

After that, the basic interior fell into silence. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

And just in the corner, a petite blue and white slug retreated into the darkness after witnessing all this.

"It\'s really a good show of master-student love!"

Not far from the Orochimaru base, standing on a tree branch, with the help of the same slug\'s vision-sharing ability on its shoulder, Yunting, who had witnessed all this with his own eyes, said with emotion.

Sure enough, things turned out not as he expected.

After all, Sarutobi Hiruzen still failed to make this move.

If it is changed to the original work, he let go of Orochimaru, who has done great harm to Konoha after defecting because of his own selfishness, and even though he is the supreme leader of Konoha, he can forcefully suppress the influence to a minimum.

But now, as the fourth generation, I am still there.

Such behavior is undoubtedly giving himself a terrible handle on his own initiative.

Anyone with a little bit of political wisdom will never miss this opportunity and take advantage of his illness to kill him.

What\'s more, the whole plan came from his own Yunting.

This is also the reason why he handed over the Orochimaru matter to Sarutobi Hiruzen before.

Obviously, the latter did not disappoint him.

Not only that, but at the end of the plan, Yunting is also preparing to arrest Orochimaru himself.

In such a contrast, Hiruzasaru Sarutobi, who is the third-generation aim, has no chance of a comeback.

This is why Yunting is waiting here.

"Tokuma, have you tracked Orochimaru himself?"

This time, Yunting only brought Hinata Tokuma with him, and it was the latter\'s eyes that were needed to locate Orochimaru.

"Hokage-sama, we have found Orochimaru!" Hinata Tokuma said quickly, rolling his eyes.

Yun Ting smiled slightly: "Then, the snake hunting operation will officially begin!"