I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 19: Earthen Colossus

boom! boom! boom! boom!

Under the blessing of terrifying power, the delicate fists were punched out rapidly, bursting out like cannonballs roaring one after another.

Under such a violent rhythm, Yun Ting dared not slack off.

It\'s just that if you keep it for a long time, you will lose it.

Soon, when Yun Ting leaned over to avoid Tsunade\'s whip kick and was about to launch a counterattack, the latter unexpectedly increased his speed again, and he had no time to react, and was directly hit by a punch.


Yun Ting\'s body froze, and the next second his whole body melted, turning into dark soil and falling into the quagmire below.

"It\'s an earth clone again, Yun Ting, you\'re doing quite well with this move now." Tsunade retracted his fist and said unhappily.

"Anyway, Konoha Sannin, who is ten years older than me and has rich combat experience, I can\'t be too careful." Yun Ting\'s voice came from behind, and a dozen or so hands followed. The sound of the sword breaking through the air.

"Very good!" Tsunade gritted his teeth and said word by word.

She didn\'t think much of it before, but now when she heard the words "more than ten years", blue veins popped on her forehead.

Facing the flying shurikens, she didn\'t dodge them, just like swat a fly, and with a wave of her hand, they were all scattered to the left and right in an instant.

Just when she was about to continue walking, she saw Yun Ting\'s ten fingers on the opposite side suddenly pulled.

In the next second, the shurikens that had been knocked down before flew up again, and quickly spun around Tsunade.

Among them, transparent steel wires suddenly appeared. Before Tsunade could make a move, he suddenly retracted to the middle, and tied the latter.

"Fire Escape·Dragon Fire Art."

The scorching flames spewed out from Yunting\'s mouth, and shot towards Tsunade along the transparent steel wire.

Soon, a humanoid torch appeared in front of him.

The plan worked!

During the whole process, Yun Ting intentionally provoked him with words first, and then made him look down on him with a shuriken. In fact, he concealed his murderous intentions. Finally, he tried to see him with a dagger. This is the wisdom of fighting.

In the battle between ninjas, although strength on paper is very important, brains are more important.

At the right time, an ordinary ninjutsu can also make a powerful ninja bleed.

Yun Ting believes that under his hands, most ninjas will lose their combat effectiveness.

But, is Tsunade the overwhelming majority?

Past experience tells Yun Ting of course not.

So, taking advantage of this spare time, he formed a seal again.

Sure enough, not long after, a footstep sounded from the torch.

When Tsunade appeared in front of Yun Ting again, it could be seen that the other party was in a lot of panic at this time, and his exposed arms were even more scorched black.

However, green energy quickly emerged from the wounds everywhere, and within a few breaths, they returned to their original whiteness and smoothness.

Other than a little scorching on his clothes, Tsunade looked the same as before.

‘Some kind of medical ninjutsu? It\'s really... It\'s really unfortunate to fight against such an enemy with thick blood, fast recovery, and great strength! ’ Yun Ting complained.

On the other side, regardless of his appearance, Tsunade, who definitely suffered a big loss just now, looked at Yun Ting angrily and said, "Shuriken, steel wire, fire escape, these fancy things are combined, if I don\'t Clearly, I thought I just met a Uchiha. When did you also learn these moves?"

Tsunade asked himself that he couldn\'t understand Untei who has now become the Fourth Hokage.

She and Yun Ting also know the basics, and they have had battles and exchanges with each other in the past, but the series of ninjutsu spells just now are something that the other party has never shown before.

Also, this guy seems to have too much chakra.

It\'s been a long time since we saw each other, has the other party grown to this point?

But it\'s okay, at least he can hold on to his status as the Fourth Hokage.

Tsunade was a little relieved.

Of course, apart from this, she is still more upset at the moment.

It was the first time she had suffered such a big loss, and she felt uneasy if she didn\'t take revenge!

Seeing that Tsunade\'s prestige remained undiminished, Yun Ting also made a final decision.

After finishing the last seal in his hand, he said: "As long as the move is useful, it doesn\'t matter whether he is Uchiha or not. In addition, I have learned more than this. I have developed this next ninjutsu for a long time. It was specially prepared for you, Tsunade. So, be careful!"

"Earth Dungeon Earth Spirit Colossus!"

After finishing speaking, Yunting suddenly pressed his hands on the muddy ground, and the whole quagmire suddenly rolled like boiling oil.

In the next second, a huge muddy hand protruded from the mud, followed by another hand, then the entire arm, head, chest, and finally the legs.

When all the dust fell to the ground, a huge and burly clay giant with a height of twenty meters appeared in front of Yunting.

It is the earthen colossus.

"So, this big toy is your real support?"

After seeing all this in his eyes, Tsunade was surprised, and UU Reading www.uukanshu.com joked without any loss of fighting spirit.

"You can try." Yun Ting smiled lightly.

As the original self-created ninjutsu for several years, specially developed for Tsunade\'s fighting style, it is far more than just a simple size.

"Try it and try it!"

Without saying a word, Tsunade rushed towards the earth spirit colossus with fiery fighting intent in his eyes.

And the giant statue of the earth spirit also took huge steps to face it.


Fierce hand-to-hand combat resounded from the center of the two parties.

Like a comet crashing into the earth, a delicate fist collided with a gigantic earthen fist that was unknown how many times bigger, making people worry about the former\'s fate.

However, the actual result was unexpectedly the opposite.

I saw the majestic and invincible earth spirit colossus that looked majestic and invincible under Tsunade\'s incomparably small punch, but its huge body couldn\'t help but retreated three steps in a row.

Not only that, but the palm that just collided with the opponent fell off like a domino.

In an instant, one hand of the earth spirit colossus was directly abolished.

On the other hand, as a price, what Tsunade paid was only a little redder on the skin of her fist.

"Strong enough! It\'s rare to meet such a strong opponent, just let me loosen my muscles and bones."

Tsunade twisted his fist comfortably, with a face full of doubts,

"It\'s just Yunting, it seems that this big guy won\'t stand up to my dismantling a few times, which doesn\'t match what you swore to say before!"

Regarding this, Yun Ting was still not in a hurry: "Don\'t worry, the battle has just begun."

As the level of development is at the S level, the ninjutsu that consumes so much chakra can be defeated so easily.