I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 17: 0 hand blood inheritance problem

In the following time, Yun Ting returned to Konoha and asked his subordinates to prepare a table of meals. By the way, there was also a large amount of fine wine that Tsunade Qian told him to explain. The unseen Tsunade gathered for a meal.

Seriously speaking, the relationship between the two was not very good because of a certain incident.

It\'s just that with the death of the rope tree, and some old Senshou who could barely breathe a few breaths passed away one after another, the once famous Mori Senshou is now only left with them, a male and a female, no matter how old they are. All the grievances and grievances have disappeared.

At this moment, the two casually crossed their legs and sat facing each other. The food in the middle has not touched a few chopsticks, but most of the wine brought by Yunting has gone.

Among them, most of them fell into the mouth of Tsunade, an alcoholic.

"That old stubborn Mashou died three months ago, didn\'t he?"

Tsunade, who took off his long gown and was only wearing a gray sleeveless top similar to a kimono, showed his extremely hot figure and asked suddenly after another drink, his face flushed.

Although Yun Ting didn\'t drink much, his mind was a little foggy. After hearing the words, he thought about it for a few seconds before realizing that Mamoru Tsunade was talking about was the last elder of the Senshou Clan. The old man in the Second Hokage period was unable to withstand the years after all some time ago, and swallowed his last breath.

This incident also happened before Yunting traveled through time.

He nodded and asked casually, "Elder Zhenshou passed away three months ago, what\'s wrong?"

Tsunade was silent for a while, then filled the two glasses with a wine bottle in one hand, gestured for a touch, and then said: "Then did this old stubborn say anything before he died? You should be by your side then."

Yun Ting, who had just been burned all over by the spirits, didn\'t think much about it, and directly said what Mamoru said in his memory: "What else can that person say, he just wants you and me, the only two Thousands of hands of the Qianshou clan get married together, and then give birth to an offspring of extremely pure blood to continue the Qianshou clan. Do not allow Qianshou to intermarry with foreigners like Muye Village did when it was first built. Later, Qianshou\'s blood became thinner, Even the number of people with the surname Qianshou is decreasing year by year. He said that he failed to achieve his goal during his lifetime, and he will not rest in peace until he dies... um~~~"

At the end, Yun Ting\'s mind finally came to his senses, his body froze, and he looked at Tsunade with a nervous expression on his face.

He suddenly remembered that it was this incident that caused the two of them to have a particularly stiff fight.

That said, it was many years ago.

At that time, Tsunade was young and rebellious, and she, who was already a female tyrannosaurus, heard that Mamoru was the leader in the clan, and some clan elders who were still half a foot into the coffin at that time wanted her to be with the little devil After the news that Yun Ting would get married in the future so that the Qianshou Clan could continue with a more pure bloodline, he was so angry that he rushed in and beat up all the clan elders.


How could she marry a kid so much younger than her?

As for the different clans of the Senshou clan, under the influence of the three generations of teachers, even the first generation, and the second generation of Hokage, her thoughts tended to the entire Konoha Village, rather than a single clan.

Anyway, only three or two cats and cats are left in the Thousand Hands Clan. What happened in the past will not be the same in the future.

From the beginning to the end, Tsunade has always flatly refused, and even vented his anger on Yun Ting, which is why the latter has the memory of being blasted from time to time.

Yun Ting, who was still young at the time, had inexplicably robbed Tsunade.

Of course, time has passed, and the grievances and grievances in the past have also turned into precious memories, and the two of them no longer care about it. Even if they fight from time to time afterwards, there is no trace of malice in it, but it has become a habit.

It\'s just that, after all, this matter itself still exists, so it\'s okay not to mention it, but it\'s a bit embarrassing to mention it.

Sure enough, after listening to Yun Ting\'s narration, Tsunade\'s already blushing pretty face became even redder with anger.

"That damned old thing! He\'s already restless when he dies! Still wanting to die? Do you want to meddle in my old lady\'s business like that!"

At the beginning, it was precisely because of the constant obstruction of these old guys that she and Katoduan, who had some affection at the beginning, stopped before a formal relationship. Until the latter died in battle, the two had no formal relationship.

It\'s the same now, it\'s been so many years, and before he died, he still didn\'t forget to give himself this trick.

Thinking about it, Tsunade punched the ground with a bewildered resentment.


On the right hand side, a huge pothole formed instantly with her punch.

A drop of cold sweat fell on Yun Ting\'s forehead, who saw it.

After noticing Tsunade\'s eyes full of evil spirits looking over him, he hurriedly expressed his position in a panic: "I also think that the elder Mashou is old and confused. What age is this, and he still pays attention to the old ways, isn\'t it more important?" Should you fall in love freely?"

After saying that, seeing Tsunade\'s expression eased, he breathed a sigh of relief, and continued: "Besides, there is a difference of more than ten years between the two of us, and I don\'t want to marry an old man who is so much older than me. ..ahem..."

Instantly speak quickly.

Noticing the dangerous posture of Tsunade\'s sudden change of face, Yun Ting quickly braked and added: "I mean, Elder Mashou and the others were wrong from the beginning. They just hope that the Thousand Hands Clan will continue to maintain and If we grow stronger, then we should not keep staring at the two of us! The pureness of blood is secondary, but it is more because it encourages us to spend scattered leaves. For example, if I marry dozens of women at once, it will not take two generations. The Thousand Hands Clan will definitely grow stronger again!"

"Oh? I didn\'t expect that! Yun Ting, you still have the idea of ​​​​opening up the harem?" As if it was the first time he knew Yun Ting, Tsunade opened his eyes wide and looked at the former with a half-smile.

"No, no, no! I\'m just giving an example to refute the views of Elder Mashou and the others. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com can\'t take it seriously." Yun Ting quickly denied that it was related to his own glorious image.

"Hehe!" Tsunade smiled coldly, his expression quickly turned from sunny to cloudy, "So, you hope to find someone younger, so you don\'t agree with those old men\'s views. Is it because you dislike me, an old woman?"

When he said the word "old", Tsunade especially emphasized his tone, and his hands clenched into fists, making a clicking sound.

Apparently, Yun Ting\'s inadvertent but more truthful words just now deeply hurt her, which still makes her brood on her heart.

Yunting was stunned.

He never expected Tsunade to make so many detours.

Now he doesn\'t know what to say.

If you don\'t agree, in Tsunade\'s opinion, it means you dislike her old woman.

Saying I agree, isn\'t it contradicting the rebuttal I just made.

With some headaches, his thoughts ran quickly, and he barely came up with a suitable answer: "Actually... it is absolutely wrong for the elders to arrange marriages. But! If I really want to find a marriage partner, it is not the kind of outsiders who force me to marry you. You are definitely the best choice, who makes you the most attractive! Haha!"

That\'s all right.

Not only standing on Tsunade\'s side to refute the actions of Elder Mamoru and others, but also deliberately complimenting the former\'s charm, she is definitely the goddess in my mind.

It\'s not like you hate each other now.

Yun Ting praised her quick wit.

However, he didn\'t notice that the expression on Tsunade\'s face was getting weirder and weirder.


In the next second, a more violent sound erupted in the wet bone forest than before, and thick smoke rose up.

Inside, Yun Ting\'s exasperated voice came: "Tsunade, what are you crazy woman doing?"