I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 108: The unexpected Tsunade

Remember [New] in a second! In the late autumn of Konoha\'s 52nd year, the border between the Land of Fire and the Land of Tang was full of murder.

Before that, Konoha and Yunin had various small-scale frictions here, but overall they tended to be stable.

It\'s just that when the peace talks between the two sides broke down and Konoha\'s reinforcements headed by Namikaze Minato arrived, the intensity of the entire battlefield increased rapidly.

Soon, under the surprise attack of Namikaze Minato named "Golden Flash", Yun Nin\'s side suffered heavy losses in various bases.

If the Fourth Raikage hadn\'t seen the bad situation and hadn\'t sped up and led the army to support, Yuno Ninja\'s defense line in Tango Kingdom was almost broken.

"Namikaze Minato!"

In the main tent of Yuno Kuno Yunin base camp, today is the second time that the Fourth Raikage Ai, who has been attacked and destroyed by this person in foreign bases, was so angry that he just wanted to smash the table.

It\'s just that he had already broken one before that, and now his subordinates haven\'t had time to replace it with a new one.

He could only lift it up and down in the air in displeasure, and finally took it back with a dissatisfied expression.

On the side, Toyo, who is Raikage\'s most trusted Notomi, suggested after careful consideration: "Master Raikage, it is better to take back all the cloud ninja troops distributed in the surrounding strongholds. Otherwise, if this continues, it will only be waved." People with strong mobility like Feng Shuimen will be defeated one by one. In addition, the Konoha army has now assembled, in order to continue to maintain our numerical advantage on the frontal battlefield, Yunin also needs to concentrate its strength."

Fourth Raikage Ai Wenyan thought about it, but nodded unwillingly.

He was very impressed with Namikaze Minato.

Back then when I hadn\'t become Raikage, I had fought against my brother.

However, the results are not very good.

The speed that I am most proud of is at a disadvantage in front of Namikaze Minato, and even as a Hachio Jinchuriki, he almost lost his life.

This made the Fourth Raikage deeply ashamed, so that he worked hard to improve himself in the future.

Now that his strength is much stronger than that of a few years ago, he really wants to find an opportunity to take revenge.

It\'s just that although the two sides are facing each other now, as the coach of Yun Nin, he can\'t abandon the army and look for each other everywhere to fight.

As for sending others to hunt down.

To be honest, the fourth generation of Raikage really can\'t think of any cloud ninja who can catch Namikaze Minato who has the technique of flying thunder god.

Konoha\'s main force is staring at the front again, and it is unrealistic to send a large force to encircle and suppress.

Therefore, in the face of the latter\'s "Sakumo Hatake"-style raid, Ai can only respond with aggrieved shrinking strength just like Sand Ninja Village back then.

Although this will lose a lot of territory.

But fortunately, in this way, Yun Nin\'s strength can also be concentrated on one punch.

There are many more ninjas than Konoha, and they will have a greater advantage on the frontal battlefield.

"I heard that the Fourth Hokage is coming to the front line soon, so let\'s give him a big gift then! It\'s time to take off the title of Konoha Ninja No. 1 Village!" Fourth Raikage Ai\'s eyes were full Ambitious.

The eyes of a group of Yunnin executives in the account are also full of fiery eyes.

In the three battles that have not yet ended completely, to be honest, although Konoha, who singled out the four great ninja villages among the five major countries, won the victory in the end, he undoubtedly suffered the greatest loss.

As for Yun Ninja, although three generations of Raikage died, the ninja\'s loss was the least among the five major countries.

This is also the reason why they dared to take Konoha\'s wool before, and now they dare to fight with Konoha again.

Just like now, due to Konoha\'s own losses, coupled with the unfavorable geography of being in the place of the Fourth World War, it means that the other three major powers are no longer able to invade, but they still need to stay behind to prevent the impact.

Even if there is a war against cloud ninja, the number of ninja troops assembled by Konoha to the border can only be around 6,000.

But Yunin already has 10,000 people!

What about the wooden escape?

Can such a large gap be bridged?

After all, even the so-called ninja god, isn\'t he dead?

The cloud ninjas who have not experienced the Senju Jujuma era, and are more confident that the village is now much stronger than the former period, are full of confidence in the next battle.

"Since that\'s the case, let\'s complete all our achievements in one battle!"

Fourth Raikage Ai stood up and announced with confidence.

Not only Konoha can\'t afford it, but also the weaker Thunder Kingdom and Yun Ninja can\'t afford it either.

In this way, both sides of the war undoubtedly had the same thoughts.


When Yunting arrived with the last reinforcements, the war between Konoha and Yunin undoubtedly entered the final countdown.

"Good job, Minato!"

In the main tent of the Konoha garrison, Yun Ting, who was sitting on the first seat without hesitation, glanced at everyone in the tent after he had finished praising Namikaze Minato.

Here, Uchiha, Hinata, Nara, Yamanaka, Akimichi, Inuzuka, Yume, Sarutobi, Kurama and other Konoha wealthy ninja elites gathered together, plus a large number of non-ninja-born elite johnin .

It can be said that the top combat power of the entire Konoha is gathered here.

Among them, besides Kai Yunting himself, who possesses Kage-level combat power, there are Namikaze Minato, Uchiha Shisui, and the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki Uzumaki Kushina, who was rarely seen out of the village in the past.

With such a combination, Yun Ting can completely defeat Yun Nin\'s top combat power without taking a shot.

As for the ninja gap of four thousand people.

Isn\'t there him?

There is a case of Uchiha Madara dancing with an army of ten thousand ninjas.

Yun Ting, who also came to this level of strength, also wanted to have a good dance.

With such a multi-pronged approach, Yun Ting really doesn\'t think there is any possibility of losing for his side.

Otherwise, he wouldn\'t be stupid enough to launch this battlefield.

"Everyone, the big battle is about to start. Everyone, make the final preparations. With me and everyone here, Konoha will win this battle!"

"Konoha will win!"

Everyone in Konoha in the tent also shouted in unison with fiery eyes.

Fighting more with less, the Konoha ninjas who faced multiple fronts in the past few years have long been used to it.

In addition, compared with Yun Nin, who grew up listening to the legend of Mu Dun, they believe in the strength of the four generations of Hokage who have inherited the name of Mu Dun.

So I also have confidence in the next war.

In this way, under the premise that both sides have confidence, a large-scale frontal battle is about to start.

But before that, Yun Ting was very surprised by the arrival of an unexpected visitor.

"Tsunade, why are you here?"

The person who came was Tsunade, one of Konoha Sannin, who was of the same clan as Yunting.

"Such a big thing happened to Konoha, and I happen to be nearby, so why don\'t you come?" Tsunade said to Yun Ting angrily.

Originally, she was resting nearby, but who would have thought that she would suddenly hear the news of the battle between Konoha and Yunin.

As a member of Konoha, and now that Yunting is Hokage, she is not as familiar with Konoha as before, so she naturally has to come to help.

"It was fine before, why did you suddenly attack Yun Nin?" Tsunade asked again.

She was not in Muye Village and she didn\'t know about the Yunnin Mission. After Yun Ting reported these things, the hot-tempered she naturally agreed: "The three generations of old men before were just too gentle, and any cat or dog would dare to step on it." Your nose is on your face. Now Yunting, you are too relieved to be Hokage! It’s time for Konoha to harden up. Don’t worry, I will help this time, and I will definitely beat Yun Nin to the ground!”

"It\'s great that you\'re here." Yun Ting smiled.

Tsunade, as a shadow-level powerhouse and a medical master, can join this battle to benefit Konoha a lot.

However, with the addition of a new top combat power, Yunting still needs to revise the war layout of Konoha\'s side.

In the following time, he and Tsunade discussed this issue in the account.

The two don\'t seem to be at odds with each other.

After all, in the past few years, they have often met in the Wetbone Forest. Although the name is to discuss the increasingly difficult wood escape experiment, they often discuss other things in reality.

As a result, the relationship between the two has risen instead of falling over time.

Especially after experiencing the hangover of the night of Nine Tails, the two sides became even more hazy.

Yun Ting naturally knew what it was, but he had to wait patiently for half a hundred miles.

Just like now, Tsunade said that she came here for Konoha, but only she knew the proportion of Yunting.

In the account, after the discussion was over, Tsunade raised his beautiful buff eyebrows, and asked curiously: "What about Ziraiya? Even I came to help, and he should have taken action if he was more caring." .”

Yunting\'s eyes flashed, and he replied: "The incident happened suddenly, and Zilai was in the western part of the mainland at that time, even if he called, it might be too late."

In fact, he never considered Konoha Sannin from the very beginning.

After all, the two of them were haunted by ghosts, and the strength he had prepared was completely enough.

Coupled with the things to do after defeating Yun Nin, it is better for people like Jiraiya not to appear in the Land of Fire.

This time he really didn\'t expect Tsunade to take the initiative.

But fortunately, with the relationship between himself and the other party, he can at least remain neutral in the future Fire Nation issue.

That way, it won\'t affect anything.


Without Yunin\'s knowledge, Konoha\'s side has added another powerful force.

Yun Ting didn\'t waste any more time and procrastinated any longer.


It is to launch a general attack!


In the Konoha tent ~www.novelhall.com~ the general mobilization before the war has begun.

The Konoha ninjas who can come here all have rich combat experience.

Konoha, who has gone through the most difficult period, no longer needs to do this, like the previous thing of directly pulling ninja school graduates to the front line as cannon fodder, and Yunting, who is the fourth Hokage, will not do this kind of fishing things come.

Because of this, the Konoha ninjas who were notified were all making their final preparations in their own ways without any panic.

Like the last calm before the storm, accompanied by the sound of kunai shuriken and other weapons rubbing against each other, the entire Konoha camp was filled with awe and murderous aura.

The cloud ninja who was probing nearby was also keenly aware of this.

They are all veterans who have come out of the three battles in the mountains of corpses and seas of blood. The senior executives of Yunnin, headed by the fourth generation of Raikage Ai, naturally guessed Konoha\'s idea.

So they followed suit and prepared without giving in.

The war is about to start.