I, the Demon King, Sign in the Abyss for a Hundred Years

Chapter 182:


But these things only happened in a short period of time.

She still forcibly suppressed the depression in her heart and looked at Wu Ming beside her, forcefully smiling.

"Let you wait a long time, our blood family has been reshaped, and now, almost all of the blood family will be merged into the demon line!"

Wu Ming nodded and looked down.

"Maybe, but as a new demon, I think you so-called "new blood races"..."

Among them were a few former blood guards. At this time, they were a little stupid, and they looked at Wu Ming with unabashedly greedy eyes.

There was still malice in that look.

A malice that made Wu Ming feel hot.

"Some lack of education!"

As soon as Wu Ming finished speaking, in an instant, he held the Demon Sword Evil Eye between his hands.

At the moment Lamia didn\'t even react.

The heads of several blood guards flew high.

But Wu Ming still stood on the spot, sneering at the surprised people in front of him.

He actually killed the blood races with the title of high-level demon strength only by relying on sword aura!

And the moment he shot, even Lamia felt the aura of extinction again, which was like her dead enemy.

She couldn\'t help but shed a cold sweat.


At this time, the heads of a few blood races fell to the ground, with unbelievable eyes on their faces.

But the scary thing is that the remaining blood races didn\'t show any fear at all. Instead, their faces became stiff, ready to draw out their weapons, and they seemed to fight Wu Ming.

Wu Ming snorted coldly, just about to take a step forward.

Lamia stopped Wu Ming and said.

"They just can\'t control their desire to get the blood of the strong, it\'s theirs"

"Is it instinct?"

Wu Ming turned his head to look at Lamia. To tell the truth, he always felt that the so-called ancestor of the blood race in front of him always felt that the other party was doing something unknown, but he could not find a way.

"I remind you, take care of them, or you will be in greater trouble."

"Now, it\'s your turn to figure out how to improve my strength."

Wu Ming said coldly.

He now wants to resolve these issues as soon as possible, and no longer wants to have any relationship with the other party.

Lamia nodded and said with a smile, seemingly not interrupted by Wu Ming.

"That\'s natural. I will re-calibrate their behavior later, please rest assured."

"As for the improvement of your strength, I suggest you give me a period of time and let me prepare. After all, it is not just my sons, even I have just been reshaped. The current strength is not very stable."

"Don\'t worry, we will give you and your subordinates the highest treatment. How about taking it as a relaxing night?"

Hearing this, Wu Ming had no choice but to agree.

Spreading the wings behind him, he ignored Lamia, but flew down to meet with Venus and the others, ready to accept the other party\'s hospitality, and waited for a day.

After reuniting with everyone, Wu Ming unexpectedly discovered that the previous blood clan Ace had not been affected by Lamia, not only hadn\'t been reshaped, even his ancestor could not even feel it.

It was as if he was kicked out by the blood clan now!


And his comment on this is...

"It\'s so cool! Except for you, I can\'t feel anyone\'s bloodline suppression anymore! My lord, you may not know what it feels like to be suppressed by a powerful person in the blood clan using your bloodline to suppress you!"

Venus and Wu Ming exchanged glances at Ace, who was fluttering in front of them.

Both sides noticed something was wrong.

But it was not convenient for the two parties to discuss at this time, so the wise two just closed their mouths and said nothing.

Just waited silently for the kinsmen to take them to a magnificent castle, and received them well.

After everyone entered the castle, under the arrangement of the blood clan, they entered their own rooms to rest and cultivate.


Early the next morning, of course, since this is the morning of the blood races, then the time now can be said to be late at night.

Wu Ming was awakened by Lamia, and she came to help Wu Ming to improve his strength to deal with the threats of the Hell Queen "Zero" and the chaos creatures.

This in itself is part of the transaction, and Lamia also knows that she and the kinsmen cannot defeat Zero alone. Wu Ming and the other high-level demons are also the main force of the war.

Wu Ming came to a hall. At this time, Lamia\'s body was wearing a red evening dress and standing by the window.

If Wu Ming didn\'t feel her breath, he would probably mistake him for an ordinary noble woman.

Hearing Wu Ming\'s footsteps, Lamia turned her head and smiled at Wu Ming.

She clapped her hands, and the two deceased walked in with trays in their hands.

"The devil is nameless, I\'m sorry to make you wait so long. Now, I will fulfill my promise."

The two waiters opened the tray in their hands, and there were actually two cups of blood, one of which was bright red and the other was dark red.

They placed the tray in front of Wu Ming, and then left without daring to lift their heads.

After all, the ancestor was here, and the two of them felt that they were trembling within a second. This kind of top bloodline suppression made them almost unconscious.

"Two cups of blood?"

Wu Ming frowned, wondering what the other party was doing.

On the other hand, Lamia smiled gracefully, came to Wu Ming, raised one of the cups, and handed it to him.