I, the Demon King, Sign in the Abyss for a Hundred Years

Chapter 167:

Venus pulled up her hair and stood beside Wu Ming with a charming smile.

"Compared with the endless abyss, the existence of **** is much smaller, we only have a small plane to be born."

"But even so, as the family members of hell, we demons still fight with you demons on the eternal battlefield for countless years. Guess how we did it."

"Alliance, a military alliance against the abyss"

Wu Ming stared at those plane portals and replied.

Venus nodded, indicating that Wu Ming was right.

Demons and demons are also creatures of the lower planes, but they are essentially different.

The demons have a huge number of "allies", or, no matter what method they use, they control countless races to work for them.

Such as kinsmen, spider monsters, gnomes and other messy creatures.

The powerful existences of the devil, the blood race, the spider demon and so on have gathered together to form a super power! .

This force is even comparable to the entire endless abyss.

Even more terrifying is that they are in some ways more than the endless abyss

Moreover, the relationship between the two of them is not purely plundering and being plundered, the demons have trade relations with many of them.

But all those who are concerned about the Eternal War, they have a lot of questions about the existence of this strange alliance.

That is why these races participate in the confrontation between **** and the abyss?

Why are they willing to become the devil\'s minions?

Even willing to use the elite of his own race to consume those endless high-level demons!

No one knows accurate answers to these questions.

Regarding these issues, there are some speculations that the demons of a certain term or certain terms have deceived these races with despicable contracts.

Because of this possibility...

too small!

This is so small that it is impossible to achieve!

Take the blood clan as an example. Although the blood clan is not comparable to the devil and the devil, they are the top power of the lower planes.

But their strength should not be underestimated!

Not to mention that the ancestors of the blood clan are still alive in this world, only relying on the strength of the princes in the blood clan, they can resist most of the enemies who want to plot against them.

And their ancestor is said to be a real super strong who has survived from ancient times!

It would be excusable if only to say that such powerful blood races were deceived by the devil and restricted by the contract made by the other party.

But what about the Nerubian family? What about the dwarf family? and also..

More or less of these races have strong people, and many of them don\'t need to fear the invasion of hell...

Why are they willing to listen to hell?

The answer to all this...

Wu Ming looked at the portals standing here in the fortresses with a gloomy face.

Seeing is believing, hearing is not, now he finally knows what kind of enemy he is facing.

Among those portals, except for the largest one, fighters of their respective races are constantly pouring out.

After they assembled, they walked out of the fortress, preparing to defend against the demons who came after them.

"Have you seen it, this is the embryonic form of our dream of gathering power!"

Venus proudly said that although she had rebelled, the pride of the devil was still deep in her soul.

"The power of gathering the crowd?"

Wu Ming was a little confused. It was the first time he heard of this term, and he didn\'t know what it meant.

"A path that is completely opposite to the devil\'s path, although it is only a rudimentary form, has already achieved results, the so-called gathering power."

"It\'s a form of power. It is the countless weak beings entrusting their abilities to the collective, and then exerting stronger power."

"One race may never be able to contend with Endless Abyss Sound, but what about two races? Five or ten? The power of all races is brought together, and we are invincible!"

"The demons in the endless abyss are different. Although you also have an army of demons, they are more of cannon fodder. The only purpose of your war is to give birth to the strongest!"

"But our demons are different. We are weak compared to your demons. Therefore, we will naturally use various methods to enhance our strength."

"In the beginning, it was the accumulation of quantity. Until the qualitative change occurred, our strength has been improved and we don\'t know how much."

After speaking, she opened her clothes, didn\'t care about Wu Ming\'s eyes, and said seriously.

"Have you seen it, just the seemingly simple clothes on my body is a complicated project. The spider silk provided by the spider monsters, the miniature spells of the demons, and the craftsmanship of the gnomes finally form this defense and Combat clothing with all-purpose uses is just the smallest thing. Moving forward, our weapons, formations, spells, and combat methods are constantly merging."

After Wu Ming heard it, he nodded, and he understood what the other party meant.

"So, what do you want to say?"

"Time! We the devil only needs some time, we can do better! Become stronger! Sooner or later, we will be able to flatten out all the demonic forces with the integration of countless racial abilities! Time! .."

"It\'s on our side!"

Devil Venus roared.

"So what happened in **** that made the person who was on the throne of the devil commander so short-sighted and launched a fight against the devil at a time when the timing was far from right, let us now"

"Nothing! Everything is wrong! Tell me what else you didn\'t tell me when you were fighting the Chaos Demon. I\'m not a fool! I want the truth!"

Venus suddenly grabbed Wu Ming\'s hand and said excitedly.

Lilia, who was next to her, looked upset and just wanted to say something, but saw the way Venus was now, she still held back.

"The truth?"

Wu Ming stood in the distance and looked towards the fortress.

The frequency of battles is getting higher and higher, he can sense a lot of battles of hundreds of square kilometers, and the number has been increasing sharply.

Moreover, the probability of the demons winning is getting higher and higher, no matter how the **** camp struggles, it will be of no avail.