I Snatched Thanos' Infinity Gauntlet

Chapter 704

"Look, there's a man there."

All the people looked at the figure, which was shrouded in white light. It looked a little vague, like a star rising.

What is he going to do? People can't help thinking about it, but it must be a big move.

The stars twinkled, and then a lightning shot out of the man's hand and flew away. The color of the lightning was white and bright. It was very strange, and different from the general fleeting lightning. After the lightning shot out, it split into more lightning, like the veins of blood, spreading out into the sky in all directions, forming a force field like a storm In an instant, it covered the whole airspace.

"It's a psionic storm!" Qin Huan was a little surprised and said that this energy was very similar to the power storm skill of the scepter of mind. The difference was that the person in front of him used it by his own strength, and the scope of the storm seemed to be larger than that of the scepter of mind, which was a bit frightening.

The power storm can directly cause damage to the soul, and those soul fire evil spirits will not be spared. Within the scope of the power storm, those soul fire evil spirits will disintegrate one by one in the air, just like snow under the hot sun.

"What a powerful force! I'm afraid the strength of this man is as good as that of the apocalypse. " Zhang Leyi exclaimed.

"At least not much weaker than the apocalypse." Li Yuelan affirmed.

The psionic storm lasted for several minutes and finally dissipated. However, although this blow was amazing, it was still impossible to wipe out all the ghost fire evil spirits. The one in front was dead, but it only wiped out the one in front. The ghost fire evil spirits in the back were still pouring out from the crack.

It's getting more and more.

The man didn't show up again. Qin Huan just wondered what the army was going to do with the evil spirits. However, he was speechless. Before he saw the army, the evil spirits played themselves to death. At this moment, it was more than six o'clock. The sun slowly rose in the distance. When these translucent shadows flew out of the range of fog After exposed to the sunlight, they immediately made strange hisses one by one, and then disappeared one by one.

"What's going on? This thing is afraid of sunlight? "

The little witch explained, "the spirit of soul fire is afraid of the sun, so in our world, the spirit of soul fire only comes out at night to harm people."

This sentence answered people's questions, but Qin Huan vaguely felt that something was wrong with "our world". Isn't she from the real world?

If you look too carefully, the costumes of these helpers are really a little out of place with the earth.

Before he knew it, the gray fog began to surge again. It seemed that the commander of the dead army realized that the dead could not fight in the sun, so he wanted to use the fog to expand the position and push back the human army.

In this case, how should the army deal with it? How about some super large electric fans? Or -

the communicator suddenly rings.

"Third special operations team, please withdraw from the theater immediately. We will use cloud bomb to cover the fissure area in five minutes. In order to avoid accidental injury, please withdraw from the nearby area immediately."

"Which unit is the third special operations team?"

Chu GE's face changed. "It's us. Our number in the military sequence is the third special operations team. Qin Huan, open the door quickly!"

After hearing this, Qin Huan quickly opened the secret door. He had observed the nearby chariots before, so this time the exit was directly selected at the edge of the battlefield more than ten kilometers away, behind the military position.

As soon as a group of people passed through the portal, they heard the whistling sound coming from the sky. The sound was very familiar. It should be the engine sound of some kind of jet plane. Looking up, several fighters were whistling through the sky.

Even the fighters are out.

The crowd couldn't help but wonder. A few minutes later, a dull explosion sounded in the distance.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Huge fireballs lit up one after another on the horizon in the distance, the shock wave of the flame spread in all directions, and the gray fog was burned clean in front of the blazing fire.

The explosions came one after another, and the gray fog was dispelled by the series of explosions, which was almost normal. The key thing was that the constant momentum was interrupted, and now the army of the dead was completely out of control.

The futile attack continued, but anyone could see that today's battle was mostly a victory.

Artillery play tank charge, after the tank charge, from time to time there are planes to blast on a wave, infantry is little by little toward the entrance of the crack forward, after a few hours of fighting, finally pushed to the entrance of the crack, with the narrowing of the attack surface, the advantage of firepower more thoroughly play out, from the crack gushing out of the strange Things almost come out, that is, gradually, there are no more monsters in the cracks.

Under the cover of the army, some white military vehicles are approaching the crack. On the vehicles are huge radar like instruments, which emit light waves at the crack.At this time, Qin Huan and others moved the observation point back to the hill. Qi Jianfei asked curiously.

"What is that?"

"It's a crack repairer. It's used to repair the cracks in time and space. It was developed a long time ago. It was used to repair several previous alien invasions."

"Damn, there's this kind of black technology. What else are we worried about? Don't we have this thing to rest easy?"

Chu Ge shook his head. "Don't think about it. It consumes a lot of energy and costs a lot. It has to be close to the cracks to repair. The repair process is very slow. And now there are many potential cracks in the earth. Do you know how many? It can't be repaired at all. We can only deal with one by one.

Moreover, this space-time fissure is like a hole in a rag. As long as there is the first one, it will be more and more easy to break in the future. It can't be repaired and can only be maintained. That's why we have to get unlimited gloves. Only this one hammer fixed sound baby, this artifact that can control the rules of the universe, can we win this war. "

Qin Huan had known about it for a long time. He had discussed it with the songs of Chu many times. However, the songs of Chu popularized science for his followers, and he was so happy.

At last, the battle seemed to be over, the cracks closed, and the troops were still there, but they should be on guard.

Now the remaining problem is the remnants of the previous army of dead souls. Despite the fierce firepower, there were too many dead souls before. Moreover, many of them fled in all directions during the war. There must be many fish who missed the net. This is the job of Qin Yu and others. However, before starting the work, they have to say hello to the boss.

"Come on, let's go. I'll show you general an. First of all, Dr. Qi, if you have any equipment you need, you can mention it later. It's an extraordinary time. Maybe we can solve it for you. "

When Chu Ge finished, he made a gesture to Qin Huan.

Qin Huan opened a portal here.

The golden portal opened slowly. However, before we got there, we found that seven or eight guns on the opposite side were raised to the entrance of the portal.

"Don't be nervous, it's us! Third special operations team. " Chu Ge shouts in a hurry and heads in.

The soldiers obviously knew Chu Ge and put down their guns one by one.

"Where's general Ann?"

"It's in the headquarters over there. The general said that if you come, you should go there quickly."

Chu Ge makes a look at Qin Huan. Qin Huan nods and asks others to stay in place. He takes Qi Jianfei and follows Chu Ge to the direction of the headquarters.

The headquarters is open-air. There are all kinds of temporary office facilities on the open space. Tanks and armored vehicles form a circle. There are many guards standing outside. When they see the three people coming, they all cast curious eyes, especially Qi Jianfei, who is wearing steel combat clothes.

When they walked in, they could see a middle-aged man with half a hundred hair giving orders to several men wearing the rank of lieutenant and school officer.

Qin Huan's eyes stayed on the middle-aged man for a moment. This should be the general an, but he was more interested in the mysterious man who created a power storm with his own strength.

Looking around, his eyes finally fell on a man in a black windbreaker in the corner.

The man was sitting in front of a table, looking down and thinking about something. There was no expression on his face wearing sunglasses. Behind the sunglasses, two golden spots could be seen.

Yes, that's the man! Qin Huan thought.