I Snatched Thanos' Infinity Gauntlet

Chapter 682

"How did you do that?" Qin Huan asked in surprise.

"What's so strange about this? I learned from master you."

"Learn from me?" Qin Huan was stunned and said that I couldn't do it.

But Wanda naturally said, "yes, master, you used to use this kind of magic. You can produce anything you want out of thin air. I've wanted to learn it for a long time, so I've been practicing it since master left."

How often? Qin Huan understood that what Wanda meant should be the magic of the star world.

The advent of the star world can create all kinds of fantasy things. It really seems that things can be changed at will. At the beginning, Qin Huan used it in front of Wanda. Unexpectedly, he was remembered.

But what Wanda has just used is definitely not the advent of the astral world, because these things are real things. Strictly speaking, the advent of the astral world is a kind of magic, and the things that come out of it will disappear as soon as the time comes, and they do not have real physical characteristics. The most important thing is that the advent of the astral world can only create things that only exist in the imagination, such as pizza, which is a daily food On the contrary, things cannot be created.

Of course, Qin Huan can also produce food, but if Qin Huan can produce food with the advent of the star world, he can only produce food with the animation or the game's two-dimensional painting style. He can't guarantee whether he can eat it or not. It's hard to say what it feels like to eat it. They are totally different.

Qin Huan picked up a quick pizza, smelled it and took another bite. Yes, it was a piece of fruit pizza. It tasted pretty good.

As soon as I looked back, I saw Wanda looking at him, as if he wanted to be praised.

Qin Huan deliberately showed a satisfied look, "your magic has become good, but is the theory qualified? Well, Shifu is going to test you. Do you know the operation principle of this magic? "

Wanda nodded. "Of course, when you taught me to use secret weapons, I wanted to use chaos magic to condense into the shape of a sword to replace the magic of secret arts. I successfully created chaos sword. I think master, the magic that you changed all kinds of items should also use similar principles, so I just need to use chaos magic to replace the magic of secret arts OK, the principle should be the same.

So I tried again and again, and finally succeeded. I found that it seems that chaos magic can be transformed into any matter, or even directly create things, so - "

chaos magic can be transformed into any matter? Darling, this is a bit powerful.

Qin Huan smacked his tongue to himself. Is that the potential of the characters in the plot? He trained so much magic after a few random exercises. But strictly speaking, Wanda has already been professionally trained compared with Wanda in the original plot, and it can be said that he can master this ability.

As a master of three departments, Qin Huan certainly understood the magic principle of Marvel Universe. Chaos was the form of the universe at the beginning of its birth. All things in the universe were born from chaos. Therefore, chaos energy can be transformed into any kind of matter in theory. The big bang of the universe said that chaos was transformed into all kinds of matter, and all kinds of matter condensed into stars, from which it was born But this transformation usually takes huge energy and billions of years to complete.

If you want to directly transform it, you can imagine the difficulty. At least Qin Huan can't do it. Although he has mastered chaos magic, let alone transforming chaos energy into matter, it's very difficult to condense chaos magic into a certain shape.

The demons, another group that is good at using chaos magic, have also only reached a similar level. At most, they can transform chaos energy into chaos fire, because their physical forms are very close, and they are the easiest to achieve. As for the transformation into reality, it is estimated that only the evil gods of Mephisto can do it.

But I didn't expect Wanda to master the ability of material transformation. In this way, can she create all things?

Qin Huan also thought that in the cartoon, Wanda did have similar ability, and it was more powerful, so powerful that it could even rewrite the reality.

I just didn't expect to master it so quickly in the game.

Can it be said that it is the influence caused by itself? I teach Wanda those knowledge about magic, let her master this ability?

But it's not impossible. In the movie, Wanda's ability is fully explored by himself. He has no education in magic, so that his chaotic magic can only be used to smash people. But even so, he is still powerful enough to destroy hegemony.

Now that you have the magic knowledge you taught, plus your own words and deeds, you can master the ability to rewrite the reality in advance. It seems reasonable.

Thinking of this, Qin Huan has a sense of achievement. He is a qualified teacher.

"How much can you do now? Can you control anything around you? Is it possible to create life? "

Wanda shook his head. "I'm afraid not. I can only create inanimate materials, such as tables and chairs. At most, I can create organic materials like food. I tried to create a dog, but failed."Wanda's face showed a look of fear, but Qin Huan noticed it.

It seems that the consequences of failure are not ideal.

Qin Huan comforted: "don't worry. You've done a lot. Your potential is limitless, and you're still young. You can master it sooner or later."

"But master has mastered it. Even human beings can create it. How did you do it, master?"

Qin Huan had a bitter smile in his heart. He said that the magic of the star world was different from this one. Those things were all fake. As soon as the time came, they were gone.

But he didn't say it. He still hopes to keep a strong image in his apprentice's heart.

"The secret energy is quite different from the chaotic energy. The former is more stable, and the latter is more violent, so the difficulty is naturally higher. However, with your talent, you can master this skill sooner or later, but creating life is a very serious thing. I hope you can use this ability cautiously. You should never use it unless you have to, and even if you use it, you can't use it It's better not to let the life you create have too much intelligence. "

Qin Huan's warning is not without a reason. In Marvel's the avenger disbands, the Scarlet Witch, knowing that her child is not real, finally breaks down, which directly leads to the sacrifice of Hawkeye, illusion and ant man. Later, in Marvel's "m's family", the Scarlet Witch broke down again, even changed the reality directly, and let the mutants rule the world.

Qin Huan didn't want Wanda, who was trained by himself, to become a boss.

It was the first time that Wanda saw Qin Huan so serious. He nodded hastily, "I will use it carefully. Shifu, what's the matter with you coming to me?"

Qin Huan hesitated for a moment. Qin Huan intended to let Wanda play the leading role in this plot. However, seeing Wanda's situation, he hesitated. Wanda's growth has been a bit frightening. If Wanda is allowed to defeat Apocalypse independently, it is bound to get further growth. At that time -

think about it, don't let Wanda fight independently, just let the mutants form a group Once Apocalypse comes to the front, it must be X-Men and mutants brotherhood. At that time, let X-Men and mutants brotherhood form a group to play apocalypse. At the critical moment, they and Wanda will appear in the image of Savior. It's not so beautiful that they can participate in the plot without too much pressure on Wanda.

Anyway, the main purpose of this time is to gain the power of the four knights of apocalypse. It's not necessary to be in the limelight.

"Recently, I have a premonition that a crisis is approaching. This crisis is probably related to mutants. Considering that you are both mutants, I must warn you in advance. When the crisis comes, I hope you can be prepared. If you can, maybe you will become the key figures in this crisis..."

When he left Wanda's house, Qin Huan's face became relaxed.

Wanda and kuaiyin have reached an agreement, and they can join the war with Qin Huan at any time.

In addition, the X-Men and the mutant brotherhood who are bound to participate in this plot, even if the protagonists are all right, then Qin Huan needs to find a trigger for the plot.

If we want to dig out the apocalypse, we must also fake the plot characters.

He can't let Wanda take risks in the past, so he must find someone who is not afraid of death. This person must dig the apocalypse out of the ground, and he must also be a plot character, otherwise the system won't start the plot, and he already has this person.